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ES190 Dynamics

Topic 5: Rigid Bodies

Lectures 14–15
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PB5: 2
Rela%ve veloci%es on rigid bodies
Constrained mo-on

Tongue 6.1
Rigid body
Point masses only get us
so far. In some cases,
we need extended

Images: car door Drifting:

power-wheels-Oo6wXkBTDke2s Scissors Digger:
PB5: 4 MichaelFrey [CC BY-SA] Beam: The original uploader was Lzyvzl at English Wikipedia. [CC BY-SA]
Rela%ve mo%on
Two par,cles, A and B.
Posi,ons: !"# and !$# (or just !" , !$ ).
From A to B: !$" (B seen from A). Y
Vector sum: !$# = !"# + !$" !$"
'$ = '" + '$" !$

($ = (" + ($" O

PB5: 5
Cloned slide PB2:77, plus info from PB2:79
Degrees of freedom
Planar systems: 2 degrees of freedom per
2 particles: four degrees of freedom.

Rigid body: add one constraint. A

3 degrees of freedom remain. B

PB5: 6
How can points on a rigid body move?
Minimal rigid body (in 2D): y
2 par8cles with fixed separa8on.
Look at !"# = !" − !#
(velocity of B seen from A). Y

!"# cannot have component A &"# x

parallel to &"# &# &"#
(would change length of &"# ). B !"# ?
!"# must be perpendicular (⊥) to &"# . X

PB5: 7 Compare rela8ve mo8on PB2:77 ff

How to guarantee !"# ⊥ %"# ?

PB5: 8
How can points on a rigid body move?
!"# must be perpendicular to $"# . y

Rela8ve mo8on: in plane, but

A $"# x
If B moves perpendicular to $"# : $# $"#
Rota8on of rigid body AB. $"

PB5: 9
Rigid body rota,on
If the only way B can move with respect to A is
rotate around A: define !"# , %"# in polar
!"# = '"# ()*+ ,
%"# = '-( ̇ .
(no velocity component in radial direc?on).
%"# depends on length and angular velocity.

PB5: 10
Polar coordinates: PB2:51
Which vector is ⊥ to "#$ and %#$ ?
(so can be used in &$# = ($# ×…)

PB5: 11
Angular velocity vector
Angular velocity: ! = $̇
Magnitude of %&' : %&' = ($̇ = (!
Direc:on: )* ⊥ , (⊥ perpendicular).
)'& = - × ,'&
(sequence: right hand rule).
For rota:on in x-y plane: - = !/.

PB5: 12
Absolute velocity of B?
Add it up:
!" = !$ + !"$ = !$ + & × ("$
Other way round? Flip the indices
!$ = !" + !$" = !" + & × ($"
Can be chained:
!) = !$ + !"$ + !)"
= !$ + &$" × ("$ + &") × ()"

PB5: 13
Example: Velocity of link
The ends of a link AB of length 0.5 m are
free to move in straight guides, A along the
i direc>on, B along the j direc>on.
If A is being pushed to the right at 4 m/s,
what is vB when the angle the link forms
with i is θ = 40°?

PB5: 14
Example: Link constrained body
A body BCE is constrained by two links AB
and CD. Link AB is driven at
!"# = 10' . -#" = 0.6/ m,
-2# = 0.3/ m, -42 = 0.4/ + 0.47 m,
-82 = 0.5/ m.
What is the velocity of E?
PB5: 15
Summary: rela+ve velocity
The velocity of a point on a rigid body:
!" = !$ + & × ("$
velocity velocity velocity from
of B of A rotation of B
about A
Points on rigid body can only change orienta;on, not
All RB mo;on can be decomposed in pure transla;on
plus pure rota;on around point.

PB5: 16
Instantaneous centre of rota-on

Tongue 6.2
Which is true?

PB5: 18
Instantaneous centre of rota-on
All rigid bodies that move in the plane and
have a non-zero angular velocity have
exactly one point that has a zero velocity.
Simple (and clear) case: a pivot.
But all others as well.
See !" = !$ + & × ("$ : Pick ("$ so that
& × ("$ = −!" , then !$ = 0.
PB5: 19
Easier way: graphical
For two (or more) points on a rigid body,
find veloci?es.
According to ! × #$% = −($ ,
ICR must be on line
perpendicular to ($ .
ICR is on intersec?on of those lines.

PB5: 20
Does not need to be inside body.
Not fixed to the body (unless it is a pivot).
If I is the point at the ICR, then
!" = $ × &"'

PB5: 21
Example: rolling wheel
Wheel of radius r (perfect circle) rolls
without slipping. Centre of wheel moves to
the le? with speed v.
What is the velocity of the bit that touches
the ground?

PB5: 22
Rota%ng reference,
rigid body accelera%ons.

Tongue 6.3
Rota%ng reference j
X-Y iner,al reference frame N, basis i, j. i
x-y body-fixed reference frame S, basis b1,
b2 b 2

y Y b1
Points A, B fixed on body.
Thus !"# |% = 0 x
) X
But !"# |( definitely not zero! A

PB5: 24
Mo#on in rota#ng frames
Decompose !"# = %& '& + %) ')
Time deriva4ve in N:
* !"# = %&̇ '& + %)̇ ') + %& '̇ & + %) '̇ )
+, -
Same as for polar coordinates:
'̇ & = /'
̇ ) , '̇ ) = −/'
̇ &
* !"# = %&̇ '& + %)̇ ') + /̇ %& ') − %) '&
+, -

PB5: 25 Compare: PB2:50

Mo#on in rota#ng frames
! %&' = *+̇ ,+ + *.̇ ,. + /̇ *+ ,. − *. ,+
"# $
Link with 1 = /, ̇ 2 ? Subs4tute ,. = 3×,+
! %&' = *+̇ ,+ + *.̇ ,. + /, ̇ 2 × *+ ,+ + *. ,.
"# $
̇ 2=1
*+ ,+ + *. ,. is just %&' , /,
"# $
%&' = *+̇ ,+ + *.̇ ,. + 1 × %&'

PB5: 26
Mo#on in rota#ng frames
"# $
! %&' = *+̇ ,+ + *.̇ ,. + / × %&'
What is *+̇ ,+ + *.̇ ,. ? Time deriva5ve with respect to
body S. If B is fixed to body: 0.
Rela5onship is general, applies to any vector q:
" "
"# $
! 1 = "#! 1 + / × 1
Find 5me deriva5ve of arbitrary vector.

PB5: 27
Accelera'on on rigid body
" "
Apply !
"# $
%= !
"# '
% + ) × % to
+, = +- + +,- (with +,- = ) × .,- )
" " "
"# $
+, = !
"# $
+- + "#! +,- + ) × +,-
= /- + "#! ) × .,- + ) × ) × .,-

PB5: 28
Accelera'on on a rigid body
& &
= "# + %
) × +,# + ) × % +,# +
&' ( &' (
) × ) × +,# .
% ) is angular accelera3on -.
&' (
% +,# = 0 (fixed on body)
&' (
", = "# + - × +,# + ) × ) × +,#

PB5: 29
Accelera'on on a rigid body
!" = !$ + & × ("$ + ) × ) × ("$
Accelera.on of point B:
– Accelera.on of A.
– Angular accelera.on of body.
– Centripetal accelera.on of body
̈ . − *,̇ 1 -2 !
Compare with *,-

PB5: 30
Example: Accelera-on of wheel
What is the accelera2on of the contact point of
a wheel with ground, car accelera2ng with a
(rest as in example from PB5:22)?

PB5: 31
If we know how a rigid body moves, we can
describe the accelera>on of all its points.
This concludes kinema>cs of rigid bodies.
And thus the final learning outcome of this
The rest: Bonus content.

PB5: 32
Kinetics of rigid bodies

Tongue 7
Beyond Kinema,cs
What causes accelera2on of rigid bodies?

Forces do!
And torques!
PB5: 34
What is Euler famous for?
! "# = cos ( + * sin (
Beam theory
Fluid dynamics
Euler diagrams: This is NOT a Venn diagram. ↑

PB5: 35
Euler’s laws of mo.on
Rigid body extension to Newton’s laws:
1st law: ! = $̇ % = &'%
(forces cause a change of momentum, an
acceleraBon of the centre of mass, G)
2nd law: (% = )̇ % = *% +
(torques cause a change of angular
momentum, angular acceleraBon)

PB5: 36 Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathemaBcian and engineer, 1707-1783.

Rigid body: curvilinear transla4on

Tongue 7.1
Pure transla+on, no rota+on
Force balance: ∑" = $%. Decompose:
∑&' = $(' , ∑&* = $(*
A rigid body in pure translation has +, ,
constant 0.
Moment balance ∑-. = 0

PB5: 38
Example: Tension in chains
A sign (mass m) of length 2L is suspended
at its ends from two chains of length L. All
mass is concentrated in bar at top of sign.
At t = 0, it is released at rest from a point
where chains are extended, but at an angle
of 45° to the verGcal.
What’s the tension in the chains?

PB5: 39
Rota%on about a fixed point

Tongue 7.2
Rota%on about a fixed point
Pinned links, doors, …
Frequent situa8on.

PB5: 42
Moment balance
For a point mass, we derived: "̇ # = %# .
For mul:ple masses, this also applies
around the centre of mass G: "̇ & = ∑%&
Note that torques and angular momentum
refer to same axis.

PB5: 43 Cf. PB3:42

Centre of mass
Centre of mass G:
∑)&'( *& !& ∫,-./ !01 2*
!"# = ) =
∑&'( * ∫,-./ 2*
(just FYI, compare ES193)

PB5: 44
Balancing: Angular Momentum
Angular momentum !" = $ × &'.
Rigid body: !" = ∫)*+, $+- × '+- .&
rota8ng around O. 2

'+- = / × $+- dm

!" = 0 $+- × / × $+- .&


)*+, O

PB5: 45 PB3:43
Angular momentum
!" = ∫%&'( )'* × , × )'* -.
̇ 4 × /'* 01 -.
= ∫%&'( /'* 01 × 30
̇ '* 05 -.
= ∫%&'( /'* 01 × 3/ b3
!" = ∫%&'( /'* ̇ 4 -.
30 ,

PB5: 46
Mass moment of inertia
Angular momentum
!" = %̇ & -
+), ./ 01
Iden5fy 2" = as mass moment of
∫'()* ), ./
iner5a (symbol I, superscript for axis).
!" = 2" 4 or 5" = 2" 6

Compare ES193
PB5: 47
Rota%onal iner%a
!" represents rota0onal iner0a (just as
mass m represents transla0onal iner0a).
Compare: # = %& and '" = !" (

PB5: 48
Angular momentum balance
Time deriva0ve of !" = $" % = $& ()̇ *:
̈ *
!̇ " = $" ()
Using !̇ " = ∑-" :
$" ()̈ * = ∑-" ./ $" (̈ = ∑0" .
Independent from choice of axis, so around G:
$1 (̈ = ∑01 .

PB5: 49
Parallel axis theorem
From !" = ∫%&'( )'* ,- and .'* = ./ + .'*/ :
!" = ∫%&'( ./ + .'*/ ⋅ ./ + .'*/ ,-
= ∫%&'( )/+ + 2./ ⋅ .'*/ + )'*/ ,-
= )/+ ∫%&'( ,- + ./ ⋅ ∫%&'( .'*/ ,- + ∫%&'( )'*/ ,-
!" = )/+ - + !/ (as ∫%&'( .'*/ ,- = 0 defini3on of G)
Only works at G!

PB5: 50
General mo*on
Force and moment balance
Simplest case: around G.
!" $̈ = ∑'"
()" = ∑*
This is always possible (but not always
More complex cases: Not here not now.

PB5: 52
Linear and angular momentum
!"# = ∑& ⇒ (# = !)# = ∫ & +,
-# /̈ = ∑0# ⇒ 1# = -# /̇ = ∫ 0# +,
Treatment of collisions etc. may involve
both angular and linear momentum

PB5: 53
Kinetic energy of a rigid body
Velocity of a mass element of rigid body:
!"# = !% + !"#% = !% + ' × )"#%
*= ∫ .%, /0 + ∫ ' × )"#% , /0
+ +
*= 0.% + 1% 3̇ ,
, ,
This only works this way at G.

PB5: 54
Rigid bodies have both a “linear” and an
“angular” iner8a, which plays a role in
momentum and energy balances.
Linear iner8a is mass, angular iner8a is
mass moment of iner8a.
Here just FYI, you will revisit this later in
your studies.

PB5: 55
The final words
The end of dynamics? NO!
ES2C5 Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics (all):
More about rigid bodies, and about fluids.
ES2D5 Planar Structures and Mechanisms (Mech):
Linked structures, deformaGon,…
ES386 Dynamics of VibraGng Systems (Mech/Sys):
RepeGGve dynamics.
ES480 Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems:
Finally 3D analysis.

PB5: 57
What comes next:
Forma,ve test: next Monday, computer
based. Check tabula. Bring pen, paper,
Examples class (Collisions, Energy, Rigid
Bodies) next Thursday.
Revision classes (2 in Term 3).

PB5: 58
The last slide
Thank you very much for your a5en6on,
your ques6ons and your feedback.
I hope you found it useful.
It’s been a pleasure.
If you have any further ques6ons: Come
see me, email me or post in the forum.

PB5: 59

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