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Tansip, Arizza Ambray Group Process October 29, 2019

BSPSYCH3A TTh 9-10:30 Ms. Isaga

I. Group Composition
Number of participants: 8
Sex distribution: 4 males; 4 females
Age Range: 19-24 years old

II. Objective of the group

The group needed to establish built connections and expand their insights on each other's quirks,
manner of speaking, and personality by identifying who wrote the quote or word on the paper
which was randomly drawn.

III. Process Element Observed

The group significantly emphasized a comfortable, and humorous atmosphere. Communication
is well established, and cooperation is evident

IV. Time Frame

The time given for the activity to cease, is 10-15 minutes from the beginning to the end of the

V. Recording Instrument Used

The recording instrument used by the observer is Interaction Process Analysis by R.F. Bales, and
the sociogram on communication

VI. Process Observations

Based on the process observation tools used these are the results and data gathered:
Encourages, agrees, accepts, arbitrates, gives opinion, asks opinion, gives and seeks
information, poses problems, gives routine direction, disagrees, exhibits passive aggression. The
sociogram suggests that the robust communication between Analyn, Kim, Gea, Kyle, and JM is
evident while JC and Lin tries to engage in the social environment created by this activity. The
facilitator showed interest, yet is incredibly shy but also communicated with each member of the
VII. Analyis on Process observation

Most of the members are cooperative, they build a comfortable and humorous atmosphere,
informal yet engaging.
Members disagrees on some given statements, one member used her phone most of the time,
looked disinterested, body language is closed,
most have an open body language and are in tune with their nonverbal communication.
one member, tried his hardest to fit in the conversation, the most highlighted trait they possessed
is communication, cooperation, and supportive.

VIII. Planned Interventions

If I were the leader, I would instruct the group to face each other, preferably on a circle so they
can see each other well and any conflict will be noticeable in this set up. Encourage the members
to participate by acknowledging them as well

IX. Personal Insights

I have learned that group activities invade the comfort zones of the members, even the facilitator.
Personal differences is manifested, body language doesn't lie, whether the group like every
member or loathes one it is quite obvious. I noticed that close bonds always reflect a humorous
environment, light hearted and fun for the members. There is so much that we can notice just by
being quiet and observing. It taught me to be detail oriented, careful, non judgemental, and open.

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