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General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE

R.S Mabunga (2003)


1. The United Nations has declared the Decade 2001-2010 as ___________

a. International Decade for Human Rights Education
b. International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World.
c. International Decade for Peace and Tolerance
d. International Decade for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

2. Which of the following best describes the concept of peace?

a. It is the absence of physical/direct and indirect(structural, social, ecological) violence
b. Peace is the absence of war.
c. Peace is the absence of war and terrorism
d. Peace is the absence of social injustice and discrimination

3. The following are generally accepted principles in peace education EXCEPT

a. Tolerance
b. Nonviolence
c. Economic inequities
d. Respect for life

4. To be relevant and effective, schools in the 21st century need to cope the challenges and opportunities of a
complex and rapidly changing world. Which of the following characteristics is urgently needed?
a. Global perspective
b. Future oriented
c. Interdisciplinary approach
d. All of the above

5. The United Nations has declared every February 21 of the year as

a. International Mother Language Day
b. International Women’s Day
c. International Day for Tolerance
d. International Teachers Day

6. In the light of continuous internal and external conflicts in the world, which among the “pillars of
education” for the 21st century has emerged as crucial?
a. Learning to know c. Learning to love together
b. Learning to do d. learning to be

7. The following sites in the Philippines EXCEPT one have been declared as UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
a. Tubbataha Reef c. Vigan
b. For Barouqe Churches d. Batanes Islands

8. The present secretary general of the United Nations is _____________.

a. Federico Mayor
b. Kofi Annan
c. Boutrous-Boutrous Gali
d. Kurt Weldheim

9. To educate for tolerance and international understanding, the following concepts are considered desirable
and relevant EXCEPT
a. Ethnic loyalty
b. Cultural relevance
c. Pluralism
d. Interdisciplinary approach

10. Which of the following describe sustainable development?

a. Education for sustainable future
b. Education for the protection and preservation of the environment
c. Refers to the capacity of the present generation to meet their own needs without compromising the
needs of the future generations.
d. It is campaign addressing the environmental problems in the 21 st century

11. According to the Delor’s Report on Education for the 21 st Century, which of the following is relevant in the
pillar “learning to live together”?
General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE
R.S Mabunga (2003)

a. Tolerance
b. Stereotyping
c. Regionalism
d. Extreme Nationalism and patriotism

12. The following best describes development education.

a. Education for human development.
b. Education addressing the issues of poverty and distribution for wealth.
c. Education which give emphasis on interdependence of natios.
d. All of the above

13. The following EXCEPT one are characteristics of human rights

a. Universal
b. Interdependent
c. Alienable
d. Inherent

14. Which of the following are concepts/principles relevant to environmental education?

a. Balance of nature and interdependence
b. Use of inorganic fertilizers
c. Rapid urbanization
d. Infiniteness of resources

15. War, torture, genocide, murder and homicide are examples of __________.
a. Structural violence
b. Ecological violence
c. Physical violence
d. Socio-cultural violence

16. The following are accepted principles in promoting gender equally EXCEPT
a. Discrimination in education
b. Equality before the law
c. Equal employment opportunities
d. Freedom from violence

17. The year 2001 has been marked by the terrorist attacks in the World Trade Center and Pentagon. What
organization was responsible for such attacks?
a. The Abu Sayyaf
b. The Khmer Rogue
c. The Al Qaeda
d. The Patriots

18. The effectively promote the rights of women in the Philippines, which of the following
legislations/measures addresses physical violence against women?
a. The Sexual Harassment Law
b. Declaring March 8 as a National Women’s Day
c. Establishment of Day Care Centers in every Barangay
d. Representation of women in Social Security System

19. Discrimination, poverty, social injustice and powerlessness are examples of

a. Physical violence
b. Structural violence
c. Ecological violence
d. Direct violence

20. The United Nations has declared the Year 2002 as

a. International Year of the Celebration of Cultural Heritage
b. International Year for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace
c. International Year of Volunteerism
d. International Year of the Indigenous People.

21. Te ensures effective learning for a culture of peace, human rights and global education, which of the
following measures has to be demonstrated?
a. A war does not happen because graduates know how to resolve conflict nonviolently.
b. A child does not die because graduates are effectively eradicating poverty.
General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE
R.S Mabunga (2003)

c. A spirit not crushed because graduates respect human dignity.

d. All of the above

22. Which of the following best describes globalization?

a. It refers to the internationalization of trade and investment
b. It refers to the globalization of goods and money in terms of privatization, liberalization and
c. It is the movement of money, goods, information and people across nations made possible by the rapid
advances in communication and travel
d. It is about the creation of a global and borderless world- economically, politically and socio-culturally.

23. Promotion of a culture peace is one of the main thrusts of the present government. Which agency of the
government is in charge of such task?
a. The Armed Forces of the Philippines
b. The Philippine National Police
c. The Office of the President Adviser on Peace Process
d. The Commission on Human Rights

24. In 1992 a United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
to address the environmental problems in the world. Since then governments in the world have worked
towards a common end of attaining sustainable development. What is the primary basis of the program
action of the governments in the world to address environmental problems?
a. Environment for the 21st Century
b. AGENDA 21
c. Ecology 21
d. Earth Summit

25. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what are the three (3) fundamental universal
human rights?
a. Life, dignity, and self development
b. Life, liberty and property
c. Life, dignity and security
d. Life, liberty and security


1. The United Nations has declared the Year 2003 as

a. International Year for a Culture of Peace
b. International Year of Fresh Water
c. International Year for Tolerance
d. International Year for Human Rights

2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on

a. March 10, 1948
b. February 10,1948
c. December 10,1948
d. November 10, 1948

3. The World Summit for Sustainable Development last year was held in
a. Johannesburg, South Africa
b. Bangkok, Thailand
c. Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia
d. New York, USA

4. In the historical evolution of human rights, which rights are fairly recent?
a. Civil and Political Rights
b. Economic Rights
c. Cultural Rights
d. Right to peace and development

5. In the area of sustainable development, the Philippines is making headway in terms of

a. Recovery of forest cover
b. Safeguard on air pollution
c. Effective management of wastes
General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE
R.S Mabunga (2003)

d. Minimize the adverse effects of climate change

6. India and Pakistan engaged in a nuclear bomb testing as tensions intensified over a long disputed region
which is
a. Kashmir c. Lebanon
b. Kosovo d. Tibet

7. What important world celebration is being held every September 8?

a. International Women’s Day
b. International Human Rights Day
c. International Literacy Day
d. World Environment Day

8. The Human Development Index of the United Nations development Program (UNDP) measures the
a. Poverty incidence of nations
b. Longevity rate, educational attainment, per capita income
c. Educational attainment, per capita income, poverty incidence
d. Gender participation, longevity, poverty incidence

9. The primary reason for suspension of execution through lethal injection in year 2000 in the Philippine was
a. Year 2000 was International Year for Peace and Jubilee Year
b. Due to the impeachment trial of the former President Estrada
c. Due to the advocacy of the Catholic Church
d. The Philippine Congress has repealed the Death Penalty Law

10. The following are themes for building a culture of peace EXCEPT
a. Dismantling the culture of violence and war
b. Living with justice and compassion
c. Active harmony within among cultures
d. None of the above

11. Structural violence, socio-cultural violence and ecological violence are manifestations of
a. Direct violence
b. Physical violence
c. Indirect form of violence
d. Negative peace

12. The following are the Pillars of Education for the 21 st Century according to the Delor’s Report EXCEPT
a. Learning to value c. Learning to be
b. Learning to do d. Learning to live together

13. Which of the following is the manifestation of structural violence in the personal level?
a. Powerlessness c. Drug Abuses
b. Alienation d. Over Consumption

14. The following is an example of physical violence in the global level.

a. Nuclear war c. Conventional Wars
b. Human rights abuse d. All of the Above

15. The following are manifestation of socio-cultural violence EXCEPT

a. Prejudice c. Religious Intolerance
b. Racism d. None of the above

16. What does the “presumption of innocence” mean in so far a s human rights is concerned?
a. A suspect is considered guilty unless proven otherwise
b. A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty
c. A suspect has the rights to remain silent
d. A suspect has the right to legal counsel

17. Which of the following events in the last century has the most far-reaching political implication for the 21st
a. Cloning of human beings and animals
b. Nuclear proliferation in Asia
c. The effect of globalization in trade
d. The effects of innovation in information technology
General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE
R.S Mabunga (2003)

18. In the light of conflicts in Israel and Pales tine, North and South Korea, Pakistan and India, which among the
Pillars of Education for the 21st Century is crucial?
a. Learning to live together
b. Learning to know
c. Learning to be
d. Learning to do

19. In Human rights, which among the following issues are considered as important in the Philippine setting?
a. Death penalty
b. Legalizing abortion and divorce
c. Allowing same sex marriage
d. All of the above

20. In sustainable development, the following are considered as problematic EXCEPT

a. Waste management c. Extinction of Species
b. Pollution d. All of the above

21. Over-consumption is a manifestation of __________ form of violence in peace education

a. Direct/physical c. Ecological
b. Structural d. Socio-cultural

22. Who is the world renowned business strategist who predicted the end of the nation-state?
a. Bill Gates c. Francis Fukuyama
b. Kenichi Ohmae d. Alvin Toffler

23. Economic growth is not equivalent to development because

a. Economic growth does not guarantee equitable distribution income
b. Development includes reduction in the levels of poverty and unemployment
c. Peace, human rights and gender equally are all part of development
d. All of the above

24. The following are major trends in the world EXCEPT

a. From male dominance to woman empowerment
b. From nation-state to co-operation of nations
c. From market-driven economy to government control
d. From Western influence to Asian way
25. Which of the following best describes globalization?
a. It involves movement of money, goods, information and people across the nation
b. It is limited to the movement of goods from one country to another
c. Globalization is only for y=the industrialized developed nations
d. Globalization is working positively among the developing nations.
General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE
R.S Mabunga (2003)

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