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Repression Repression, also known as > A child who is abused by a parent later has no
dis-associative amnesia, is recollection of the events, but has trouble forming
like suppression but it relationships.
involves unconsciously
>A man has a phobia of spiders but cannot
forgetting or blocking some
remember the first time he was afraid of them.
unpleasant thoughts,
feelings and impulses. > A woman having no recollection of intense pain
Individuals might use she had gone through during child birth
repression to become
unconscious about
traumatic memories.

Suppression We force the unwanted A wife may be peeved about her husband’s
information out of our behavior. Because of some guests around her, she
awareness. We consciously may control her reaction and decide to bring it up
choose to not indulge in a later when no one is around them. Until the guests
conscious thought, feeling are around, she may continue chatting/serving
or action even though we them, internally she may tell herself ‘I need to look
are aware of it. This permits after the guests, forget about him right now, I’ll
us to focus on our affairs speak to my husband later’. Thus, she is focusing on
without being distracted by the other areas, managing feelings of anger, and
every impulse that arises, controlling her actions in the present, consciously.
and without having to act on
those impulses.

Regression Regression is the reversion > An adolescent who is overwhelmed with fear,
to an earlier stage of anger and growing sexual impulses might become
development in the face of clingy and start exhibiting earlier childhood
unacceptable thoughts or behaviors he has long since overcome, such as
impulses. bedwetting.

> An adult may regress when under a great deal of

stress, refusing to leave their bed and engage in
normal, everyday activities.

Introjection Introjection occurs when a > Internalizing criticism from another person and
person internalizes the ideas believing the other person’s points to be valid.
or voices of other people.
> The mannerisms of a father may be observed by
This behavior is commonly
his son and then replicated.
associated with the
internalization of external
authority, particularly that
of parents

Projection Projection is the A spouse may be angry at their significant other for
misattribution of a person’s not listening, when in fact it is the angry spouse who
undesired thoughts, feelings does not listen.
or impulses onto another
person who does not have
those thoughts, feelings or

Displacement Displacement is the A man who gets angry at his boss but can’t express
redirecting of thoughts his anger to his boss for fear of being fired. He
feelings and impulses instead comes home and kicks the dog or starts an
directed at one person or argument with his wife.
object but taken out upon
another person or object.

Symbolization An object, idea, or act > Engagement ring symbol of love

represents another through
> A soldier, when asked why he volunteered, he
some common aspect and
said, "To defend the flag."
carries the emotional feeling
associated with the other.

Sublimation Sublimation is simply the When a person has sexual impulses, they would like
channeling of unacceptable not to act upon, they may instead focus on rigorous
impulses, thoughts and exercise.
emotions into more
acceptable ones.

Compensation Compensation is a process When a person says, “I may not know how to cook,
of psychologically but I can sure do the dishes!” they’re trying to
counterbalancing perceived compensate for their lack of cooking skills by
weaknesses by emphasizing emphasizing their cleaning skills instead.
strength in other arenas.

Identification Identification (sometimes Identify with the same sex parent and try to become
also called introjection) like him or her.
involves identifying with
someone else, taking on
their personality
characteristics, in order to
solve some emotional
difficulty and avoid anxiety.

Rationalization Rationalization is putting A woman who starts dating a man she really, really
something into a different likes and thinks the world of is suddenly dumped by
light or offering a different the man for no reason. She reframes the situation in
explanation for one’s her mind with, “I suspected he was a loser all along.”
perceptions or behaviors in
the face of a changing

Fantasy Fantasy is the channeling of Imagining one’s ultimate career goals can be helpful
unacceptable or when one experiences temporary setbacks in
unattainable desires into academic achievement.

Reaction Reaction Formation is the A woman who is very angry with her boss and would
formation converting of unwanted or like to quit her job may instead be overly kind and
dangerous thoughts, generous toward her boss and express a desire to
feelings or impulses into keep working there forever.
their opposites.

Restitution When we act on an idea or > A mother spanks her child in anger & later
impulse that we later regret, surprises the child with a new toy.
we may adopt a defense
> A person may intentionally push past someone in a
mechanism of attempting to
shop, but realizing that the person was frail, feel
“undo” that action in order
guilty with regards to their behavior. They may try to
to protect the ego from
undo their action by apologizing or offering to help
feelings of guilt or shame.
the person.

Denial Denial is the refusal to A person who is a functioning alcoholic will often
accept reality or fact, acting simply deny they have a drinking problem, pointing
as if a painful event, thought to how well they function in their job and
or feeling did not exist. relationships.


Cherry, K. (2019). 20 Common Defense Mechanisms Used for Anxiety. Retrieved from

Grohol, J. (2018). 15 Common Defense Mechanisms. Retrieved from


UtahPsych. (2019). Defense Mechanisms. Retrieved from

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