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switchel recipe
★★★★★ 4.8 from 16 reviews

How to make a Switchel- a healthy, energizing, probiotic drink made with apple cider vinegar (with the
“mother” in it), lemon, ginger, honey or maple syrup – (both optional, see notes) that lowers blood sugar,
improves insulin sensitivity, builds healthy bacteria in the gut, lowers cholesterol, helps sheds weight, boosts
immunity, aids with digestion and regularity and increases energy and vitality!

Author: Sylvia Fountaine Prep Time: 10

Cook Time: 5 Total Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 4 cups 1x Category: drink
Method: stove top Cuisine: american

ingredients SCALE 1x 2x 3x

4 slices ginger ( optional- see notes)

3 ¾  cups water, divided
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar ( like Braggs – “with the mother in it”) more to taste
½ –1 lemon (or sub limes or other citrus! Blood oranges are pretty too!)
1 tablespoon honey ( preferably raw)  or maple syrup  optional, see notes

Place ginger in one cup of water in a small pot and bring to a boil. Let cool.

Pour the ginger water, remaining water, apple cider vinegar, juice from half a lemon, and your choice of sweetener
into to a quart mason jar. Stir and adjust lemon and sweetness to your taste.

Store in a pitcher or mason jar, either in the fridge or at room temp ( if drinking throughout the day).

Enjoy first thing in the morning to aid the liver in cleansing, or in the afternoon for an energizing pick-me-up.

This will keep for  1 week in the fridge.

It’s important you let the warm water cool- you do not want to kill the healthy bacteria in the vinegar or the health benefits of the raw honey.

If in a hurry, simply leave out the ginger, and make the drink in a glass, with lemon, vinegar and optional sweetener to taste. You can also use
sparkling water and serve over ice.
Sweetener is optional: Over time as you become accustomed to the vinegar taste, you may naturally want to lower the sweetener or omit
completely.  Most mornings TO NEW
I drink filtered RECIPES
water with just AND GET
a splash MYapple
of the *FREE 7-DAY
vinegar. No sweetener, noGUIDE!   ginger.  Simple and
lemon, no ×
easy. But I know this may not be pleasant for most. This recipe was intended to get you accostomed to the taste. Feel free to adjust from here.

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And Lately, I’ve been adding a pinch of pink Himalayan Salt to add electrolytes. 

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 cup - using honey
Serves 4

Amount Per Serving

Calories 26

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 0.1g 0%

Saturated Fat 0g

Cholesterol 0mg 0%

Sodium 1.2mg 0%

Total Carbohydrate 6.9g 2%

Dietary Fiber 0.1g 1%

Sugars 5.1g

Protein 0.2g 0%

Keywords: switchel, benefits of apple cider vinegar, switchel drink recipe, how to make a switchel, what is a switchel,
probiotic drink, apple cider vinegar drink, apple cider vinegar drink recipe , switzel recipe, haymakers punch, switchel
history and origin,

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