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>a PACIFIC PLACE sMapleitee remy EVER-FORTUNE TRADING CENTER JOIN STOCK COMPANY PLAN ON RESPONES OF nCoV DISEASES Base on: - Decision No.181/BYT on January 21, 2020 of the Ministry of Health, promulgating the “Interim guidance on the prevention and control of acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of Corona virus (nCoV)" Plan No.23/KH-UBND dated January 31, 2020 of the City People's Committee, on the City's Response Plan to nCoV. Ever-Fortune Trading Center Join Stock company ("the Company’) establishes the nCoV disease response plan as follows: |. Objective: - Compile the plan to respond to nCoV disease at the Company, and Building Mobilize on-site resources, including the Company Management, Manager, Employees and Tenants at the Building, early detection of nCoV infections, timely handling, and minimizing the spreading pandemic in the community. Il, Alert level of the epidemic levels: Adopts a phased approach to managing the pandemic, based on the alert level determined by the authority: Level 1: There are cases of invasive diseases * Level 2: The disease has secondary infection in the City * Level 3: The disease spreads in the City with more than 20 cases * Level 4: The disease is widespread in the community with over 1,000 cases The alert level for the Building will depend on the progression of the pandemic and will be determined by Company Management. It may not be operationally feasible to have a clear and sequentially graduated response. Ill, Action to respond: 1. Level 1: Building Management monitor the updated information issued from the relevant authorities, Ministry of Health about the disease situation. Monitor the health monitoring of employees and tenants, monitor the health status of people who have close contact with suspects or patients within 14 days of the last exposure, apply the daily reporting regime and share information timely. Develop emergency response procedures for diseases occurring at the Company and Buildings under Mapletree Vietnam management. Ever-Fortune Trading Center JSC Plan on Responses of nCoV Page 1 of 6 2. Level 2: - Building Management provide disease information & preventive measures to employees and/or tenants. ~ Recommendation that employees and tenants take personal preventive measures, including: + Wear a disposal face mask * Cover mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or sneezing + Wash hands with soap frequently * Avoid crowded places and people who are unwell * See a doctor immediately if feel unwell ~ Building Management to check the health status of employees, source customers going to pandemic areas, sources of suspect/patient contact, comply with daily escalation reporting to the Management of the Company. - Promptly recommend suspected cases to immediately see a doctor, monitor health status, and obtain confirmation of negative with nCoV in writing before returning to work. 3. Level 3: - Company Offices and Building Management will prepare materials, chemicals and means te promptly implement measures to prevent and spread the pandemic including but not limited to: = Thermometer * Disposal face mask * Hand sanitizers + Sanitary chemicals = Hand soap + Tissues * Quarantined room / area + List of emergency telephone numbers (hotline / nearest health station / hospital to receive patients nCoV) * Disinfection of the entire Company Office, Building. ~ Building Management informs all employees, tenants, contractors, visitors to coordinate disease prevention, implement measures to prevent spread in the community * The Building Management organizes traffic flow and limits the entrances to the building to facilitate the temperature measurement control. * Measure body temperature of all employees, customers, visitors, and contractors before entering the Building * For the company employees, any case of temperature is over 38.50C, inform his/her supervisor and human resources department for them stay at home, see a doctor, update results for the Company. When the result of confirming negative nCoV (with health check certified by a doctor) before being allowed to return to work Ever-Fortune Trading Center JSC Plan on Responses of ncoV Page 2 of 6 * For tenant, contractors, visitors, if cases > 38.50C, recommend them do not access the building. + Notify the Tenant Company about this personnel, ask them for a health check at the hospital. Monitoring health status, updating results for the Company, confirming negative CoV (with health check certified by a doctor) before being allowed to return to work at the Building. Immediately ask them to wear a mask. Record in the Temperature Monitoring Logbook. - In case of detecting a case, the suspect/patient's Company Representative must notify the Building Management immediately to coordinate the handling: + Inform the nearest first-aid station to ask for guidance on handling and transferring the suspect/patient. * Perform a temporary quarantine in the quarantine area of the building (in case the suspect/patient cannot go to the hospital immediately) "Mobilize the first-aid team from hospital/contractor to disinfect the entire affected area, transportation routes and isolation areas after moving suspect/patients. * Temporarily interrupt the central air-conditioning system, but maintain a fresh ventilation system for the affected area. Building Management follow escalation reporting procedure of the company, seeking advice from Management for reporting to the relevant authority (when required) 4. Level 4: Company Offices and Building Management must consider the seriousness at the Building, propose to Legal Representative, to declare an emergency situation Mobilize maximum resources, apply for permission to mobilize support personnel in the Building. Follow the instructions from the relevant Authorities for further actions. Ever-Fortune Trading Center JSC Plan on Responses of nCoV Page 3 of 6 => PACIFIC PLACE smapleiree poco KE HOACH UNG PHO CUA CONG TY CO PHAN TRUNG TAM THUONG MAI EVER-FORTUNE VO1 DICH BENH VIEM DUONG HO HAP CAP DO CHUNG MOI CUA VI RUT CORONA “nCov” Can cw: ~ Quyét dinh s6 181/BYT ngay 21/01/2020 ciia BO Y Té, vé vic ban hanh "Hudng dan tam thei giam sat va phong, chéng bénh viém dung hd hap c4p do ching mdi cia virus Corona (nCovy’ ~ _Ké hoach sé 23/KH-UBND ngay 31/01/2020 ciia Uy Ban Nhan Dan Thanh Phd, vé Ké hoach ng phé cla Thanh phé voi nCoV. Céng ty Cé phan Trung tam Thuong mai Ever-Fortune (“Cong ty’) xay dung Ké hoach tng pho V6i dich bénh viém duéng hé hap cp do chiing méi cia virus Corona (nCoV) nhu sau: |. Muc tiéu chung: ~ Xay dying ké hoach ting phé vdi dich bénh nCoV tai Céng ty, Toa nha ~ Huy dong moi Ive long tai ché bao gém toan thé lanh dao céng ty, cdn b6 céng nhan vién, khach thué trong Téa nha, phat hién s6m cdc trong hep nhiém nCoV, xiP ly kip théi, han ché én mite thap nhat tinh trang lay lan trong céng dong. ll, Mae canh bao cAp dé dich: Ap dung cach tiép can quan ly dich theo ting giai doan, dua trén mivc cdnh bao duoc xe dinh béi co quan c6 tham quyén: * Cp d6 1: Co trudng hop bénh xam nhap * Cp d6 2: Dich bénh cé lay nhiém thir phat trén dia ban Thanh phd * Cp d6 3: Dich bénh lay lan trén dia ban Thanh phé véi hon 20 trvdng hop mac * Cp dé 4: Dich bénh lay lan réng trong céng déng voi trén 1.000 trwong hop mac Mic canh bao cho Téa nha sé phy thudc vao tién trinh ciia dai dich va sé duge quyét dinh Gi lanh dao Céng ty. Khéng dé dé cé thé dua ra mot mirc dé cdnh bdo r6 rang dé c6 phan eng phi hop Ill Hanh déng tng pho: 1. Cap d6 1: . ~ Ban quan ly Téa nha theo dai cp nhat théng tin ban hanh tu” Co quan hivu quan, Bd Y té vé tinh hinh dich bénh. Ever-Fortune Trading Center JSC Plan on Responses of nCoV Page 4 0f6 Giam sat theo déi strc khée cilia CBCNV va khach thué, theo dai tinh trang strc khde cla nhéing ngusi c6 tiép xuc gan v6i ngwai bénh hoac bi nghi ngé trong vong 14 ngay ké ti ngay tiép xtic lan cudi, ap dung ché d6 bao cdo hang ngay va chia sé théng tin kip thoi. XAy dung quy trinh tng phé khan cp dich bénh xay ra tai Cong ty va Téa nha thudc Mapletree Viet Nam quan ly. 2. CAp do 2: - Ban quan ly Téa thc hién tuyén truyén cung cap th6ng tin dich bénh & bién phap phong chéng dén CBCNV va Khach hang. - Khuyén nghi nhan vién, khach hang thu hién cdc bién phap phong hé cd nhan gdm: = Deo khau trang y té = Ding khan gidy che miéng, mii khi ho, hat hoi + Thuong xuyén ria tay bang xa phong va nuéc hoac dung dich sat khudn = Han ché tap trung déng ngué@i, tiép xtc nguoi mac bénh = Kham bac si ngay lap ttre néu cam thay khong khde. - Ban quan ly Téa thy hién kiém tra tinh hinh swe khée nhan vién, khach hang ngudn di dén vung 6 dich bénh, nguén cé tiép xe bénh nhan hoae nghi ngo, thyc hién ché d6 bao cdo hang ngay anh dao céng ty. . ~ Kip thi khuyén nghi nhéng trweng hop nghi ngo ngay lap tire khdm bac si, theo dai tinh trang strc khée, xac nhan am tinh nCoV bang van ban trudc khi quay lai lam viéc. 3. Cap do 3: = Cac Van phang, Céng ty va Ban quan ly Téa nha chudn bj vat tu, héa chat, phurong tién kip théi trién khai cdc bién phdp phong chéng dich lay lan bao gdm nhung khéng gid’ han: * Dung cu do than nhiét Khau trang y té Dung dich sat khudn nhanh Hoa chat vé sinh o6 tinh diét khuan Xa phong riva tay Gidy lau tay Phong/khu vyc cach ly Danh sdch s6 dién thoai khan (hotline/tram y té gan nhat/bénh vién tap trung tiép nhan bénh) * Khir tring toan bé Van phéng Céng ty, Toa nha. Ban quan ly Téa nha thy hién thong bao toan thé nhan vién, khach thué, nha thau, khéch ving lai phdi hyp phong chéng dich bénh, thyc hién bién phap chéng lay lan trong céng dng = Ban quan ly Téa nha td chive phan ludng giao théng, han ché cdc Idi vao Toa nha nham thuan tién céng tac kiém soat do than nhiét. Ever-Fortune Trading Center JSC Plan on Responses of nCoV Page 5 of 6 Thue hign do than nhiét tat ca nhan vién, khach hang, khach vang lai, nha thau trvéc khi vao Toa nha Nhan vién céng ty, truéng hop > 38.5°C, bao cdo Gidm sat truc tiép, phong nhan su 48 & nha, tham kham bac si, cap nhat két qua cho C6ng ty. Khi két qua xac nhan 4m tinh nCoV (c6 Gidy kham strc khde) béo cdo truéc khi due phép quay lai lam viéc. Nhan vién khdch hang, nha thau, khach vang lai, trudng hop > 38.59C, khuyén cao khong cho vao Téa nha, Thong bao cho Céng ty khach thué vé nhdn sy nay, yéu cdu ho vé kiém tra strc khoe {ai bénh vién. Theo d6i tinh trang strc khée, cap nhat nhat két qua cho Céng ty, xac nhan am tinh nCoV (cé gidy khém bac si) truéc khi duoc phép quay lai lam viéc tai Toa nha. Lap tire yéu cdu ho deo khdu trang. Ghi nhan vao $6 Theo Dai. Truong hgp phat hién ca bénh nghi nga, yéu cdu Bai dién Céng ty bénh nhan théng bao Ban quan ly Téa nha ngay lap tte 48 phdi hop xi Théng bao tram y té gan nhat yéu cau doi nga y té huéng dan xi ly va chuyén bénh Thy hién cach ly tam thoi tai khu vyc cach ly cia toa nha (trong hop bénh nhan khong thé ty minh dén bénh vién ngay lap tizc) Huy déng phong y té dy phéng/nha thau thye hién khiy tring toan b6 khu vye bi anh hu6ng, tuyén dudng van chuyén va khu vye cach ly sau khi da chuyén bénh nhan di Gian doan tam thoi hé théng may lanh trung tam, nhung van duy tri hé théng théng gid tuoi cho khu vc bi anh huéng. ~_Truéng phéng hanh chinhinhan sy, Ban quan ly toa nha thyc hién ché do béo cdo theo quy dinh, bdo cdo co quan hitu quan (khi c6 yéu cu) va bdo cdo lanh dao cdc cap cia Cong ty, 4. Cap do 4: Cc Van phéng Céng ty va Ban quan ly Téa nha phail xem xét mize d6 nghiém trong tai Toa nha, dé xuat cap cé thdm quyén, ban bé tinh trang khan cAp. Huy déng tdi da cac nguén Ive, xin cdp cé thdm quyén digu d6ng nhan sy hé tro tai Téa nha. ‘Thy hién hung dan theo chi dao tir Co quan hvu quan. Ever-Fortune Trading Center JSC Plan on Responses of nCoV Page 6 of 6

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