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Heart Rate Variability assessment is a

new feature in Welltory app
8 May 2017

All posts / Health / News / Stress

Welltory, an app that lets people measure their stress and energy with the help
of their smartphone cameras, now features detailed breakdowns of your heart
rate variability measurements – HRV assessment.

What makes this news so great?

Welltory helps people to adjust their lifestyles so they can be healthier and
more productive. The app lets to measure their stress & energy levels, as well
as plug in 100+ data sources in order to track correlations between di!erent
lifestyle factors (like sleep, nutrition, and exercise) and changes in energy and
stress. In Welltory stress & energy parameters are calculated with the help of
heart rate variability algorithms. Heart rate variability (HRV) is an analysis of
time lapsed between heart beats, which tends to vary depending on how
healthy you are. Higher variability means your body is better equipped to
handle the stressors you encounter on a daily basis. Variability re"ects the
state of your autonomic nervous system and is frequently used in #elds like
healthcare and professional sports.

Here’s what heart rate variability (HRV) is:

Each measurement entails a number of di!erent parameters. The average

person won’t be able to understand how to interpret them properly.

Here’s how much data a heart rate variability measurement can generate:

There are a number of devices that let people measure heart rate variability
(Polar or Zephyr, for example). There are also services that give people details
about HRV measurements, like EliteHRV and Firstbeat.

But with Welltory, you will get a detailed breakdown of your HRV measurement
along with explanations about what these parameters mean for you personally.
It is a real HRV assessment. We included all of the parameters scientists use
to analyze people’s health (from both temporal and spectral analysis) and
added explanations next to each one. In order to integrate this new feature,
Welltory specialists went through heaps of research on correlations between
HRV and di!erent systems in the human body.

Now, Welltory new feature – HRV assessment – provides users with an in-
depth picture of their health & wellness for every HRV measurement.

Measurement results before used to be limited to stress & energy parameters,

which helped users understand how their body responds to stressors and
recovers. Now, each measurement comes with a detailed breakdown that
explains what’s going on with their bodies.* (see Medical Disclaimer below).

Why do people need this?

In HRV assessment, you’ll be able to see key HRV parameters and #nd out what
the numbers mean for you personally.

Watch this video about what happens during a measurement:

To get your health details in the iOS or Android version of the app, tap the plus
sign on the bottom of the measurement, add your blood pressure to the
measurement, then select “Measurement details.”

You’ll see an in-depth explanation of what’s happening with your body across
the following categories:

1) Your heart

Here, you can #nd out how well your heart is working and whether or not you
should think about making a doctor’s appointment.

Example: Your heart rate variability is within the normal range. Your heart is
coping with stress well, and your body easily adapts to external stressors.

2) Your nervous system

This section will give you an idea about how tired and in need of recovery you

Example: Your recovery potential is low. Your nervous system is exhausted and
is having trouble regenerating. You might be getting sick.

3) Your sleep

This section includes parameters related to the number of hours of sleep you
got the night before.

4) Your day

Here, you’ll learn about your Total Power, level of mental stress and more.

5) A general assessment based on blood pressure

Example: These kinds of numbers are usually seen in professional athletes,

very healthy people, or people with very strong parasympathetic nervous
systems. In rare cases, really good numbers can be a sign of extreme
exhaustion or a disorder.

Clearly, these parameters and explanations are most helpful to people who
want to be productive every day.

Aside from explanations, you also see digital values for your parameters and
where they fall compared to average numbers (the norm).

HRV assessment for measurements are available in the free version of the app.
Adding blood pressure data within an hour of taking the measurement will give
you more detailed insights. The measurement will also be more accurate if you
use a heart rate monitor, since your phone camera makes calculations based
on 100 beats, while heart rate monitors use 300. Extended version of Welltory
with paid tari! will provide even more details, since users will be able to plug in
sleep data to app.

Get your general diagnosis with Welltory – Android version – iOs version

Why is this important for the mHealth market?

Welltory currently has the biggest database of HRV measurements in the world
(350,000+ measurements). It’s a great opportunity to analyze data and search
for correlations between lifestyle factors, health and productivity.

We’ve made another big step forward by adding the most detailed HRV
breakdown available completely free of charge to anybody with a smartphone

There are a lot of HRV solutions on the market, but none of them have
explanations for key parameters with understandable for everybody
breakdown. EliteHRV, for example:

There are also customized reports, like Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment, but such
reports are expensive and aren’t signi#cantly more detailed than Welltory.
Considering that this is an automated and free service, HRV assessment is a big
step forward that promotes HRV as a health assessment method and makes it
more accessible.

“We are #rst on the market to attempt to explain heart rate variability for
everybody in simple terms like natural daily self-assessment,” says Welltory’s
co-founder and R&D director Jane Smorodnikova.

Another unique feature of heart rate variability analysis is that it’s completely
non-invasive. You don’t have to get bloodwork done or hand over DNA
samples. Plus, all you need to take a measurement is an inexpensive heart rate
monitor or your phone camera. It’s almost like this method was custom-made
for digital solutions – it can be applied to a wide range of helpful services.

Thanks to these new features, we can get a more in-depth picture of what’s
happening with our bodies and the steps we can take to boost our energy and

Get your general diagnosis with Welltory – Android version – iOs version

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided by Welltory does not constitute a medical diagnosis. It is

not a suggestion to self-medicate or ignore recommendations from healthcare
professionals. It is also not a replacement for a consultation with a healthcare


The table below lists all of Welltory’s HRV parameters in case the user wants to
analyze them independently or show them to a healthcare professional.

Title Measurement indicator

Basic vital signs

Heart rate, bpm heart rate

Systolic blood pressure, mmHg systolic

Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg diastolic

Temporal HRV analysis indicators

Mean RR, ms meanrr

MxDMn, s MxDMn



pNN50, % pnn50

Moda, ms Mode

AMo, % AMo

Spectral HRV analysis indicators

HF, ms^2 hf

HF share, % hf / hf+lf+vlf

LF, ms^2 lf

LF share, % lf / hf+lf+vlf

VLF, ms^2 vlf

VLF share, % vlf / hf+lf+vlf

Total Power, ms^2 hf+lf+vlf

LF/HF lf/hf

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