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Witte de With report

Witte de with lies in the near the Centrum of Rotterdam. We went
to the Witte de with by metro. We gathered in the morning at the
metro station in Hoogvliet, then we travelled a solid half our to get
to our destination. (Witte de withstraat 50). Witte de with is a
centre for Contemporary Art that was started in 1990; the mission
of this was to show people what contemporary Art is and the
theory behind it.

Nervous but exited

When we arrived at the centre two female tour guides introduced
them self but sadly I couldn’t remember their names, neither does
any of my classmates. After that they took us to the third floor were
we could drop our jackets and bags. When we climbed the stairs
there was an interesting thing on the wall. It was a blank wall with
a autographs and drawings in a circle. I thought that was very cool
and I wanted to write my name on. When we finally got on the third
floor we got split up in two separate groups. One group had the
tour on the third floor and the other group had the tour on the
fourth floor. And after that we would switch floors. I was in the
group that was on the third floor with mister Charif. The tour guide
said we could look around and think about the things you see.
Some of the
things I saw

This is a kind of
dog/animal. It
was made of
textile I think and
it just looks like a
giant stuffed
animal. I think it
looks a bit odd and sad because it doesn’t have any eyes, Kind of

Next to the dog
like thing there
was this. These
are again 3 giant
stuffed animals. I
thought this one
was even
creepier because
all their all
hanging like dead
animals. But
every animal had
a colourful
The pink, yellow
and blue items.

This a picture of
a giant turn table
with several
items on it. There
was a dead
rabbit, tables,
sea horses,
silver lobsters
and an umbrella.
I thought it wall a big mess of random objects, I didn’t dig it.

After a few minutes of staring, looking and inspecting the objects
the tour guide asked us to gather around the privato turn table.
She asked us few questions. The first one was, “What do you think
the subject of this exhibition was.” We all had with totally different
answers. I was kind of surprised about that. But the subject was
boredom and lonely. And everyone agreed with it because
everyone was already bored. Then we had an explication of few
things including the first, second and third picture and also a
Pinocchio like kid sitting on and very high chair with his nose
crossing two walls and a spider hanging in the tip of his nose.

It was time to
switch floors
and we went
to the fourth
floor. On the
fourth floor
there were
and odd
object. Some
of them were
rather ugly
but I guess
everything has its

This is a shed that is built on a platform approx. 2 metres high. It
has a stuffed animal next to it and a silver lobster that we had seen
earlier at the privato stand. So there is a connection between these
This is a picture of a lot of stuffed animals hanging on a washing
line from bright colours to dark. I find this very sad because stuffed
animals aren’t supposed to be like this. This is very emotional and
dramatic stand.

In our minds we have already died of boredom. The exhibition at
this moment was uninteresting and not enjoyable. A lot of people
had enough of
and wanted
to go home.

Is this art?
That’s the
that I asked
myself. It’s a
cloth with
daffy duck
stitched on
it. But it is
Cosima von
wanted to
make the
unfinished the finished in this art piece.

After hours of boring and repeatedly talks about the exhibition. We
finally went back to the floor were the big circle drawing was on the
wall. I but my tag on the wall and so did other classmates. Then
we tour guides led us to the front door and then we said thanks
and goodbye, then we left.

The Cosima von Bonin exhibition was a very weird and first hand
interesting but later uninteresting. I don’t recommend this
exhibition except you are lonely and bored then this is probably the
place to go. But really this exhibition is not interesting for the
overall youth in the Netherlands. The exhibition is till 9January for
all you folks that want to go.

Taiwei Kan

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