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TASK A – d) (page 41)

Education Act (2011)

It makes changes to many areas of educational policy. The Act is divided into tens parts, and
comprises 83 Sections and 18 Schedules.
Some of these parts are:
1. Discipline students: Refered to the power given to school staff in Section 550ZA of the
Education Act 1996 to search a pupil or their possessions if they believe that one or more of
the possessions have been, or may be used, to commit a criminal offence, cause personal
injury or damage property.
2. The provision of post-16 education: It includes the fact of prioritise the funding of the
apprenticeship offer for certain people, those aged between 16-18, those aged 19-24 who are
care-leavers, and those aged 19-24 who are disabled.

Obviously, it´s not just related to the supporting learning department, but to all the college
environment. Regarding the department where I work, it refers mostly to the fact that some students
don´t know really beforehand the real danger and others in case of a not sensible behaviour, even
when I never saw any student failing to comply on this last supossed scenario.

SEN and disability code of practice (July 2014)

It relates to children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabled children
and young people.
A ‘young person’ in this context is a person over compulsory school age and under 25.
Local authorities should ensure children and
young people have access to the right suppor
t and opportunities that will prepare
them successfully for adulthood
by helping them achieve the
agreed outcomes in
their EHC plan. This will enable many more young people with
SEN to complete their
formal education


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