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Jason Ray D.

Noble Dec 30,2019



Education is very vital for the sustainable development in every country. It

changes our living, teach us to be globally competitive and live in a world considering
other races and build a relationship with them to share culture and tradition in which it
brings us together. Through education we will be able to cope up with poverty and make
a better world for the next generation.

As we are teaching our children for the future of every country, the schools should
expose the students to the society where they will be able to experience, understand, and
learn how to cope up with those problem in the society with the intellectual discipline and
core skills that they will be learning inside the classroom because I believe that education
should have social function and real-life experience so that child will be able to build
values on his/her life and become a good member of society to bring social change.

The schools will teach the curriculum both inside the classroom and to the
community. Inside the classroom the school will be teaching the basic skills, and core
skills that they can apply as the will be involve to the community and through cooperative
learning, letting the student to make an action to the problem of the society, and make an
experiment that provide more knowledge to the students, his teaching will be more
effective and the student will be able to use variety of learning as they will be cooperating
to their group and build a good relationship with their peers. The student will be able to
understand the problem of the society and they will become a responsible students and
citizens. The students can provide knowledge to the society as they will be making their
experiment to study the facts with evidence that might help us for living. and make an
experiment that provide more knowledge to the students.

The role of the teachers is to guide, interfere, provide activities, and assess the
learning of the students. They will stand as the second mother of the children and nurture
them as their own child with love meaning the teacher should know the behavior of their
students. The students will do the activity and draw a conclusion to the problems that
have given to them.

The learning can be assessed by their performance to the society on how they apply their
knowledge on solving the problem and how they cooperate to their group. they will not be
given an evaluation sheet so that they will not work for the sake of grades. the one who
will evaluate them is their teachers because the teachers knows the behavior of their
children or students

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