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“The Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary based on comic puppet Wayang

A. Background

B. Research Problem Statement

C. Problem Solving

D. The Reason for Choosing the Topic

English vocabulary is one of the sub skills which have been possessed by the
students, because when the students, listening, speaking, reading, and writing English
the students will not understand if they do not know the vocabulary itself.

E. Limitation of the Topic

The writer limits the Research on the topic, “The Effectiveness of Teaching English
Vocabulary based on Comic Puppet “Wayang Golek”. In this case, the writes tries to
explain about teaching vocabulary by using Comic Puppet “Wayang Golek”.
1. Vocabulary
The vocabulary will teach in this research is about adjective, especially the
character of Pandawa Lima.
2. Students
The subject of the research is Elementary school at Pasirjambu Bandung

F. Research Objectives and Benefits

1. Benefits

G. Hypotheses and Research Question

1. Hypotheses
2. Research Question
What is teaching English vocabulary using Comic Puppet “Wayang Golek”
improve student’s achievement than without using it?

H. Clarification of used Terms

1. Effectiveness
Erlendsson (2002) defines effectiveness as: the extent to which objectives are
met (‘doing the right things’).( That means
the degrees to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted
problems are solved.
2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the group of words that a person or group of people knows how to
use. Your vocabulary is all the words you know and use regularly. It is simply the
words of a language.

3. Pandawa Lima
Pandawa Lima is names of five brothers from Pandu Dewanata’s son who are in
the puppet story (Wayang Golek). They are Yudistira, Bina, Arjuna, Nakula and

I. Research Methodology
1. Research method
The title of this research is The Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary
Based on the Educational of Pandawa Lima’s Characteristics. So, the writer uses
quantitative method to obtain.
2. Instruments
For obtaining the data the instruments those are used:
a. Observation
It is the first stage of gathering data in the field for the research. The writer
just observes to the school and asks permission to them.
b. Free Test
It is the second stage of gathering data to compare with the other data.
c. Treatment
It is the third stage of gathering data to apply the technique to the students.
There are five meetings for the writer and students.
d. Post Test
It is the last stage of gathering data to get the result.
3. Population
The research will do in Junior High School located around Pasirjambu-Bandung,
West Java. Therefore the population is taken from there. The populations are all
students from first grade at SMP Negeri 1 Pasirjambu-Bandung, West Java.
4. Sample
The sample that is used in the research is random sampling, with purposive
sampling method. It means that the school has given that class to the students, so
the writer does not any choice.
5. Research Procedure
a. Identification of the phenomenon to be studied
b. Identification of the participant in the study
c. Generation of assumption
d. Data collection
e. Data analysis
f. Drawing conclusion

J. Research Report Organization

The result of this study is represented in five chapters. There are as follows:
1. Chapter I
In this chapter the study will covers the background of study; research problem
statement; the reason for choosing the topic; limitation of the problem, research
objectives and benefits; assumption, research question and research hypothesis;
definition of term; research methodology; and research report organization.
2. Chapter 2
This chapter of study covers the analysis of hypothesis and previous researcher
relevant to study definition of small group technique in teaching reading
3. Chapter 3
This chapter consist of research method; population and sample; data collecting;
data processing; and analysis technique.
4. Chapter 4
This chapter describes the data collected, analyzing the data, and research result
5. Chapter 5
In this chapter will give conclusion and suggestion of research.

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