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Philippine Education System Including legal basis

Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito


Directions: Read and understand each item. Then encircle the
letter of the best answer.

1. DepEd order No. 4 s. 2004 February 12 moves the evaluation

process away from using the transmutation tables towards a
performance based grading system. Which of the following
changes is not anchored on the evaluation process?
a. Redesign test-based assessment instruments
b. Give appropriate weight to the basic competencies covered in
the class
c. Design and use the transmutation tables
d. Provide a measure of what the students are actually learning

2. In 1981 the International year of Disabled Persons was

celebrated focusing on the disabled persons of their rights and
their opportunities in order to ensure their full participation and
integration to the society. Which policy / memo / law affirm in this
a. R.A 7277 c. R.A 6278
b. R.A 5250 d. R.A 6655

3. Which statement best describes the type of education during the

Spanish Era?
a. Teaching content was unstructured and incidental
b. Teaching content considered the Christian Doctrine and
ecclesiastical studies
c. Education was done through indoctrination
d. Education was done through observation and imitation

4. Mrs. Vargas, the mother of a Grade VI pupil was furious about

the failing grades of her child. What could be avoided in this
a. The teacher should inform the parent about the criteria for
b. The teacher should shout at the parent
c. The teacher should listen to the complaints of the parents
d. The teacher should be tactful
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

5. The 1987 constitution of the Philippines states that the basic

policy of the state is to maintain a complete, adequate and
integrated system of education. Which statement best describes
a. Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the
b. Train the nations man power in the higher and middle level
c. Respond effectively to the changing needs and conditions of
the nation

6. What is the overall goal of education during the New Society in

a. Development of values
b. Fitting the individual for a gainful employment
c. National socio- economic development
d. Study of Civics and Culture

7. Which examination replaced the NCEE?

a. Improved Entrance Examination Program
b. National Secondary Assessment Test
c. Summative Testing Program
d. Unified Testing Program

8. Which of the following is a value thrust the New Elementary

a. Development of a sense of nationhood
b. Extension and deepening of social concerns
c. Preservation of democratic values
d. Pursuit of higher intellectual and moral values

9. How could the teacher help achieve the goals of global

a. Distribute global education brochures to students homes
b. Help establish training centers
c. Keep students well informed of the problems of the world
d. Support he ban on nuclear weapons by organizing student

10. Concerning the purpose of education of the present society

it can be honestly said that
a. Teachers have found it impossible to implement
b. Objectives set for education have been unrealistic
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

c. There is discrepancy between mandated goals and actual

social condition
d. There is a positive direction toward actual national, personal-
socio-civic moral development.

11. Regardless of race, faith, age, status and sex, man has a
space in a world society where he is expected to interact and
share common problems. What is this thrust of the global
a. Peace of the Universe c. Ecological Balance in
b. Social justice to all races d. Worth and Dignity of the
Human Person

12. What is the major concern of non-formal education?

a. Eradication of illiteracy
b. Dislike for white collar jobs
c. Love of arts in all forms
d. Acquisition of appropriate vocational and technical skills

13. How does “Education for all” plan to make all Filipinos
literate by the year 2001?
a. Provide work to the unemployed
b. Establish more schools in all levels
c. Provide basic education for people to live and survive
d. Provide free tertiary education

14. Which of the following groups of people should the

government be more concerned in providing basic education?
a. Rural and Urban effluents
b. Disabled
c. Gifted
d. Cultural communities

15. Which of the following democratizes is access to

a. Using ones dialect in school campus
b. Freely choosing ones curricular programs
c. Enjoying state scholarships programs

16. Teacher C. Razon, a resident of Lipa, Batangas, is already a

qualified teacher, and she wants to be assigned in her barangay
school. Which acting is granting to appointment of teacher to
bonafide resident of her municipality?
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

a. R.A 8445- Expanded Government Assistance

b. R.A. 7784- Strengthening Teacher Education
c. R.A. 8190- Teacher Assignment priority
d. R.A. 8525-Adopt-A-School Program

17. Teacher Pia suffered from Hypertension. Consequently, her

speech mechanism was affected causing her to stutter. Which
would be affected if she continues teaching?
a. Devotion to Duty c. Personality
b. Punctuality d. Effectiveness

18. Mrs. Cruz was not able to finish her thesis after one year of
study leave. Still, she wanted to continue her study to leave.
Could she be allowed?
a. No, study leave should not exceed one year.
b. No, other teachers should have the chance.
c. Yes, if her grades are excellent
d. Yes, but without compensation

19. Teacher A is assigned in a rural area. Teacher B in a

depressed community; Teacher C, in a hazardous area; and
Teacher D in a place where standard of living is high. Who is
entitled to hardship allowance?
a. Teacher A c. Teacher C
b. Teacher B d. Teacher D

20. Teachers are person in authority. This means that

a. Decisions made by teacher are right
b. Teachers cannot be charged
c. Teachers have immunity from arrest
d. No person can assault a teacher

21. A teacher can contract an illness that required rest for

more than one year. Which leave should apply for?
a. Indefinite leave c. Sick leave
b. Personal leave d. Vacation leave

22. A student found guilty of assaulting his teacher. The

administrative decision was expulsion. The student contested
that expulsion as a penalty should be imposed only by the court
in judicial proceedings and not by school authorities. Is the
student’s allegation justifiable?
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

a. Yes, because students should receive consideration

b. Yes, because expulsion as a penalty belongs to the court
c. Yes, because assault is a criminal offense
d. No, since expulsion is ordinarily the punishment for such and
offense as provided for in Section 148 of the Service Manual

23. Who is considered a professional teacher?

a. An education graduate who received honors
b. A teacher who has taught for at least five years
c. A teacher who qualities for a permanent position under R.A.
d. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching

24. Teacher D tutors her own student who is slow in Math after
class hours. Is that allowable?
a. Yes, provided she receives a fee
b. Yes, provided she does not require a fee from the parent
c. No, that is unfair to other students
d. No, she should be free after her official time

25. A student belongs to the top five of the class had a heated
argument with the teacher about the lesson. Due to
embarrassment, the teacher decided to fail the student in her
subject. Is the teacher’s action ethically acceptable?
a. Yes, she has to regain her integrity
b. Yes, if the other teacher complain about the attitude of the
c. No, the student may not receive an award in the future
d. No, the student has the right to express his ideas

26. The Basic Education Curriculum has been restructured into

five learning ideas. These are
a. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Makabayan
b. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Araling Panlipuan
c. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Home Economics
d. Filipino, Science, Mathematics, English and Sibika at Kultura

27. What philosophy of education is reflected in the curriculum

during the Republic?
a. Idealism c. Pragmatism
b. Humanism d. Realism
28. Teacher Lorna Reyes much eager to finish her M.A.
education. Which R.A. provides scholarship grants to both
students and teacher program?
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

a. R.A. 7784- Strengthening Teachers Education

b. R.A. 6728- Assistance to students and teachers on private
c. R.A. 8445- Expanded Government Assistance
d. R.A. 8625- Adopt-A-School Program

29. After taking the final examination, Pio obtained a fourth

grading mark of 72 in Mathematics subject. Based on the
guidelines of the new performance- based grading system, what
is the passing mark this year? Did she pass the subject?
a. 75 instead of 70
b. 72 instead of 75
c. 70 instead of 75
d. 73 instead of 75

30. The basic education curriculum has been restructured due

to the following reasons except one. Which one is NOT?
a. To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
b. To become globally competitive during this industrial age
c. To empower the Filipino learners for self-development
throughout their life
d. To help raise the achievement level of students


Directions: Read each item carefully. Then encircle the letter of the best

1. Not all Grade I pupils have not gone through preschool experiences. To
improve the quality of education what did the Bureau of Elementary
Education do to enrich and align with the BEC?
a. Curriculum Development Division revised the 9 week ECE
b. CDD required I teachers to attend the training on the utilization of
the enhanced 8 week ECE Curriculum
c. The training of the teachers should be done
d. ECD coordinators will conduct the training

2. What was the characteristic of Philippine education during the

American Regime?
a. Emphasis on Agriculture
b. Embodiment of democratic ideas
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

c. Enforcement of public education

d. Influenced by the Christian Faith

3. Which was stressed in the curriculum during the Japanese occupation?

a. Military training
b. Performing arts
c. Vocational training
d. Classroom guidance

4. What was the purpose of the Monroe survey?

a. To survey unschooled population
b. To evaluate the educational system
c. To investigate the efficiency of the Text Book Board
d. To determine the irregularities committed by the school officials

5. Which should be the National Motto of all Filipinos?

a. Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao at Makabansa
b. Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa
c. Maka-Diyos, Maka-masa, Makakalikasan at Makabansa
d. Maka-masa, Maka-Diyos at Maka-bansa

6. The continuous appraisal of the existing curriculum in all levels at any

particular time responds effectively to the
a. Economic status of the people
b. Political thrust of the country
c. Changing needs and conditions of society
d. New National policies of the government

7. Which is not a feature of the program of reforms in the NESC?

a. Fewer learning areas
b. Focus on humanity and nationhood
c. More time for the 3 R’s
d. Using work activities as core of learning experiences of all subject

8. Character building activities in the daily program of the NESC focus on

a. Health, moral and spiritual values
b. Free religious instruction
c. Basic work skills
d. Relationships of man and government

9. Which is an operational definition of bilingual education?

a. Use of vernacular as a medium of instruction in definite subject
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

b. Use of Filipino as a medium of instruction in Grade I and English

from Grade II upward
c. Separate use of Filipino and English as medium of instruction in
definite subject area
d. Use of English as auxiliary medium of instruction in the intermediate
grades and in high school

10. The mission of Elementary School is

a. Relevant quality education
b. An effective and efficient teacher
c. Modern and up-to-date methods and materials
d. An enlightened disciplined, productive and productive citizenry.

11. How should education view the global society?

a. Global society gives priority to problems of war
b. Global society should be interacting and interdependent with each
c. Global society bans ecological balance
d. Global society abhors nuclear proliferation

12. Which is an example of democratic education?

a. Free books and materials
b. Preservation of one’s culture
c. Free compulsory basic education
d. Selective courses for the public schools

13. Which is the main instrument of the state for the achievement of
its educational goals?
a. Formal education c. Elementary education
b. Non-formal education d. Higher education

14. Which characterized best the education of the elementary level?

a. Man and universal
b. Exclusive and Selective
c. Specialized and vocation-oriented
d. Work-oriented

15. Teacher E got afflicted with tuberculosis. What benefits can be

avail of?
a. Free medical examination
b. Free medical treatment
c. Free medical examination and treatment
d. Free medical examination, treatment and sick leave with pay.
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

16. Mrs. Concepcion was about to go on leave. Which record need

not be turned over to her successor?
a. Form 137 c. Class Record
b. Form 138 d. Registration Form

17. After the Final Assessment of Grade VI pupils, Mrs. Portez found
out that her 15 pupils are low achievers. She plans to maximize her
vacation time. What can she apply for to conduct a remedial
instruction just to assists her low achieving pupils?
a. She is eligible for the grant of vacation service credits
b. She can organize a remedial instruction for her pupils
c. She can conduct a peer tutoring class
d. She can apply for an additional remuneration or compensation for
her remedial instruction.

18. Mrs. Bueno was asked by her principal to teach other classes in
addition to her regular six hour load. What will be the basis of her
additional compensation?
a. Basic salary
b. Regular salary plus 25% of her basic pay
c. Number of years in service
d. Performance rating

19. A group of teachers expressing their protest about the delay of

benefits due them finally decided to hold a rally. Which is the best
course of action?
a. Hold rally while on official time
b. Hold rally outside their official time
c. Hold rally if the principal goes with them
d. Hold rally if the parents and students sympathize with them

20. A head teacher in the private Elementary school wants to avail of

the rights stipulated in R.A. 4670, Is her claim legal?
a. Yes, he is already a head teacher
b. Yes, if he is eligible
c. No, he is not a public school teacher
d. No, if her school can afford those benefits.

21. When can teachers be forced to work in assignments not related

to their duties?
a. When render probation
b. When found inefficient
c. When lacking in educational qualification
d. When compensated in conformity with existing laws
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

22. Principal A is exercising powers over making and promoting

students. Is his action acceptable?
a. No, grading and promoting students are exclusive functions of
b. No, teachers are more knowledgeable of their students’
c. Yes, when here is abuse of judgment on the part of the teacher
d. Yes, when the teacher cannot make decisions on time

23. A teacher fell in love with his students. What is the best thing
that he can do?
a. Court the student at home
b. Wait till the student no longer her tutelage
c. Propose and marry the student
d. Act normally as if nothing the student does not exist

24. Mr. Reyes an elementary teacher was charged administratively.

Who shall hear his care initially?
a. Court of Appeals
b. Principal of his school
c. Committee chaired by the Superintendent of his Division
d. Committee chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Education

25. School personnel can avail of free legal service under certain
circumstances. Principal X was accused by her neighbor for maligning
him (the neighbor). Can Principal X be entitled the said service?
a. Yes, she should defend herself
b. No, the case is not related to her professional duties
c. No, it might bring someone disagreements in school
d. No, if funds are not available

26. The Basic education curriculum was restricted due to the

following reasons. Which one is NOT?
a. Curriculum should be relevant and responsive to the rapidly
changing world
b. The quality of education is deteriorating
c. To empower the learner for self-development throughout his life
d. To raise the achievement level of learners

27. The competencies in the basic education curriculum are

arranged hierarchically based on the ability, interest, and needs of
Filipino learners. What philosophy of education was made as basis for
Philippine Education System Including legal basis
Dr.Carmelina E. Barrera, Dr. Estrella P. Mercado & Dr. Nanette C. Narito

a. Idealism c. Essentialism
b. Humanism d. Realism

28. The President who espoused the nation’s rallying cry of

“Philippine 2000” causing the turn- around of an economy that was
deteriorating. His aim was “To transform the society, thus , Philippine
education must itself be transformed” Whose goal is this?
a. Pres. C. Aquino
b. Pres. F. Ramos
c. Pres. F. Marcos
d. Pres. G. M. Arroyo

29. The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that education include

the study of the constitution. Inculcation of patriotism, love of
humanity and appreciation of the role of national heroes in our
historical development. Whose Filipino philosophy of education is
reflective of this?
a. George Bocobo c. Jose Rizal
b. Camilo Osias d. Rafael Palma

30. The code of Citizenship and Ethics which is one of the bases the
Philippine educational philosophy is reflected in the curriculum. During
what era is this?
a. Spanish Era
b. Commonwealth Era
c. Japanese Era
d. The Republic

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