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Love is not just about the years together.

Many of us idealize love. I, myself admit to this. We see it as the cure for
arising problems in our relationships. We think that love alone can surpass all
the difficulties that most relationships are struggling right now, that love can
overcome the hardships of the world and make it go around. But since we
overrate love, as a result, our relationship suffers.

When we think that “love is all we need” we are actually forgetting the
essential things that goes along with it — trust, respect, understanding,
patience, commitment, humility and so on. And if ever love solves
everything, why do we trouble ourselves with these things? Because it
simply means, it is not just love that we need but the essentials as well
that goes along with it.

Love does not solve your problems. Wake up for this harsh truth. If love
solves anything, then there’s shouldn’t be people breaking up because of the
loss of commitment, loss of trust, time and respect. Sometimes you feel like
you overcome issues in your relationship just because you love each other.
You just let certain things pass through just because your love is greater than
the explanation you need when you argue with each other, you let love be the
reason why you keep tolerating yourself from the unjust behavior and
treatment you are receiving. You let love be the answer to all the confusion of
your thoughts in the relationship, and that eventually in the long run you’ll be
able to get the answers you need. You think that you are overcoming your
issues but on a realistic and matter-of-fact, nothing has changed. None of
your problems has been solved. And the arguments, misunderstandings, and
fights just keep on repeating themselves and most of the time, it get worse.

Relationships like this will most like burn into flames, will eventually crash
into an end. And the best learning we can take from this? While love makes
you feel better, it doesn’t actually solve any of your relationship problems.
This is why there are a lot of toxic relationships nowadays. People just
mistakenly taken love as the solution for everything.
Love does not equate to compatibility.Just because you fall in love with
someone does not automatically mean that they’ll be good for you in the long
run and that they’ll be a good partner for long-term. Love is emotion,
compatibility is the logic. And remember, the heart and mind should both work
together unless; you are willing to bend and eventually, break yourself apart in
the process. Life can be ironically sweet. You can love a person who does not
treat you well enough, you can love a person who you know will never love
you back. You can love a person with a different ambition, life-goals that are
contradicting on your own. You can love someone who has a different
philosophical belief and worldviews. We can love someone who is not really
compatible with us. This may sound paradoxical and illogical, but this is true.

Love is not all time worth sacrificing yourself. Loving means you are able
to think outside of yourself and your own needs to help mind for another
person and their needs as well. But I know you are asking yourself in the
middle of the night, “Is it worth it? What am I sacrificing for?” It is normal for
both people to sacrifice their own needs, desires, and time for each other. But
when it comes to sacrificing one’s self respect, one’s dignity, one’s ambition
and one’s life purpose just to be with someone, then that’s going to be
problematical. A loving relationship is supposed to supplement our individual
identity, not damage it or replace it. If we find ourselves in situations where we
are enduring a disrespectful, abusive relationship then we are allowing love to
consume ourselves.

You can fall in love with different people in your lifetime. You can fall in love to
people who are good and bad for you. You can fall in love in a healthy and
unhealthy ways.

There can be a lot of love you’ll encounter in your life, but once you lose
your self-worth, self-respect, your ability to trust, your goals and
aspirations in life, they are hard to get back.

Love is great. Love is essential. Love is wonderful. But love is not


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