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Animal Cell Parts and Functions

All animals, including you and I, are made of the same basic building block called the animal cell.
Animal cells are generally smaller than plant cells and lack a cell wall and chloroplasts; these are
organelles pertinent to plant cells.
In the title “Animal Cell Parts and Functions”, the word “Part” pertains to “Organelles”; these are
specialized parts inside a living cell.

Organelles in an animal cell are suspended in a fluid called the cytoplasm. A cell membrane
encloses the cytoplasm and all contents of the animal cell.

Diagram of an animal cell


Organelle Summary of Function

Protects the cell
Controls the entry and exit of molecules
Gives the cell a shape
Cell membrane
Adheres to neighbouring cells to form tissue
Helps the cell to communicate with the exterior

The cytoplasm holds water and nutrients

The cytoskeleton gives structural rigidity to cell
Cytoplasm &
The cytoskeleton helps movement of organelles and

Command center of the cell

Duplicate and store genetic information
Nucleus Makes ribosomes
Sends commands to ribosomes for protein synthesis

Protein synthesis

Summary of the function of the Smooth ER:

Lipid synthesis
Endoplasmic Detoxification of alcohol and drugs
Reticulum (ER) Summary of the function of the Rough ER:
Protein synthesis

Processes and packages proteins and transports them to other

Golgi apparatus parts of the cell or outside the cell.

Converts food we eat into energy we use

Mitochondria Assist in cell growth, cell cycle and cellular death

Break down cellular waste into building blocks

Destroy foreign invaders
Lysosomes Peroxisomes break down hydrogen peroxide – harmful
& Peroxisomes compound
Peroxisomes are involved in the synthesis of lipids and bile

Vacuoles Store food, water and waste

Lung cells use cilia to move mucus out of the lungs

Cilia &Flagellum A sperm cell uses its flagellum to swim through the female
reproductive tract
Animal Cell Parts and Functions | Details
Think of the cell membrane like the border control of the cell, controlling what comes in and what
goes out.

The cell membrane also called the plasma membrane encloses the animal cell and its contents.
It separates the inside of the cell from the outside. It is a selectively permeable membrane that
monitors what enters and exits the cell.

The cell membrane is mostly made up of special proteins (membrane proteins) and lipids

The phospholipids are

arranged is a double
layer – the
Phospholipid Bilayer.
The top and bottom of
this double layer
arrangement are
hydrophilic (water-
loving) while the inside
of the double layer
arrangement is
hydrophobic (water-
Most cell membranes have special membrane proteins embedded in the phospholipid bilayer.
These proteins help in the transportation of molecules across the cell membrane. The proteins
have other functions such as giving a shape to the cell as well as adhesion to neighboring cells
to form tissues.


The animal cell is filled with a solution of water and nutrients to form a fluid called the Cytoplasm.
Organelles of the animal cell are suspended in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains the
cytoskeleton; a network of protein filaments that reinforce the cell and hold all structures together.

There are three main types of filaments namely; Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments and

Microfilaments and intermediate filaments are thinner than microtubules. They stretch over the
whole cytoplasm helping to maintain cellular shape. Microtubules are straight hollow filaments
that act like support beams. They help guide the movement of organelles as well as

The main microtubule organizing center is called the Centrosome. It is located close to the
nucleus. Not only does it participate in the network of microtubules, it is involved in the cell cycle.
The nucleus is the command center of a cell. This is where most of the cell’s DNA is stored. It is
enclosed in a double membrane. The double membrane has pores which allow the movement of
molecules between the nucleus (Nucleoplasm) and the cytoplasm.

The Nucleolus is located inside the nucleus. The main function of the nucleolus is to make
ribosomal RNA (rRNA). rRNA then combines with special proteins to form the basic units of
ribosomes. Once these units are formed the nucleolus releases them out of the nuclear envelope
where they will be fully assembled into ribosomes. The nucleus sends messages to the ribosomes
through messenger RNA, (mRNA). mRNA carry out orders from the nucleus to the rest of the cell.

Long strands of DNA in the nucleus combine with special protein to form long fibers called
Chromatin. Chromatin is then used to make Chromosomes.

The number of chromosomes present in a cell depends on the species of animal. The human
sperm and egg cell both have 23 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes found in all of the
other body cells is 46.

Here is a quick guided tour of the animal cell.

Ribosomes are tiny structures found floating around in the cytoplasm or attached to the ER.
Ribosomes maybe small but are essential for the proper functioning of a cell. They are responsible
for protein synthesis.


The ER is like a factory for the production of
proteins and lipids. It also forms a network of
tubes that carry substances around the cell.
There are two types of ER; the rough ER and
the smooth ER. They have slightly different
structure and function.

The rough ER is called “rough” because it is

studded ribosomes while the smooth ER is
called “smooth” because it lacks ribosomes.

The Smooth ER contains enzymes that are

involved in the creation of lipids. Other
enzymes in the smooth ER help in the
detoxification of drugs and alcohol.

Ribosomes attached to the Rough ER are responsible for protein synthesis. These ribosomes
assemble amino acids into polypeptides. When synthesis is complete the ER packages the
polypeptides in special vesicles and sends them to the Golgi apparatus where they will be
packaged and “shipped”.
The Golgi apparatus is the cell’s shipping
department. It processes and packages proteins
and sends them out to where they are needed.

The Golgi apparatus is made up of stacks of

membranous layers that are referred to as Golgi
bodies. Golgi bodies create hormones from
proteins. They can also combine proteins with
carbohydrate to make other molecules such as snot
(nasal mucus).

The golgi apparatus packages its products into sacs

called vessicles. These sacs have membranes
made of phospholipid just like the cell membrane.
These vessicles are then shipped to other parts of the cell or out of the cell.

The mitochondrion (singular) is the power house of the
cell. It is responsible for converting the food that you eat
into energy that your body can use. The energy that our
body uses is called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP
is a super energized molecule that gives you the energy
you need to function properly.

Mitochondria generate ATP from carbohydrates and fat

and other fuels. They also assist in cell growth, cell cycle
and cellular death.

A mitochondrion is a smooth oblong organelles with an outer smooth membrane and an inner
membrane. The inner membrane has numerous infoldings called Cristae.

Some cells such as muscle cells need to power and hence have a lot more mitochondria than
other cells.


Lysosomes are digestive sacs that contain enzymes to break down cellular waste or debris from
outside the cell into new building material.

Lysosomes break down big macro molecules into smaller molecules which can be used to nourish
the cell. They also break down damaged organelles and destroy foreign invaders such as

Peroxisomes are similar to Lysosomes in structure. They break down molecules by oxidative
reaction and produces hydrogen peroxide – harmful compound. Peroxisomes break down the
hydrogen peroxide to produce water. Or they may use the hydrogen peroxide to break down other
molecules. Peroxisomes are also involved in the synthesis of lipid and bile acid (liver cells).
Vacuoles are storage sacs filled with fluid. They store food, water and waste products. The
vacuoles in animal cells are generally smaller than that in plant cells. Animal cells can have
multiple small vacuoles while plant cells usually have a single large vacuole.


Some animal cells have cilia or a flagellum. Cilia (singular is cilium) are hairlike processes that
extend from the cell’s surface. Flagellum is a wipe-like tail that protrudes from the cell. Both cilia
and flagella are made of small protein fibers known as microtubules. Some cells have neither cilia
nor a flagellum. A sperm cell has a flagellum. It uses its flagellum to propel itself through the
female reproductive tract. Lung cells have cilia. They use cilia to push mucus up and out of the
Plant Cell Parts and Functions

Plant cell parts each have their own function, from the cell wall to the chloroplast. The unique
plant cell has similar parts and functions to an animal cell but a few distinct differences. Notably
the presence of a more rigid cell wall and the modification to photosynthesize which requires

Plant cells are eukaryotic cells, which includes fungi and animal cells as well. Plant cells are
unique among eukaryotic cells because they are capable of creating their own food.

This is because a plant cell contains all the vital components it needs to function and maintain its
particular structure and survive.
The Cell Wall
Plant cells are generally larger than animal cells and are also less mobile. Plant
cells are very rigid because of their cell wall, a component that does not exist
within animal cells. The plant cell wall was inherited from our prokaryotic
ancestor and became a highly specialized part of the cell. The rigidity comes
from a complex series of
cross-linked structures
made of cellulose and
lignin that reinforces the
The structure of the plant
cell is also aided
by microfilaments. These
are rods of actin, a globular
protein, that act as
structural components of
the cytoskeleton, helping
to keep the cell’s shape.

Besides providing the structure, strength, and rigidity of the cell, the cell walls
are also porous and allow the movement of materials into and out of the cell.
These channels are regulated to ensure that harmful compounds are kept out.
Plants tend to look similar because the rigidity of the plant cell does not allow it
to develop into a diverse array of cells, which is something that animal cells can

The plasma membrane, found in all living cells, encloses the plant cell and is
surrounded by the cell wall. In plant cells, this membrane adds an additional
layer of protection and regulation to the cell wall.

The Vacuole
Vacuoles are the largest organelle in the plant cell and are made of membrane-
bound sacs within plant cells. They are generally about 80% of the plant cell’s
interior space. Their main purpose is to support the cell’s structure by ensuring
that it does not collapse. Their size allows them to counteract any forces that
might cause the cell to distort.
The vacuoles become so large because it absorbs smaller vacuoles overtime
as the plant grows. Besides being important for structural integrity, the vacuole
has other functions. They also act as a storage area as some plants store
pigments, proteins, or even waste. If they store waste, they generally also
contain enzymes to break it down.

The vacuoles can be used as a defense because they can contain toxic
chemicals or deterrents when consumed, which would hopefully deter future
animals from eating them.

The Chloroplast
The chloroplast is one of the most important parts of the plant cell and is crucial
to its function. As is commonly known, plants use photosynthesis to harness
the power of the sun to create nutrients. The sunlight is used to turn carbon
dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen, a waste product. The sugar is then
used to create energy compounds needed by the cell.

The chloroplast is similar to the mitochondria because it is an energy creation

center and also an enclosed structure with its own DNA. While plants also have
mitochondria, they primarily use the chloroplast to create energy.

The green color of plants comes from chlorophyll, which is a pigment give
plants their green color and are capable of absorbing sunlight, which is crucial
for the process of photosynthesis. The chloroplast is generally concentrated in
the leaves of a plant.

The Nucleus
The nucleus is also an important part of the plant cell. It is also the important
part of all eukaryotic cells. The nucleus contains the DNA of the plant cell, which
is used to derive all its functionality and structure. It is like the brain of a plant
cell that handles the admin and information processing of the cell.
The nucleus is enclosed in an envelope that is tightly regulated with nuclear
pores that are strict on what it allows in and out of the nucleus. From the
nucleus, growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, and reproduction are all
regulated to ensure the cell remains functioning. The ribosome is made in the

The Ribosome
Every living cell contains ribosomes because they are crucial to a cell’s
survival. Ribosomes are considered an organelle because of their abundance
and importance. They are made up of ribosomal RNA, which is a translated
version of a part of DNA, and protein. They are responsible for the production
of proteins in a cell. The ratio is usually about 60% rRNA to 40% protein.

Ribosomes are found throughout the cell but are generally concentrated around
the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope. They can range from the
thousands to the millions.

The Endoplasmic Reticulum

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a network of sacs and tubules that form a
complex structure with an internal space. The endoplasmic reticulum is present
in eukaryotic cells and functions as a central hub for manufacturing, processing,
and transporting many different kinds of compounds that a cell might need.
These can include proteins, energy compounds, and nutrients.

It is located near the nucleus and surrounded by ribosomes. It also connects to

the cytoplasm as it acts as a pipeline between the nucleus, ribosome, and

The endoplasmic reticulum exists as the rough ER and the smooth ER. The
rough ER is rough because it is surrounded by many ribosomes and assists the
ribosome in the synthesis of proteins. The smooth ER lacks the ribosomes and
has multiple functions. The smooth ER is an exit point for many of the things
moving through the rough ER. The smooth ER is also where fats are produced
and toxins are detoxified.

The plasmodesmata are small tubes that connect plant cells to other plant cells
and it connects the ER to those other plant cells as well to aid in transport
beyond the plant cell.

The Golgi Apparatus

The Golgi apparatus is found in both animal and plant cells. It is composed of
a network of membrane-covered sacs called cisternae that look like
deflated balloons. It is located near the nucleus and functions as the finishing
center of the cell. It finishes modifying proteins and fats from the ER and
prepares them to be sent out to other parts of the cell or even outside of the
cell. The proteins arrive in vesicles from the ER and leave in vesicles from the
Golgi as they move between the different parts.
The Cytoplasm
The cytoplasm is a liquid that fills the cells and houses the organelles or
surrounds those that enclosed. It contains enzymes that help to regulate the
movement of vesicles and other compounds as they move between other
organelles or between cells.

Like the vacuole, the cytoplasm is important for the shape and structure of the
cell. It helps to keep the other organelles in their place and helps material move
easily between them. the cells would become misshapen is the cytoplasm did
not fill the cell, which would lead to many problems including transport of

The cytoplasm also contains microtubules, which are hollow cylinders. These
microtubules assist in transport as well as helping to maintain the structure of
the cell.

The cytoplasm is the home of the peroxisome. Peroxisomes are spherical

organelles that contain enzymes used to break down toxins that hurt the cell.
They are found throughout the cytoplasm.

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