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Professional Education

Pre-Licensure Examination for Teachers

1. Which of the following group of materials is

considered to have the highest degree of
A. pictures, posters, and slides
B. plants, insects, and other specimens
C. educational televisions, film, and video clips
D. friendly and business letters, novels,
newspaper clips
2. Which of the following factors should Mr.
Bautista primarily consider in his determination of
his teaching and learning objectives and in his
utilization of instructional materials?
A. assessment tools
B. nature of the learners
C. modes of material presentation
D. instructional activity and experiences
3. In instructional development, teachers state
objectives first because it helps them best in
A. operating the equipments to be used for
B. securing available instructional materials.
C. selecting which media to use best.
D. preparing materials beforehand.
4. Mrs. Gavina ensures that the illustrations she is
preparing for her class do not suggest messages
that can be interpreted in variety of ways. Which
of the following principles in media selection and
utilization guides her development of instructional
A. communication effectiveness
B. meaningfulness
C. authenticity
D. interest
5. The following statements are examples of good
practices in the use of printed visuals like charts,
graphs, and drawings EXCEPT for
A. Present the material one by one.
B. Students should pass the material around
for everyone’s benefit.
C. Print visuals should be seen by everyone in
a single presentation.
D. Provide written or verbal cues to support
important information that is to be clearly
understood in the visuals.
6. Prof. Balagtas plans to utilize audiocassettes in
his Literature class the next day. Which of the
following competencies does he want to develop in
his students?
A. Literary criticism
B. Literary appreciation
C. Short story composition
D. Auditory comprehension
7. Hector is asked to present a report regarding
the expedition of Christopher Columbus. He is
planning to deliver his report by making the parts
of his presentation partly hidden to make it more
interesting and exciting. Which of the following
materials should he probably use?
A. Video C. realia
B. Slides D. models
8. Ms. Runduin plans to tell a tall tale to her
students. She is planning to tell it in an exciting
progressing presentation by using a group of
transparent sheets placed over a base
transparency. Which of the following materials is
she planning to use for her storytelling?
A. Marionettes C. silhouettes
B. Puppets D. overlay
9. Mr. Delos Santos, a fresh graduate elementary
teacher is asked by the principal to help the school
develop resources for instruction so that the school
would have available materials for the teachers to
use. The principal described the learners and the
teachers in the school in terms of abilities and
attitudes. Which of the following processes would
you suggest him to do so that he may be well
guided in his development process?
A. development – utilization – evaluation –
B. development – design – utilization –
C. design – development – utilization –
D. design – utilization – evaluation –
10. Ms. Henson wants to determine her teaching
and learning objectives for her science class the
next day. She also plans to think of a material to
use so that she could deliver her lesson with
efficiency. Which of the following factors should
Ms. Henson primarily consider?
A. instructional strategy
B. instructional activity
C. assessment tools
D. the learner
11. Mr. Binangonan brought real samples of leaves
when he discussed about differences of plants
through the leaves. Which of the following
principles BEST reflects his decision in the selection
of instructional media?
A. Interest C. responsiveness
B. Authenticity D. cost effectiveness
12. Prof. Duque would like to create a presentation
material for his lecture on the normal curve
distribution in statistics. To make his presentation
more efficient and effective, which of the following
tools should he utilize?
A. communicative tool
B. productivity tool
C. informative tool
D. situating tool
13. You grouped your students and asked them to
make a trailer for the novel they have read in your
Literature class. What tool could possibly help the
students in their project?
A. communicative tool
B. productivity tool
C. informative tool
D. situating tool

14. Teacher Silva used video excerpts in teaching

new economic concepts to her 4th year high school
class. However, as the clips are viewed, the
students seemed to have blank responses to them.
Students yawn and feel sleepy. There is an
ineffective utilization of the instructional media in
the classroom. In this situation, educational
technology is considered ineffective because it
A. does not provide vicarious experiences for
the learners.
B. does not help attain the objectives of the
C. induces alienation on the part of the
D. promotes passive reception of the message.
15. Mr. Bautista wants to increase the proficiency
of his students in a newly learned skill and he
wants to refresh an existing skill in the learners.
Which of the following categories of computer-
assisted instruction or CAI should he use to achieve
his teaching objective?
A. instructional games
B. drill and practice
C. simulation
D. tutorial
16. Mr. Malaya is teaching a 3rd year high school
class in world history. The students need note
taking, outlining, and study skills. Which strategy
should she start to model, teach, and have students
practice first?
A. main idea
B. sequencing
C. reciprocal teaching
D. rhetorical patterns of expository texts
17. Teacher Sheila does a read-aloud and think-
aloud modeling several times a week in her first
and second grade classroom. Which of the
following strategies is she NOT modeling?
A. asking questions of the text, the author, and
B. making connections with the text
C. checking predictions
D. phonetic analysis
18. Mr. Rodrigo has several students in his fifth
grade class that need more strategies for
comprehension of texts. Which of the following is
NOT an effective strategy for him to model to the
A. checking and modifying predictions while
B. looking up vocabulary words during reading
C. activating prior knowledge before reading
D. using context clues for monitoring
19. Which of the following phonological and
phonemic awareness activities is considered to
have the LEAST level of difficulty?
A. substitutions, additions, and deletions
B. segmentation
C. blending
D. rhyming

20. Mrs. Gutierrez has students who are weak in

the use of structural analysis. Which of the
following words would BEST lend itself to the
development of the skill mentioned?
A. Cough C. fountains
B. Decided D. previewed
21. Mrs. Ilanan has a new kindergarten class and
needs to obtain some baseline data from her
students. She deems it necessary to assess her
students’ print skills. Which of the following skills
would NOT be included in this particular
A. recognition of a capital letter
B. pointing the cover of a book
C. left-to-right orientation
D. word segmentation
22. Teacher A has found out that the results of the
curriculum that was implemented call for an
alteration in the set of objectives and
competencies. Which of the following curriculum
development stages does teacher A want to
A. curriculum planning
B. curriculum evaluation
C. curriculum change
D. curriculum improvement
23. Ms. Natividad, a classroom teacher, wants to
try-out to her class another strategy she has
learned from a seminar-workshop she has
attended. Which level of curriculum is shown in
this situation?
A. Societal C. instructional
B. Experiential D. institutional
24. Mr. Reyes, the principal of Bagumbato National
High School, opted to use the curriculum that
employs the integration of Music, Arts, P.E., and
Social Studies on a longer time block. This situation
clearly shows that the principal prefers to use
A. core curriculum design.
B. correlated subjects design.
C. broad-fields curriculum design.
D. single-subject curriculum design.
25. The sub-processes of curriculum planning,
organization and designing, implementation and
evaluation sum up the process of
A. curriculum and instruction.
B. curriculum management.
C. curriculum development.
D. curriculum assessment.
26. When the aim of the curriculum is to provide
the learners with the needed skills in this ever-
changing world, the curriculum reflects the belief
that it should
A. provide learner’s with the knowledge
needed for social relevance.
B. perpetuate cumulative tradition of
organized knowledge.
C. provide avenues for the students to do self-
D. allow learner’s self-actualization.
27. The following statements are characteristics of
the subject-centered curriculum EXCEPT for
A. The main task is mastery learning.
B. The teacher has full control of the lesson.
C. There is a high level of cooperative
D. It covers much of the content in a short
span of time.
28. The phase of curriculum development which
involves a survey of the current needs of the
learners and the demands of society is curriculum
A. planning.
B. evaluation.
C. organization.
D. implementation
29. Ms. Oliveros, a language teacher, has noticed
that Bryan, a diagnosed dyslexic child, has already
improved in his reading, writing, gross, and fine
motor abilities. She recommended to her principal
that Bryan should be learning in a regular
classroom. Which of the following does the
teacher want to happen?
A. Promotion C. inclusion
B. Intervention D. exclusion
30. When developers try to obtain relevant
information to be able to judge the worth of an
educational program, its product, procedures, and
objectives, the developers are in the process of
A. planning. C. evaluation.
B. designing. D. alignment.
31. Johnny, a junior high school student, connected
his lesson on fractions with his Social Studies lesson
on land ownership during the time of Feudalism.
Which curriculum design element is reflected in
Johnny’s practice?
A. Articulation C. continuity
B. Integration D. balance
32. Teacher B wants to give his student the
freedom to choose what to learn and believe, and
allow the student to set his own identity and
standards. Teacher B clearly shows that he believes
A. Realism. C. Perennialism.
B. Idealism. D. Existentialism
33. A curriculum developer wants to combine
geography, civics and culture, and history to
complete the subject area of Social Studies. The
curriculum developer clearly manifests favor for the
A. correlated subjects curriculum design.
B. broad fields curriculum design.
C. fused curriculum design.
D. core curriculum design.
34. Teacher C has found out that there was a
mismatch between the content she was teaching in
the class and the competencies tested in the
standards-based assessment (SBA) given after a
year of instruction. This situation calls for
A. planning. C. alignment.
B. designing. D. implementation.
35. The following are characteristics of the
experience-centered curriculum EXCEPT for
A. The classroom activities are cooperatively
controlled by the learner and the teacher.
B. The emphasis is on the holistic development
of the individual learner.
C. Education aims to develop a socially
creative individual.
D. Facts and knowledge are to be mastered for
future use.
36. The students’ first languages are to be the
medium of instruction during the first three years
of formal schooling both in the public and private
schools. Which of the following stakeholders in
curriculum development asks for this requirement?
A. Parents C. publishers
B. teachers D. legislators
37. Mr. Delos Reyes believes that curriculum is not
concerned with what the students will do in the
learning situation, but what they will retain in mind
as a consequence of what they do. Which of the
following definitions or conceptions of curriculum
reflects the belief of Mr. Delos Reyes?
A. Curriculum as Plan
B. Curriculum as Experience
C. Curriculum as Subject Matter
D. Curriculum as Result or Outcome
38. Mrs. Benitez, a school principal, has learned
that there is a new trend in the teaching of Science
and Mathematics. She immediately planned for a
seminar-workshop intended for her faculty so that
they may be updated with the current trend.
Which of the following curriculum levels reflects
this situation?
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
39. Annie, a grade six pupil, has learned that she
remembers better when she uses graphic
organizers as study aids when she reviews previous
lessons. Which of the following curriculum levels
reflects this situation?
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
40. An international body of educational
researchers has published a recent finding in the
use of Understanding by Design (UbD) in the
Philippine setting. The experts report that there
has been a significant progress in the achievement
of Philippine public high school students. The
government responds to mandate the use of the
framework. Which of the following curriculum
levels is responsible for this affair?
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
41. Administrative officials of a private school set a
day for the parents to have a conference with their
children’s teachers so that the parents would know
the current status of their children in their classes.
Which of the following curriculum levels is
responsible for this practice?
A. societal level
B. experiential level
C. institutional level
D. instructional level
42. Mrs. Jimenez, an academic coordinator,
arranges the different subjects by identifying a
central theme so that there will be a meeting point
of ideas from different content areas. Which of the
following phases of curriculum development does
Mrs. Jimenez practice?
A. curriculum change
B. curriculum planning
C. curriculum organization
D. curriculum implementation
43. Mr. Quiteviz, a guidance counselor,
administered a psychological test to identify the
child’s ability, maturation, mental age, and
experiential background. The test that he
administered should BEST help curriculum
developers to decide on
A. time allotment.
B. grade placement.
C. curriculum content.
D. curriculum evaluation.
44. Mr. Calado, a private school owner, ensures that
the equipments and facilities of his school are
functional and safe for the teachers and students to
use. This situation implies that Mr. Calado is in the
process of
A. curriculum planning.
B. curriculum designing.
C. curriculum improvement
D. curriculum implementation.
45. Region IV-A and B administered a Standards-
Based Assessment (SBA) to know how their schools
perform against each other. The test was done so
that they could appropriate funding for an
educational intervention for the least performing
school. The regions clearly manifest that they
A. curriculum implementation
B. curriculum organization
C. curriculum evaluation
D. curriculum change
46. Mrs. Dumalanta admits that the current trends
in teaching that are suggested by experts do not fit
with her current classroom conditions for
instruction. Nevertheless, she devices a new
strategy to approach a classroom problem and she
anticipates an improved condition for her class
through this strategy. Which of the following does
the teacher manifest?
A. responsibility
B. accountability
C. innovativeness
D. professionalism

47. Mrs. Juntalon taught count nouns and non-

count nouns in the classroom. After the class,
when the pupils went home, Johnny, one of her
pupils, points to the sugar and says, “Non-count,
Mama!” Which of the following types of
curriculum is reflected in this situation?
A. tested curriculum
B. taught curriculum
C. written curriculum
D. received curriculum
48. Mr. Pinzon suggests that the curricular content
of Science should only include practical ways of
applying scientific principles into everyday
situations. Which of the following criteria for
curriculum organization and design is considered by
Mr. Pinzon?
A. Integration C. validity
B. Sequence D. scope
49. Which of the following is NOT a function of
curriculum evaluation?
A. Evaluation provides feedback to those who
are concerned in the students’ learning.
B. Evaluation serves as basis for curriculum
change and improvement.
C. Evaluation gives light to curriculum
D. Evaluation could serve as a disciplinary
50. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator, finds it
necessary for most subject areas to have their
contents be repeated across grade levels in
progressing degrees of difficulty and
contextualization. Which of the following
curriculum designs does she want to use?
A. broad-fields C. spiral
B. correlated D. core
51. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher, tries to enrich
the content of his lesson by identifying related
concepts in History and Art. Which of the following
reflects the pattern of organizing subject matter
that he utilized?
A. separate subject C. correlated
B. broad fields D. core
52. Too much use of technology under Bruner’s
symbolic mode does not guarantee effectiveness to
children at a very young age because they
A. do not engage the learners’ active
participation in classroom discussions.
B. require tactile and manipulation skills from
the learners.
C. are not interesting.
D. are too abstract.
53. Which of the following is not included in
Bruner’s three modes of learning?
A. Inductive C. abstract
B. Enactive D. iconic
54. These are experiences that draw heavily on the
richest and most vivid sense impressions involving
feelings and perceptions as the young learner
embarks on exploring the world. Which of the
following refers to these experiences?
A. direct purposeful experiences
B. dramatized experiences
C. contrived experiences
D. abstract experiences
55. Which of the following instructional media is
the LEAST abstract under the enactive mode?
A. role plays C. models
B. mock-ups D. realia
56. A diagram that illustrates the sequence of steps
that a learner might follow logically is called
A. pie chart. C. flow chart.
B. bar graph. D. pictograph.
57. A technique used to protect a visual material
from wear and tear by covering it with clear plastic
or similar substances is called
A. mimeographing. C. lamination.
B. duplication. D. simulation.
58. The equilibrium achieved when the elements in
a display are equally distributed on both sides,
either horizontally or vertically is called
A. emphasis. C. balance.
B. contrast. D. unity.
59. Which of the following statements BEST
articulates the reason why teachers use models
over real things as an instructional tool?
A. Models are more advanced and up-to-date
than real things.
B. Models bridge time and space, therefore,
C. Models provide direct purposeful
D. Models are the best instructional tools to
60. Which of the following refers to a learning
exercise which demands constant repetition until
behavior becomes desirable?
A. Gaming C. demonstration
B. Simulation D. drill and practice
61. Which of the following refers to inexpensive,
instructional resources which involve students and
teachers being engaged in planning and preparing
exhibits to be mounted in an integrated,
meaningful and attractive manner?
A. field trips C. teaching displays
B. role-playing D. simulation programs
62. Which of the following refers to the repeated
transmission of a message, possibly through
different channels, to overcome or bypass
distracting noises?
A. Feedback C. redundancy
B. Channeling D. communication
63. A grade one teacher made lines on her
chalkboard. The lines seem to be like a grade one
pad paper which contains a blue-red-blue
sequence. Which of the following is the BEST
reason for the teacher’s instructional designing?
A. Different colors draw the children’s
attention to the teacher and the lesson.
B. The lines require the learner’s control of
their fine and gross motor skills.
C. The teacher can write on the board with
perfect alignment.
D. Dull chalkboards make any lesson boring to
the learners.

64. Mr. Leopoldo is hesitant to integrate computers

in his Mathematics instruction because he fears
that he might press a wrong key in the keyboard.
He thinks that he might damage both the hardware
and the computer program installed in the
computer. Which of the following factors affecting
resistance to change in media utilization does he
A. Technophobia
B. Lack of integration ideas
C. Inhibition of human conduct
D. Lack of local production ability
65. Which of the following is a limitation of printed
A. They require little technological expertise
and maintenance.
B. They provide a common resource for all
students to follow.
C. They require self-paced or individualized
D. They are usually written for a national
66. Which of the following is considered as strength
of drawings over photographs?
A. They are more attractive to learners.
B. They have a higher degree of realism.
C. Children prefer to view drawings rather
than photographs.
D. Drawings deliver less crowded messages
and they are less ambiguous than photos.
67. In the bottom-up perspective, a reader could
read a text when he/she
A. uses his prior knowledge to make sense of
the text.
B. selects only the meaningful segments in the
C. can translate the visual symbols to their
aural equivalent.
D. relates the text to other texts previously
68. Which of the following reading skills or
strategies is the closest to outside-in processing or
A. inferencing
B. outlining
C. predicting outcomes
D. structural analysis
69. Before a reader could read the WORD, he must
learn to read the WORLD first. This statement
implies that
A. students or readers must know the names
of the letter first before they will know what the
word means.
B. readers must know the sounds of the letters
first before they will know what the word
C. words are only representations of the
concepts that the child or reader knows before
encountering the print.
D. the text supplies the readers with the
necessary knowledge they need to make sense
of the print.
70. Teacher A explicitly teaches his/her students
the rhetorical patterns of an informational text
taken from a science textbook. Which of the
following does the teacher want to develop in the
A. print skill
B. content schemata
C. formal schemata
D. vocabulary knowledge
71. Teacher B uses the timeline as a graphic
organizer to teach the readers to understand a
given expository text. Which of the following
organizational structures might be the one used in
the exposition of the text’s information?
A. cause and effect
B. comparison and contrast
C. enumeration-description
D. sequence or procedural
72. Teacher C has presented a reading lesson to her
students. The lesson went on for a span of a week.
After a day or two, when the teacher introduced a
new lesson that requires them the knowledge of
the previous lesson, the students no longer
remember it. What could be the cause of this
A. There was a lack of constant drill and
practice given by the teacher.
B. The text used and the instruction given in
the previous lesson is within the students’
independent level.
C. There was a lack of activities that integrate
the students’ background experiences to the
text presented.
D. The text used and the instruction given in
the previous lesson is within the students’
instructional level.
73. A reader was asked to fill in words to the
sentences that are found inside the box below.
Which of the following cueing systems did the
reader fail to consider?
The candy is in the sweet. It’s in the inside bowl.
A. graphophonic cues
B. syntactic cues
C. semantic cues
D. pragmatic cues
74. A reader read the word “plan” with a
pronunciation like “plane” in the sentence, “It’s my
plan to sail across the ocean.” The deviation of the
reader in reading the text can be explained by the
reader’s use of
A. syntactic cues
B. semantic cues
C. graphophonic cues
D. pragmatic cues
75. An office secretary encoded her boss’s
memorandum for the company’s employees. The
boss returned the memo to the secretary along
with the note, “Please justify this!” The secretary
felt bad and wanted to resign immediately because
she thinks that it’s not her job to explain the
contents of the memo. What cueing system did the
secretary fail to consider?
A. Graphophonic C. semantic
B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
76. A reader was asked to read the sentence found
inside the box below. Instead of reading the word
“moved”, he substituted it with the word “ran”.
Which of the cueing systems could have interfered
his reading so that he manifests such a deviation
from the text?
The car moved fast.
A. graphophonic cues
B. syntactic cues
C. semantic cues
D. pragmatic cues
77. Which of the following refers to the movement
of the eyes across a line of text?
A. Saccades C. clustering
B. Fixation D. regression
78. A reader was asked to read a short story. When
the reader started reading the text, he encountered
several words that are unfamiliar. He tried to pause
for a moment and tried to convert the word from
visual to aural. Which of the following physiological
correlates of effective reading does the reader
evidently practice in this situation?
A. saccadic movements C. fixations
B. return sweeps D. clustering
79. The following are the reasons why fixation is
not encouraged at times EXCEPT for
A. Fixation allows readers to think of the
meaning of a word encountered.
B. Fixation slows down fluency.
C. Readers are given the chance to do
subvocalization when they fixate.
D. Too much fixation results to poor
80. It refers to the learned ability to see words in
groups rather than as individual words.
A. Subvocalization C. fixation
B. Regression D clustering.
81. You asked a group of students to read a passage
silently. After a minute of observation, you noticed
that they are moving their lips as they do saccadic
movements along the page. Which of the following
terms refers to the practice that you have observed
from your students?
A. Subvocalization C. fixation
B. Regression D. clustering
82. You asked your students to silently read the
passage you have prepared for them. The passage
is all about arthropods. As a student go over his
passage, you noticed that he sweeps his hands
along the page. After a while, his eyebrows met, as
if he doubts what the passage is all about. You
noticed that he made return sweeps to the text in a
backward manner, as if trying to search for a
previously read word. This situation implies that
the reader is doing
A. regression. C. fixation.
B. saccades. D. subvocalization.

83. Regression is BEST when the reader uses it as a

means to
A. search for keywords in a text.
B. monitor comprehension when the text
seems not to make sense.
C. read a passage all over again.
D. highlight important lines in the text for
retrieval purposes.
84. Teacher D entered the classroom and posted
images that she has taken from the story she is
about to tell the students. Before she started
telling the story to the class, she grouped the
students and asked them to make a story out of the
pictures posted on the board. Which of the
following approaches reflects the practice of the
A. Explicit Phonics
B. Basal Approach
C. Embedded Phonics
D. Language Experience Approach
85. Teacher E entered the classroom and showed a
list of word families like cat, mat, fat, rat, pat, and
bat. This practice clearly shows that the teacher
A. Whole-language approach.
B. Language experience approach.
C. Literature-based approach.
D. Phonics approach.
86. A student asked the teacher to tell him the
meaning of the word “disestablishmentarianism”,
which is found in the text that the student read.
Instead of explicitly stating the meaning of the
word, the teacher asked the student to segment
the word and look for its base word, prefix, and
suffixes so that they may construct the meaning of
the word through these word parts. Which of the
following vocabulary strategy did the teacher use
to help the students arrive at the meaning of the
unfamiliar word?
A. semantic feature analysis
B. semantic mapping
C. structural analysis
D. context clues

87. You were given a long passage to read in a short

period of time. Along with the passage, you were
also asked to answer questions regarding the text
you are to read. Which of the following reading
strategies should you use to successfully meet your
A. Skimming C. close reading
B. Scanning D. summarizing
88. You want your students to give you a detailed
account of what they have understood from the
story you have all read in the classroom. Which of
the following assessment measures, tools, or
procedures should you use to meet your goal?
A. think-aloud
B. cloze procedure
C. miscue analysis
D. retelling

89. A teacher wants to know the current functional

reading level of a student in her reading class in
terms of word recognition. Which of the following
assessment measures, tools, or procedures should
the teacher use to meet her aim?
A. think-aloud
B. miscue analysis
C. standardized tests
D. informal reading inventory

90. You want to know the quality of responses the

students make as they process a text while they are
in the act of audibly reading it. You recorded their
reading and found out that they stop at times and
give personal reactions to the text. Some of the
students’ reactions are even stated in their mother
tongue. Which of the following assessment tools
or procedures refers to this practice?
A. think-aloud C. standardized tests
B. miscue analysis D. cloze procedure
91. You want to know the range of your students’
vocabulary, graphophonic knowledge, syntactic
knowledge, semantic knowledge, and pragmatic
knowledge by filling in gaps within a given
information. Which of the following should you use
to achieve your goal?
A. think-aloud C. standardized tests
B. miscue analysis D. cloze procedure
92. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, a child belonging to the
sensorimotor stage does not see things in
abstraction. Consequently, as instruction of
mathematics to young children, the
A. abstract stage should succeed the concrete
B. abstract stage should precede the concrete
C. use of concrete objects may not be
D. use of pictures may not be essential.
93. Which of the following circumstances reflects
an individual under the integrity versus despair
stage of Erikson’s theory?
A. A person develops a self-concept that he or
she can accept and is pleased with his or her
role in life and what he or she produces.
B. A person is satisfied with his status among
his or her peers in work skills.
C. The individual is able to work positively and
D. He or she is sure of his or her own identity.
94. Rubi and Maribel are identical twins, who were
orphaned and raised separately by their relatives
who belong to different socio-economic status.
After 15 years, there was a difference in their
academic performance and achievement. Which of
the following explains the difference that occurred?
A. Difference in intelligence.
B. Difference in heredity.
C. Difference in nurture.
D. Difference in nature.
95. Ruben acquired knowledge and skills through
constant conversation and sharing of his
experiences to his parents, older siblings, older
cousins, and teachers. Which of the following
theories illustrates the situation mentioned?
A. Psychosocial Theory
B. Sociohistoric Theory
C. Cognitive Theory
D. Learning Theory
96. Cheating is a continual predicament during
examinations. Andy, a second year high school
student, observed that during their final
examination, several of his classmates cheated.
Though he noticed this, he did not cheat. Which
stage of Kohlberg’s theory does Andy exhibit?
A. Universal ethical principle orientation
B. Good boy, Nice girl orientation
C. Social contract orientation
D. Law and order orientation.
97. Learning should be aided by formulating and
asking questions so that
A. the teacher will know the students who can
communicate very well.
B. the students will be given the chance to do
the same thing.
C. students will earn a good grade in
D. students will develop their self-confidence.
98. Mr. Natividad considers his students’ ages in
presenting certain content and in modeling certain
cognitive processes. Which of the following
principles of learning does Mr. Natividad follow?
A. Principle of learning aided by formulating
and asking questions
B. Principle of presenting challenging tasks
C. Principle of learning by doing
D. Principle of readiness
99. Which of the following statements DOES NOT
support the idea on individual differences?
A. Help should be extended to both the gifted
and retarded.
B. Involve all students regardless of what the
activity is.
C. Use varied activities for a difficult lesson.
D. Consider the uniqueness of each student.
100. A teacher should provide positive feedback and
realistic praises
A. so the students will also praise him or her.
B. to be liked and loved by the students.
C. so the students will know what to do.
D. to encourage the students to study.
101. Mrs. Karaan, an English teacher, pointed out to
the students the specific elements in making
coherent paragraphs or compositions. Which of
the following elements of observational learning is
demonstrated in this situation?
A. Attention C. motivation
B. Retention D. production
102. Mrs. Gunigundo observed that Delfin is very shy
and he happens to be a transferee. He does not
like to participate in class activities. Which of the
following means should be the BEST option for her?
A. Converse with him to understand him
B. Ask one of his classmates to be his friend.
C. Make him the leader in a group activity.
D. Call on him to recite always.
103. A teacher should do a series of observations,
and not just a single observation to be able to make
a conclusion concerning an individual’s behavior
because it
A. helps one to see the consistency of the
exhibited behavior.
B. lets one to check if the modeled behavior
was mimicked correctly.
C. is better to see the individual display
different behavior at different times.
D. is not always possible to draw accurate
conclusions by single observations.
104. In which stage in Erikson’s theory is an
individual in if he learns to win recognition by being
productive and his work becomes pleasurable and
he learns to persevere?
A. Initiative vs. Guilt
B. Industry vs. Inferiority
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion
D. Generativity vs. Stagnation
105. Mr. Bendo is currently teaching his class. He
observed that his students keep on asking for his
permission so that they could go out of the room
and drink water from the drinking fountain. He,
himself, feels the same way as his students because
of the warm weather. Which of the following
principles rationalizes the students’ behavior?
A. One of the basic needs of man is water.
B. The body tends to maintain a state of
equilibrium called homeostasis.
C. The needs of an individual are the same for
all individuals in order to grow and develop.
D. Development is the product of the
interaction of the organism’s heredity and its
106. Jun and Jan are fraternal twins. Jun is an
introvert while Jan is an extrovert. Jun likes to eat
pizza while Jan likes cake. On the other hand, Jan
gets good grades while Jun contends himself with
fairly good grades. Which of the following
principles DOES NOT apply in this situation?
A. Development is a product of the interaction
of the organism and its environment.
B. Development patterns show wide individual
C. No two individuals are alike.
D. Each individual is unique.

107. Ben keeps on sucking his thumb until he turns

12. His needs during his oral development were
not gratified so he underwent stage fixation. This
circumstance that Ben undergoes can be explained
A. Psychosocial Theory.
B. Psychoanalytic Theory.
C. Social Learning Theory.
D. Cognitive Development Theory.
108. Ms. Gonong handles a class of kindergarten
composed of six-year-olds. She observes that John
plays with his penis. Freud purports that children
in this stage have matured to the point that their
genitals have become an interesting and sensitive
area of the body. The stage that corresponds to the
phenomenon that John displays is called
A. Latency period. C. Phallic stage.
B. Genital stage. D. Anal stage
109. Mrs. Vergara asked Jenny to clean their
classroom. Jenny obeyed her teacher. While Jenny
was sweeping the floor, she found a purse near the
teacher’s table. Jenny decided to surrender the
purse to Mrs. Vergara. This situation shows that
Jenny’s moral orientation in Kohlberg’s theory is in
the stage of
A. Law and order orientation.
B. Social contract orientation.
C. Good boy, nice girl orientation.
D. Universal ethical principle orientation.
110. Benito comes to school on time because it is
one of the school’s rules and regulations. Aside
from that, he does not want to interrupt their class
by being tardy. Which level of Kohlberg’s theory
about morality does Benito manifest?
A. Postconventional C. Conventional
B. Preconventional D. Universal
111. Lisa is now in grade two. She tries her best to
perfect her exams and avoids doing something
wrong. Prior to grade two, she always perfects her
exams in grade one and receives extra allowance
from her parents everytime she makes it to the top
of the class. Nevertheless, she was reprimanded
everytime she commits error in class. Lisa’s current
behavior in grade two was brought about by
A. Cognitive learning.
B. Associative learning.
C. Operant conditioning.
D. Classical conditioning.
112. Ranilo is a transfer student and he feels
uncomfortable and apprehensive with his new
school. His teacher is very accommodating,
approachable, warm, and caring. Ranilo felt
comfortable with his teacher’s display of genuine
warmth. There is a consistency in the teacher’s
manner and Ranilo begins to associate school with
the teacher’s warmth. Which of the following
theories is reflective of this kind of situation?
A. Observational learning
B. Classical conditioning
C. Operant conditioning
D. Meaningful learning
113. Which of the following should BEST enhance
the learning of preschoolers?
A. Make activities too easy, simple and can be
done for a short period of time.
B. Use colorful, attractive and challenging
C. Activities should be hands-on and not
D. Always give reward and never punish.
114. The mother of Robert got angry with him
because he disobeyed her. He joined his circle of
friends in their trip, one which the mother thought
was dangerous. If Robert did not join the trip, he
will be considered an outcast by his group. Which
of the following characteristics of adolescents did
Roberto manifest in this situation?
A. Adolescents know that their parents could
give them pardon even if they commit mistakes.
B. Adolescents’ priority is focused on the
demands of their peers rather than their
C. Adolescents do not mind other people as
long as they are happy.
D. Adolescents are care-free and happy-go-
lucky individuals.
115. Gina and Rina, who are grade three pupils,
observe Ms. Alfero, their teacher, after taking her
lunch. They observe her brush her teeth, comb her
hair, and powder her face. After several days, the
girls did the same things that Ms. Alfero did after
eating her lunch. This scenario only tells that
A. learn by doing.
B. learn by repetition.
C. learn by observation.
D. like to display the same behavior like adults.
116. Shiela found a wallet in the canteen. She gave
it to the canteen manager. The canteen manager
appreciated her deed. Which of the following
would most likely be the behavior that Shiela will
display every time she finds something that is not
A. She would always return whatever she
B. She will not return the things she finds.
C. Give the things she finds to others.
D. She will keep the things she finds.
117. If Mr. Bautista wants to increase the abilities of
his students in solving more complex problems,
which of the following provisions should he give his
A. problems that match appropriately to
students’ level of thinking
B. stimulation reduction so as to increase
attention to the task
C. increase drill and practice with simple
D. correct answers all the time

118. Mrs. Dela Rosa requires her grade one pupils to

use big pencils in writing. She discourages the use
of small pencils and ballpens. Mrs. Dela Rosa
clearly believes that
A. small pencils and ballpens are thin and have
pointed writing edges, which might be
dangerous to very young children.
B. big pencils are easy to hold because fine
muscles at this stage are not yet fully
C. small pencils and ballpens make small
prints, which are difficult to read.
D. big pencils make big prints, which are easier
to read.
119. Mr. Diego, a computer teacher, lets his students
explore the computer on their own. Which of the
following principles does he exhibit to believe in?
A. Learning is aided by formulating and asking
B. Concepts should be presented in varied
C. Effort is put forth when tasks are
D. Children learn by doing.
120. Teacher Celia believes that students learn with
pictures. Nevertheless, her continued use of
pictures for succeeding days of instruction made
her students feel bored towards the lesson she
presents. Which of the following principles of
learning did she forget to consider?
A. Effort is put forth when tasks are
B. Concepts should be presented in variety of
C. Learning is aided by formulating and asking
D. The principle of readiness is related to the
learner’s stage of development and their
previous learning.
121. Aling Berta is 60 years old but still experiences
depression in her educational achievement. She
feels that the time is too short for an attempt to
start another life and to try out alternative roads to
integrity. In which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial
theory does Aling Berta belong?
A. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
B. Generativity vs. Stagnation
C. Ego Integrity vs. Despair
D. Industry vs. Inferiority
122. For the students to produce correctly the /f/
and /p/, Ms. Manzano reads-aloud clearly the two
lists of words written on the board, one with /f/
sound and the other with /p/ asking them to focus
on her sound production including the formation of
her lips. Then, she asks the class to repeat after
her, read on their own, and later do tongue-
twisters. Ms. Manzano clearly utilizes
A. inductive method.
B. deductive method.
C. direct-instruction.
D. concept-attainment.
123. After several observation of cluttered garbage
in the trash bin, Mr. Bumaat, the TLE teacher,
challenged his students to think of ways to convert
the trash into something useful. With his guidance,
the students brainstormed of varied things that
they could produce using the garbage. Some came
up with purse and bags, others with door
decorations which they proudly displayed on the
door of their classroom for judging and
appreciation of teachers and other students.
Which of the following methods was employed in
this instructional situation?
A. problem-solving method
B. cooperative learning
C. laboratory method
D. project method
124. The method that allows the students to engage
in constructive activity making them develop
creativity, independence, sense of responsibility,
and pride in their own work while responding to a
real-life problem is
A. problem-solving method.
B. laboratory method.
C. research method.
D. project method.
125. Ms. Consuelo aims to train her students to
formulate or generalization based on careful
studying, observing, comparing, and analyzing of
examples and cases presented. Which of the
following methods would you suggest her to use?
A. inquiry method
B. inductive method
C. lecture-discussion method
D. concept-attainment method
126. Which of the following practices can be
considered an example of expository teaching?
A. The teacher presented examples for
students’ analysis to be used as basis for the
formulation of rule or definition.
B. The teacher allows the students to do an
experiment to find answers to their own
C. The teacher engaged the students to a
listening activity to acquire information not
provided in the textbook.
D. The teacher engaged the students in a
constructive activity that will enhance their
127. Mrs. Tismo, a TLE plans to teach dress making
to her students. She plans to show the parts and
functions of the sewing machine and how it works
by using the machine herself. What method would
you suggest her to use?
A. Experimentation C. inquiry
B. Demonstration D. lecture
128. Teacher Roman is presently teaching chemical
change and is executing his lesson by doing the
following steps: presenting a question, forming
hypotheses, gathering of data, analysis of data and
then generalizing their findings. Which of the
following instructional methods is he using?
A. Demonstration C. inquiry
B. Interview D. lecture
129. Which of the following is NOT considered an
essential aspect of instruction?
A. Learners should learn with appropriate level
of input from the environment.
B. Learners need to know how they are getting
along with each other.
C. Learners must function in the right kind of
social relationship.
D. Learners must always work in his unique
and individual way.
130. Ms. Dee, a preschool teacher, carries out
learning through activities like sorting of objects,
categorizing them according to colors, shapes, size,
and identifying examples and non-examples.
Which of the following methods reflects her
instructional practice?
A. discussion method
B. concept teaching
C. lecture method
D. inquiry method
131. Mr. Leviste wants his students to acquire the
most reliable information about certain scientific
discovery from an expert. What best experience
should he hold his students in?
A. lecture-demonstration
B. independent study
C. interview
D. field trip
132. Several of Mr. Bautista’s students consistently
scored low in their objective tests. However, they
were the same students who led group activities,
who wrote excellent insight journals, and
submitted creative and unique projects. Which of
the following assessment measures allows the use
of these evidences as bases in determining the
students’ class performance?
A. performance-based assessment
B. portfolio assessment
C. journal assessment
D. pen-and-paper tes
133. Mr. Gabao taught the students how to multiply
whole numbers through demonstration. Which of
the following tests should he prepare to determine
who among the students have learned the process
of multiplication?
A. formative test C. diagnostic test
B. placement test D. summative test
134. Mrs. Asistio wants to know her students’ ability
to explicate a poem and organize their ideas into a
coherent whole. Which of the following types of
test would you suggest her to employ?
A. short-answer test
B. multiple choice
C. sentence completion
D. essay

135. Mrs. Collado gave a test in Science which

requires the students to name the 50 laboratory
equipments placed on the tables lined up inside
their classroom. Each student is given 10 seconds
to name an equipment before she instructs them to
move to another item. Which of the following tests
did she administer?
A. short-answer test C. mastery test
B. multiple choice D. speed test
136. Mr. Duque needs to revise the multiple-choice
item found inside the box below. If you are to help
Mr. Duque in his revision, which of the following
choices would you revise or modify and why?
What do you call the union of the egg and the
sperm cells?
A. communion
B. reproduction
C. ovulation
D. fertilization

A. Choice A because it has no relation with the

other choices.
B. Choice C because it gives the clue to the
C. Choice B because it is a different process.
D. Choice D because this is obviously correct.
137. Mrs. Mendoza prepared activities which will
make her grade 4 pupils sing, play, dance, talk,
learn and introduce themselves to the class
because it is the first instructional day of the year.
She believes that these activities will help the
pupils to be at ease with each other. Which of the
following processes does the teacher emphasize?
A. Acculturation C. enculturation
B. Indoctrination D. socialization
138. Which of the following practices establishes a
desirable relationship between the teacher and
other groups of people?
A. The principal does her own means of
campaigning for cleanliness in and outside the
school; he never gets involved with the same
nature of campaign sponsored by the barangay
officials where the school is situated.
B. Mr. Genaro feels that the barangay council
is against his plans that’s why he does not
consult the council even if there is requirement
to do so.
C. A teacher declined the request of the
barangay council to have her as a witness to a
child’s moral conduct in school because the
child was suspected of bullying other children in
the barangay.
D. A newly appointed principal in a barangay
school calls on the barangay chairman as a

139. The teaching and learning of religion and values

clearly manifest the use of the process of
A. acculturation.
B. assimilation.
C. indoctrination.
D. enculturation.
140. Public officials and employees are entitled to
specific privileges from the government. Which of
the following situations portray that an action is
legal but is not moral?
A. Buys the latest and the most expensive car
model for his department
B. Reverts back to the public fund the ten
percent commission due him
C. Does his or her job without getting favors
from the client he/she serves
D. Takes the most economical fare in going
about his execution of duties
141. Which of the following best demonstrates or
exemplifies a sense of responsibility that a
professional teacher is expected to have?
A. Teacher A is humble.
B. Teacher A has a pleasant disposition.
C. Teacher A makes good use of his time.
D. Teacher A tutors own student for a fee.

Prepared by:

Prof. Judy “Jude” C. Bautista

Department of Professional Education
Philippine Normal University, Manila

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