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English Drama

 Hasna Putri Sabrina (Cinderella)

 Ratna Oktapiani (Alice/step sister)
 Risma Ardhani (Stepmother)
 Ratnawati Khaeruni (Fairy godmother)
 Dandi Hudayana (Prince)
 Suhendra (duke)
Class : XII Ips 4

Once upon a time, there was a pretty lady. Her named Cinderella. She lived with her steps family.
But, her steps family pretended her like a servant.

StepMother (risma) : Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Come here now!!!

Cinderella (Hasna) : yes mother, I’m coming. Why do you call me mom?
Stepmother (risma) : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.
Cinderella (Hasna) : Well I will clean it
Step Sister (RatnaO) : Cinderella. I’m hungry now, cook some food first.
Cinderella (Hasna) : Well I will get some food for you
It usually happen everyday. Cinderella got big punishes everyday.

One day, the Prince held a ball to find a wife. He invited all the young women all over the kingdom,
as well as neighbor’s kingdom. In the Cinderella’s house, the stepsister very excited to go to the
Cinderella's stepsister ordered beautiful new dress for the ball. Cinderella wanted to go to the ball
but her stepmother asked her to stay at home.

Stepsister (RatnaO) : OMG! I can’t believe this! I could be the princess of this kingdom.
StepMother (Risma) : Oh so surely you the most beautiful and will be the prince’s wife
Cinderella (Hasna) : Mom, please let me go with you. Here I wear my mom’s dress. It is nice, isn’t it?
Stepmother (Risma) : (Approaching Cinderella) Nice? Hmm let me see.. Oh! I’m sorry, You can’t go to
the ball with this old dress, can you? Let’s go Alice
Cinderella (Hasna) : but mom, I want to go the party
Stepmother (Risma) : no, no no, you don't need to come, it's better to clean the house!!!!!
StepSister (RatnaO) : lets go mom. Leave this ugly girl.

After they left, Cinderella cried. She had no idea why she had a very cruel stepmother and
stepsisters. Then suddenly, there was a light and there came a beautiful fairy godmother.

Fairy (RatnaW) : What happen Cinderella. Why are you crying?

Cinderella (Hasna) : (surprise) Who are you?
Fairy (RatnaW) : I will help you, what do you want?
Cinderella (Hasna) : Actually, I want to go to the ball. But, I don’t have a dress and my stepmother
forbid me to go.
Fairy (RatnaW) : don’t be afraid I will help you.

The fairy waves her magic wand and make Cinderella have a very beautiful dress and a pair of glass
shoes. She also make six mice to be horse and two coachmen, and change the pumpkin into a coach.

Fairy (ratnaw) : Cinderella. you can go now, but remember, the magic only last until midnight. you
should come home before then.
Cinderella (Hasna) : Ok fairy. Thank you.


When Cinderella come to the ball, all the people surprised because of her beauty. When the prince
see her, he comes and ask Cinderella to dance with him. It makes all the people in the hall are very

Prince (Dandi) : O beautiful girl. You want to dance with me.

Cinderella (Hasna) : Yes prince.
Prince (Dandi) : You’re so beautiful, what is your name ?
Cinderella (Hasna) : my name is. . .

Suddenly Cinderella see the big clock show that it is nine to twelve in the midnight. She suddenly

Cinderella (Hasna) : I’m sorry prince, I should go now.

Cinderella run fast and make one of her glass shoes left. Cinderella has leave the palace.
Prince : I have to find him.( pick up the glass shoes).
After the ball finished.

Prince (Dandi) : Duke, I want you to find her. Use this glass shoes to find her.

Duke (Suhendra) : You want me to go around the kingdom prince?

Prince (Dandi) : Please Duke, you should find her for me.

Duke (Suhendra) : Yes Prince, As you wish.

Duke come to every house and ask every girl to try the glass shoes, but no one can wear it because
it is very small. Finally, the Duke comes to Cinderella house.

Duke (Suhendra) : I’m here as the prince want to meet the girl who own this glass shoes.

Stepsister (RatnaO) : I try

Alice can not wear the shoes. The duke almost desperate, he see Cinderella peek from the kitchen.

Duke (Suhendra) : Who is she?

Stepmother : She is our servant.

Duke (Suhendra) : Call her, I want her to try.

Stepsister (RatnaO) : No. It must not her.

Duke (Suhendra) : Come here little girl. Try this shoes.

Cinderella (Hasna) : Yes Sir.

When Cinderella put that glass shoes into her foot, it fit on her. Suddenly the fairy come and changes
Cinderella dress as she wear at the ball.

Duke (Suhendra) : Yes, the prince will be very happy.

The Prince come to the house.

Prince (Dandi) : Finally, I can find you. Tell me your name beautiful lady.

Cinderella (Hasna) : Cinderella. My name is Cinderella my prince.

Prince (Dandi) : Would you go to the palace with me.

Finally, the prince bring Cinderella to the palace and marry her there. They live happily ever after.
But Cinderella also bring her stepmother and stepsisters to the palace with her. Now, they are
become a good mother and sister to Cinderella.

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