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Presented By-
Babandeep Kaur Jaggi
• The concept of citizenship can be traced to the Greek city state
Athens- there the people were divided into two classes, citizens
and slaves. But in modern times the distinction between people
are made -citizens and aliens.
• Citizens enjoys the status of an individual as a full and responsible
member of political community.
• There are two kinds of citizens : natural citizens and naturalised
• Citizenship implies full membership of a community
• Citizenship implies two way relationship between individual and
the state- one must fulfil his duties and obligations towards the
state and the state grants him civil, political and social rights.
What do you mean by theories?
 A theory is a formal idea or set of ideas that is
intended to explain something .
 Theory is a rational abstract or generalizing
thinking, or the results of such thinking.
Depending on the context, the results might for
example include generalized explanations about
nature, how a concept functions etc.
 One modern group of meanings emphasizes the
speculative and generalizing nature of theory.
Theories of Citizenship
1. Liberal theory
2. Communitarian theory
3. Marxist theory
4. Pluralist theory
5. Global government and citizenship
Liberal theory of Citizenship
 The evolution- in the 17 century and its major
concepts are based on the legal theories
developed in the Roman Empire.
 Based on an evolutionary process in which
political and social rights follow after civil rights.
Therefore, called evolutionary theory of
 According to the theory individuals come
together to decide the terms of association and is
counter to the idea of class division in the society
 It lays emphasizes on the enjoyment of rights
regarded as crucial for individual autonomy.
 These rights are originally civic rights, with
increasing emphasis on political rights.
 Liberals recognize that citizens have certain
obligations, such as obedience to the law and
payment of taxes, which are essential to maintain
the state.
 According the theory scope of law and government
should be minimized to maximize the sphere of
individual liberty .
 This theory is too optimistic
 Burdens cannot be equally distributed since if
somebody is getting something for free
somebody else has to pay for it.
 Absolute equality may lead lead to no
competition in the society thus resulting
inefficientness in the society
Communitarian theory of Citizenship
 The communitarian approach argues that
citizens are not dispersed individuals, but each of
them is the unit of a community, unlike the liberal
 The relations, therefore, define participation of
citizens with each other and with the
communities to which they belong
 Also known as the ‘Republic theory of Citizenship’
and insists a strong bond between individual an

 A citizen should identify himself with his

community and take active part in the political
 Due to this participation only he can work
towards attaining a common goal
 An individual can become a citizen in a true
sense only by assimilating with the culture,
traditions, beliefs and the sentiments of the
 Suitable to only a small, homogeneous
society with common culture and common
 General will is suppose to cover the individual
will of the citizens but , it is not possible in
today’s complex society.
 Does not include the perspective of citizens as
individuals since the view of the state is
Marxist theory of Citizenship
 This theory treats the rights associated with
citizenship as the product of class conflict ,the
class has to win these rights for themselves.
 Three major issues are raised by Anthony
Giddens in this concern are-
o Society is made up of different sections of people
and underprivileged have attained their
citizenship through struggle and by tilting the
power on their side , therefore equal disrtribution
should be discouraged.
o According to Giddens citizenship is the product of
social movements. The varying strength of the
movements decide the benefits given to the citizens.
o Giddens also identified two types of citizenship
a) Individual freedom and equality before the law
signify those types of rights which are won through
b) Economic civil rights signify those rights for which
working class and trade unions went against the
power system
 The type of struggles prevalent in the 19
century when this theory was applied, not
applicable in the modern times.
 In the present times it has become very
important to maintain a structure of liberal
democracy , which is not possible according to
this theory.
 The intensity and types of social movements
have changed over a period of time.
Pluralist theory of Citizenship
 Pluralist theory of citizenship treats the
development of citizenship as a complex and
multi-dimensional process.
 It insists on inquiring into all types of factors
because of which we require citizenship like
discrimination on grounds of race , religion etc
 This theory does not provide a fixed
framework for the analysis of citizenship.
 Demands that the problem of citizenship
should be sorted in light of all social
movement as they give new direction to the
 It largely deals with the ever expanding scope
of citizenship and its implication in the
modern scenario.
 The theory in its self only is a process of
 Since it is a multi-dimensional process ,it
cannot be attributed to a single cause
 It only tends to focus in one direction
neglecting the role of diverse factors
responsible for any cause or development.
 It may also tend to leave some primary
aspects of an issue since it is a complex
Global Government
 Global Government is the notion of a single
common political authority for all of humanity.
 Its modern conception is rooted in European
history, particularly in the philosophy of ancient
Greece, in the political formation of the Roman
 As of 2012[, there is no functioning global
international military, executive, legislature,
judiciary, or constitution, with jurisdiction over
the entire planet. While the United Nation exists,
its authority is limited to a mostly advisory role.
Global Citizenship
 World citizenship begins with an acceptance of the
oneness of the human family and the
interconnectedness of the nations .
 It implies the suppression of cultural diversity, the
abolition of national autonomy, nor the imposition of
 World citizenship encompasses the principles of
social and economic justice, both within and
between nations; equality of the sexes; racial,
ethnic, national and religious harmony; and the
willingness to sacrifice for the common good.
 The raising interest in citizenship and its
implications in society is caused by emerging
political events, academic debates and policy
 The propagation of the theories discussed
depends upon the kind of state and population.
 Any theory it may be citizenship remains integral
since its core purpose is to secure a status for the
THANK YOU !!!!!!

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