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Sthefany Rodríguez

Miss Maya

Language 9 “A”

27 January 2022

Beauty Paper

“Happiness is the secret to all Beauty. There is no beauty without happiness.”-

Christian Dior. Meditation, feelings, sweet dreams and much more is what true beauty

can bring. In “A thing of beauty,” by John Keats, the poet wants to transmit that every

object contains its own beauty and no matter how much time passes it will always

continue to have it, it is only a matter of observing and appreciating its beauty. In

“Composed upon Westminster Bridge,” by William Wordworth, describes the beauty of

London and how it is so quiet and calm before the city has awakened. “A thing of

beauty” and “Composed upon Westminster Bridge” show that beauty is seen through

the eyes of the person in front of what he/she is seeing and that this memory of beauty

will always remain in the soul creating a nice moment of happiness.

“A thing of beauty” showed the happiness and true beauty in different things

throughout the story. The poet says in a verse: "Its beauty increases; it will never pass

into nothingness" meaning that no matter how much we love something for its beauty it

will increase and increase giving us the happiness of feeling such beauty pass through

our eyes. Even so, if we do not know how to appreciate it and look for more beauty, we

will never find true beauty and we will be carried away only by the appearance and not

by the feeling it transmits. In the end, teaches that every beauty we appreciate remains

as a soothing memory that fills us with peace and happiness.

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“Composed upon Westminster Bridge” shows the love that founded in nature. The

poet says “All bright and glittering in the smokeless air” he refers about the beauty of

city before the people awakened and do things that do not show the true beauty of the

London city. When the city has its citizens working you can see the smoke, pollution,

traffic, and people running from one side to the other making everything chaotic and not

looking good at all. Although all this ends in the early morning as there is no noise and

just look at a view so moving showing its true beauty that was hidden. Giving to

understand that everything has its beauty and you just have to know how to appreciate it

and value its true naturalness.

In both works they show things that are both common and different which include

their main theme of humility. One similarity between the two is that when they see so

much beauty before their eyes they feel an inner peace and tranquility that gladdens

their soul and heart. In “A thing of beauty,” the poem reflects that beauty transmits that

pleasure of tranquility saying that it is always maintained with sweet dreams for those

who know how to appreciate it. The same happened in “Composed upon Westminster

Bridge,” It shows that tranquility can be the best moment that beauty can be seen and

shown. One of the differences between the two works, is the time difference in which

beauty can be appreciated. In “A thing of beauty,” says that her beauty will never

disappear and will always be there at any time. In “Composed upon Westminster

Bridge,” says that beauty can only be appreciated in the early morning when all is quiet.

These works show that beauty is always there regardless of time, just feeling a small

memory will be more than enough for our happiness.

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Beauty is that which we know how to appreciate and value, however small it may

be. When everything that surrounds us, we can appreciate it becomes a nice way of

living, while we do not value them our life usually feels sad for not having something to

admire. The world gets bored of things easily and does not take advantage of them if

they are within reach but if we change and change what we do is lose hope of finding

something better. If we really want something we must first find its beauty and soul in

order to enjoy the moments that are present in our lives. . In conclusion, there are

different ways of looking at beauty and no matter which one it is, it will always be the

one that brings us that happiness.

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