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SOC 001

Education in America Reflection

Upon completion of the assignment Education in America have sparked my memory on

American History about the Law of Segregation and the current situation of America. The Video

Separate and Unequal talks about a group of white families try everything in their power to re-

establish their own city with their separate school district for the black and the white

students, bringing the history of segregation back and leaving the population of black student

with their own community of like-skin people. The issue in this video still exists in today modern

day, in every where we go, in every corner of the street. Discrimination is still a big problem in

America. Even though many of people of color have prove themselves with the world with their

education, wealth, social status and power; society still hold on the social norm and the negative

stereotype toward people of color. This is the issue that I think needed to be address and adjust to

enhance and uphold value of American society. Through this assignment, I have learned to put

away the negative connotation, the discriminate thoughts that I have grown up with. Children are

easily influenced by family, by their parents and by their peers. Racism need to be completely

abolish, bad social norms that target a specific race needs to be abandon to better the society as a


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