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Lesson 11 Worksheet
Utilize Nutrient Intake, Such As Calories And Sodium
Angela Martin
United States University

Identify Nutrition Problems and Resident Rights

Worksheet 11
1. What is the role of the Certified Dietary Manager in identifying nutrition problems?
The certified Dietary Manager works as a full time employee of a medical facility and is

responsible for providing daily oversight of nutrition services. The role served by

Certified Dietary Manager in identifying nutrition problems include conducting routine

nutritional screening of client; calculating nutrient intake; identifying nutrition problems;

and implementing physicians’ diet order or diet plan using necessary modifications.

Certified Dietary Manager further documents the data of nutritional screening in medical

records and review intake records as well.

2. What resources can you use to help you identify needed nutrition data?
Medical Records
Nutrition Facts Label
Past Food Intake History

3. A 24-hour recall indicates that a 68 year-old healthy woman who is close to her ideal

body weight has eaten the following foods:

Milk (skim): 0 servings

Fruit: 2 servings
Vegetables: 1 serving
Meat 5 servings
Breads/Starch 1 serving
Is this diet nutritionally adequate for her? Why or why not?
No the diet is not nutritionally adequate for a 68 years old women because she is taking

excessive serving of Meat which mean that she can have high cholesterol. So the lady should

restrict her meat servings to 2 on daily basis and ensure that she is not taking red meat. Secondly

the lady should increase her milk intake as she needs calcium and should also eat more servings

of vegetables.

4. Assume the 24-hour recall shown in Question #3 is a typical one-day intake for this

person. What, if anything, would you recommend changing in her diet?

A moderately active 68-year-old woman should consume around 1,800 calories per day.

The women need to modify her diet by increasing intake of healthy foods like low-fat dairy

products, fruits, vegetables and whole grain. Moreover she should lower her meat servings and

should go for lean meats like fish and poultry.

5. For each laboratory value (biochemical test) listed below, write a possible nutritional

concern. (Remember that a complete assessment requires looking at all the information

together with your Registered Dietitian.) Assume all lab values are for adult males.

Lab Value Possible Interpretation

Serum Albumin 3.2 Lower Serum Albumin indicates liver or

kidney disease and it can be caused by

inadequate protein intake.

Transferrin 131 Within Normal Range of 200-400 mg/dL
Hemoglobin 8.9 Low Hemoglobin indicating insufficient

level of iron in blood

FBS 325 Very high blood sugar level indicating

excess consumption of carbohydrates

6. When a client who is on a restricted diet requests foods that are not on the diet, what

steps should you take to assure nutritional adequacy AND resident rights?
If a client requests foods that are not on diet we should treat the client with respect and

dignity. We should first motivate the client to follow their prescribed diet by stressing on the risk

factors associated with leaving the diet plan. Then we should suggest them alternative foods that

will curb their craving and will not intervene with the diet plan. Lastly, it’s the right of client to

refuse a therapeutic diet but the client should be notified that he/she is responsible for

consequences and we should document this incident in medical records of patient

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