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Respect be gets Respect

Marriage is sacred. Marriage can be formed by the love of two persons, a man and a woman. If
they love each other they can get married, but what if both of them are male? Both of them are female?
Can they get married?

“Men are only for women and women are only or men” – a quote from the bible. God created
two genders only and the human can only come to life if a person mated with the opposite gender. This
means that marriage between people with the same gender is a sin. Then there goes the saying, “Love
Knows No Gender.” We deserve to love and to be loved by everyone, anyone.

Loving a person with the same gender is not a sin but, marrying them is. The society has
different opinions on this matter. For some people they agree on the so called same sex marriage but
many of us are opposed to it. Some agrees to it, why? Because even though they go against the word of
God, they know that He is forgiving. In their eyes, loving a person with the same gender is normal as
long as your not stepping on anyone. People who are opposed to it says that they are a disgrace to this

Same sex marriage has a big impact in the society. For example, same sex marriage can affect
children’s view of life. They will think that it is not a sin marrying a person with the same gender as yours
because they will think that what we do is right because we serve as their role model.

We must work hand in hand to gain the respect that we deserve because everyone deserves to
be respected.

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