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Musles of the abdominal wall

Extensive nuerosis
Lumbodorsal fascia Constrictor of the
External oblique passing thru the
and posterior ribs abdomen
linea alba

Internal oblique Second sheet of

the lumbodorsal Linea alba by
Compressor of the
fascia, posterior extensive
Transverse abdomen
ribs, and inguinal aponeurosis

Retracts ribs and

Anterior end of Sternum and costal sternum and
Rectus abdominis
pubic symphysis cartilages compresses

Epaxial muscles

Muscles of the chest

Whole length of
Pectoralis major
the sternum
Draws the arm
Pectoralis primus Humerus
Manubrium of the toward the chest
(anterior end of pec.

Draws arm and

Clavicle and spine
Pectoralis minor Manubrium shoulder toward
of scapula
the chest

Muscles of the neck and throat

Special portion of
the platysma
(depressor conchae

Draws the hyoid

Manubrium of the Anterior horn of
Sternohyoid posteriorly or
sternum the hyoid
raises the sternum

Singly turn the

Ventral to the
Mastoid process of head, together
Sternomastoid manubrium of the
the skull depress the head
on the neck

Mastoid region of
Cleidomastoid Elevates clavicle
the skull Clavicle
or turns the head
Basioclavicularis Occipital bone

Raises the
Clavodeltoid Clavicle Humerus

Outer surface of Closes the lower

Masseter Zygomatic arch the posterior end jaw (elavator of
of the mandible the jaw)

Digastric Occipital bone Ventral surface of Opens the jaw

the mandible

Raises the floor of

Median ventral line the mouth and
Mylohyoid Mandible
and the hyoid brings the hyoid

Pulls the larynx

Sternothyroid Sternum Thyroid cartilage

Thyrohyoid Raises the larynx

Muscles of the upper back and shoulder and back of the neck

Crest on the Draws the arm

Lumbodorsal fascia
Lattisimus dorsi medial side of the caudad and
and posterior ribs
humerus dorsad

External occipital
protuberance of Draws the scapula
process and
Anterior trapezius the skull and and limb upward
nearby muscles
ligament in the and forward
and fascia
middorsal line

Lumbodorsal fascia
and the neural Spine of the Draws the scapula
Posterior trapezius
spines of the scapula dorsally
thoracic vertebrae

Levator scapulae Metacromion Pulls the scapula

ventralis or major process anteriorly

Middorsal ligament
Draws scapula
of the neck and Vertebral border of
Rhomboideus toward vertebral
succeeding neural the scapula

Middorsal line of Singly turns the

Occipital region of
Splenius neck and adjacent head, together
the skull and atlas
fascia raise the head

Greater tuberosity Extends the

Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa
of the humerus humerus

Deltoids (3):
Acromion process
2nd deltoid
Raises the
Fascia of the humerus
3rd deltoid muscle filling the
infraspinous fossa

Infraspinous fossa Greater tuberosity Extends the

and spine of the humerus humerus

Dorsal half of the

Teres major axillary border of Humerus
the scapula Draws humerus
against body and
Ventral half of the rotates it
Greater tuberosity
Teres minor axillary border of
of the humerus
the scapula

Rhomboideus Side of the skull Posterior end of Draws scapula

capitis (or levator above the the vertebral craniad and
scapulae minor) tympanic bulla border on the
medial side rotates it

Pulls the humerus

Medial surface of Lesser tuberosity
Subscapularis toward the median
the scapula of the humerus
ventral line

Anterior -
transverse Draws scapula
processes of the Vertebral border of
Serratus ventralis cervical vertebrae the scapula above
backward, or
the subscapularis
Posterior - seven against the body
slips from the ribs

Raise the ribs and

bend the neck

Tendon from the Raises the ribs

Serratus dorsalis Ribs*
median dorsal line craniad

Posterior margins Anterior margins of

Pulls the ribs
External intercostal of the vertebral the succeeding
ribs vertebral ribs

Internal intercostal Margins of the vertebral and sternal ribs Lower the ribs

Epaxial muscles of
the thorax

The muscles of the upper arm

Triceps brachii (3
heads): Scapula, from the
axillary border
Long head

Greater tuberosity
Lateral head
of the humerus
Great extensors of
Dorsal surface of the forearm
Medial head
the humerus

Fascia on the lower

Epitrochlearis or part of the medial
extensor antibrachii surface of the long
head of the triceps

Biceps brachii Glenoid fossa

Ventral and lateral Flexor of the

Radius and ulna
Brachialis surface of the forearm

The muscles of the thigh

Tensor fasciae latae Ilium In the fascia Tightens the fascia

Biceps femoris (2
heads): Neural spines of
adjacent By a tendon on the
Abductor of the
Smaller anterior vertebrate knee-cap and on
thigh and flexor of
head the fascia of the
the shank
Larger posterior
Ischial tuberosity

Gluteus maximus Fascia of the Third trochanter Abducts the thigh

sacrum and part of
the ilium

Crest and anterior

Gluteus medius Greater trochanter
part of the ilium

Greater trochanter
dorsal to the
Vastus lateralis
insertion of the
gluteus medius

Greater trochanter
Vastus intermedius and surface of the

Ilium and the

fascia lata and is
Rectus femoris fused with the
fibers of the tensor
fasciae latae

Tibia and the

patella and the
Powerful extension
Vastus medialis Femur tendon which
of the shank
extends over the

Adductor of the
thigh, rotator of
Sartorius Inguinal ligament Tibia
the thigh, extensor
of the shank

Fascia of the distal

portion of the thigh
Adductor of the
Gracilis Pubic symphysis and proximal
portion of the

Adductor longus
(anterior muscle)
Various parts of the Adductor of the
and adductor Femur
ischium thigh
magnus (posterior

Medial condyle of
Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity
the tibia

Fascia over the Flexor of the shank

Gracilis in the
Semimembranosus biceps and ischial
fascia of the shank

Lateral condyle
Tibialis anterior and tuberosity of Second metatarsal
the tibia Flexor of the foot

Peroneus Tibia and fibula Metatarsals

Lateral and medial Tendon of Achilles Extensor of the

Gastrocnemius condyles of the foot
femur and tibia

Soleus Head of the fibula

Plantaris Lateral condyle of

the femur

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