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Myelomeningoceles and Meningoceles: A Clinicopathologic Study of 43 Cases

Article  in  Journal of Neurological Sciences · January 2014


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Pinar Karabagli Esin Celik

Selcuk University Selcuk University


Hakan Karabagli
Selcuk University


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Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish] 31:(2)# 40; 335-345, 2014
Research Article

Myelomeningoceles and Meningoceles: A Clinicopathologic Study of 43 Cases

Pinar KARABAGLI1, Tugba GURCAN1, Zeliha Esin CELIK1, Hakan KARABAGLI2
Selcuk University, School of Medicine, Pathology Department, Konya, Türkiye 2Selcuk
University, School of Medicine, Neurosurgery Department, Konya, Türkiye
Objective: The purpose of the study both meningocele and myelomeningocele reviewing the
clinical and pathological findings as well as to discuss the pathological diagnosis.
Material and methods: Meningocel and myelomeningocele were retrived from the
pathology files. Forty three cases with detailed clinical and radiological data were selected.
Masson's trichrome performed on original sections from paraffin blocks. All sections from
each case were reviewed.
Results: There were 34 cases of myelomeningocele, 9 cases of meningocele. F/M ratio was
1.2 to 1. The age range of patients were from newborn to 4 months. 90% of cases were in the
lumbosacral region. 31 cases of myelomeningoceles, and 3 cases of meningoceles were
hydrocephalus. Chiari II malformation was seen in 88% of myelomeningocels and in 22% of
meningoceles. Three patients had a clubfoot deformity. Microscopically, epithelial changes
included ulceration, loss of appendages. Mesodermal findings included fibrosis (90% of
cases), adipose tissue (62%), hypertrophic smooth muscle (18%), skeletal muscle (4%) and
increased numbers of blood vessels (79%). Subepidermal calcification was noted in 2 cases.
Neuroectodermal features, neuropil-like matrix and ependymal lining were noted in 34 and 15
cases respectively. Nerve fibers were identified varied from easily identifiable large
myelinated nerve trunks to slightly increased numbers of fibers in 83% of the cases.
Conclusion: Both clinical and pathological differences were seen among myelomeningoceles.
These malformations involve ectoderm, neuroectoderm, and mesoderm. Definition of the
pathological aspects of dysraphism will potentiate the understanding of these anomalies.
Key words: Myelomeningocele, meningocele, pathology, Chiari II malformation, Clubfoot

Miyelomeningosel ve Meningosel : 43 Olgulu Kliniko-Patolojik Bir Çalışma

Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, meningosel ve miyelomeningosel olgularının klinik ve patolojik
bulgularını gözden geçirmek yanında patolojik tanıyı tartışmaktır.
Gereç ve yöntem: Meningosel ve miyelomeningosel patoloji dosyalarından elde edilmiştir.
Detaylı klinik ve radyolojik verileri bulunan kırk üç olgu seçildi. Masson trikrom boyası
olguların parafin bloklarına uygulandı. Elde edilen tüm kesitler incelendi.
Bulgular: 34 miyelomeningosel, 9 meningosel olgusu vardır. Kadın /erkek oranı 1,2-1'dir.
Hastalar yenidoğan ile 4 ay yaş aralığındaydı. Olguların % 90'ı lumbosakral bölgede
yerleşmişdi. 31 miyelomeningosel ve meningosel olgusunda hidrosefali vardı. Chiari II
malformasyonu miyelomeningosellerde % 88 ve meningosel olgularında %22 oranında
görüldü. Üç hastada içe dönük ayak deformitesi vardı. Mikroskopik olarak, epitel
değişiklikleri ülserasyon ve deri eklerinin kaybı idi. Fibrozis (vakaların % 90'ı) , yağ dokusu
(% 62), hipertrofik düz kas (% 18), iskelet kası ( % 4) ve kan damarlarında sayıca artış (% 79
) mezodermal bulguları oluşturdu. Subepidermal kalsifikasyon 2 olguda tespit edildi.


Nöroektodermal özelliklerden nöropil benzeri matris ve ependimal yapı sırasıyla 34 ve 15

olguda saptandı. Sinir lifleri vakaların % 83'ünde, hafif artmasından, kolayca farkedilebilen
büyük miyelinli sinir gövdeleri oluşturmasına kadar çeşitli şekillerde görülmüştür.
Sonuç: Miyelomeningosel olguları arasında hem klinik hem de patolojik farklılıklar görüldü.
Bu malformasyonlar ektoderm, nöroektoderm ve mezoderm içermektedir. Disrafizmin
patolojik yönlerinin tanınması bu anomalilerin anlaşılmasını güçlendirecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Miyelomeningosel, meningosel, patoloji, Chiari II malformasyonu, Club
foot deformitesi

subcutaneous mass(25). OSD comprises

MMC, myelocele,
Dysraphic conditions of the spine resulting hemimyelomeningolocele and
from non-closure of the neural groove hemimyelocele. CSD is much more
consist of several different types of heterogeneous than OSD and a large
malformations, are called spina bifida(2). number of malformations belong to this
The lesions of spinal dysraphism (SD) are group. CSD consist of unenclosed
formed by combined malformations of the vertebral arches without externally visible
vertebral column and the spinal cords. cystic lesion in the back. Only four
There is still a considerable confusion as to malformations present with a subcutaneous
their classification. Most classifications are mass in the back: lipomyeloschisis,
strictly based on the specific derangement lipomyelomeningocele, MC and terminal
of embryonic development. Spina bifida myelocystocele. In the neck, CSD with a
(SB) had been classified into several subcutaneous mass is representing by
types(20). (1) SB cystica which refers to cervical MMC, MC and
either myelomeningocele (MMC) or myelocystocele(20,25).
meningocele (MC). MC involves
herniation of the dura and arachnoid MMC, the commonest anomaly of SD,
through a defect in the vertebral lamina, refers to a bony defect in the vertebral
column through which the meningeal
with the spinal cord remaining within the
membranes that cover the spinal cord and
spinal canal. In the MMC, the spinal cord
part of the spinal cord protrude. Contrary
and nerve roots become components of the
herniated cystic structure. (2) SB aperta, the MC does not include spinal cord within
the sac(3,20,25).
which involves lesions communicating
with the environment(25). SB occulta, We report the histopathological findings
which manifests as a concealed form of with the clinico-radiological features in 43
spinal dysraphism with few cutaneous cases of MC and MMC derived from the
stigmata of the underlying spinal neuropathology files of one institution. The
anomaly(2,20). A recent classification of aims of the study were (1) to review the
spinal dysraphism was proposed by clinic and pathological findings of
Tortori-Donati et al.(25). In this congenital SD and (2) discuss the
classification, not only the clinico- pathological diagnosis.
neuroradiological correlations but also the
importance of almost every lesion has been
linked with the embryological All cases from October, 2009 through
(20) February, 2014 encoded as meningocele
aspects .Essentially, dysraphic anomalies
are divided as open spinal dysraphism and myelomeningocele were retrived from
(OSD) and closed spinal dysraphism the pathology files of at the Selcuk
(CSD) as the main categories and with the University Hospital. Forty three cases with
latter subdivided into two further detailed clinical and radiological data were
subcategories: with or without a selected. Original microscopic slides were


stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) papillomatous and 3 were hyperplastic.
in all cases. Some of the sections were Ulceration was noted in 28 cases (66%)
stained immunohistochemically with glial (Fig 3a). İnflammation with different
fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and severity was seen in all ulcerated and in 11
epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). of 14 non-ulcerated cases (90%). Both
Masson's trichrome performed on original cervical cases were non-ulcerated. Loss of
sections from paraffin blocks. All sections epidermal appendages was noted in 40
from each case were reviewed by two cases (93%). 30 of them appendages were
pathologist over a biheaded microscope, noted to be completely absent. In most
and data were recorded for the presence or cases the appendage loss was in the areas
absence of epithelial, mesodermal and directly affected by the malformation (Fig
neuroectodermal changes. The data 3a).
consisting of patient's age, sex, site of Mesodermal changes- Fibrosis was
lesion and macroscopic definition, and identified 39 of the 43 cases (90%).In 18
clinico-radiologic features were obtained cases bands of dense collagen fibers were
from the archive of the neurosurgeon. seen (Fig 3b). In 13 cases dermal fibrosis
RESULTS were more compact than would be
expected. Fibrosis mimicking
subarachnoid space was seen in 8 cases.
Among the 43 cases, there were 34 cases Mixoid changes were seen in 3 cases.
of MMC, 9 cases of MC. There were 20 Subepithelial edema was noted in 3 cases.
males (M) and 24 females (F) with F/M
Increased numbers of blood vessels were
ratio 1.2 to 1. The age range of patients
identified in 34 of 43 cases (79%), ranging
were from newborn to 4 months; 77% of
from a massive increase in number,
patients were less than one week old. All
mimicking an angioma (three cases) (Fig
of the cases had cystic lesion in the back
3c). The prominent and ectatic vessels
(Fig 1a,b). Of 34 MMCs, 2 were thoraco-
were seen in 28 of 43 cases (65%) (Fig 3a).
lumbar, 1 cervical, 1 sacral, and 30 were in
In 7 cases, there were increased numbers
the lumbosacral region. Among 9 MCs, 1
of vessels with leukocyte extravasation in
was cervical, and 8 were in the
areas of neuropil like matrix. In 5 cases,
lumbosacral region. All SDs with cervical
there were increased numbers of vessels
localization were female. All thoraco-
that mimicked papillary endothelial
lumbar cases were male. No particular sex
proliferation in areas of pia-arachnoid
predilection for lumbosacral SDs could be
tissue (Fig 3d).
discerned. 31 cases of MMCs (91%), and 3
cases of MCs (33%) were hydrocephalus. Bundles of smooth muscle fibers were
Chiari II malformation was seen in 30 found careful search in 8 cases ( 18%) (Fig
cases of MMCs (88%) and in 2 case of MC 4a). Skeletal muscle was seen in 2 cases
(22%) (Fig 1c,d). Among the 34 cases of (4%) (Fig 4b). One case contained islands
MMC, 3 had a clubfoot deformity (Fig 2). of mature hyaline cartilage.
Malformations as dextrocardia, Mature adipose tissue was seen in 27 of 43
syringomyelia and diastematomyelia were cases (62%). Large groups of adipocytes
seen in one of 34 MMC patients. were seen scattered in 12 cases. Small
Pathologic adipose tissue islands were seen around
sweat glands in 8 cases, In 7 cases, sheets
Histopathologic characteristics are
of mature adipose tissue seem like lipoma
summarized in Table 1.
(Fig 4c).
Epithelial changes- Epidermis was
Subepidermal calcification was noted in 2
present in 42 of 43 cases. It was usually
cases (4%) (Fig 4d).
normal thickness but of 42,3 were


Neuroectodermal changes- Neuropil-like In 11 cases (25%), there were

matrix (brain tissue) was noted in 34 cases meningothelial cells recognizable by their
(79%) (Fig 5a,b). Typically, the neuropil- eosinophilic cytoplasm, fine nuclear
like matrix featured gliosis with an chromatin, occasional intranuclear
increased population of the fibrillary vacuolization, and their tendency to form
and/or gemistocytic type. Neurons were sheet-like formations. EMA stain was
numerous in some cases (Fig 5b). In 2 performed on eight cases and showed
cases, neuropil was located directly strong membranous staining of
beneath the epidermis with only basal meningothelial cells (Fig 5d).
lamina separating these two ectodermal Nerve fibers were identified in 36 cases
structures. (83%). These varied from easily
Structures resembling the normal identifiable large myelinated nerve trunks
ependymal lining of the central canal of the (19 cases) to slightly increased numbers of
spinal cord were noted in 15 of the cases fibers compared to those normally present
(35%).The ependyma varied from small in the dermis (17 cases) (Fig 3a). In 5
canaliculi formed by only a few cells to cases, ganglion cells were also identified
larger collections resembling central canal- by their large eccentric nuclei with open
like structures (Fig 3a,5b,c). In one of chromatin, prominent nucleoli, and ample
them, the ependyma merged into structures cytoplasm and were located either adjacent
suggesting choroid plexus (Fig 5c). to or within nerve fibers or roots.

Figure 1: Myelomeningocele. (a) External view of the sac. (b) Intraoperative view of the myelomeningocele.
(c and d) Sagittal T1 weighted MRI sections of Chiari II malformation


Figure 2: Myelomeningocele with bilateral clubfoot deformity.

Figure 3: (a) Ulceration, loss of appendages, increased numbers of ectatic vessels, neuropil-like matrix with
ependymal lining and nerve fibers were seen (H&E) (b) Ependymal canal is surrounded by dense collagen
fibers (MTK). (c) Increased blood vessels mimicking an hemangioma (H&E). (d) Papillary endothelial
proliferation in areas of pia-arachnoid tissue (H&E).


Figure 4: (a) Proliferation of smooth muscle fibers (H&E) (b) Proliferations of skeletal muscle fibers(H&E)
(c) Lipoma like structure with mature adipose tissue (H&E). (d) Subepithelial calcification (H&E).

Figure 5: (a) Epidermis, loss of appendages, and neuropil surrounded by pia-arachnoid tissue (H&E) (b)
Neuropil like matrix associated with ependymal canal, gliosis, and neurons (H&E) (c) The ependyma merged
into structures suggesting choroid plexus (H&E). (d) Membranous EMA immunopositivity of meningothelial


Table 1. Summary of histopathologic findings

Histopathologic features % of 43 cases % of 34 MMC % of 9 MC

Loss of epidermal appendages 93% 94% 89%

Fibrosis 90% 88% 100%

Inflammation 90% 91% 89%

Peripheral nerve fibers or roots 83% 59% 67%

Abnormal or increased vessels 79% 79% 78%

Neuropil-like matrix 79% 100% -

Ulceration 66% 79% 11%

Mature adipose component 62% 62% 67%

Ependyma and/or choroid plexus 35% 44% -

Meningothelial cells 25% 32% 22%

Arrector pili hyperplasia/hypertrophy 18% 12% 4%

Mixoid changes 7% 6% 11%

Subepithelial edema 7% 3% 22%

Skeletal muscle 4% 6% -

Calcification 4% 6% -

Mature hyaline cartilage 2% 3% -

DISCUSSION occur. Almost 1% of the cases Show

multisegmental involvement(25,4). In our
Spina Bifida is one of the most common,
series, among 34 MMCs, 30 were
serious malformations of human structure.
lumbosacral, 2 thoraco-lumbar 1 sacral,
At birth, it tends to be more common in
and 1 was in the cervical region.
girls than in boys(12,20). In our study, F/M
ratio was 1.2 to 1. The majority of MMCs SD is not always an isolated lesion and
are sacral or lumbosacral. Cervical or may be associated with other occult
cervico-thoracic location of MMCs are abnormalities at the same or different
rare(4). However purely lumbar, spinal levels(3,26). The Chiari type II
thoracolumbar and thoracic MMC do malformation is characterized by cerebellar


hypoplasia and varying degrees of caudal to form the neural tube. This fusion begins
displacement of the lower brainstem into in the cervical region and proceeds in both
the upper cervical canal through the the cephalic and caudal directions.
foramen magnum. This deformity impedes Secondary neurulation is the process of
the flow and absorption of cerebrospinal development of the caudal cell mass that
fluid (CSF) and causes hydrocephalus, forms the caudal-most portion of the neural
which occurs in more than 85% of infants tube, forming the spinal segments below L-
with myelomeningocele(1,14). The Chiari II 2. Following neural tube closure, the
malformation is seen in almost all cases of epithelial ectoderm separates from the
OSD; associated hydrocephalus; and the neural ectoderm, a process known as
complications of MMC closure disjunction. The epithelial layers fuse to
(retethering by scar, dermoid, arachnoid create skin covering the neural tube, and
cyst)(1,3,25). In our series, although 91% of mesenchyme migrates between the neural
MMC cases were hydrocephalus. Chiari II tube and skin to form the meninges, neural
malformation was seen in 88% of MMC arches of the vertebrae, and paraspinal
cases. muscles. In the third month of
Spina bifida is generally accompanied by a development, the spinal cord extends the
high incidence of foot deformities. With entire length of the embryo. However, as
thoracic lesions, the most frequent development continues, the vertebral
deformity is an equinus lesion (55%), a column and dura lengthen more rapidly
club foot with mid-lumbar lesion (87%) than the neural tube, and the terminal end
and a calcaneal foot with sacral lesions of the spinal cord shifts to a higher
(34%)(5). In our series, in 3 of the 34 MMC vertebral level(19,25).
patients had the clubfoot deformity. One of It is widely accepted that OSDs are caused
them was seen bilateral. by an impairment of the morphogenetic
Myelomeningocele often occurs along with movements taking place during
multiple system congenital anomalies. neurulation. In MMC, a segment of the
Commonly associated anomalies are facial spinal placode fails to neurulate and
clefts, heart malformations, and protrudes, together with the meninges,
genitourinary tract anomalies . In the through a bony defect in the midline of the
present study, dextrocardia, syringomyelia back, thus being exposed to the
and diastematomyelia was detected in one environment. Because of the expansion of
each patient. the underlying subarachnoid space, the
surface of the placode is elevated above the
A short review of the normal embryology
skin surface(25). Several types of CSDs
of the involved structures is essential to
result from embryological abnormalities
understand the pathologic features of SB.
during primary neurulation. Some of them
The central nervous system (CNS) arise from premature disjunction result in
develops by two different processes- fusion of the spinal cord with fatty
primary and secondary neurulation. Central element(19).
nervous system development initiates in
We wish to emphasize some of the more
the third week in a process known as
unusual microscopic findings in our study.
primary neurulation. During primary
In contrast to proliferations of some
neurulation, the notochord induces the
tissues, we noted a 93% of the cases in
overlying ectoderm to differentiate into a
which there was a diminution or complete
specialised neural plate. The lateral edges
loss of skin appendage structures. Sibley
of the neural plate soon elevate to form the
and Cooper have reported loss or decrease
neural folds. As development continues,
in the number of adnexal structures in 4
the neural folds continue to elevate and
cases of meningoceles(21). Berry and
approach each other in the midline, fusing


Patterson similary noted diminution or teratoma have been applied for these
complete loss of skin appendage structures lesions, and distinguishing them may
in 95 cases of 132 SD (72%)(2). The occasionally be difficult(2,6,9,11,13,19,22,23).
surface of MMC shows a characteristic The presence of masses of mature adipose
central area devoid of epithelial lining, tissue in 27 of 43 cases in our study.
exposing vascular tissue, from which The foci of cartilage we noted in one case (
cerebrospinal fluid or tissue transudate 2%) has been described by others in spinal
may ooze(16,20). In our study, ulceration cord teratomas or hamartomas and some
was noted in 66% and the increased
examples associated with SB or
number of dilated thin walled blood MMC(2,18,24).
vessels in 65%. Prominent vascular
proliferation in nerve tissue can be Subepithelial calcification was seen in 2 of
observed are known(20). In our study, there our cases which resembled the
were increased numbers of vessels with “calcification involved and ulcer base” as
leukocyte extravasation in areas of described by Berry and Patterson(2). Berry
neuropil in 7 cases. Cutaneous and Patterson noted dystrophic
hemangioma was the one of the superficial calcification in 9 cases. In 2 of 9,
skin manifestations(2,10). In our study, three calcification mainly involved walls of
patients showed angioma-like vascular blood vessels and in 4 cases it was
proliferation. However in 5 cases, there associated with foreign body reactions(2).
were increased numbers of vessels that One of their case showed a peculiar
mimicked papillary endothelial laminated pattern of calcification which
proliferation in areas of pia-arachnoid resembled the unusual fibro-osseous
tissue. component as described by few authors,
these findings we did not observe(2,8).
Eight cases of 43 (18%) showed
Harrist and Gang described calcification of
proliferation and hypertrophy of pilar
the stroma of the choroid plexus in an
smooth muscle fibers. In a study of the
epidermal nevus with dermal astrocytic
Berry and Patterson have reported smooth heterotopia and coccygeal vestige(7).
muscle hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia in
Narverud and Ramli have been reported 13
56 cases of 132 SD (42%)(2). Talwalker cases with calcification of
and Pastur noted 3 of 51 cases that had pseudomeningocele(15).
increased proliferation of smooth muscle
fibers among other abnormalities of Central canal-like structures were noted in
mesodermal tissue(23). In 2 cases, we also 35% of the cases. In one of them, the
noted skeletal muscle fibers. Similar ependyma merged into structures
proliferations of skeletal muscle fibers suggesting choroid plexus. Similarly, in the
have been reported in 7 cases by Berry and literature, central canal-like structures in
Patterson(2). dysraphic lesions of the spine have been
reported in 27% - 37%(2,17). Choroid plexus
Intraspinal lipomas are commonly found in has previously been noted in 2,3% of
SD(2,22,23). There is a confusion about meningoceles and myelomeningocele(2).
spinal lipomatous masses. Although the
bulk of masses consist of mature fat cells, MMC in the cervical region is rare and
they have infiltrating margins and lack of occur in 1-6% all SD(4,16,17). Cervical MMs
capsule, in contrast to classic lipomas are clearly protuberant, covered at the base
developing elsewhere in the body. In by full-thickness skin and covered on
addition, histological examinations have dome by a thick epithelium. Neural tissue
revealed that they often contained other is not superficially exposed. These
tissue elements(22). Several labels such as differences are likely responsible for the
lipoma, hamartoma, choristoma, and more favoruable outcome(4,16,17). There is
two (myelo)meningocele with cervical


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