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Allysa Marie Samulde BSTM-1C TTH

9:00 – 10 :30

Luke 17:5 – 10

“Supersize our faith..”

There are days when I feel powerless, lost and don’t know the way forward. I am even
asking myself questions and having doubts such as “If I had just more faith, I would be able to
handle things better so I will know what to do and my life would be very different.” The thing
is, the faith that I have in God, the faith I have inside of me, is already enough. I don’t have to
ask him for more faith to change things because it doesn’t have the power to change what will
happen and the situations. Faith will change me. Through this gospel, I have realized how
powerful my faith in God can be, even if the same size as the mustard seed for he doesn’t look at
the size nor the quality of it. As long as I have in him and I don’t doubt him, I can move
mountains and miracles will happen.

Lord, I am so sorry for the way I complained about my circumstances. Please forgive me for my
bad atittude when things don’t go my way. I really need the strength and peace that only you can
give. Right now, I choose to rest in you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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