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‫בראשית‬ ‫בס"ד‬

All the isms which are anti-Torah and anti-Hashem began when the
‫ אור‬of ‫ משיח‬started to sprout- ‫ אדם( נעשה אדם‬is the acronym ‫) אדם דוד משיח‬.
The real ‫ כפירה‬in the world was with the creation of man - ameba,
evolution and ‫ לשון הרע‬on Hashem (evolution is evil loshen), which all
began when Hashem said ‫נעשה אדם‬, as if there is something or someone
beside Hashem. The Mittle Rebbi of Chabad said on the words
‫משה איש ענו מכל האדם‬, that this refers to when Moshe saw our generation,
with all the tests, and he was humbled -
‫=מכל האדם אשר על פני האדמה‬936=‫עקבתא דמשיחא‬. The ‫ ראשית‬is the first
or the elite. The yidden, the Torah, the ‫בהמ"ק‬, Moshe, and the ‫ משיח‬are all
‫ראשית‬, however most of the Parsha is talking of ‫ חטא‬and ‫ עונש‬which leads
to Hashem being “sad”- ‫ויתעצב‬, and regrets having created the world.
‫ בראשית‬begins with a ‫ב‬, which stands for ‫ברכה‬, but ‫ אדם חוה קין‬and the
‫ אדמה‬are became cursed.

The Vilna Goan says that all the Torah and all the mitzvos, and all the
history of the world, are included in ‫בראשית‬- ‫ ברא שית‬that Hashem
created the 6,000 years. The ‫ מגלה עמוקות‬says there are 6 Alephs in the
first pasuk of the Chumash, - ‫ בראשית ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ‬and
the word ‫ בראשית‬has six letters, which represents the 6,000 years. We are
now in the sixth Aleph – ‫הארץ‬. Breishis is the ‫ ראש‬of the laining and the
Chumash, but we always read the Parsha at the end of Tishrei. After the
elevated time of ‫ ר"ה יה"כ‬and Sukkos, we now feel a ‫ירידה‬, and the root of
all depression, ‫ יתעצב‬begins in this Parsha. We are now entering into the
month of ‫מרחשון‬, a bitter and empty month.

The Midrash says that the whole world was created for ‫ משיח‬-
‫רוח אלקים מרחפת‬. The ‫ רוח‬of ‫ משיח‬was already here.The ‫תהו ובהו וחשך ותהום‬
refer to the ‫ארבע מלכיות‬, and the pasuk ‫ים יהי אור ויהי אור‬-‫ ויאמר אלה‬refers
to the light of ‫ מלך המשיח‬-‫=את האור כי טוב‬660=‫ אור מלך המשיח‬.
Mashiach is here at the beginning of creation, since the purpose of
creation is to reveal the ‫משיח‬. It says in ‫לב‬:‫ ישעיה י‬-
‫ויצא חטר מגזע ישי ונצר משרשיו יפרע‬, where the branch from the root refers
to ‫ משיח‬- ‫=בראשית ברא אלקים‬1202=‫ונצר משרשיו‬. This is the root, and
every ‫ר"ה‬, we meet ‫ בראשית – משיח‬are the letters ‫א בתשרי‬. Adam was the
‫ נשמה‬of ‫משיח‬. Every ‫ ר"ה‬we come back to the ‫קדם‬. The Targum of ‫בראשית‬
is ‫בקדמין‬. The ‫ שטן‬attacks as soon as the ‫ חגים‬end. After we reached ‫קדם‬,

we have a ‫נפילה‬, where the Satan cools us off and makes us feel that
nothing happened. The ‫ נחש‬wants to kill ‫ אדם‬who is ‫משיח‬. The ‫נחש‬
prevented the world from reaching its tikun. Kain was a result of the
‫ זהומת הנחש‬that was instilled in Chava by the snake -
‫ובא הנחש על חוה והטיל בא זהומה‬. Just as the ‫ נחש‬was jealous of Adam and
wanted Chava for himself, ‫ קין‬was jealous of Hevel. The ‫ נחש‬was sent to
prevent the ‫משיח‬, who will bring the world to the level of ‫עד דלא ידע‬,
where all will recognize that we know nothing. This feeling of ‫ ביטל‬is
what we feel on ‫הושענה רבה‬. We begin the ‫ י"ט‬of ‫ סוכות‬with a beautiful
Esrog, and the other ‫ הידור‬minim, and we are left with a smashed few
‫ ערבות‬- broken- hearted. This broken heart is our accomplishment. Hevel
means nothing – futile. After ‫ ר"ה‬and ‫יה"כ‬, we feel everything is ‫הבל‬, and
thus we reach the level of ‫קדם‬. Kain who is arrogant, kills Hevel who is
the ‫ נשמה‬of Mashiach -‫=הבל רעה צאן‬453=‫מלך המשיח‬.

Hevel was ‫ מתגלגל‬into ‫שת‬, then ‫נח‬, then ‫ משה‬and finally ‫משיח‬. The
‫ חטא עץ הדעת‬is that everything has to be known, the total opposite of
‫עד דלא ידע‬. The ‫ נחש‬instilled ‫ כפירה‬into Chava, as it says in Pasuk ‫יג‬:‫ ג‬-
‫הנחש השיאני‬, which are the letters ‫ היש אין‬found in the pasuk -
‫וה בקרבנו אים אין‬-‫היש יה‬, the doubt that the yidden fell into in the ‫מדבר‬
which led to Amalek attacking. This ‫ כפירה‬led to Kain being born who
said - ‫לית דין ולית דין‬, which is total ‫כפירה‬. After not accepting his
sacrifice, Hashem said to Kain- ‫ואתה תמשל בו‬, meaning that you Kain
have a chance to overcome your ‫ יצה"ר‬and the mida of jealousy.
However Kain chose to kill Hevel, who came back as ‫ שת‬and then ‫משה‬.
Moshe is hinted at the end of the Parsha, when the ‫ נפילים‬fell into ‫זנות‬,
and Hashem said He would give the world 120 years to do teshuva –
pasuk ‫ג‬:‫ ו‬- ‫=בשגם( בשגם הוא בשר‬345=‫ )משה‬where Hashem was going to
wipe out the ‫ דור המבול‬no matter what, since man is mere flesh, and
should humble himself before Hashem. This led to the ‫מבול‬. Moshe was
the tikun of Hevel, which means nothing, and Moshe was the most
humble person, and strives to bring a tikun to all mankind.

Breishis includes the entire history of the world up and including our
generation which is in the fiftieth level of ‫טומאה‬. Hashem will redeem us,
due to the few, as the Parsha ends "‫ונח מצא חן בעיני ה‬. Every yid feels the
‫הבל‬, like a beaten ‫ערבה‬, after ‫הושענה רבה‬. Then comes Kain who tries to
instill depression and despair in the world, and tries to prevent the ‫משיח‬
from coming. The first idol-worshipper in the world was ‫אנוש‬, the son of
‫שת‬, the grandson of Adam. After all the ‫ ירידות‬there will be a -

‫זה ינחמנו ממעשנו ומעצבון ידנו‬. A yid accomplished a tremendous amount in

Tishrei, with all the mitzvos we did, especially in such a low generation.
Even the ‫ מלאכים‬are jealous of what we accomplished in Tishrei. The ‫שטן‬
tried to trap us on ‫ר"ה‬, but because of the shofar he couldn’t, and on ‫יה"כ‬
he has no power. The four days from ‫ יה"כ‬till Sukkos every yid is
involved in preparing for ‫חג הסוכות‬, and even though it says that Sukkos
is ‫ראשון לחשבון עבירות‬, we are so involved in all the mitzvos of Sukkos,
that a yid is protected. Therefore after Sukkos the ‫ שטן‬is in full bloom,
trying to instill in us depression and despair, as we already said.

It’s now the time of ‫ראשית‬, and ‫ עם ישראל‬are very connected to ‫ראשית‬,
and so a yid has to ‫ ממשיך‬all the accomplishments he gained during Elul
and Tishrei, and continue with them into the month of ‫חשון‬, when there is
a tremendous potential to grow. The ‫ צבי לצדיק‬says that ‫ מר חשון‬are the
letters ‫רושם נח‬, the impression we made in the 58- ‫ נח‬days of Elul and
Tishrei. If we still serve Hashem with the same passion and enthusiasm
as we did in Elul and in Tishrei, then we know we accomplished great
things during those 58 days. It says at the end of the Parsha -
‫וה‬-‫ונח מצה חן בעיני יה‬, that the 58 days of Elul and Tishrei find ‫ חן‬-58 in the
eyes of Hashem. The ‫ נחש‬also has ‫ נח‬in his name, but he attempts to
instill in us a feeling that we accomplished nothing during those 58 days,
and he prompts us to get back to our usual habits, and forget all the futile
tefillos that we said. Kain killed Hevel that is, ‫ קין‬tries to kill the feeling
of humility- ‫ הבל‬that we gained after ‫ הושענה רבה‬.This humility brings a
yid to ‫שמחה‬, where if something does not go as planned, or as he would
like, this yid accepts it. Whereas ‫ קין‬is depressed, and the feeling of
haughtiness leads to depression, and everything must go his way.

From ‫הושנעה רבה‬, we come to ‫רבה רעת האדם‬. The people in the time of ‫נח‬
were steeped in immorality, a “‫ ”רבה‬sin, which led to the flood -
‫נפתחו מעינות תהום רבה‬, but the Parsha ends with "‫ונח מצא חן בעיני ה‬. Parshas
‫ בראשית‬is always ‫שבת מברכים חודש מרחשון‬. The number of pesukim in
Breishis is 146 = ‫קום‬, a message to us that we must get up and not let the
‫ שטן‬take us down. The ‫ סימן‬is ‫הו‬-‫ אמציה יחזקי‬and both words equal 146
on their own. It’s uncommon to have two words each equaling the
amount of pesukim. The message is the same- ‫חזק ואמץ‬, that we must be
strong and confident and not fall. The first ‫ בהמ"ק‬was completed in ‫חשון‬
but only dedicated the next Tishrei. The month of ‫ מרחשון‬complained,
says the ‫ילקוט שמעוני‬, and will rewarded with the dedication of the
‫ בית השלישי‬in its month. This was similar to the ‫משכן‬, which was

completed, but not dedicated in Kislev, and so ‫ כסלו‬was rewarded with

‫ חנוכה‬falling in its month.

The month of ‫ מרחשון‬is the eighth month, connected to ‫עולם השמיני‬, even
though it’s called in the ‫ נביא‬by the name ‫ירח בול‬, a month of decay. The
‫ שבט‬associated with ‫ חשון‬is ‫מנשה‬, who was the spokesman, as opposed to
Efraim, the ‫ תלמוד חכם‬who represents the month of Tishrei. Yaacov put
his right hand on Efraim’s head, even though Menashe was the ‫בכור‬. The
‫ בכור‬of Menashe will be reinstated in the future- ‫ מנשה‬is the letters ‫שמנה‬.
Menashe had to deal with the ‫ נסיונות‬of the world. In Tishrei we are like
in Gan Eden, where every yid is involved with loads of mitzvos, with
‫רוחניות‬. However in the month of ‫מרחשון‬, we deal with this low world,
which is really our purpose of being here. The goal is to take the ‫ קדושה‬of
Elul and Tishrei, where we reached ‫קדם‬, and extend it into ‫חשון‬, and turn
it into the month of the third ‫בהמ"ק‬. The ‫ ספר יצירה‬says that ‫ חשון‬was
created with the letter ‫נ‬, which could go to either extreme, and it is the
8th –‫ ח‬month, which together spell ‫נח‬. Parshas ‫ בראשית‬begins with the
‫ראשית‬, the Targum being ‫קדמין‬- the fiftieth level- ‫ שער נ‬of ‫קדושה‬, and ends
with the ‫נפילים‬, the ‫ שער נ‬of ‫טומאה‬. The ‫ נ‬fell-
‫=הנפלים היו בארץ בימים ההם‬681=‫שער הנון‬. Many ‫ צדיקים‬said that in our
time we will be revisited by the ‫ דור המבול‬once again, which is easily
seen today. However the few, find favor in Hashem’s eyes, especially
after these 58- ‫ נח‬days.

We don’t call ‫ ר"ה‬the beginning of the year, but we call it the ‫ראש‬, the
head of the year. Similarly we call ‫ר"ח‬, the head of the month. The head
includes and controls the year and the month. In the same vein, ‫ בראשית‬is
the head of the entire Chumash, which encompasses everything, since
Hashem used the Torah to create the world. The Ramban says that the six
days of creation correspond to the 6,000 years that the world will exist,
where now we are in day six, or the final millennium. The ‫ חתם ספר‬and
the Gra both say that if one could pinpoint the exact moment that Adam
was created, in the sixth day, he could calculate exactly when ‫ משיח‬will
come. ‫ויאמר אלקים נעשה אדם‬, does not only refer to the creation of Adam,
but also to the Jewish nation, who are referred to as ‫אדם‬, as opposed to
the nations who are referred to as animals. Also ‫ אדם‬refers to the ultimate
‫ נשמה‬who will perfect the world, who is ‫משיח‬. The Parsha, ‫ בריאה‬begins
with the ‫ים‬-‫=אלה‬86=‫הטבע‬, which is ‫דין‬, however ends with the tzadik-
‫וה‬-‫ונח מצא חן בעיני יה‬, with ‫רחמים‬.

This Parsha is always read after Sukkos as Tishrei comes to an end. One
would expect that after ‫ ר"ה יה"כ‬and Sukkos, when we reached such lofty
heights, we would be reading an uplifting Parsha. However when one
looks at the Parsha we can’t help seeing mostly negativity. Right after
Hashem creates Adam, we have the whole story of the ‫חטא עץ הדעת‬,
resulting in Adam being cursed, Chava being cursed, the ‫ אדמה‬being
cursed, and the ‫ נחש‬being cursed (which doesn’t bother us). We have the
curse of ‫בזעת אפיך תאכל לחם‬, and of course that man has to die, as a result
of ‫חטא עץ הדעת‬. To women, there is the curse of ‫ צער גידל בנים‬and ‫צער לידה‬
and ‫והוא ימשל בך‬. Then Adam is banished from Gan Eden, and then there
is the first murder in history when Kain kills Hevel. Then Kain is killed
by his grandson. Then there is the first idol-worshippers ‫דור אנוש‬, and
Yuval who created the first musical instrument, the harp, all for ‫ע"ז‬
(Rashi). Then there was Tuval Kain, who was the first one to invent
“weapons of mass destruction”. Rashi says he was called ‫תובל‬, since he
spiced up the occupation of Kain, as the Midrash says that Kain didn’t
know how to kill Hevel. Then the Parsha ends with the ‫ נפלים‬who
brought the world down to a state of tremendous immorality. It then
says "‫ וינחם ה‬, that Hashem has regrets, so as to speak, that he created
Adam. Finally it says ‫ויתעצב אל לבו‬, as if Hashem is depressed, as if He
is sitting Shiva on His creation. Why should we read such a sad and
depressing Parsha, especially now when we have just experienced the
highest time of the year? And this Parsha is the ‫ ראש‬of the whole ‫?חומש‬

Even before the ‫חטא עץ הדעת‬, if one looks closely, every one of the days
of creation has negativity in it. Hashem intentionally created a world
with one imperfection after another, and created a sinful immoral world.
Hashem gave room for ‫ כפירה‬and ‫אפיקורסים‬. Day number one, when
there was no greater ‫ שמחה‬than the ‫בריאה יש מאין‬, the next Pasuk says -
‫והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על פני התהום‬, that there is emptiness and darkness
and a deep abyss. The ‫ מפורשים‬say that these refer to the four ‫גליות‬, the
four empires. Here the first day includes all the suffering that the yidden
will have to go through. Day number 2, doesn’t say ‫טוב‬, because Hashem
didn’t complete what he started, which He did obviously purposely. Also
‫דים‬-‫ ש‬and ‫ מזיקים‬and Gehenom, bacteria and even ‫ מחלוקת‬was created on
‫יום שני‬. On the third day, Hashem commanded that the earth produce
trees a certain way that the fruits and the bark should taste the same, like
the esrog, as it says in pasuk ‫ עשב מזריע זרע עץ פרי עשהשה פרי למינו– יא‬..
The earth didn’t do this, as it says in the next pasuk ‫ ועץ עשה פרי‬where
Rashi says- ‫והיא לא עשתה כן‬.

On day 4, ‫ מארת‬is written w/o a ‫ו‬, as if it says curse. Rashi says that on
every Wednesday the yidden would fast so that ‫אסכרה לא תפול בתינוקות‬.
Hashem is saying now that the sun is going to bring diseases in the
world. Also the eclipses are negative signs. The ‫ ספרים‬tell us the source
of all evil is that Hashem miniaturized the moon- ‫מיעוט הירח‬, where
Hashem himself ”has to” bring a ‫ כפרה‬because of this -
‫תביא כפרה עלי על שמעטתי את הירח‬. Day number 5, has the creation of the
huge fish ‫ התנינם הגדלים‬where Rashi says that ‫ התנינם‬is w/o a ‫י‬, since it
was really just one. Hashem killed the female so that they shouldn’t mate
and destroy the world. This is certainly negativity, since Hashem could
have created each fish in different oceans, but the world did not merit
this. Day number 6, is the most outright negativity, when Hashem said
‫נעשה אדם‬. Hashem was asking advice from the ‫ מלאכים‬if He should create
man. This just shows Hashem’s tremendous humility, and teaches us a
lesson in respecting and asking advice from others. However this gave
room for the atheists to believe in more than one Hashem -
‫ – ויש מקום לאפיקורסים לרדות‬Rashi. The very next pasuk says
‫ויברא אלקים את האדם‬, shows that Hashem himself created man. This is the
very purpose of the creation to create Adam, the Jewish nation, and ‫משיח‬,
and it is here that Hashem gives room for ‫ כפירה‬to exist.

Now the big question is why did Hashem create a world with so much
negativity and sin? The simple answer is to teach man that this life is not
a bowl of cherries, and we are not here to have a good time. Hashem
wishes that we sift through all the bad in the world, and perfect the world
with our free choice. Parshas Breishis bridges the months of ‫ תשרי‬to the
month of ‫חשון‬, the month of ‫ ירח האיתנים‬to the month of ‫ירח בול‬, and our
job is to elevate ‫ מרחשון‬into ‫החודש של חנוכת בית השלישי‬.

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