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This book contains observation of different
people I have encountered. The words
written in this book is highly opinionated
and is only written on how the author
observed her subjects. Some of you may
still think otherwise. The authors respect
your opinion and please respect the
contents of her book.


There are really people who would talk behind your back. Sometimes
they think it’s just for fun when actually they are insulting that
certain someone. People have different attitudes when it comes to
insecurities and jealousy. If a person is jealous he or she might talk
shit about that person. However if that person feel insecure she or he
will compare himself or herself to that person. Actually when you look
to it this two is associated with each other. If you feel jealous
about someone there is a possibility for you to get insecure. Moreover
if you feel insecure about someone you may have a physical wrath about
that person. You might want to kill him or her. This is the same with
jealousy when it gets too much you have the feeling of killing that
certain person. For example a man cheated on his girlfriend and fooled
her. The girl despised the man and his new girlfriend. Therefore she
made a plan on killing both of them because no one should be happy if
it is not them. That’s what she thinks. However we can have an example
that is not too dangerous. Let’s change the scenario the woman cheated
on her boyfriend and the man caught them together therefore because of
jealousy the boyfriend would punch the other man. But not all cases
are like this there are some who will just shout out of anger. Some
may even be calm.

As I observe people around me feeling this way I found out that their
attitudes are not that good. They often gossip and worse create
rumours that aren’t true. Some are even close minded and only
thinks for their self. Furthermore, they think of their self
highly and believe they can do well without thinking if they can
even do it. In other words they are self-centred human being who
narrowly thinks. However some are open minded but still thinks of
their self that they are the best. Sometimes they think widely
but sometimes they tend to think narrow too. But there are some
people who are kind enough to not let insecurity and jealousy get
to their mind.

Insecurity and Jealousy can trigger many emotions of a human being but
the worst thing that it can trigger is anger. Anger can lead to
hate and violence which may put them in trouble.

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