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Carlos & Jaimie Donate – Independent Baptist Missionaries to Guatemala Since 1991

BAPTIST BIBLE MISSION OF COLINAS & MINISTRIES USA Address- c/o First Baptist Church/ Sue Highfill, 507 State
Street, Hammond, Indiana 46320 Field Address- Manzana P Lote 21 Colonia Colinas de Minerva, Zona 11 de Mixco,
Guatemala, C.A. Web- Email:


July 1st, 2019
Dear Friends,
John 9:4 says “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” This
was our key verse during the past month of June! It was a month full of activities both physically and mentally or

1. We completed the construction of our main altar frontispiece inside our church. Looks nice! We will post a
picture of it on our website for your perusal.
2. We completed the construction of a warehouse right above that frontispiece. Pray as we try to raise funds
to purchase Bibles and portions for mass distribution here. At this point we will need about $15,000 for this
project. Here in Guatemala we can print them for about $3 a piece. We would love to print 5,000. Will you help us
pray for this need?
3. We remodeled our baptistry area. We are looking forward to baptizing new converts this next month.
4. We fixed church vehicles. Our vans bring folks to our services who could not come otherwise.
5. We did sundry cleaning and fixing around the church, particularly some old pews. We had to destroy and
discard about 4 old wooden pews that were full of termites—a real problem here.

Mentally or spiritually,
1. We were able to see souls saved as a result of soul winning and personal evangelism in our new mission work
“Nuevo Amanecer”. We are seeing an average of 15 young people each week from a village nearby. The Lord
has been good in allowing us to win many of them whose parents are very strong Catholics. Despite this, it has
been a blessing ever since we began this new outreach to be able to have a ministry there.
2. We also assisted a fellow missionary in the inauguration of his new church not far from ours. It was our people
who helped him with visitation and preparation of fliers and promotion. Since then, we have been going out each
week in hopes of winning more folks and inviting them to this new church. We will continue to go out each
Saturday for 6 more months until we phase out our mission and merge with his. We will then pray about starting
our next mission.
3. We conducted an all month program to win men for Christ, with good results. Each week in June we ministered to
about 40 men at the Hope Rescue Mission. Pray we can now encourage them to grow in the grace of our Lord. I
particularly thank God for winning a 33-year-old man who had been enslaved to alcohol and drugs. Through our
Naturopathic medical ministry called “Elayon” we have won many such persons.
4. Along the same lines, we were able to serve God´s servants here. Part of our outreach is to be able to help fellow
missionaries with their medical needs. Many of them believe in and seek naturopathic and homeopathic medical
attention, and in June I was able to help several missionaries and their children. Praise the Lord for good results.

Finally, I thank the Lord that Jaimie was able to travel to the States to visit the family! She visited Anna and Abigail
(grandkids and husbands) in Colorado. She also visited Anthony our son and his wife Traysha and Evelyn our
granddaughter in Wisconsin. She also got to visit her sister Bonnie in Arizona, and finally her brother David and his new
bride in Texas. In talking to her she is looking forward to getting back to Guatemala, as our ladies sure miss her, and so
do I!

Thank you all, and God bless.

For souls,

Matthew 4:23

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