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Assignment No 1




Module title & Code PARENTING

Tutor/Lecturer MS K.L MOUPO

Due Date 01/03/2019

Student no 01171898312

Warmth/responsiveness and control have been identified as central features that tend to
distinguish mothers and fathers in their approaches to parenting. It has been shown that
warm, supportive parenting involves behaviors that are physically and emotionally
affectionate, approving, loving, and caring, while control includes the demands or
expectations that parents place upon their children and the degree of monitoring present in
parenting. Much of the parenting literature has focused on parenting styles authoritative,
authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved which differs along these dimensions of
warmth/responsiveness and control/demandingness.

Authoritarian style combines high demandingness with low responsiveness and calls for strict
adherence to rules and obedience to authority. Authoritarian styles have been linked
consistently with a variety of psychological issues such as depression, externalizing
problems, substance use, and suicide (Nunes and Mota 2017; Sharma et al. 2011). Notably,
Pinquart (2017) conducted a meta-analysis examining 1435 studies and found that
authoritative style was linked inversely with externalizing problems over time. Authoritarian
parenting believes that children should be seen and not heard. When it comes to rules, they
set the rules and children cannot challenge the rules their parents set, and there are no
expectations to the rules. They set standards for their children and are very critical when the
standards are not met. These type of parents does not take their children’s feelings to
considerations for example when a child asks to go and play outside the house with others,
they will not consider because of their selfish reasons which might be children can get dirty
not knowing it is part of their development and growth.

Authoritarian parents develop a clear sense of what is right and what is wrong. Instead of
shades of gray being introduced, there is a clear line drawn in the sand. If that line gets
crossed, a consequence is expected. This trains children to learn that rules are in place for a
reason and if that line gets crossed, something bad is going to happen, so good behavior tends
to be the result. Kids who have authoritarian parents tend to see themselves in a good or bad
way based on how often they follow the rules. Their self-esteem becomes based on whether
or not their parents approve of each choice and how it relates to the rules. Instead of
independent thought and choice creating success that can build self-esteem, there is a reliance
on others to build self-worth. The end result is poor social skills and difficult adjustment
periods to new environments

Authoritative parents attempt to direct the child’s activities but in a rational, issue-oriented
manner. They encourage verbal give and take, and share with the child the reasoning behind
their policy. They also do not allow kids to get involved in problem solving challenges or
obstacles. Instead, they make the rules and enforce the consequences with little regard for a
child’s opinion. Authoritative parenting puts a lot of effort into creating and maintaining a
positive relationship with their child. They also enforce rules and give consequences for
example, if you play with sharp objects like knives, you can cut yourself. Authoritative
parents also use positive discipline strategy to reinforce good behavior, like praises and
reward systems. Factors associated with authoritative parenting, for instance
conscientiousness on the part of the child and parental involvement in schooling tend to result
in good academic performance. This style of care giving guarantees autonomy both directly
as well as indirectly, through mediation by family environment, conflict, and parents
expectations of their children. For example, when a child performs well at school or showing
good behavior, a parent will use praising words like you are a star or give sweets or any gift.
Children who have authoritative parents are most likely to become responsible adults who
feel comfortable expressing their opinions. They tend to be happy and successful, and also
more likely to be good at making decision and evaluating safety risks on their own because
have been given chance to express their feelings.

Authoritative parenting is one of the better-known ways of rearing up the kids, without going
too high on liberty or discipline. Authoritative parents know where to draw the line and often
demonstrate their affections or discontentment sensibly. Authoritative parents are never tyrant
or softie. They are, in fact, a rare mix of both firmness and understanding that helps them
connect better with their kids, while asserting and maintaining a fairly high level of
expectations and guidelines. This well-balanced attitude helps them to handle even the most
difficult kids effectively. Although touted as one of the better styles of parenting, authoritative
parenting too has its share of flip-flops. Agreed, that authoritative parenting is all mutual and
rewarding for both the parent and the child. However, in this form of parenting, there are
chances of the child turning into a rebel and going completely against the wishes of his or her

Permissive style combines low demandingness with high responsiveness and although
adequate support is typically provided, structure and limits frequently are not. Permissive
parents attempt to behave in a non-punitive, acceptant, and affirmative manner towards the
child’s impulses, desires, and actions. They make few demands for household responsibility
and orderly behavior. They allow the child to regulate his own activities as much as possible,
avoid the exercise of control, and do not encourage him to obey externally defined standards.
Permissive parenting are parents who set rules by rarely enforce them. They are lenient and
only step in when there is serious problem. The parents do not even realize it when children
misbehave. They see themselves as friends to the children rather than parents. Permissive
parents often encourage their children to talk with them about their problems, but they
usually do not put much effort into discouraging poor choices or bad behavior.

These children learn that there is a wonderful world out there, one in which they can be
interested and fulfilled. They have opportunity to choose the type of job they want when they this parenting style, children’s self-esteem may be higher than other children’s
because they know that their parents love them unconditionally, no matter if they mess up or
not. Results concerning the influence of permissive parenting styles are inconsistent Cohen
and Rice (1997) found that lower parental permissiveness was related to higher school
grades, and higher parental permissiveness was related to increased tobacco and alcohol use
in children. These children are also at higher risk for health problems, like obesity because
permissive parents struggle to limit junk food can also lead to risky behavior in order
in older children, especially pertaining to alcohol use.

Many permissive parents genuinely prioritize their relationship with their children and seek to
make them as happy as possible. This may be as a compensatory reaction to their own
unhappy or distant relationship with their parents when they were growing up. They don’t
want to see their children suffering or deprived the way they were, so they swing over to the
other extreme. The older the child gets, the more apparent it will become that in fact the child
is to a large extent in charge. The child learns that the parent wants to avoid conflict, so the
minute there is any sign of a tantrum or strong argument, the parent will give in to whatever
the child wants or demands. If the parent tries to put their foot down in some area, it may
result in a tremendous power struggle as the child has now become used to calling the shots
and getting what they want.

The Uninvolved Parenting style often referred to as neglectful parenting as the name implies,
the parent is totally disengaged and emotionally uninvolved in their child's life. There is little
if any expression of love and affection. The uninvolved parenting style is low in parental
responsiveness the nurturing aspect of the child and low in parental demandingness control
over the child. Often these parents provide only the basic needs of food and shelter.
Opportunity for sports, recreation and ordinary pleasures in life are too often non-existent.
Routinely these parents are too busy or self-involved to support their child in school
functions, teach life skills and encourage socially acceptable behaviour. Children may not
receive much guidance, nurturing, and parenting attention. Uninvolved parents expect
children raise themselves or with maids. They do not devote much time or energy into
meeting children’s basic needs such as clothing, food, just to mention a few. Uninvolved
parents maybe neglectful but it is not always intentional, it mighty be busy with work and
they will be lacking knowledge on what to do to make the child to grow and develop well.
They will be not aware that children can be affected emotionally. In this parenting children
will learn to be independent because they will be used to do things on their own. They will
also learn to be responsible because they will be used to handle situations without the
supervision of a parent, as we know that children learn through their mistakes which will
makes them to be perfect. For example, when a child drink undiluted drink without water will
have a sweet taste and next time will think of putting water until it tastes well.

Children with uninvolved parents are likely to struggle with self esteem issues. They tend to
perform poorly at school because they will be not getting assistance on their work from
parents. They might end up into criminals trying to cover up their basic needs which parents
are failing to fulfill. Some cases are hereditary, parents, themselves raised in a negative
environment with no expression of love, guidance, support or positive communication are
prone to modelling this parenting style.

Children are the leaders of tomorrow so they must be treated with great knowledge and
wisdom for them to prosper in life. Parents must take care of children in a good way so that
they will not depart from it. Parents as primary educators must take care of their children for
them to develop well and have positive behaviors. Parents must also listen to children’s
opinions for them to be boosted in confidence and self-esteem.


Cohen, D. A., & Rice, J. (1997). Parenting styles, adolescent substance use, and academic
achievement. Journal of Drug Education, 27, 199–211.

Conrade & Ho, Glenys& Robert (2February 2011).’’Differential parenting styles for fathers
and mothers’’. Australia Journal of psychology. 53(1): 29-35.

Gordon, Larry, and Victoria Kim. 2008. “Hovering Parents No Big Deal for Freshmen”. Los
Angels Times (January 24) B1.

Goschin S, Briggs J, Blanco-Lutzen S, Cohen LJ, Galynker (2013.” Parental affectionless

control and suicidality” Journal of Affective Disorders (Review). 151(1); 1-6.

Jackson, L.J. (November 2010).” Smothering Mothering: Helicopter parents are landing big
in Child care cases’ Journal. 96(11): 18-19.

Nunes, F., & Mota, C. P. (2017). Parenting styles and suicidal ideation in adolescents:
Mediating effect of attachment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 734–747.

Pinquart, M. (2017). Associations of parenting dimensions and styles with externalizing

problems of children and adolescents: An updated meta-analysis. Developmental Psychology,
53, 873–932.

Walton, Stepen. “The Positive parenting center”. www. the- positive
Retrieved 10 December 2014.


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