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I.Choose the most suitable word to fill each space. 1,5 poins

1.The newspaper’s ................has been falling for a number of years.

a.audience b.readership c.reputation d status
2.The advertising space that is divided into sections is generally known as the
a.small b.confidential c.classified d.small print
3.I can’t give you that information. You will have to speak to the ................. .
a.officer b.official c.executive d.administrator
4.We’ll take a short ..............break and we’ll be right back.
a.commercial b.advertising. c.promotional d.publicity
5.To find out what’s on TV, just look in the TV & radio .................. .
a.programmes b.schedules c.listingsd.records
6.The passanger cabins which were on the upper................. .
a.floor b.deck c.level d.ground
7. A note in the Captain’s log stated that it was the roughest.............. he had ever experienced.
a.passage b.crossing c.crossroad d.passing
8.Enourmous swells roused by ferocious winds made it impossible to ................the ship to safety. b.controlc.steer
9.The stricken vessel ran.....................on a large reef.
a.aside b.ashore c.aground d.around
10.Of those on ......................, few survived to relate the tragedy of the Queen.
a.board b.side c.hand d.aboard
11.Without delay, she booked a(n) ...........................flight to Manilla so as to bein time for the meeting.
a.instant c.straight d.even
12.Their transfer from the airport to the hotel was arranged.
a.transfer b.translocation c.move d.relocation
13.The cabin ................................were dressed in very bright orange suits.
a.workforce b.attendants c.personnel d.crew
14.When I remembered I had forgotten Julie’s present, I was already in the departure.................... c.lounge d.lobby
15.She was very frustrated by his behaviour, but didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to...............the boat.
a.shake b.rattle c.rock d.roll

II.Complete the sentences by changing the form of the words in capitals. 2p.

There was time when 1) ........................... in sport were limited to the arena, ADVERTISE
pitch or court where games were played. The boom in 2) ........................... deals SPONSOR
has revived a number of sports, giving the advertisers and the sport itself more
television coverage. Alongside this, 3) ........................... breaks are flooded with COMMERCE
top performers promoting anything from sportswear to shampoos.
Now businesses and 4) ........................... have reached beyond the medium CORPORATE
of TV and have struck right at the heart of 5) ........................... . Familiar logos, CONSUME
names and faces from the sporting world now appear on all kinds of goods so
that advertisers can 6) ........................... get their message across when you SNEAKY
least expect it. Thus, when you buy that carton of milk, you not only get a
picture of your favourite footballer, but you also get the name of his team’s
sponsor, which will filter through to your subconscious while you are
7) ........................... with something else. OCCUPY
While some consider this to be only a minor 8) ........................... , there are DISTRACT
others who view it as a significant and unwelcome 9) ........................... which is INTRUDE
taking over our lives.
There is also the 10) ........................... damaging effect on existing POTENTIAL
businesses to consider – the advantage that large wealthy companies have over
smaller ones is indisputable.
III. Fill in the blanks using fixed phrases, idioms and collocations similar in meaning to the words in brackets. 2p.
1.It goes _______________________________that anything fried is cooked in oil.( be obvious)
2.Anyone who knew her well might have been able to read________________________ of her message.(deduce
smth. hidden or implied)
3.This bottle of milk is half the price of that one and yet you really can’t ______________________(notice a
difference in quality)
4.We ___________________________that I would find a job and my husband would stay at home with the
baby.( agree on)
5.Maybe I ___________________________the stick. I thought she was leaving him not the other way

IV.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word/words given. 2,5
1.I had been in the room for a few minutes when I realised that everyone was staring at me.
Only after...............................................................................................................
2.The minister was interrupted just after starting his speech.
Hardly .....................................................................................................................
3.As soon as i got home, I realised I’d left my bag in the shops.
No sooner..................................................................I realised I’d left my bag in the shop.
4.I’ll ask my secretary to make the appointment for Wednesday.
I’ll ................................................... the appointment for Wednesday.
5.The hairdresser permed my hair.
I the hairdresser.

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