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Upon completion and review of this chapter, you
should be able to:
• Define electricity, atomic structure, and elec-
tron movement and explain atomic theory in
relation to battery operation, using like and
unlike charges.
• Explain the different sources of electricity.
• Describe the scientists who were instrumen-
tal in the development of the different tenets

Introduction to of electrical theory.

Electricity KEY TERMS

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Static Electricity

This chapter reviews what electricity is in its basic
form. We will look at natural forms of electrical
energy, and the people who have historically played
a part in developing the theories that explain elec-
tricity. It is extremely important for automotive
technicians to learn all that they can about basic
electricity and electronics, because in today’s mod-
ern automobile, there is a wire or computer con-
nected to just about everything.

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22 Chapter Two

Many of us take for granted the sources of elec- ments are copper, iron, gold, and silver. Other
tricity. Electricity is a natural form of energy that elements have been produced only in the labora-
comes from many sources. For example, electric- tory. Every material we know is made up of one
ity is in the atmosphere all around us; a generator or more elements.
just puts it in motion. We cannot create or destroy Let’s say we take a chunk of material—a rock
energy, only change it, yet we can successfully we found in the desert, for example—and begin
produce electricity and harness it by changing to divide it into smaller parts. First we divide it
various other forms of natural energy. in half. Then we test both halves to see if it still
has the same characteristics. Next we take one of
the halves and divide it into two parts. We test
those two parts. By this process, we might dis-
WHAT IS cover that the rock contains three different ele-
ELECTRICITY? ments. Some of our pieces would have the char-
acteristics of copper, for example. Others would
Was electricity invented or discovered? The answer show themselves to be carbon, yet others would
is that electricity was discovered. So who discovered be iron.
electricity? Ben Franklin? Thomas Edison figured
out how to use electricity to make light bulbs, record
players, and movies. But neither of these scientist/
inventors had anything to do with the discovery of Atoms
electricity. If you could keep dividing the material indefi-
Actually, the Greeks discovered electricity. nitely, you would eventually get a piece that only
They found that if they took amber (a translu- had the characteristics of a single element. At that
cent, yellowish resin, derived from fossilized point, you would have an atom, which is the small-
trees) and rubbed it against other materials, it est particle into which an element can be divided
became charged with an unseen force that had the and still have all the characteristics of that element.
ability to attract other lightweight objects such as An atom is the smallest particle that has the char-
feathers, somewhat like a magnet picks up metal acteristic of the element. An atom is so small that it
objects. In 1600, William Gilbert published a cannot be seen with a conventional microscope,
book describing these phenomena. He also dis- even a very powerful one. An atom is itself made
covered that other materials shared the ability to up of smaller particles. You can think of these as
attract, such as sulfur and glass. He used the Latin universal building blocks. Scientists have discov-
word “elektron” to describe amber and the word ered many particles in the atom, but for the purpose
“electrica” for similar substances. Sir Thomas of explaining electricity, we need to talk about just
Browne first used the word electricity during the three: electrons, protons, and neutrons.
1600s. Two thousand years after ancient Greece, All the atoms of any particular element look
electricity is all around us. We use it every day. essentially the same, but the atoms of each ele-
But what exactly is electricity? You can’t see it. ment are different from those of another element.
You can’t smell it. You can’t touch it; well, you All atoms share the same basic structure. At the
could touch it, but it would probably be a center of the atom is the nucleus, containing
shocking experience and could cause serious protons and neutrons, as shown in Figure 2-1.
injury. Next, we will discuss atomic structure to Orbiting around the nucleus, in constant motion,
find a more exact definition of electricity. are the electrons. The structure of the atom resem-
bles planets in orbit around a sun.
The exact number of each of an atom’s
ATOMIC STRUCTURE particles—protons, neutrons, and electrons—
depends on which element the atom is from. The
We define matter as anything that takes up simplest atom is that of the element hydrogen. A
space and, when subjected to gravity, has weight. hydrogen atom (Figure 2-1) contains one proton,
There are many different kinds of matter. On one neutron, and one electron. Aluminum, by
Earth, we have classified over a hundred ele- comparison, has 13 protons, 14 neutrons, and
ments. Each element is a type of matter that has 13 electrons. These particles—protons, neu-
certain individual characteristics. Most have trons, and electrons—are important to us
been found in nature. Examples of natural ele- because they are used to explain electrical
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Introduction to Electricity 23

Figure 2-3. Unlike and like charges of a magnet.

attraction. Like electrical charges always repel;

particles and objects with like charges tend to
move away from each other unless the repelling
force is opposed.
Figure 2-1. In an atom (left), electrons orbit protons in In its normal state, an atom has the same num-
the nucleus in the same way the planets orbit the Sun. ber of electrons as it does protons. This means the
atom is electrically neutral or balanced because
there are exactly as many negative charges as
there are positive charges. Inside each atom, neg-
atively charged electrons are attracted to posi-
tively charged protons, just like the north and
south poles of a magnet, as shown in Figure 2-3.
Ordinarily, electrons remain in orbit because the
centrifugal force exactly opposes the electrical
charge attraction. It is possible for an atom to lose
or gain electrons. If an atom loses one electron,
the total number of protons would be one greater
than the total number of electrons. As a result, the
atom would have more positive than negative
charges. Instead of being electrically neutral, the
atom itself would become positively charged.
All electrons and protons are alike. The num-
ber of protons associated with the nucleus of an
Figure 2-2. The charges within an atom. atom identifies it as a specific element. Electrons
have 0.0005 of the mass of a proton. Under nor-
mal conditions, electrons are bound to the posi-
charges, voltage, and current. Electrons orbit the tively charged nuclei of atoms by the attraction
nucleus of an atom in a concentric ring known as between opposite electrical charges.
a shell. The nucleus contains the proton and the The electrons are in different shells or dis-
neutron, which contains almost all of the mass tances from the nucleus. The greater the speed,
of the entire atom. the higher the energy of the electrons, the further
There are two types of force at work in every away from the nucleus the electron orbit. All ele-
atom. Normally, these two forces are in balance. ments are composed of atoms and each element
One force comes from electrical charges and the has its own characteristic number of protons
other force, centrifugal force, is generated when with a corresponding equal number of electrons.
an object moves in a circular path. The term electricity is used to describe the
behavior of these electrons in the outer orbits of
the atoms.

Electrical Charges
Neutrons have no charge, but electrons have a
Electric Potential—Voltage
negative electrical charge. Protons carry a posi- We noted that a balance (Figure 2-4) between
tive electrical charge (Figure 2-2). Opposite elec- centrifugal force and the attraction of opposing
trical charges always attract one another; so parti- charges keeps electrons in their orbits. If any-
cles or objects with opposite charges tend to move thing upsets that balance, one or more electrons
toward each other unless something opposes the may leave orbit to become free electrons. When
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24 Chapter Two

a number of free electrons gather in one location, Valence

a charge of electricity builds up. This charge
may also be called a difference in electric The concentric orbital paths, or shells, of an atom
“potential”. This difference in electric potential proceed outward from the nucleus. The electrons
is more commonly known as voltage and can be in the shells closest to the nucleus of the atom are
compared to a difference in pressure that makes held most tightly while those in the outermost
water flow. When this potential or pressure shell are held more loosely. The simplest element,
causes a number of electrons to move in a single hydrogen, has a single shell containing one elec-
direction, the effect is current flow. So the defi- tron. The most complex atoms may have seven
nition of current is the flow of electrons. Any shells. The maximum number of electrons that
atom may possess more or fewer electrons than can occupy shells one through seven are, in
protons. Such an unbalanced atom would be sequence: 2, 8, 18, 32, 50, 72, 98. The heaviest
described as negatively (an excess of electrons) elements in their normal states have only the first
or positively (a net deficit of electrons) charged four shells fully occupied with electrons; the
and known as an ion (Figure 2-5). An ion is an outer three shells are only partially occupied. The
atom that has gained or lost an electron. Ions try outermost shell in any atom is known as its
to regain their balance of equal protons and elec- valence ring. The number of electrons in the
trons by exchanging electrons with nearby valence ring will dictate some basic characteris-
atoms. This is known as the flow of electric tics of an element.
current or electricity. For more information The chemical properties of atoms are defined
about voltage and current, see the section on by how the shells are occupied with electrons. An
“Electrical Units of Measurement” in Chapter 3 atom of the element helium whose atomic number
of the Shop Manual. is 2 has a full inner shell. An atom of the element
neon with an atomic number of 10 has both a full
first and second shell (2 and 8): its second shell is
its valence ring (Figure 2-6). Other more complex
atoms that have eight electrons in their outermost
shell, even though this shell might not be full, will
resemble neon in terms of their chemical inert-
ness. Valence represents the ability to combine.
Remember that an ion is any atom with either a
surplus or deficit of electrons. Free electrons can
rest on a surface or travel through matter (or a vac-
uum) at close to the speed of light. Electrons resting
on a surface will cause it to be negatively charged.

Copper Atom
Figure 2-4. A balanced atom. Electron

Figure 2-5. An unbalanced atom. Figure 2-6. Valence ring.

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Introduction to Electricity 25

Because the electrons are not moving, that surface current flow in a circuit. Franklin was trying to
is described as having a negative static electrical prove that the positive and negative electron distri-
charge. The extent of the charge is measured in bution in the clouds produced the static electricity
voltage or charge differential. A stream of moving that causes lightning, as shown in Figure 2-7.
electrons is known as an electrical current. For Natural negatively charged particles will produce
instance, if a group of positive ions passes in close lightning when they find a path negative to positive.
proximity to electrons resting on a surface, they will
attract the electrons by causing them to fill the
“holes” left by the missing electrons in the positive  Benjamin Franklin’s Theory:
ions. Current flow is measured in amperes: one When the science of electricity was still young,
ampere equals 6.28 × 1018 electrons (1 coulomb) the men who studied it were able to use electric-
passing a given point per second. ity without really understanding why and how it
worked. In the early 1700s, Benjamin Franklin, the
American printer, inventor, writer, and politician,
brought his famed common sense to the problem.
SOURCES OF Although he was not the first to think that electric-
ELECTRICITY ity and lightning were the same, he was the first to
prove it. He also thought that electricity was like a
Lightning fluid in a pipe that flowed from one terminal to the
other. He named the electrical terminals positive
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) proved the electri- and negative and suggested that current moved
cal nature of thunderstorms in his famous kite from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.
experiment, established the terms positive and Benjamin Franklin created what we now call the
negative, and formulated the conventional theory of Conventional Theory of Current Flow.

Lightning Can Travel

from Cloud to Cloud
Positively Charged
Cloud Negatively

Lightning Can Travel

from GROUND to Cloud

Lightning Can Travel

from Cloud to GROUND

Figure 2-7. Electron charges in the earth’s atmosphere.

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26 Chapter Two

Plastic Comb with

A Negative Charge
After Combing Hair

Small Pieces of Paper

Figure 2-9. Static electricity discharge attraction.

Figure 2-8. Static electricity discharge to metal object.

more tightly, the result is the theft of electrons.

Such contact produces a charge imbalance by
pulling electrons of one surface from that of the
other; as electrons are pulled away from a sur-
Static Electricity face, the result is an excess of electrons (nega-
tive charge) and a deficit in the other (positive
Static electricity is the term used to describe an charge). The extent of the charge differential is,
electrical charge that can build up in insulation by of course, measured in voltage. While the sur-
friction or movement. It is referred to as static faces with opposite charges remain separate, the
electricity because, until the electrical charge is charge differential will exist. When the two
dissipated, the electrons are not moving. See polarities of charge are united, the charge
Figure 2-8. Static can be created by any one of the imbalance will be canceled. Static electricity is
following examples: an everyday phenomenon, as described in the
• Walking on carpet or vinyl floors examples in the opening to this chapter, and it
• Movement between clothing and the body involves voltages of 1,000 volts to 50,000 volts.
causes friction An automotive technician should always use a
• Combing hair with a plastic comb static grounding strap when working with sta-
tic-sensitive electronic devices such as PCMs
These actions cause the electrons to be pulled and ECMs.
from an object, thereby creating a negative charge
on one, such as the comb, and a positive charge to
the other, such as the hair. The charges created can
be shown as in Figure 2-9, which illustrates that
like charges repel each other, whereas unlike
Electrostatic Field
charges are attracted toward each other. The attraction between opposing electrical
The static charges that build up are not dis- charges does not require contact between the
charged until a conductor, such as a metal object, objects involved, as shown in Figure 2-10. This
is touched. is so because invisible lines of force exist around
Static electricity can also be referred to as a charged object. Taken all together, these lines
frictional electricity because it results from the of force make up an electrostatic field. Such
contact of two surfaces. Chemical bonds are fields are strongest very close to the charged
formed when any surfaces contact and if the object and get weaker as they extend away from
atoms on one surface tend to hold electrons the object.
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Introduction to Electricity 27

Figure 2-11. ESD symbol.

Negative Plate Positive Plate

Lead Lead Dioxide

Figure 2-10. Electrostatic field.

Figure 2-12. Automotive battery operation.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) chemical reaction that occurs releases electrons

An electrostatic charge can build up on the sur- and generates direct current (DC) electricity. See
face of your body. If you touch something, your Figure 2-12. An electrolyte is a chemical solu-
charge can be discharged to the other surface. tion that usually includes water and other com-
This is called electrostatic discharge (ESD). pounds that conduct electricity. In the case of
Figure 2-11 shows what the ESD symbol looks automotive battery, the solution is water and sul-
like. The symbol tells you that the component is a furic acid.
solid-state component. Some service manuals When the battery is connected into a completed
use the words “solid-state” instead of the ESD electrical circuit, current begins to flow from the
symbol. Look for these indicators and take battery. This current is produced by chemical reac-
the suggested ESD precautions when you work tions between the active materials in the two kinds
on sensitive components. We will cover this sub- of plates and the sulfuric acid in the electrolyte
ject in detail in Chapter 10 of this manual. (Figure 2-12). The lead dioxide in the positive
plate is a compound of lead and oxygen. Sulfuric
acid is a compound of hydrogen and the sulfate
radical. During discharge, oxygen in the positive
Chemical Source active material combines with hydrogen in the
A battery creates electricity by chemical reaction electrolyte to form water. At the same time, lead in
by the lead dioxide and lead plates submerged in the positive active material combines with the sul-
a sulfuric acid electrolyte. In any battery, the fate radical, forming lead sulfate. Figure 2-13
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28 Chapter Two

Voltmeter 200
300 400 500

Exhaust Temp. ºF



Figure 2-14. Pyrometer thermocouple.

alloy, which is then connected to a voltmeter. As

the temperature at the connections of the two
metals increases, the reading on the voltmeter
increases. The voltmeter can then be calibrated in
Lemon Battery degrees.

Figure 2-13. Lemon powered battery.

Light is composed of particles called photons that
are pure energy and contain no mass. However,
shows a very simplified version of a battery pow- when sunlight contacts certain materials, such as
ered by a lemon. The availability and amount of selenium and cesium, electron flow is stimulated
electrical energy that can be produced in this man- and is called photoelectricity (Figure 2-15).
ner is limited by the active area and weight of the Photoelectricity is used in photoelectric cells,
materials in the plates and by the quantity of sul- which are used in ambient light sensors. Solar
furic acid in the electrolyte. After most of the energy is light energy from the sun that is gath-
available active materials have reacted, the battery ered in a photovoltaic solar cell.
can produce little or no additional energy, and the
battery is then discharged.
Some crystals, such as quartz or barium titanate,
Thermoelectricity create a voltage if pressure is applied. A change in
Applying heat to the connection point of two dis- the potential of electrons between the positive and
similar metals can create electron flow (electricity), negative terminal creates electricity know as
which is known as thermoelectricity (Figure 2- piezoelectricity. The term comes from the Greek
14). This affect was discovered by a German scien- word “piezo,” which means pressure. Figure 2-16
tist named Seebeck and is known as the Seebeck shows that when these materials, quartz or barium
Effect. Seebeck called this device a thermocouple, titanate, undergo physical stress or vibration, a
which is a small device that gives off a low voltage small oscillating voltage is produced.
when two dissimilar metals are heated. An example Piezoelectricity is the principle used in knock
of a thermocouple is a temperature measuring sensors (KS), also called detonation sensors. The
device called a pyrometer. A pyrometer is com- typical knock sensor (Figure 2-17) produces
monly used to measure exhaust gas temperatures about 300 millivolts of electricity and vibrates at
on diesel engines and other temperature measur- a 6,000-hertz (cycles per second) frequency,
ing applications. A pyrometer is constructed of which is the frequency that the cylinder walls
two dissimilar metals, such as steel and a copper vibrate at during detonation.
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Introduction to Electricity 29

Figure 2-15. Photoelectric cell sensor.

Hard Rubber Cushion

Neon Lamp Figure 2-17. Piezoelectric knock sensor. (GM Service

and Parts Operations)
Barium Titanate

voltage is generated between the faces of the

crystal. Although the effect is only temporary,
Hard Rubber Cushion
while the pressure lasts, it can be maintained by
alternating between compression and tension.
Piezoelectricity is put to practical use in phono-
Figure 2-16. Piezoelectric effect. graph pickups and crystal microphones, where
mechanical vibrations (sound waves) are con-
verted into varying voltage signals. Similar appli-
cations are used in underwater hydrophones and
 Squeeze a Rock Get a Volt piezoelectric stethoscopes.
In 1880, the French chemists Pierre and Marie Applying a high-frequency alternating voltage
Curie discovered the phenomenon of piezoelec- to a crystal can create a reverse piezoelectric
tricity, which means, “electricity through pres- effect. The crystal then produces mechanical
sure.” They found that when pressure is applied to vibrations at the same frequency, which are called
a crystal of quartz, tourmaline, or Rochelle salt, a ultrasonic sound waves because they are beyond
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30 Chapter Two

our range of hearing. These ultrasonic vibrations 1 Horsepower = a Horse

are used, among other things, to detect sonar pulling a 200 lb weight 165
reflections from submarines and to drill holes in feet in 1 minute
diseased teeth.
165 feet
1 Minute

HISTORICAL 200 time 165 = 33,000 lb/ft of work

FIGURES IN 1 horse can do 33,000 lb/ft of
work in 1 minute 200


In 1767, Joseph Priestly established that electri-

cal charges attract with a force inversely propor- Figure 2-18. Horsepower.
tional to distance. In 1800, Alessandro Volta
invented the first battery. Michael Faraday
(1791–1867) opened the doors of the science we
now know as electromagnetism when he pub- was used to lift coal from deep in the earth. He
lished his law of induction, which simply states developed the steam engine to take over the task
that a magnetic field induces an electromotive of lifting heavy loads instead of using the power
force in a moving conductor. Thomas Edison of a horse. At the same time, he calculated the
(1847–1931) invented the incandescent lamp in work that a horse could do and determined that a
1879, but perhaps even more importantly, built horse could walk 165 feet in one minute pulling
the first central power station and electrical distri- a 200-pound weight (165 ft.  200 lb.  33,000
bution system in New York City in 1881. This ft.-lb. per minute, or 550 foot-pounds of work
provided a means of introducing electrical power per second) and called this amount of work one
into industry and the home. horsepower. One horsepower is needed to lift
The discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson 550 pounds 1 foot off the ground in 1 second,
(1856–1940) in 1897 introduced the science of one horsepower equals 33,000 foot-pounds of
electronics and quickly resulted in the inven- work per minute. The term brake horsepower
tion of the diode (1904), the triode (1907), and comes from the method of testing the early
the transistor (1946). Andre Marie Ampere engines.
established the importance of the relationship In the metric system, the power of engines is
between electricity and magnetism. In 1800, measured in watts or kilowatts after James Watt.
Alessandro Volta discovered that if two dissim- Watt’s Law states that a watt is the power done by
ilar metals were brought in contact with a moving one ampere through a resistance of one
salt solution, a current would be produced, ohm using one volt in one second. Horsepower
this invention is now known as the battery. can also be expressed in units of electrical power
The German physicist George Simon Ohm or watts; the simple conversion is 1 horsepower
(1787–1854) proved the mathematical relation- = 746 watts.
ship between electrical potential (voltage), The term watt is most commonly used to
electrical current flow (measured in amperes) express electrical power, such as the wattage of
and the resistance to the current flow (mea- light bulbs. A light bulb is an example of where
sured in ohms: symbol Ω). watts are commonly used. A 100-watt light bulb
Another person who influenced electrical requires more electrical power to light than a 60-
technology was a Scottish inventor named watt bulb. Electricity is sold in kilowatt hours. A
James Watt (1736–1819). James Watt worked kilowatt is 1000 watts and a kilowatt hour is one
in coal mines and saw the power of a horse as it kilowatt of power being used for one hour.
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Introduction to Electricity 31

When light contacts certain materials, such as

SUMMARY selenium and cesium, electron flow is stimulated
The Greeks discovered the first type of electricity and is called photoelectricity. Solar energy is light
in the form of static electricity when they observed energy (photons) from the sun that is gathered in a
that amber rubbed with fur would attract light- photovoltaic solar cell. A photon is pure energy
weight objects such as feathers. Static electricity is that contains no mass. Thermoelectricity is elec-
electricity at rest or without any motion. All matter tricity produced when two dissimilar metals are
is composed of atoms and electrical charge is a heated to generate an electrical voltage. A thermo-
component of all atoms, so all matter is electrical couple is a small device made of two dissimilar
in essence. An atom is the smallest part of an ele- metals that gives off a low voltage when heated.
ment that retains all of the properties of that ele- Piezoelectricity is electricity produced when mate-
ment. All atoms share the same basic structure. At rials such as quartz or barium titanate are placed
the center of the atom is the nucleus, containing under pressure. The production of electricity from
protons, neutrons, and electrons. When an atom is chemical energy is demonstrated in the lead-acid
balanced, the number of protons will match the battery. Electromagnetic induction is the produc-
number of electrons and the atom can be described tion of electricity when a current is carried through
as being in an electrically neutral state. The phe- a conductor and a magnetic field is produced.
nomenon we describe as electricity concerns the Andre Marie Ampere established the impor-
behavior of atoms that have become, for whatever tance of the relationship between electricity and
reason, unbalanced or ionized. Electricity may be magnetism. Alessandro Volta discovered that if
defined as the movement of free electrons from one two dissimilar metals were brought in contact
atom to another. with a salt solution, a current would be pro-
An electrostatic charge can build up on the sur- duced; this invention is now known as the bat-
face of your body. If you touch something, your tery. George Simon Ohm showed a relationship
charge can be discharged to the other surface, between resistance, current, and voltage in an
which is called electrostatic discharge (ESD). An electrical circuit; he developed what is known as
automotive technician should always use a sta- Ohm’s Law. James Watt developed a method
tic grounding strap when working with static- used to express a unit of electrical power known
sensitive electronic devices. as Watt’s Law.
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32 Chapter Two

Review Questions
1. The general name given every substance in 8. Technician A says batteries produce direct
the physical universe is which of the current from a chemical reaction.
following: Technician B says that an electrolyte is a
a. Mass chemical solution of water and
b. Matter hydrochloric acid that will conduct
c. Compound electricity. Who is right?
d. Nucleus a. A only
b. B only
2. The smallest part of an element that retains
c. Both A and B
all of its characteristics is which of the
d. Neither A nor B
a. Atom 9. Two technicians are discussing
b. Proton thermoelectricity. Technician A says
c. Compound applying heat to the connection point of two
d. Neutron dissimilar metals can create electron flow
(electricity). Technician B says a
3. The particles that orbit around the center of
thermocouple is a small device made of two
an atom are called which of the following:
dissimilar metals that gives off a low voltage
a. Electrons
when heated. Who is right?
b. Molecules
a. A only
c. Nucleus
b. B only
d. Protons
c. Both A and B
4. An atom that loses or gains one electron is d. Neither A nor B
called which of the following:
10. Technician A says when sunlight contacts
a. Balanced
certain materials, electron flow is stimulated.
b. An element
Technician B says solar energy is light
c. A molecule
energy from the moon that is gathered in a
d. An ion
photovoltaic solar cell. Who is right?
5. Technician A says the battery provides a. A only
electricity by releasing free electrons. b. B only
Technician B says the battery stores energy c. Both A and B
in a chemical form. Who is right? d. Neither A nor B
a. A only
11. Two technicians are discussing how
b. B only
piezoelectricity works. Technician A says it
c. Both A and B
is electricity produced when barium titanate
d. Neither A nor B
is placed under pressure. Technician B
6. Static electricity is being discussed. says when no change in the potential of
Technician A says that static electricity is electrons between positive and negative
electricity in motion. Technician B says an terminal occurs, the barium titanate creates
electrostatic charge can build up on the electricity. Who is right?
surface of your body. Who is right? a. A only
a. A only b. B only
b. B only c. Both A and B
c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B
d. Neither A nor B
12. James Watt’s term horsepower is being
7. What people discovered electricity? discussed. Technician A says one
a. The Italians horsepower equals 33,000 foot-pounds of
b. The Germans work per hour. Technician B says one
c. The Greeks horsepower would be produced when a
d. The Irish horse walked 165 feet in one minute pulling
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Introduction to Electricity 33

a 500-pound weight or 165 ft. × 500 lb. = magnetism. Technician B says Alessandro
33,000 ft-lb. Who is right? Volta discovered that if two dissimilar metals
a. A only were brought in contact with a water
b. B only solution, a current would be produced. Who
c. Both A and B is right?
d. Neither A nor B a. A only
b. B only
13. Technician A says Andre Marie Ampere
c. Both A and B
established the importance of the
d. Neither A nor B
relationship between electricity and
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