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Page 1, CAD Commands

S. NO AutoCAD Command Explanation

1 L Draw lines
2 C Draw circles
3 PL Draw Polylines
4 REC Draw Rectangles
5 POL Draw polygon wit minimum 3 sides to max 1024 sides
6 ARC Draw arcs
7 ELLIPSE Draw ellipse
8 REG Make region geometry
9 CO Copy objects
10 ARRAY Rectangular polar or path array
11 TR Trim
12 OP Open the Options Window
13 SC Change the scale of Objects
14 B Create Block
15 I Insert existing Block or a new drawing as a block
16 ST Open the Text Style Window
17 X Explode objects like Polylines, array, Blocks, etc.
18 F Fillet
19 CHA Chamfer
20 LA Layer properties Manager
21 Ctrl + N New Drawing tab
22 Ctrl + S Save
23 Ctrl + Shift + S Save as
24 Ctrl + 0 Hides palettes and tabs and shows only drawing area
25 Ctrl +1 Properties
26 Ctrl + 2 Design Center Palette
27 Ctrl + 9 Visibility of Command line
28 Ctrl + C Copy objects
29 Ctrl + V Paste
30 Ctrl + Shift + V Paste as block
31 Ctrl + Z Undo
32 Ctrl + Y Redo
33 Ctrl + Tab Switch drawing tabs
34 F9 OSNAP on/off
35 F7 Toggle Grid on/off
36 DYNMODE Toggle dynamic input
37 F8 Ortho on/off
38 F10 Polar tracking on/off
39 ISODRAFT Toggle Isometric Drawing Plane
40 F11 Object Snap Tracking on/off
41 F3 OSNAP Options
42 LWDISPLAY Toggle displaying of Line weight
43 TRANSPARANCYDISPLAY Toggle Transparency display on/off
44 SECTIONCYCLING Toggle Selection cycling option on/off
45 F6 Activate/Deactivate Dynamic UCS
46 GRAPHICSCONFIG Graphics configuration window
47 BCOUNT Reports the number of each instance of block used in the drawing
48 TXTEXP Explode single line as well as multiline text to geometries
49 XLINE Line of infinite length
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50 POINT Create single point geometry

51 REVCLOUD Create revision cloud geometry by freehand sketching
52 SKETCH free hand drawing
53 MULTIPLE Used to repeat a command multiple times
54 NCOPY Copy objects Nested within Block or Xref
55 CAL Perform calculations directly in command line even within Commands

56 BURST Explodes the block with attributes retaining the attribute setting and layer definition.
57 SP Spelling check
58 ARCTEXT Write text aligned to an arc
59 OOPS Restore the last deleted object
60 CHSPACE Change the space from model space to paper space and vice versa
61 DIVIDE Divide 2D geometry into many equal parts
62 RENAME Any named object can be renamed
63 BREAK break 2D geometry at one or two points
64 TIME Information about drawing – time consumed for editing
65 QSELECT Select objects in the drawing with filters
66 DI find distance between two points
67 COPYBASE copy any object using a base point
68 PASTECLIP Paste the copied objects from clipboard to your drawing.
69 LIST A list of properties generated
70 DIM Dimension
71 TOLERANCE Represent Tolerance information
72 SCALETEXT Change the scale of existing Text or Mtext objects in the drawing
73 BASE Change the base point of objects without changing the origin of the objects
74 DWGPREFIX Find the Xrefs attached to the drawing
75 TJUST Change text justification
76 UNITS Set the units of the drawing
77 ML Create multiple parallel line geometry
78 TINSERT Insert blocks or dwg as block in a table
79 MIRRTEXT Toggle Mirroring of text
80 AREA Find area of closed shapes
81 TORIENT Orient text in the best readable position
82 ID Find co-ordinate values of a point in a drawing
83 MINSERT Insert blocks as a rectangular array component
84 BOUNDARY Extract closed boundaries from any enclosed area
85 DIMROTATED Create inclined dimension
86 BREAKLINE make a break-line symbol
87 TXT2MTXT Combine multiple Text and Mtext object into one Mtext object
88 SAVEALL Save all open drawings
89 PURGE Remove unused layers, blocks and dimension styles from drawing
90 LAYDEL Delete layers that contain objects and even Defpoints
91 FILLMODE Turn off visibility of filled areas of hatches
92 APERTURE Controls the area of influence of object snap
93 OVERKILL Remove overlapping geometries
94 ISAVEPERCENT Change the degree of compatibility of the file to other software and the file size
95 SELECTIONPREVIEW Toggle highlighting the objects when cursor hovers over object
96 HIGHLIGHT Toggle highlighting of selected object
97 RECOVERALL Repairs a damaged file
98 LAYMCH Change the layer of selected objects
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99 PICKBOX Change the size of the pickbox

100 STARTMODE Toggle the visibility of the start tab
101 CLOSEALL Closes all the open drawings
102 FILEDIA Toggle dialog box appearance on/off
103 AUDIT Remove errors from the drawing
104 RECOVER Recover highly corrupted files
105 MA Match properties
106 CLOSEALLOTHER Close all open drawings except the current drawing
107 TEXTFIT Shrink or expand the text entities to fit in a required area
108 WIPEOUT Clear the objects in the background for overlayed objects
109 -DWGUNITS Convert AutoCAD drawing from one unit to another
110 TEXTMASK Create mask for text to make it clearly visible
All objects of Selected layers will be transferred to the end layer and selected layers
111 LAYMRG will be deleted
112 DS Open drafting settings dialog box
113 LAYWALK Open a list of all layers in the object
114 CENTERMARK Create a center-mark on a circle or arc
115 CENTERLINE Create centreline between parallel or intersecting lines
116 TABLET For using a tablet input
117 TEXTSCR Open a text window containing a history of all recently used commands
118 BATTMAN Modify attributes of blocks
119 3DCONFIG Hardware acceleration on/off
120 SEEK Redirects you to AutoDesk CAD and BI object Catalog
121 FS If FSMODE is on clicking on an object will select all connected objects
122 TEXTTOFRONT Brings Text, Dimension and Leader objects to the front
123 PUBLISH Print multi sheet files directly
124 ISOLATE Hide all objects except the selected objects
125 HIDEOBJECTS Hide selected objects
126 GROUP Group objects
127 ADCENTER Open design center Palette
128 IMPORT Import objects of other format to AutoCAD
129 FIELD Dynamic Text Information
130 WBLOCK Save objects as files
131 THICKEN Convert surface into 3D object by adding thickness
132 CONVTOSOLID Converts objects created by mesh to Solid
133 POLYSOLID Defne wall like objects
134 DELOBJ Toggle delete after extruding on/off

135 VOLUME Find information such as Volume, Moment of inertia, radius of Gyration, centroid, etc
136 XEDGES Extract the edges from solids
137 REGEN3 Remove 3D object anomalies
138 SECTIONPLANE Create Section plane
139 FLATSHOT Create multiple views of a single 3D object
140 INTERFERE Detect intersecting 3D solids
141 PROJECTGEOMETRY Project 2D object on 3D surface
142 SOLIDEDIT Convert 3D solid into a hollow solid with thickness
143 SURFPATCH fill openings in surfaces
144 HELIX Make a helix
145 Moveface (SOLIDEDIT) move surfaces like grooves in solids within solid
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146 SURFTRIM Trim surfaces

147 3DALIGN Align a 3D object with respect to other 3D objects
148 SURFOFFSET Offset surfaces
149 SOLIDHIST Record history of boolean operations on solids to edit later
150 IMPRINT Imprint 2D drawings on surfaces of 3D objects.
151 APPLOAD Defines which applications to load when stating the software
152 AREA Calculated the area and perimeter
153 BACKGROUND Choose a background colour for workspace
154 BMPOUT Generates a bmp image of selected objects
155 BOX creates a 3d box by defining h, l & d
156 CHSPACE Moves from layout to model and back
157 COLOR choose a layer colour for future objects
158 DIMALIGNED Dimension aligned with line
159 DIMANGULAR Dimension aligned with circle or arc
160 DIMBASELINE Create a dimension from baseline of earlier dimension
161 DIMRADIUS Create radius dimension for circles and arcs
162 DIMTEDIT Edits the text location of existing dimensions
163 EDGESURF Creates a 3D polygonal mesh
164 EXPLODE Breaks up an object or block into its individual components
165 LIGHT Manage lights and lighting effects on 3D models
166 LINETYPE Create, organise, and select line-type
167 MATLIB Import and export materials from and to library
168 MLINE Creates multiple parallel lines
169 MLEDIT Edit multiple parallel lines
170 MULTIPLE Repeats the command
171 MVSETUP Sets up layout of Drawing
172 OOPS Restores recently deleted objects
173 PAGESETUP Specifies page layout, plotting device , page size, etc for new layout
174 PFACE Creates a 3D mesh vertex by vertex
175 PREVIEW Show how the drawing will look when printed
176 QDIM Creates a dimension
177 QLEADER Creates a leader and leader annotation
178 RENDER Creates a render of the model
179 REVOLVE Creates 3D solids by revolving 2D objects about user defined axis
180 RULESURF Creates a surface by joining two curves
181 SHOWMAT Displays line thickness, colour, dimension, radius and area information
182 SPELL Checks spelling
183 SUBTRACT Creates region by subtraction from another solid
184 TIME Displays statistics of working time, edit time, etc
185 U Undo
186 UNDEFINE Deletes an AutocCAD command
187 REDDEFINE opposite of UNDEFINE
188 VPORTS Manages AutoCAD windows for 2D and 3D models
189 3DSOUT Exports to .3ds format
190 PL Polyline
191 CUTCLIP Cuts object from workspace and keeps it in clipboard

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