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“The Harmonde is more than just a place, a

consciousness, a whole with a will. Listen to this
desire. She does not speak in a weak voice and her
speech is not disjointed like that of these accursed
humans. No, hear her: she is powerful, majestic, she
scolds and vibrates through all that lives!”

Introduction The Harmonde
The Seasonling Codex has been
drafted so that the interpretive players of HISTORY OF THE DECAN
the Seasonling Inspired will further
define their Decan. Many technical
details have been specified under the
Janus pronounced his sentence. The
new rules. Additional elements on the
Decans were born, the seasons began to
cultural peculiarities of each Decan have
alternate. The Harmonde, responding to
been added - including the magic of the
this sentence, created the Ladies. At the
height of the scorching drought of a
The Gray Eminences are invited to
distant desert, the heat waves became
consult the different volumes of the
animated and began to dance. They
Codex of Seasonlings. It is indeed a new
accelerated the rhythm of their
"Compendium of the Twilight Realms"
exuberant dance, more and more, until a
which as the bestiary and Gray
hurricane of heat was formed, a tornado
Notebooks provide information on the
of burning sand that rose until Diurne
Harmonde and its inhabitants.
himself. Intrigued, he leaned over the
Despite this introduction, one
swirling column. Like the cocoon of a
question remains: should players be
mature butterfly, the tornado opened and
forbidden to read the Codex of the
gave birth to the Lady of Summer. The
seasonlings? In other words, are EGs the
Lady was strong. beautiful, burning,
only people who know what Inspired by
lively, brutal, delicate, choleric.
the Decanates looks like? The answer is
Friendly... Diurne was frightened and
no. Every player needs to know the role
went back to heaven, moving away from
they play during a role play game. In
this strange creature. It was the first
order to respect this spirit, the last
morning of the Summer Lady.
paragraphs of each volume give no
The lady conceived bitterness. Before
secret. However, they present to the
anger rumbled in her, she realized,
players what they might believe, think,
however, that she was not alone. From a
guess... Inspired of each Decan. But they
heat stroke, riding a dazzling sunbeam,
may be wrong ... or maybe not. It is up
she joined her sisters.
to the Eminences Grises to unveil these
As soon as she saw them, forgetful of
Diurne, who had fled from her, she
The Codex of the seasonlings is thus
began a dance of joy. Her hot steps
intended for all the players of AGONE.
opened the ground and minotaurs sprang
All the information in this volume - just
up to accompany her. The round
like the first three booklets of AGONE -
continued. The Lady of the Summer
are known to all inspired giants!
then looked up and saw Diurne, shining
It only remains for us to wish you a
with light. To attract him, she began a
good reading, good role play sessions
crazy dance. The solar star, seduced by
with Agone of Rochronde in the
the luminous rhythm of the Eternal, ends
Twilight Realms.
up joining - with general euphoria. The
May the Ladies of the Seasons
desire was born between Diurne and the
preserve you from the dangers of
Lady of the Summer. From this desire,
burning like the mouth (the thousand
roaring volcanoes, and the frenetic
rhythm of the dance, brutal as a
thousand earthquakes) were born the
ogres. Finally, the round ceased, the
Lady of the Summer saw then what she The Poucets
had made poor Harmonde, who was
cracking and blowing, the Minotaurs Many legends run on these
had ripped open the floor, digging deep mysterious representatives of spring.
crevices where the darkness was pierced The giants have long since lost the
only by the glimmers of the furious lava. memory of what the members of this
The ogres had charred the ground, people could look like. They just
leaving dust and The lady also saw that remember that they are dead. that it is
the Harmonde was recovering already a tragic loss for the Harmonde and
and that her wounds were closing that the fault lies entirely with the war
rapidly, but feeling guilty of having of the Decanates. As for knowing
ravaged what was only beauty, Summer their appearance or the reasons that
decided to prevent such a cataclysm led to their disappearance, all that
from renewing itself, and she put all her giants know. it was because the
power in. She picked up a hard rock and poucets were very small and their
the ashes of a forest, and melted them fragility was proportional to their size.
into a burning embrace from which the them, more and more numerous. The
giants sprang. she bequeathed Its domains of summer disappeared one
mission to monitor the Harmonde: that after the other. Seeing their season
what a lady had done does not happen threatened, the giants took action. They
again. In order for them to carry out this chose a Champion. It was Womgom
mission, she gave them the strength to with an iron ax.
defeat any enemy. To make sure they Womgom came to the battlefields. He
never made mistakes, she gave them was crying while killing and smashing,
time to live three ogre lives and a taste and his brothers. who crying, smashing
for thinking three times more than an and killing, fought with their bare fists -
ogre. and yet no one could cut them down so
Thus were born the giants. great was their power.
Seeing this, the ogres designed a
THE BATTLE OF EBONY project. They forged the biggest axes
...Now it happened that the ogres that had never been seen. Three
attacked the fortresses of spring. The minotaurs bent under the weight of one.
Spriggans, weak and rickety, tiny, light They were all whole metal, big as a
poucets, the satyrs, versatile and Tarasque and heavy as a mountain.
luxurious, did not seem able to stem the From a reel, each giant could sweep an
power of summer. The ogre armies army.
poured over the sprites, the poucets and As the troops progressed, the giants
the satyrs. But, emerging from the hands came to fight in the Ebony Forest, so
of sprites and poucets, the monsters named because of the Primarbre - the
appeared and repelled the army. The pearl of spring whose Elder Roots had
ogres appealed to the Minotaurs. The spawned life on the Harmonde - so high
army, again, resumed its progress. But that it hid Diurne's face. Seeing this, the
the other seasons entered the dance of ogres thought themselves lost, far from
blood and shouting, declaring war on the favors of the Lord.
summer. The ogres appealed to the The giants, who did not fear the
giants. darkness, launched the assault. In the
For a long time, the giants thought. darkness. they delivered the most
Should they participate in this madness? terrible battle ever. The blood and sap
However. the cries of the ogres and the flowed so thick that their ankles were
groans of the Minotaurs rose toward splattered. The corpses piled up so high
The giants themselves do not know what to think of Womgom. He was a hero,
who agreed to sacrifice himself to serve the cause of the summer. But he was
responsible for a terrible cataclysm. Created, like all his brothers, to make sure that
the Harmonde no longer knows the ravages that the Lady had made him suffer, he
provoked instead one of the most formidable.
Over the centuries. Womgom has become the incarnation of the cruel dilemma
that paralyzes the giants: even if the Lady has given them time - the wrath of a
giant is slow to come - it has not taken away their facility to enter terrible fury.
And then, the lure of the fight is not dead in the hearts of giants. The trumpets, the
cries, the troops that move, the fortresses in flames are among the few things that
are on their scale. In the heat of battle, a giant is, finally, in its place. There he
finds a part of his seasonal heritage. Womgom is the symbol of this dilemma: the
call of the war and the repugnance for this activity, the despair of seeing the
armies destroy the Harmonde and the jubilation to participate in these ravages.
Many are the giants who leave the huge lands where the majority of them found
refuge to travel the Harmonde in the secret hope to be, once again, drawn into a
confrontation to which they will have no other choice than to participate. This is
called the "Womgom Way". the accomplishment of a ruthless destiny. but secretly
that the giants stumbled and fell into an annihilate all the participants, without
apocalyptic crash. The resistance, pause, without mercy, without
however, dwindled. Inebriated by the hesitation.
confrontation, blinded by the blood of a Then he turned to the Gulf of Ebony
thousand wounds and driven mad by the and began to cry tears of blood so much
ardor of the fight. the giants swung all that he fell asleep where he was.
their axes on the Primarbre and made it
The Elder Roots, which touched the For all eternity, the giants know that
heart of the Harmonde itself, came out they have betrayed their Lady. Once,
of the ground, ravaging the whole once only, they did not make use of the
country. The earth opened and the sea qualities they had been granted. Carried
rushed into the huge hole left by the away by the fire of battle, they did not
Primarbre. The armies were swept away. take the time for reflection. They acted
Only Womgom survived, carried by the impulsively and failed in their mission.
gigantic trunk that ran aground on a new They ravaged the Harmonde as easily as
beach. When he saw the disaster, their mother did. For a long time they
Womgom turned to the armies of the begged the Lady to forgive them.
summer. Everyone saw that his face was Finally, seeing them in such deep
writhing in the throes of anger and affliction. the Lady conceived of pity.
despair: immense. Designating the sea She visited them and gave them an extra
covered with debris, the engulfed land, gift so that the giants could never forget.
the swollen corpses, and the fragments They all gathered in the deepest jungle
of the Primarbre, Womgom screamed of the present Keshe Empire. There,
with rage. He swore that if the ogres and they swore that never again would they
minotaurs did not end the war, the giants ravage the Harmonde, that they would
would march against them. He swore never betray the resplendent nature that
that if another conflict was to tear the the Lady of the Summer granted them.
summer, the giants would work to
The Secrets of the Harmonic Oath
The solemn oath the giants gave was unexpected. When the Flames began to
die. the giants were forced out of their reserve. The Flames were an important
element of the Harmonde, as was the normal alternation of day and night. The
changes that the Association of the Mask and the Lady of the Autumn brought
were not at all the taste of the giants. While their society had retreated away from
men and their wars. they began to pace the Harmonde again. Finally, the Way of
Womgom was going to be able to express itself.
Faithful to their oath, the giants launched into a campaign of extermination on
the scale of the Harmonde, annihilating all the concentrations of servants of the
Master of the Semblant, all the groupings of Automlings. It is difficult to judge
whether the reasons that the giants currently invoke were actually those that
pushed them to act. But with intense jubilation, they went into battle against the
enemies of stability.
Contrary to what one might think, the giants, taking advantage of the fact that
the corrupt prefer to gather in discrete and isolated places, led this war very
secretly. not asking for the help of anyone and winning their victories or assuming
their routines without fanfare. as if they were basically ashamed of what they were
Anyway. all know what was done during those troubled times. Since,
understanding that the isolation is a mistake, they claim more and more often
Flames to the Council of the Decans and do not hesitate to cross the roads of
Harmonde in Company to hunt down the Mask.
The voices of the giants carried so far advantage and an equally important
that the Harmonde itself heard them and weakness.
came to visit the solemn assembly. No From a very young age, a giant must
one knows what form it took, nor how it pay close attention to his gestures. A
manifested itself. But all the giants kick launched by nervousness: a
know it was there, as an infinitely centenary tree splits and collapses. A
powerful and friendly presence. When game a little brutal: a hamlet that was in
the oath was pronounced, the Harmonde the path of a fight is shaved. A giant
gave the Lady some of it’s perceptions must think about everything he does.
and it gave them to the giants to use This explains to a large extent its
them. legendary slowness. Not that he is
So was done. When the giants mentally limited, but he simply has
withdrew to reflect on what had more things to think, analyze, and watch
happened, the animals spoke to them than the rest of the mortals. The anger of
and the plants greeted them like a giant has so much more consequences
brothers. than that of a minotaur... He ends up
weighing the pros and cons of even the
SOCIETY most trivial situations.
In return, the only enemy that a giant
can meet is another giant. Harmonde's
creatures do not compare to him: he is
A giant is incredibly strong, tall, robust.
too powerful to meet an opponent on his
The most massive of them measure six
equal who dares to confront him - and
meters high for a mass of more than one
he also has a gift to coax animals.
ton. Paradoxically, it is a powerful
A giant is also terribly alone. Even for
him, the Harmonde is immense. This is
why, tacitly, the giants separate as soon can create a real disaster, destroying
as possible from their brothers, joining houses, killing dozens of people.
them only on very rare occasions. Their In addition, the isolation is a little in
goal is to cover as much as possible to the nature of a giant. Alone, he can
keep vigilance over Harmonde despite devote himself to listening to the life of
their small numbers. Harmonde & through its children, plants
and animals. It is to them that, before all
HARMONY OATH other considerations, goes the loyalty of
As a general rule, a family of giants a giant.
includes both parents and one or two The weakness of this way of thinking
children. lies in the fact that only the wildest
A giant comes out of childhood at age countries are suitable for giants who
thirty. A thirty year old giant is as follow the path of isolation, while it is
mature as a fifteen year old man. He precisely the most populated areas that
must then bow to a ceremony of extreme most require their presence. That is why,
importance: the harmonic oath. All adult despite this apparent contradiction, these
giants must pronounce it. Those who try strange hermits are regularly found on
to escape from it, whatever their reasons, the roads of the Harmonde, seeking evil
are condemned to death by all their wherever it is, that is to say: mortals
brothers. The law could not be any who slaughter whole forests,
exception. This oath renews the disembowel the soil and leave piles of
allegiance of the giant to his Lady and rubbish behind them. When a giant
consecrates his acceptance of the burden arrives in such a place, he first wants to
which is incumbent upon his people. It convince the inhabitants of the error
is also a way to be, once again, to they are committing, If they do not want
forgive Womgom's fault. By lending it, to hear anything, he tries to destroy the
he gains access to a part of himself that conditions that they thus allow to ravage
remained dormant: natural empathy. As the Harmonde. If this last method does
long as he has not willingly and honestly not give more results, it is resolved to
accepted his responsibilities as a giant, use force…
he can not make use of this ability. The
harmonic oath is a very important THE WOMGOM PATH
occasion of tradition and celebration, The giants who follow Womgom's path
especially among a people where are seen as both people of steadfast
children are so rare. It is in fact one of courage and great risk, better to watch
the rare circumstances that gather the from afar. They are indeed the greatest
giants around the same fire and the same hope of the giants because they draw,
table. from this way of living, great martial
skills, equipment and experience of
THE WAY OF ISOLATION mortals that is sorely lacking to other
For centuries, giants have avoided, as giants. But in return, they run the risk of
much as possible, to mingle with the being embarked on an adventure as
society of “Little People "- What they catastrophic as the one that led
call all those who are smaller than them. Womgom to disaster.
Their immense size and their gigantic For those who do not follow this path,
strength forced them into isolation respect is therefore mutilated with
simply for fear of causing the misery of infinite circumspection. We watch the
those around them. A giant step can so madmen who dare to follow her.
easily crush a sprite... A stumbling giant For those who have made the choice to
take the Womgom way, life is a
Ohomwahl the Loser cons whereas, like all the giants, he
needs time to think and analyze each
Ohomwahl followed Womgom's gesture. Of course when it comes to
way. His first thirty years were combat or more generally action, there is
fruitful and he had only to not enough time to do it.
congratulate himself for making this
choice. Then, one day, he made the
acquaintance of a little noble at bay Inspiration
who asked him to help him: his
neighbors had assembled an immense Inspiration plays, for giants, the role
army to shave his fief, and his men, of an accelerator. They think faster, act
exhausted by months of combat, were faster. It is, for the giants who posses it,
about to succumb under the number. a blessing. Their brothers, however,
The noble was clever enough to have a more mixed opinion. For a giant,
present his request under the seal of speed is not a blessing. It is better to
the greatest urgency. Ohomwahl only make a mediocre decision than to make
had time to verify the veracity of what a brilliant decision in a hurry.
the victim explained to him. namely Fortunately, the Flame allows for greater
that two jealous lords had allied speed by thinking better rather than
themselves to steal his wife. The thinking faster. Therefore, it is classified
giants are sensitive to the joys of the in the neutral phenomena, with which it
family and Ohomwahl was fooled. is necessary to count, without more. The
The nobleman was a henchman of the giants are probably the most reserved
Mask, his wife, a morgana. and his people against the Inspiration.
so-called jealous neighbors, Inspired
trying to shoot down a citadel of
corruption. Ohomwahl therefore ADVANTAGES &
slaughtered the opponents of the DISADVANTAGES
corrupt. For a reward, he received a
place in the heart of the morgana. Ten
days later, the Mask had at his
disposal one more servant who began
to ravage the surrounding countries. Bourgeois (Charge, 3)
In the case. three powerful Flames This text replaces that of Advantage p.
were lost and the Council of Decans 95 from AGONE.
was forced to call upon a host of You are one of those rare giants who
giants who, to neutralize their brother, have chosen to establish themselves
completely destroyed the area where among men to watch over them and, on
he had taken refuge. occasion, to put them back on track. You
This was one of the many awards have put your colossal force at the
the giants paid for in the Womgom service of the works that claim it
Way. (architecture, destruction of building,
guidance of ships in the port ...). You
perpetual bet. They are also numerous to have gained exceptional importance in
surround themselves with ogres, whose the city through your involvement in
mentality is quite close, because of their business and your thoughtfulness. You
taste for the game. Following the way of are one of the most influential notables:
Womgom, a giant puts on the fact that it the local lord regularly asks you for your
will do more good that he will be able to
retreat before the damage is irreparable.
He must constantly weigh the pros and
What we Think

Draken: let them die. but not all. They threaten the balance of the Harmonde and yet are
also the Harmonde. We must not annihilate them completely, only weaken them.
Spriggans: they forgot that nature is more important than money and comfort. They
should follow the advice of their fellow sprites, regardless of the dissensions that separate
Black fairies: the black fairy, even more than us. hear the voice of the Harmonde and
perceive the creative will of the Muses. We owe them respect. if not help and assistance.
for the malediction which strikes her is very cruel.
Sprites: Sprites are the guardians of the forests. Without them, part of our task would not
have been fulfilled. However. we must moderate their inclination to alter nature and to
engage in all sorts of strange and repugnant experiments.
Medusa: A Medusa can give just as good advice as it is inspired by a villainous intent.
Whenever possible, we avoid them.
Minotaurs: our brothers share this sad destiny of gradually seeing their people die out.
Furthermore. their minds are often strong enough to have escaped the Abyss and the
corrupting grip of Noxe. We respect them for that.
Morgana: the morgana are one of the most purulent wounds of the Harmonde. Those that
fall into our powerful hands find peace ... But they are too well hidden behind their
demented loves so that we can act effectively.
Dwarves: if they had a little more empathy for black fairies and a little less thirst to
disembowel the ground to build their fortresses, they would be our best allies. They can
not. Sadly. We must demonstrate to them the futility and fragility of the achievements
they hope to set as a challenge to time.
Ogres: they are so impulsive! Prompted to anger, they drag us incessantly into endless
trouble. But, by their knowledge of mortals, they are precious brothers.
Pixies: elusive, horrifying and subservient to the Mask. Their action is subtle but real. We
do not underestimate them. What are they, Draken? then we can crush them!
Satyrs: Are they one of the many voices by which the Harmony addresses us? We do not
know. They are. all in all, happy fellow travelers and always know interesting people.


Shadow: she paid for her treachery with exile. We are not her enemies ... as long as she
does not go too far.
The Mask: it's our enemy. If we managed to destroy him. the Harmonde would be so
much better ...
The Muses: we still do not know if the Muses are the mothers of the Harmonde, an aspect
of it or its incarnation. Whatever the answer. we owe them respect and assistance.
Janus: Janus is the most trustworthy eternal. His opinions are wise: follow them always.
because he is greater than us and his vision goes further than ours.


The Cypher Sorcerer: the Cypher sorcerer’s indifference manipulates the results of a
major change in the laws of Harmonde without trying to understand the ins and outs.
The Square: The Square is capable of the best as well as the worst. But at least she does
it without thinking badly. One day. she will understand.
The Council of Decans: it emanates directly from Janus. Its importance, even if we do
not fully understand it, is crucial.
opinion. But this is mostly just hot air, You have put your gigantic strength at
especially those advisors whose masters the service of war. Perhaps because you
come to solicit you … are happy to help mortals kill each other
or simply because you know that war is
Captain of the Patrollers (Charge, 4) an incredibly destructive activity for the
This Advantage replaces "Chambellan" Harmonde and that you want to limit its
AGONE p. 96. effects as much as possible. Anyway
You are at the head of a small unit of you have a long habit of Beliad: the time
mercenaries who are not merely loyal to you need to collapse any structure is
you for money, but obey you to help halved. In addition, you know many
save the Harmonde from itself. Your soldiers and officers who owe you some
specialties are the destruction of waste, small services ... on your scale, of course.
the fighting of fires, emergency care In fact, it is generally considered that a
after a disaster such as earthquakes or battle in which you participate is easily
epidemics. Your area of expertise - won, with a minimum of bloodshed,
extremely rare! - makes you a very which gives you an enormous prestige.
popular individual. Especially since you Minimum requirements: Weapon (rock
work first for the cause and then for the throwing) 6.
money - and again: if only your men did
not have to eat ... Higher Empathy (Soul, 3)
Minimum requirements: Stewardship 5; You have an exceptional gift for
First Aid, Surgery or Medicine 5. giants' empathy, a mystical capacity that
goes far beyond what your people
Common Sense (Spirit 0) usually feel about the natural world.
This Advantage is not applicable to Your bonus is + 5 and not + 2. In
giants. who normally benefit regularly addition, a wild animal has joined you.
because of their careful and He is bound to you in a very deep way,
thoughtful nature. To the extent that it to the point of never being able to betray
is not always easy to interpret a you - even if one uses Ascendancy or
season of this kind. you are invited to the Magic Arts on him.
ask regularly your EG if what you are In return, you can not bear the
going to undertake is really common degradation of the Harmonde. You feel
sense - that of the Harmonde. of the trees suffer and die, you hear the
course ! moans of the murdered animals ...
Whatever your motives, you must act to
prevent this. No escape is possible for
Lord (Charge, 4)
You must follow the path of Womgom
to be able to choose this Charge.
Tears of Womgom (Soul, 1 or 2)
You took power from the hands of a
You have, for whatever reason,
lord. If your decisions make you a savior
inherited one of Womgom's blessings.
in the eyes of the people, the
For 1 point, when you are about to
neighboring lords, they gnaw their
perform a wrong action - that is to say
brakes while waiting to shoot down the
something that, in the more or less short
usurper. Your task is clear: to right the
term, will endanger the balance and
wrongs that the former owner of these
beauty of the Harmonde (pollute a place,
lands has caused to his own estate.
destroy a forest, participate in an
expedition whose consequences could
War machine (Charge, 4)
be harmful for the Harmonde ...) - you
This Advantage replaces "Master at
cry tears of blood irrepressibly. For 2
Arms" (see AGONE pp. 96-97).
The Sleep of the Blood of Womgom

Death while polluting the Harmonde Centuries. maybe forever

"Neutral" death (circumstances without interest) 1 year

Death defending the Harmonde 1 day

Incredibly heroic death Duration divided by two

points, this ability does not only affect Womgom Way. Your people have not
you, but also your companions. You cry forgotten it so that you are under the
tears of blood as soon as one of them is constant surveillance of one or more
going to commit something "wrong". emissaries of the giants - these are
probably not giants themselves. At the
Womgom's Blood (Body, 5) slightest gap, you can be sure that half a
You are one of Womgom's heirs. Not dozen of your brothers will arrive within
only does it bring you immense prestige, three days to take you definitely within a
but you still have a most strange structure adapted to your incredible
supernatural capacity. You can not die. strength. lack of common sense. Unless
If that should happen, you'd sink into a you resist, your career will stop there!
deep sleep, close to coma. You will
come out, healed, in a time that depends No Harmonic Oath (Society, 5)
on the circumstances of your death (see You have never taken the Harmonious
table above). Oath. You do not benefit from the
natural Empathy of the giants. Worse, if
DEFAULTS it ever came to light, you would
probably be put to death by your
Impulsive (Spirit, 4) brothers. The reasons that prevented you
Unlike the majority of your people, are left to your discretion. On the other
you think little and act a lot, too much, hand, it is not impossible that you can
no doubt. Your intelligence is not the correct this situation later and thus get
result of slow thinking or intellectual the right to take that oath, but it will not
deficit. It comes from the fact that you be easy.
reject the giants' way of thinking and try
to act "instinctively". You do not have THE TWILIGHT KINGDOMS
the Advantage of "Common Sense" (see If some Decans integrate poorly into
page 10). Even worse, every time you the society of humans or even other
get a Fumble, the results read a category mortals, the giants are undoubtedly the
further down the chart (a failure that undisputed champions of integration
should be in the "- 10 to - 14" line is problems. They are not only incapable
read in the line "15 to - 19" a "- 30 and of living in society, they refuse to do so.
less" failure has the ordinary Hating cities, despising the countryside,
consequences, difficult to do worse they accept only the most primitive
anyway). lifestyles. Their action on human society
comes down to a few rare incursions of
Lost to Womgom’s Way (Social, 3) the most adventurous giants.
You have already experienced a Cities and the countryside appreciate
resounding failure following the anyway moderately to know a giant
nearby. The legends abound, describing SOME NAMES OF GIANTS
how such a hamlet was annihilated by an Giants have an extremely serious and
angry giant, how such a district was powerful voice, which they learn to
destroyed because a giant stumbled and control from an early age to avoid
fell down, mowing the buildings and inconveniencing their listeners. They
causing the crowd to panic. also have their own language that
Not being appreciated anywhere and unfortunately can not be used by other
making little effort to change that, the mortals, lack of adequate morphology.
giants just stand aside. Their This is no longer a problem for a long
interventions have more weight: they are time, because the giants have adopted
feared enough not to disobey them. those of other mortals and a tone less
In Urguemand, in the Princely thundering: they have indeed noticed
Commons and in the Widowed Lands, that the fact of having an earthquake
they are kept at a distance with terror. groaning in the infrasound next to you
Whole garrisons are in charge of unwelcome the majority of those who do
watching over them so that no not have giant blood in their veins. The
unfortunate accident can occur. The fact remains that the names of the giants
soldiers clear the roads. warn the are from this first language. They
population who often flees before them. therefore never contain "high" vowels
Janrenia, since the change of power, (such as "i" or "é"). They are often
tries to have a more conciliatory attitude. composed of soft consonants ("w" or "g")
In big cities, there are giants trying to that are easier to pronounce. The "h" is
clean up the dirtiest areas. proposing very common and pronounces by
solutions to avoid contaminating the exhaling excessively, for any other than
Harmonde. From the beginning, the a giant anyway.
Mod-hen Marches has given them a Some Giant names include: Ojmog,
similar welcome. Homwahat, Wokmah, Gomlom,
In the Liturgical Provinces, they are Homwom, Hamhwot, Ohom,
simply attacked on sight. Mohojmohot, Agmohot.
Lyphane welcomes them with Female Giant names, are
suspicion. They can not do much harm distinguished by ending in vowel:
and often refuse to participate in the Gmojba, Wahata, Ohms, Mojmatja,
raids launched against the Princely Gomgoma, Kmoha, Gotgaha,
Commons. On the other hand, they still Jonomkaha, Wohahoha.
arrive regularly to accept. For Note that male names have no female
expeditions that benefit from this counterparts except Womgom who has
unexpected support, the constraints are Womgma.
greater - do not damage trees, burn
houses, ravage fields - but the benefits to
the height: few deaths and a giant can Magic
carry a huge amount of spoils!
Finally, the Mercenary Republic and For those who are not giants, what
the Buccaneer Enclave. always delighted follows is akin to magic. Yet it is not so.
to have such perfect war machines, use It is simply a calm and reasoned use of
their services generously. Many giants, natural Empathy. The seemingly
seeking to gain some experience, go meaningless acts that giants perform are
through one of these two sectors: dictated by this empathy, which enables
mercenary in the Republic or slayer of them to discern things that are ordinarily
Draken in the Buccaneer Enclave. invisible, even to the eyes of the sprites
most versed in their mad science of obtained can only be applied to reduce
herbalism. the Discussion, increase the number of
targets or obtain a more precise answer.
Concentration A giant knows PER x Geography
A giant, if he takes the time, can points of Threshold to choose his
immerse himself in his empathic Questions, according to the same
perceptions. He then perceives with process as for Spells or Opuses
extreme acuteness the natural world (AGONE, page 91).
which surrounds him, which includes
soils, plants, animals and the seasons. THE QUESTIONS
Men, on the other hand, escape him
completely. From that moment, he can The Settings
interrogate the Harmonde to obtain The invariable parameters are range
certain answers. In fact, each "spell" is and duration. The range is always "as far
only one of the possible Questions. In as the voice of the giant", which is about
essence, this magic is passive. She does one to two kilometers. Obviously, the
not change things, she is content to more distant the target of the Question,
discover them. the louder the giant. It is said that some
Concentration giants of the Wild-reach join their voices
to encompass larger areas - up to ten or
Threshold Increase Multiplier twenty kilometers. The duration is
+5 to Threshold x2
+10 to Threshold x5
always "instant". The target responds
+15 Threshold x10 immediately to the Question without
+20 to Threshold x30 delay or lies. These parameters can not
+25 to Threshold x100 benefit from Quality Margins.
Target: the targets indicate what the
Example Precision Obtained by Success Margins Quesdon is. An animal or plant indicates
Get visual images from animals: +5 a single individual of the species within
Get visual images natural things
range (see above). An object indicates a
without sight (plants or objects): +10
Restore a conversation using an animal: +10 natural object (for example, not a house,
Restore a conversation using things but perhaps its walls if they were built
that have no intelligence (plants or objects): +15 with unworked stones); it can be the
ground, as a whole, or a small hill. A
In terms of rules, the giant must make a
mountain is outside the maximum range
roll of PER + Geography against DIFF
of a Question and therefore can not be
equal to the Threshold of the Question.
targeted. Finally, an area encompasses
Each Question must be learned
the natural world as a whole. Then
independently and represents, rather
answer those who are concerned by the
than a mere interrogation, a way to
Question (object, plants or animals).
approach a non-conscious being and to
Discussion: This indicates the time
make him "say" something through
the giant has to spend asking his
Natural Empathy. Although it is indeed
Question. The Harmonde is not very
empathy, the Concentration does not
concerned about the problems that occur
benefit from the bonuses related to
in the small places where the giants act.
Natural Empathy, since it is simply a use
It takes time and effort to get its
of it.
attention to provide an answer.
Finally, Questions can be asked with
more or less acuity, using the Quality
Margins system (as shown in the table
above). However, the multipliers
Who suffers ? route whereas an object could just as
Threshold: 10 well give an absolute position with
Target: 1Square km respect to distinctive elements of the
Discussion: 1 hour. landscape... or on the contrary not be of
Effect: This Question allows the giant to any help.
know who is suffering in the area. He
will know that a tree has been felled or What are you ?
that land has been cleared, that a river is Threshold: 15
polluted, that the animals of this or that Target: an object, a plant or an animal.
species are too hunted or not enough, Discussion: 1 hour.
and so on. It will take a Quality Margin Effect: This Question allows the giant to
of 10 to know which tree branches were know all the qualities and dangers of an
torn off to make a fire, where animals object, an animal or a plant. He will
were killed by a hunter for his evening know that the rock on which he stands is
dinner. It will take a Margin of Quality fragile, that the plant he is contemplating
of 15 to perceive the tree which suffers possesses healing virtues, that the snake
from the flames of the fire whose smoke which he holds in his palm is or is not
burns and dries the branches, the venomous, etc.
discontent and the fear of the animals
that a mortal disturbs. Finally, it will Who hurt you?
take a Quality Margin of 5, in addition Threshold: 15
to any other, to know where it takes Target: one Square km
place in the area (the accuracy is Discussion: I hour.
absolute). Effect: This Question allows the giant to
obtain an instinctive knowledge of the
Who is dead ? culprits of any depredation. To use this
Threshold: 10 information, however, it will be
Target: one Square km necessary to put the "victim" in the
Discussion: 10 minutes. presence of his "hangman" (the tree in
Effect: this Question allows the giant to the presence of the woodcutter, the river
know exactly where is an object, a plant, in the presence of the boatman who
or an animal excluded from the harmony pollutes it ...). Higher Success Margins
of the Harmonde. This allows the giant will provide a visual image of the culprit
to find his resources without damaging or even a sample of his voice.
his environment. Those who do not
know this Question are very badly seen Who will care for me?
among their brothers. Threshold: 20
Target: one Square km
Where are you ? Discussion: 1 hour.
Threshold: 10 Effect: this Question allows the giant to
Target: an object, a plant or an animal. know where are all the elements useful
Discussion: 1 minute. to heal something or something... This
Effect: this Question allows the giant to can include the dead leaves intended to
know exactly where is an object, a plant, cover a stone on the verge of crumbling,
or any animal. The accuracy of the the clay that will strengthen the bank of
answer will depend on the knowledge a river or pieces of wood that will make
that the target has of its position. It will a splint. This includes especially
probably increase the Success Margin to remedies that could cure plants, animals
know in meters where a plant is. An and mortals. This does not replace the
animal could go so far as to provide a Skill needed for care (for example, a
giant with a miraculous plant but no Who will help me?
experience of medicine will not know Threshold: 25
what to do with it will simply know that Target: a plant or animal.
it has healing properties). Discussion: 10 minutes.
Effect: this Question allows the giant to
Who will guide me? know who can help him in a given
Threshold: 20 situation. It can be the plant that will
Target: one Square km cure him, the animal that will guide
Discussion: 1 hour. him ... If the giant sees what he needs,
Effect: this Question allows the giant to he will learn where and how to find him.
call to him the knowledge of all the It does not give him, on the other hand,
objects, plants and animals of the the ability to use it or even the reason
surroundings. He immediately knows why it is necessary for him, if he does
the exact configuration of the whole area, not already know it. Simply, he knows
the location of the smallest stone, the that it is there and that he needs it.
smallest trace of steps ... If he knows
what he is looking for, this Question is Maturation
the solution. However, it is useless if he This is the second possibility of using
does not have an idea of what he must Natural Empathy. It allows the giant to
find. For example, he would be unable understand intimately what are the needs
to differentiate the thousands of of the Harmonde in a given place. In
branches broken by an animal from the itself, this has no use - it is even rather
few twigs pulled by a fleeing mortal. It unpleasant, like an itch impossible to
will take days for him to cross-check all scratch or a desire for something
the information. On the other hand, he resolutely foreign and therefore
will easily know the trails and will impossible to satisfy.
instantly guess the location of an In return, if the giant bends to what is
ambush that awaits him. claimed, he allows the development of
the thing he serves. However, although
Where is the evil hidden? he can feel what the stone wants, it has
Threshold: 25 nothing to do with the powers of the
Target: one Square km black fairies. Similarly, even if he can
Discussion: 1 minute. understand what a plant needs, it has
Effect: this Question makes it possible nothing to do with the magic of Pollen
to know the location, to the nearest or the connection of a sprite with his
meter, of any person who feeds bad tree.
intentions with regard to the Harmonde. In essence, Maturation can only
In terms of rule, any person corrupted by provide things that already exist. It does
Perfidy to the point of serving the Mask, not change anything, just to hasten the
anyone whose intentions are to harm the process of growth or maturation of what
natural balance of the area (a hunter it influences.
preparing for carnage, an individual The giant feels a general desire for
decided to annihilate the one of the last perfection that is expressed at the scale
representatives of an animal or vegetable of the Harmonde and translates into tiny
species, an arsonist to light a forest actions to accomplish. All the art of a
fire ...). This Question works even if the giant consists in choosing those who
potential culprit is not aware of what he serve him while ignoring those which
is going to do or if he is magically are of no interest.
controlled. Obviously, this technique is pretty
amoral, giants who refuse to appeal are
not so rare. However, the majority of DESIRES
these people recognize the need to use
all weapons at their disposal, at least
when they are safe for the Harmonde. Desire parameters
Maturation is therefore far from falling The only invariable parameter is the
into disuse. range: touch. You really have to do what
Finally, Maturation is only one branch has been claimed by the target.
of Concentration. However, it has the Target: Targets indicate what care is
advantage of providing instructions for being provided. animal flax or a plant
use while the answers to questions are indicates a single individual of the
not always clear for those who do not species present within the range (see
have extensive knowledge in First Aid, above). An object indicates a natural
Surgery, Plant lore, Medicine and Beast object (for example, not a house, but
lore. perhaps its walls if they were built using
Technically, the giant must make a roll unworked stones) that may be the
of PER + Hunting against DIFF equal to ground, as a whole, or a small hill. A
the Threshold of the Desire. Each desire mountain, because of its immense size
must be learned independently and and the amount of Desire it expresses,
represents, less than a mere perception, a can not be targeted. Finally, an area
way of approaching a non-conscious encompasses the natural world as a
being and of making him say something whole. Then answer those who are
through the channel of Natural Empathy. concerned with the Desire (object, plants
Although this is indeed empathy, or animals).
Maturation does not benefit from Discussion: this indicates the time that
bonuses related to Natural Empathy, the giant must spend listening to Desire.
since it is an application of it. The Harmonde is not very concerned
Finally, Desires can be listened to more with the problems that occur in the
or less acutely, using the Success limited places where the giants act. It
Margin system (as shown in the table takes time and effort to get its attention
above). However, the obtained to provide an answer.
multipliers can only reduce the Action: This parameter indicates how
Discussion, increase the number of long the giant must devote to satisfying
Targets, obtain more precise indications, desire. As a rule of thumb, the longer the
obtain a more important effect or faster. attention, the better the results.
A giant knows CHA x Hunting points
of Threshold to choose his Desires, I want to grow!
according to the same process as for the Threshold: 10
Spells of Ascendancy or opuses (see Target: a plant or animal.
AGONI, page 91 and "The Discussion: 10 minutes.
Concentration"). Action: As long as the giant wants.
The absolute limit of desires is the Effect: this desire allows the giant to
natural law. You can not breed an know how to accelerate the growth of
animal that does not have a reproductive the target. This usually involves a
system or live on a plant that is going to special nutrition mode that will require a
die. What the Harmonde has decided, no lot of effort on the part of the giant (he
giant will be able to defeat it by must devote 100% of his time). In return,
Maturation. the plant or animal will grow twice as
fast. We can not go beyond ten times
faster than normal. On the other hand,
the Success Margin can save the giant
time (for example, a Success Margin of that can help the target, but in this case
+5 would allow him to devote only 50% the giant will be aware of it.
of his time to his target).
I want to be stronger!
I want to live ! Threshold: 20
Threshold: 10 Target: an object, a plant or animal.
Target: a plant or animal. Discussion: 10 minutes.
Discussion: 10 minutes. Action: one month (at least).
Action: As long as the giant wants. Effect: This Desire allows the giant to
Effect: This desire allows the giant to know what will make the target stronger.
know the lifestyle of a plant or an As a rule, the answer will be nothing.
animal. In the case of a plant, it will But an animal particularly sensitive to
immediately capture the sun, the type of diseases, or a badly acclimated plant can
soil, the amount of water needed. A however benefit from these
higher Quality Margin will even allow improvements. technically, if the plant
her to determine which pests and or the animal are not in the average of
diseases she should face to become their species. they can systematically
stronger. In the case of an animal, it will benefit from this desire. If they are
be his eating habits, what he must do, average, it will take a Quality Margin of
what he must learn. Like before. a High + 10 to make them stronger. If they are
Success Margin will help to know which at the peak of what their species can
creatures and what diseases this animal expect, nothing will change them.
should face in order to become stronger.
I want to die!
I want to reproduce! Threshold: 20
Threshold: 15 Target: an object, a plant or animal.
Target: a plant or animal. Discussion: Instant
Discussion: 1 hour. Action: the time to kill or destroy the
Action: a coitus. target.
Effect: This desire allows the giant to Effect: This Desire allows the giant to
know how to reproduce a plant or an know how to annihilate the target. He
animal. It is possible that this Desire will know instinctively what are his
does not find any echo in the target, in weak points. It will only remain to
which case the Desire has no effect: an exploit them. In terms of rules. its
animal will not reproduce outside certain damage is doubled (a High Success
periods, for example. Margin could at best increase them
I want to be healed!
Threshold: 15 I want to help you !
Target: an object, a plant or animal. Threshold: 25
Discussion: 1 minute. Target: a homogeneous natural area.
Action: a day to several years. Discussion: 10 minutes.
Effect: This Desire allows the giant to Action: as long as the giant wants.
know how to heal the target. If it is an Effect: This desire allows the giant to be
object, it will return its wealth to the helped by the whole of a natural
ground, strengthen a stone on the verge environment. He knows how to grow
of collapse, stop the erosion of a hill. If trees so that they do not hinder his
it is an animal or a plant, it will know progress, he knows how to remove them.
what care is appropriate. It is possible He knows how to coax wild beasts and
that there is nothing - apart from magic - how to reassure herbivores. As long as
he stays in the area and devotes at least a
quarter of his time to take care of it, he
The Threat
is immediately notified of any intrusion "Honorable assembly; my brothers. my
sisters, I want to take my actions before you.
and can act against the intruders - get I want you to know that I remain a giant and
them to get lost, have them attacked by that, as such, I carefully and for a long time
all that is capable of doing so, etc. weigh the consequences of my actions. I did
not act under the impulse of a mere whim or
I want to be your friend ! a sudden decision. I knew what I was doing
Threshold: 25 and I had compelling misery that pushed me
Target: an animal. to make the choices that you blame me
Discussion: 1 day. today. conceive of it your legitimate anxiety,
but I appeal to what the Lady has put in the
Action: until the death of the animal or
heart of us: the patience and the time to
giant. think.
Effect: This Desire allows the giant to I also understand that you are afraid of
know how to permanently coax an my explanations. I know, and you probably
animal. It can be of any type, but the big know it too, that it may allow me to corrupt
carnivores - an Aswald tiger for example you, as you think I was. But this is a choice
- will ask for a Success Margin of + 5. that you must make, a choice I can hardly
The animal will then act like a faithful weigh on except by adding this: do you think
companion. It is impossible to mix that it is possible for me, in a few words, to
predators and prey or to accumulate corrupt you all so deeply that it affects your
several predators of different species, judgment? , to the point of saving me? Do
you think that I am so powerful and
however the leader of a pack may be
perverted, until you can breathe in my
chosen. This will, however, require the troubles and deformities, to you, noble
giant to fulfill the animal’s judges, who represent the elite of my people?
commitments: a pack of fifteen wolves, If I could, do you think then that you would
for example, would no doubt require the have captured me so easily?”
giant to take care of it all the time, Preamble to the speech of Great Corruption,
unless the region is particularly full of first and last court against the Womgom
game. Way

The Tenebrous
You must understand, and believe that
I thought about it for a long time, that
the path of Darkness is a solitary way, at
least for the giants. If we take this dark
path. it's alone and for good reasons. We
have never seen, and we will probably
never see. families of giants turned to
Demonology. Perhaps because children
are such a rare and precious thing, and
Demons are such perverse and
disgusting creatures ... Fear also because
those with a family do not need the help
from the Demons.

The giants who follow the path of the
shadow do it for one and only reason:
they are too few and desperately need them among their brothers. No woman
allies. But it's not always easy to find, will come near him, no parent will
especially in the specialties that the recognize him as a son, cousin, father or
giants are looking for. Demons have this uncle. Fortunately, mortals are not all as
invaluable advantage of always knowing stubborn as giants. Many of them are
what you want. It does not matter why quite ready to talk to him, to become his
or how. If a forester is necessary, you friends, to help him. If, in all these
will rescue them if you lack scouts, they "friends", there is a good part who is
are at your disposal. interested only in the knowledge of the
Better still, the Demons do not need giant, there are always some who,
anything. They do not eat, do not drink, solitary like him, seek a soul that will
do not sleep ... unless they have the understand them.
desire. There is still an important generality
Common sense would not be able to lie to know, a peculiarity of the giants that
allows them to be the best Conjurators
When establishing Connivences. of Harmonde: they have time to think
the EG should always remember that. about their Connivences. Other mortals,
being a giant, you automatically have when pressed by a Demon twice their
the 'Common Sense' Advantage. As a size and can tear them with a claw, tend
result, and if you take the time to to panic, hurry, and not carefully weigh
re-read very carefully the the terms of the Connivences.
Connivences you are going to sign - Giants do not have much to fear for
you have to spend at least an hour - their lives. They also rarely conjure
you can ask the EG if anything seems Demons to fight alongside them. Rather,
suspicious. This does not mean that they need spies, emissaries, thieves ... In
you have learned all the pitfalls of the short, effective servants who will
pact, but that you have felt that there accomplish all that they themselves
is a possibility of cheating. It's up to can’t achieve because of their size and
the EG to determine how exactly this strength. Moreover, as a result of this
can be done. attitude towards conspiracy, the giants
For our people, they are therefore traditionally prefer to call Demons at
extremely valuable allies, capable of daybreak. This gives them time to send
rendering invaluable services. But Connivence to an Advocatus Diaboli
everything has a price. And for a giant, while giving them ample leeway to
he is exceptionally high. First, the carefully analyze the terms of the pact.
reprobation of his brothers. The giants
make sure that Harmonde is not defiled. Circle I
Being themselves part of Harmonde, The giants who manage to cross this
they are supposed to beware of their stage are few. It is difficult for them to
own "purity". By choosing the way of find a teacher who teaches them
the Darkness, the giant admits a terrible Demonology and can not do face-to-face
report of failure. How, under these research. As a general rule, it is at this
conditions, can he only hope to preserve point that the necessary structures are
anything, if he himself has not known put in place. Indeed, a giant who
how to avoid corruption? In the best practices Demonology almost always
case, he can hope for contempt and lives in isolation. It is essential to build a
isolation. At worst, he risks death. network that will provide raw materials,
From all of this, and as I said earlier, inks and rare food, to satisfy the
it follows that the dark giants are "gourmet" Demons. But it will also
solitary beings. There is no affection for attract an Advocatus Diaboli or at least
Leading a Demonic Legion
Over the years, giants can develop a special empathy with the Darkness. This
allows them to more effectively lead their demons. This empathy must be
mentioned in the Connivence with the Devil. If it is not, he will not be able to
appeal. In terms of rules, this translates into the possibility of acquiring a particular
advantage. It is only possible to develop it. This Advantage can not be chosen
when the Inspired is created, unless there are exceptional circumstances and if the
EG allows it.


When he sleeps, the dark giant can, if he chooses, take control of a specifically
conjured Demon or simply "empathically" communicate with all of the Demons he
has conjured - and whose Connivance specifies that he could make use of that
Advantage over them. In the first case, the giant uses his own Mental
Characteristics and the Physical Characteristics of the Demon. In the second case,
the giant uses the senses of his Demons. This may cause him, in the early stages,
significant sensations of discomfort and disorientation due to the multitude of
viewpoints he has access to simultaneously. The giant can also communicate
vague mental impressions (displeasure, encouragement, impression of danger ...).
This Advantage only works while the giant is sleeping. When he wakes up - it is
inevitable, unless he has huge amounts of sleeping pills - he loses all control over
the Demon that he eventually invested with his will and no longer has access to the
senses of those who he watched. But as soon as he goes back to sleep. he can again
make use of this dark control.
get a letter of confidence that can bring stronger than the creatures he invokes
him the Connivences in time. and so can at any time send them back to
Many cities refuse the presence of the Abyss. On their side, the Demons,
giants, especially when accompanied by aware that he can hunt them down and
an imp and they seek a Advocatus annihilate them without difficulty, fear
Diaboli. It is therefore a difficult him and therefore obey him.
undertaking - and urgent - to put in
place. Circle II
Finally, it is also during this period This stage is often considered as
of narration that the giant develops his minor and intermediate by the giants.
imp. This step is essential to any This is the moment they choose to
Conjurer worthy of the name. When the delegate their powers to Demons who
Imp becomes smart enough and fast - are now clever enough to assume the
and his master can see through his eyes charge of a one-off mission alone. Of
and communicate with him - he can course, the most serious cases are still
serve as a liaison between the various solved by the giant himself. For the most
Demons in office and be born to them. minor events, such as hunting poachers
Because of this, the Imp must be. more on the lands he has decided to protect, it
than just a presence, a real ally on which is often Azurins or Saphirins who are
the giant can count. It's not easy to put in employed, alone and without any
place and it can take decades to arrive. supervision - except for, on occasion, a
The giant, however, still has an Circle I advisor who knows the area
invaluable advantage, which will well.
continue to serve him until he is able to
call Fourth Circle Demons: he is
The March of Sinople
It's just a legend. of course, but she has hard skin. It is said that. deep in the
Abyss. there is a stratum, a march, a secret place which one does not even know if
it was visited by Noxe in its original journey. This stratum would house the jade
demons. sinoples or emeralds - the name differs depending on the version. We
only know that there lives a power. and not least. Giants would have the ability to
appeal - or at least. the most powerful of those who joined Darkness would know
something about this darker place than the Abyss itself.
These Green Demons were quickly associated with the conjuring giants. who
live in the greenery and favor the green nature. But in reality, no one has ever
boasted of having known a giant capable of invoking a Sinople ... or whatever the
name that these Demons can give, if they exist.
Circle III other Conjurators. The creatures he
Generally. when the giant reaches this conjures are as strong as he is and often
stage of corruption - or of power, much faster. They are so strong that they
depending on how you see it - it must now tackle them with caution.
becomes really dangerous. In the first Finally, they are very competent, almost
place, he develops the activity of a always more than their Conjurator.
Demonologist of high level. To make Those who agree to stave off these
the huge costs involved, he sells and Demons are usually very experienced
conjures for people other than himself. and have an iron will. They do it only
However, rather than building a small for very punctual problems and of such
town around him, he always prefers to complexity that neither they nor the
build a reputation and attract to him, Demons of the ordinary team can solve
very temporarily, future customers. For them.
this, he "does not hesitate to use demons
of transport" to bring people interested Circle V
in the air, without damaging his domain. “Frankly, I can not tell you anything
Inevitably, the Conjurer's growing about this level of power. First, you do
reputation reaches the ears of his not know what he would do to me if I
brothers, who, just as inevitably, do not told you about Him. Then I do not think
fail to come to inquire. But this is also you can understand why ... how ... well,
the moment when the first deformities what he thinks. He has more than
appear. The other giants can not fail to changed. He is so different. You can not
notice them ... It all depends on how the understand. A giant can live one
Dark Man manages his domain. If he hundred and eighty years. For him,
has built a wild region, where the invoking an Obsidian and getting old a
Harmonde radiates and where nature year is nothing. Of course, you have to
blossoms in peace, it may be worth a pay, afterwards. But hey ... He has the
further respite. In this case, everything means, if you know what I mean. No?
depends on the humility and degree of Well, it does not matter. But if it
fanaticism of the visitors. For there is no reassures you, He is the only one of his
question that, if we come to battle, the people to have been ... One ... say,
giants will insist until their dark brother "Until then?"
is nothing but dust. Speech of Great Corruption, first and
last court against Woongom's way,
Circle IV fragments.
There are hardly any rules, from this
stage. In fact, the giant joins, finally, the
DEMONIC TWIN “Allow me, finally, to develop what,
These dark Sentences have an unusual no doubt, has shocked you the most. We
reach because what is removed from the spoke at length about the valuable
body of the giant is rather large. These services the Demons can bring us. Let us
two Demons have indeed a SIZ of 3 now talk about what has brought us all
(more rarely of 2) dwarf related strength. together: the Mask. I see in your
As for the facetious Demon, the giants disapproving faces that you do not like
have the added disadvantage of almost my playful tone and my quiet ways. But
always getting a Circle III Demon - the do not forget that I am one of his old
others are not strong enough to support enemies and that I know him well. If I do
their overwhelming size. If these not have affection for him, I have no
monsters are all the more dangerous, fear either.
they are fortunately less facetious: they It is a vicious being that we will never
just do not have the means to make the be able to overcome. So it goes. But it is
ordinary jokes of their "colleagues". also a thinking being - at least, I believe
Moreover, being neither very fast nor it - and so it has weaknesses. His plans
very adroit, they are easily imprisoned are never designed with absolute
by the Darkness of which they come. thoroughness. He can be deceived,
Regarding the Demonic Twin, this is a manipulated. It is difficult, certainly, but
real plague for the Harmonde. This not impossible. Also keep in mind that
caricature of giant is a double of his his servants are mortal, often from the
father: consequently, he has all the lowest and most vile extraction. Eons
physical capacities. But, unlike this one, who do not have half of my intelligence,
he has no moral code, nothing that limits not to speak of yours, my noble judges!
him in his actions. Often, he is You must understand further that, in
summoned by his father as soon as any attempt at seduction, corruption,
possible to limit the abuses he will there is always a flatterer and a flatterer,
commit and to prevent the enemies of two punters who clash, two players who
the conjurer knowing that he has passed challenge each other. We are not
this decisive step. immobile beings who resist an
Anyway, the Facetious Demons, as indomitable force. We are ourselves a
well as the Demonic Twins, have only force and there is another one in front of
two options when they are attached to a us. It's up to us to turn her around, to
giant: either they serve him as a teacher turn her against her master. In
and teach him everything they know attempting to approach us, the Mask is
about the Demonology, or they are halfway there. Sometimes more .. We
locked up so that they can not harm the can enjoy it, we can hit where it is
one they should have guided on the path discovered. That's what I did. And I
of Darkness. would like to show you, demonstrate to
you, how I did it. "
Introduction to the second part of the
speech of Great Corruption, first and last
court against the Womgom Way,
INTERPRETATION would be to concede a sacrifice without
By lending us to the games of the hope of profit. He goes so far as to get a
Mask, we corrupt ourselves. So it goes. result, without going so far that we can
But in fighting him also, in crossing him not go back. That's what I did, and here's
also, even in existence, we corrupt the result.
ourselves. because he is there on the
lookout, ready to do anything to CORRUPTED ANIMALS
contaminate us. It's not just a paranoid A giant, at the cost of an exceptional
delusion, it's the sad reality of the effort from his father, can pass some of
Harmonde. The Master of the Semblant his corruption to an animal. In technical
is one of them and we must do with him. terms, he can contaminate up to thirty
Once this notion is acquired, we must percent of his perfidious points any
look for ways to circumvent it, to animal by devoting one week and
deceive it, to steal it ... without taking making a successful roll of CHA +
more things than we wish. The Hunting against DIFF 15. A corrupt
opportunity is given to us by the animal devoured by another transmits a
Treacherous Punishments and the tenth of his points of Perfidy. His little
Treacherous Benefits at first. But those ones, moreover, will have as many
who are really ready for anything to perfidious points as him.
return the Harmonde as a whole against In return, the animal thus marked will
the Master of the Semblant can go obtain generic capabilities described
further. They can make a difficult choice, below. On the other hand, he normally
that of allowing the Harmonde itself to gets the Pain and the Benefits, except
benefit from perfidious benefits. that he never refuses the latter and thus
systematically gains two additional
CONTAMINATION points of Perfidy if he has the possibility.
That is why it is possible to follow this They have, apart from those which have
path and to triumph. We can, because of been described below, the usual effects.
our exceptional empathy, partially
corrupt the Nature of which we are Generic Capabilities
responsible. We are not talking about Any animal affected by Perfidy by a
transforming it deeply or losing control giant is now able to recognize another
of this business. It is not so much to give Perfidious. This can take many forms,
birth to unspeakable monstrosities as to depending on the creature's primary
give our protégés the same means to mode of perception. A wolf, for example,
which we have access. Who else but a would be able to smell the perfidy and
perfidious can spot another treacherous? would have a hard time losing track of
Can a dog follow a track that he has not those who are afflicted with the "stink"
previously felt the origin, which has not penalty (AGONE, 268). An eagle could
already been felt the primer? If your see the marks of Perfidy at sight and
animals, if your trees can not recognize would almost never be deceived by the
a henchman of the Mask, what will you disguises that could be used by a corrupt
do? afflicted with "Deformity" (AGONE,
There is, however, a simple method. 268). And so on.
As a patient who survives an illness Any animal touched by Perfidy in this
does not catch him later, the Harmonde way is instantly corrupted, but only its
must "catch" Perfidy to better guard body can bear the marks. He thus
against it. Everything then is a question obtains only the perfidious Punish
of dosage. Too much, it would give the causing a gain of Black Body. Those
victory to our enemy. But not enough concerning the Soul never intervene. On
The giant is not dead. He is still sleeping somewhere off the coast of the Gulf of
Ebony. It is rumored that it would not be giants who would keep him but sprites.
Although it remains to be verified, many giants leave in search of his place of rest.
According to legend. Womgom would be kept in an enchanted sleep by the
Lady of the Summer herself. She would be too scared to see him end his days in
despair. He is therefore waiting for a future battle in which summer would be in
danger enough to require his presence. For the moment, he has never awakened.
Another legend runs on his account. She would make him the first and only
King of Summer, the Master of Battles. Once again, nothing has ever been proven,
but it appears dubious to the extent that the Ardent has sufficiently demonstrated
that the Lady was always alone. Unless she is unfaithful? Anyway, it's an opinion
that is not good to broadcast in front of a summer seasonlings.
The Fool with Lianas
It is not known in its true appearance but only covered with a thick bouquet of
lianas. He has no more name. In fact, we do not know everything about him. Some
believe that it can shrink its size at will without its gigantic force being the least
altered: others think it has prodigious works or powerful Spells that make it
invisible and lighter than a breath air.
Only a vague description of him is known: a giant covered with a liana
garment and armed with a spear terminated by a kind of blade of grass harder than
steel. It is believed to be giant because several reliable witnesses describe it
measuring more than five meters high. But unfortunately. he acted in places where
even a sickly lover would not have slipped. We have found giant footprints in one
of the largest water tanks in Abyme, where a giant could stand right after having
committed an incredible daring assassination by poisoning the whole suite of a
diplomat in sight. But how would he have introduced it? We had to demolish an
entire wall to access it! The mystery is whole.
A rumor runs however about him: he would be a member of a mysterious
secret society with unknown goals, which the most knowledgeable know by the
name of the Acrobats Assassins.
the other hand, the corruption generated aggressive and unexpected behavior.
by the Natural Empathy channel is The usually fearful animals attack
considered as "Acquired in other brutally, those who on the contrary
circumstances" (AGONE, 269). loaded at all will start to think suddenly.
Worse, when one believes Having
Sorrows and Gifts of Animals understood what is the new way of
"Alteration of the body" manifests behaving, the animal changes it.
itself quite differently for animals. They "Anticipation", the associated benefit,
often get additional means of aggression has the effect of giving intelligence to
or abnormal abilities of perception: the animal, which does not obtain the
supernumerary jaws, extra paws, eyes ability To predict the future, he simply
spread all over the body, excess claws, becomes as intelligent as the giant who
excessive dentition, quills on the back, has corrupted him.In technical terms, he
ability to vomit acid. . obtains INT and WIL scores equal to the
"hand confusion" is less manifested by giant's INT score, and is now sensitive
an aberrant behavior than by an to corruption, Darkness, including when
it affects the Spirit as well as the Body.
The Secrets of the
Like animals, plants can be corrupted. Ladies
This does not have significant apparent
effects. But in reality, corruption is there.
First, the other creatures that feed on it The giants believe that the legend,
will automatically get one-tenth of the which claims that the Lady of Summer
perfidy points they contain and pass it created the Keshite desert when she was
on the same way to those who feed on seduced by a satyr and that she was
them, and so on. This may take years, taken by a movement of surprise and
but it is much simpler to create a horror well understood by perceiving
"treacherous" meadow than to corrupt that she had taken a spring seasonling
one by one each creature that comes to into her bed, is not unfounded. They
feed on it. Animals thus corrupted are suppose, among other things, that if
governed by the ordinary laws of perfidy there has not been a King of the Summer
instilled by a giant, as indicated above. - as there has been for the other
Note that some plants can seasonlings - it is because of this fact.
metamorphose radically under the They are therefore actively seeking the
influence of Perfidy, but not "just" under Lady to bring back her decision or, at
the action of a giant. least, to help her. Everyone needs a
In terms of rules, the giant must pass a confidante and they feel they are best
roll of WIL + Geography against DIFF placed to play the role. Secretly, many
25 to infuse a quarter of his Perfidy giants think that their Lady had never
points to the target plant. In the case of a chosen a king... In short, and that her
bush or carpet - like ferns or moss - it's movement of stupor was inevitable, for
all that is corrupt. And of course, the her first time. Of course, anyone who
plants that will be born from the one that would make that kind of assumption in
was at the origin of the corruption will front of a giant would immediately be
have the same load of Perfidy. reduced to a smear on the ground. But it
does not prevent it, the rumor is
"Let me conclude, then, you've seen my tenacious.
specimens, including this beautiful Another of the best-kept secrets of the
flying wolf with three nested jaws, giants would imply covered words that
you've seen what you can get, I hope I've there is a secret society of giants whose
convinced you… still no…? Die…" objective is to find the Lady, not this
Conclusion of the speech of Great time, to console her, but rather to punish
Corruption, first and last court against her. Indeed, what she did to Keshe
the Womgom Way. deserves a serious remonstrance. No
murmur that the truth is rather on the
As a result of this case, the corrupt were side of the thirst for senseless power that
no longer tried - half of the court was animates these corrupt. Their goal would
killed by the other half, which was more simply be to take the place of the Lady,
than enough to allow the accused to flee. one way or another.
Finally, it is said that the Drakonians,
who live relatively quietly in the
mountains that bear their name, would
still be there for only one reason: the
giants have made a pact with them. All
who come out of the mountains are
massacred mercilessly. But those who
are satisfied with the frustrated life of
the mountaineers are left in peace. The
wisest giants laugh at this rumor - they
say that, in any case, it keeps people at a
reasonable level - but never contradict
it ...

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