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To be in a position that uses my experience and helps

the company and me to move forward towards our


Your Daily GRE Words

arduous = extremely difficult, hard
use = an arduous journey

sedate = calm and relaxed

use = The speed limit in many areas is a sedate 60 kph

ambidextrous = able to use both hands equally well

use = an ambidextrous painter

centigrade = a unit of measuring temperature

use = *

askance = to view with suspicion, scornfully

use = They looked askance at our scruffy clothes

rehabilitate = To restore to a former status

use = try to rehabilitate prisoners

extent = scope
use = the extent of his injuries

mollusk = sea animal with a soft body

use = Oysters are mollusks, as are snails

collateral = securities for a debt, or accompanying

use = She used her house as collateral for a loan

demarcation = a boundary or distinction

use = the line of demarcation
reform = Change for the better
use = who will reform India's obsolete laws

stealth = secrecy, covertness

use = These thieves operate with stealth

immure = build a wall around(isolate)

use = the student immured himself in the room for two weeks before

duress = coercion, imprisonment

use = he signed the confession under duress

breadth = width
use = *

cyclone = storm
use = *

niche = nook, best position for something

use = make a niche for himself

severity = harshness
use = *

fabricate = construct
use = he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble

clandestine = secret
use = clandestine activities

perspicacious = shrewd, astute, keen-witted

use = His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an

stint = limit, assignment

use = He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service
burgeon = sprout or flourish
use = Love burgeoned between them

derogatory = degrading
use = derogatory comment

benevolent = kind
use = a benevolent action

rectitude = moral uprightness

use = unquestioned moral rectitude

stylize = formalize
use = *

piddling = trivial(having little value or importance)

use = we made a piddling profit of Rs 20,000 last year

decipher = decode
use = to decipher someone's handwriting

effeminate = unmanly
use = An effeminate man entered the room

becloud = to confuse, darken with clouds
use = *

hallow = to make holy

use = she was laid to rest in hallowed ground

amputate = To remove by cutting, as a limb

use = his leg had to be amputated

torso = trunk of statue with head and limbs missing, human trunk
use = *

incidental = insignificant, minor

use = incidental details

bolster = To support or make something strong

use = Strong sales and high profits are bolstering the economy

girth = circumferential measure of thickness

use = The tree was 2 meters in girth

fickle = always changing one's mind

use = The world of popular music is notoriously fickle

layman = nonprofessional
use = in layman's terms

consummate = perfect, having great skills, complete, accomplished

use = a consummate professional

confiscate = seize, to appropriate

use = the government confiscated the criminal's property

extol = praise highly

use = She is forever extolling the virtues of her children

brusque = curt, rough and abrupt in manner

use = His secretary was rather brusque with me

blunder = a mistake
use = it was a big blunder

enchant = charm or attract

use = an enchanting performance

magnanimous = generous, kindhearted
use = the manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing

employ = use
use = statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results

legacy = A bequest ( something that is a part of your history or which

stays from an earlier time)
use = The war left a legacy of hatred

accomplice = one who aids a lawbreaker

use = the accomplice was also sentenced to jail

lagoon = a small lake, pond, basin

use = we swam in the lagoon

compelling = convincing
use = compel someone to do something

insurrection = uprising, rebellion

use = armed insurrection

literal = word for word

use = The literal meaning

splendid = grand, illustrious

use = splendid food

fluctuate = waver, vary

use = Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season

preposterous = ridiculous, illogical

use = a preposterous suggestion

clan = extended family

use = the whole clan came to visit us

iterate = repeat, reiterate

use = I will iterate the warning
flamboyant = Characterized by extravagance (flamboyant)
use = a flamboyant gesture

optician = One who makes eye-glasses

use = *

How to Easily Memorize Some Spellings

And Never Make these Common Spelling
Here are mnemonics for remembering some spellings.

principle, principal - A principle is a rule. Notice that both the

words "principle" and the word "rule" have the letter "e". The
principal in a college is the main person there.

stationary, stationery - You write on stationery. Or, stationery

uses envelopes. Notice the letter "e".

arithmetic - Use this

sentence: A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice Cream. The first
letter of each word in this sentence makes the spelling

believe - Believe has a "lie" in it.

committee - MM, TT, and EE met in a committee.

conscience - Does science have a conscience.

desert - One "s" because it is so dry.

dessert - Two "s" because it is so sweet.

separate - To spell separate, just remember that it contains "a rat".

cheque - Cheque comes in a "Q".

entrance - There is no "enter" in entrance. That is, the word "enter"

is not within the word "entrance".

You learn

Effective and Powerful English Just Like I Write Myself

(As in this article and my books)
You learn effective English that I myself use-like in this article
and in my books published in USA and India. Such English is easy
to learn, effective and powerful. Such English is easy to read, easy
to understand, whether the reader is a school child or a PhD. Such
English really works.

Mind Power English Course

"Bapna's English Course"
“Different, Better, Unique:
There is No Other Course or Book Like This
At Any Price”
Compare our method of using will/shall with other books. Our
method takes 1 to 2 minutes while the other books take 5 to 10
pages, requiring you many days to learn to use will/shall correctly
and yet not remember after a month. Do you fully realize now that
my course is really unique and different, and so you learn effective
English quickly?

Bapna’s Will/Shall Rule and other material in this course cannot

be copied by other authors or books because this material is based
on our research, and we own the copyright and trademarks.

“Designed For Whom...”

This proven course is for you if you can understand English when
others speak, but are not sure of the correct way to write or speak
effective English. Or, if you sometimes make mistakes or get
confused when speaking English. Or, if you have used books on
grammar or spoken English to learn effective English, but did not get
much success.

Whether you are a student or in job, if you are highly motivated to

learn effective, powerful and fluent English, and build vocabulary
(word power) easily and quickly, this course is a boon for you. This
unique course has already helped lakhs of students in India and

You Become Confident & Fluent

Let me clarify what fluency means. You are a fluent speaker if
you speak easily without hesitation.

Do you know when do people hesitate? Answer: when they are

not confident of the meaning or use of a word. For example if you
are sure of the use of will/shall, you speak confidently and fluently,
without hesitation.

This was my goal for you while developing this big course on
effective English.

Unlike any other course, with this course, you learn quickly and
easily simply because I have used my expertise in mind power and
study techniques to research and develop this course.

Proof of Success
“Before joining your course I could understand English but I could not
speak English. Now, I can speak powerful English.”

--Somia Singh, Patna, Bihar

“In the past, I was not good at writing as well as speaking English.
Using your course, I am able to write simple and better English without
mistake and I can speak English with others without any hesitation. I
completed your course in 27 days.”

--V H Pardeshi, Ahmednagar, MS

“Good and unique course. I was average in English. Now I can write
letters in simple English.”

--Akula Srinivas, AP

penury = extreme poverty
use = the painter lived in penury
psyche = soul, mind
use = the psyche of people
herbivorous = feeding on plants
use = a herbivorous dinosaur
hermetic = airtight, sealed
use = a hermetic seal
chronicler = one who keeps records of historical events
use = *
proportionate = commensurate
use = Weight is proportional to size
prevailing = common, current
use = the prevailing attitude
hypocritical = deceiving , two-faced
use = Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves
tract = pamphlet, a region of indefinite size
use = *
malfunction = breakdown, failure
use = the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.
reclusive = solitary(A solitary person or thing is the only person or thing in a place:)
use = a reclusive genius, he did not give interviews
montage = composite picture
use = a montage of images
auxiliary = secondary, supplementary, reserve
use = an auxiliary nurse
exorbitant = expensive, greater than reasonable
use = exorbitant prices
contentious = argumentative, quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent
use = a contentious decision

connive = to conspire, scheme
use = They connived to break the rules at every opportunity

impoverish = To make indigent or poor

use = Excessive farming had impoverished the soil

peripatetic = moving from place to place

use = a peripatetic music teacher

perishable = decomposable
use = perishable food

pulp = paste, mush

use = Mash(grain and water mix) the bananas to a pulp

ample = enough, specious, abundant

use = there is ample space for all

inborn = innate
use = an inborn tendency

squander = waste (Ex. Don’t squander money and become poor)

use = They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on two-week vacation

incorporate = combine
use = This aircraft incorporates several new safety features
chronic = continual
use = a chronic disease

machination = plot or scheme

use = I can see through your wily(skilled) machination

jurisprudence = philosophy of law

use = a student of jurisprudence

prowess = strength, expertise, bravery, skill

use = sporting prowess

feign = pretend, give a false impression

use = to feign surprise

brochure = a pamphlet
use = a product brochure

chastise = to criticize or punish someone
use = they chastised the Government for not doing enough

avail = assistance
use = Employees should avail themselves of the opportunity

simple = lacking in knowledge or intelligence

use = He's a bit simple

habitat = dwelling place

use = destruction of wildlife habitat

submit = yield
use = We protested about the changes, but in the end we had to submit

expedient = advantageous, convenient, efficient

use = It might be expedient not to pay him until the work is finished

parrot = mimic
use = she just parrots anything that her mom says

indisputable = not disputed, unquestioned

use = One fact is indisputable

homage = respect
use = to pay homage

warrant = justification
use = it did not warrant such severe punishment

paraphernalia = equipment
use = cricket paraphernalia

hardy = healthy
use = A few hardy souls

famine = extreme scarcity of food

use = a widespread famine

nurture = nourish, foster

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