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Complete the sentences with relevant concepts: 

1. When I search using “Jos*” the search may result to: 
● Jos Plateau  
● Jos Buttler 
● Jos 
● Jos Dings - Transport & Environment 
● JOS Technology 
● Journal of Official Statistics  
● Jos travel guide 
● Jos. A. Bank 
● Jos.A.Smith 
● Jos International 
● Jos Studios 
2. If I will search the internet using AND in the word online platform the result is? 
-   If  you  will  use  the  conjunction AND in the word online platform, the result is all the 
things about online and platform. 
- Examples 
How to Launch Your Digital Platform - Harvard Business Review 
Online platforms for collaborative consumption - Wikipedia 
10 Top Online Marketing platforms | DOZ 
Online platform dictionary definition | online platform defined - YourDictionary 
Communication on Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market Opportunities ... 
3. If I will use NOT in my search, what will be its result? 
-   If  you  will  use  the  adverb  NOT  in  your  search,  the things that is all about  first word 
is  the  result,  not  the  second  word.  For  example,  If  I  will  type  the  word  love  not  war 
on the Google tab, so the result is all the things that is all about love. 
Direction: List down five ways/techniques on how to use the internet effectively; 
1. Use unique, specific terms 
2. Use the minus operator (-) to narrow the search 
3. Use quotation marks for exact phrases 
4. Use quotation marks for exact phrases 
5. Capitalization 
6. Drop the suffixes 
7. Maximize AutoComplete 
8. Customize your searches 
9. Use browser history 
10. Set a time limit — then change tactics. 
11. Define the topic you want to search about as completely and concisely as possible.  
12. Combine keywords into phrases by using quotation marks. 
13. Avoid the use of articles, pronouns, capital letters and punctuation marks. 
14. Type  “and”  between  keywords  if  you  want  documents  that  contain  all  the  words you 
15. Type  “or”  between  keywords  if  you  want  documents  that  contain  the  words  you 
entered indistinctively. 
16. Type  “and  not”  between  keywords  if you want documents that contain the words you 
entered but exclude the ones that contain the other words. 
17. . Be careful with the spelling of the words and consider alternate spellings. 
18. Use the “Help” function for specific uses of each engine​. 

1. Using  google,  search  for  the  definition  of  the  word  information  and 
communication technology 
- Information  and  communications  technology  (ICT)  is  an  extended  term  for 
information  technology  (IT)  which  stresses  the  role  of  unified  communications  and 
the  integration  of  telecommunications  (telephone  lines  and  wireless  signals), 
computers  as  well  as  necessary  enterprise  software,  middleware,  storage,  and 
audio-visual  systems,  which  enable  users  to  access,  store,  transmit, and manipulate 
- ICT  (information  and  communications  technology  -  or  technologies)  is  an  umbrella 
term  that  includes  any  communication  device  or  application,  encompassing:  radio, 
television,  cellular  phones,  computer  and  network  hardware  and  software,  satellite 
systems  and  so  on,  as  well  as  the  various  services  and  applications  associated  with 
them,  such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a 
particular  context,  such  as  ICTs  in  education,  health  care,  or  libraries.  The  term  is 
somewhat more common outside of the United States. [​​m] 
- ICT  (information  and  communications  technology  -  or  technologies)  is  an  umbrella 
term  that  includes  any  communication  device  or  application,  encompassing:  radio, 
television,  cellular  phones,  computer  and  network  hardware  and  software,  satellite 
systems  and  so  on,  as  well  as  the  various  services  and  applications  associated  with 
them,  such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a 
particular  context,  such  as  ICTs  in  education,  health  care,  or  libraries.  The  term  is 
somewhat more common outside of the United States. 
2. Use the tips given in this lesson to get the most relevant information you need 
3. Have  a  documentation  of  what  is  the  most  useful  search  tips you used to obtain the 
most relevant information 
4. Be  familiar  with  different  types  of search engines and have a list of example sites of 
each category 
- Crawler Based Search Engine 
- *Google (​​) 
- *AllTheWeb (​​) 
- *AltaVista (​​) 
- Hybrid Search Engines 
- * Yahoo (​​) 
- *Google (​​) 
- META Search Engines 
- *Metacrawler (​​) 
- *Dogpile (​​) 
Submitted by : 
Richard Rigor 
Ric Aldreen Ta-a 
Micah Arguson 
Jemima Marie Buenaobra 
Khristia Lynne de Leon 
Kristel Joy Diokno 
Christine Jane Catapat 
Angelica Panganiban 
Jolina Parin 

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