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Masterpass In-App API Guidelines and Specifications

Below, is an easy aid to implement Masterpass within a merchant app.


1. Refer to the Masterpass API for Secure MOTO and Face to Face Channels v1.5 API document
2. Embed the Masterpass SDK in the desired app.
3. You will then use a server to server call to create a code using the Secure MOTO and Face to
Face API document – this represents the amount to be paid when the user checks out on the
4. The SDK is invoked using calls described in the In App payment documentation to trigger a
5. The Masterpass SDK facilitates the payment and returns a status as well as a server to server
payment notification to a URL that was stipulated (this process is described in the Notifications
section of the Secure MOTO and Face to Face doc).
6. You will then verify the payment notification and displays the end result to the user.

Below you will also find URLs to obtain the latest In App/Lib Lite documentation:

Android (Version 1.0.27)

Where can I get it?

 You can find the AAR located here.

 You can find the API spec located here.

iOS (Version 1_30_build_6)

Where can I get it?

 You can find the framework located here.

 You can find the API spec located here.

The Masterpass API for Secure MOTO and Face to Face Channels v1.5

Masterpass API for

Secure MOTO and Face to Face channels - v1.5.pdf

For more information or for guidance on how to achieve this, please send a request to and a technical consultant will assist you.

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