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Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year

Name: Valerie Nixon Author: Self-Evaluation

Job Title: Date: May 29, 2019 2:09 PM EDT
School: Poland Regional H S

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PART 1 - Auto-populated from initial form

My professional growth goal is...
To clearly bring open ended probing questions, learning targets and essential questions into discussions and/or written
reflections. I believe that this process will foster higher order thinking, and help students generate more personal ownership of
their learning experience as it nurtures independence, self reflection, and confidence.

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What core proposition and standard does this goal align with?
Core Proposition 2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
Standard Indicator 2.3. Goal-Focused Planning.

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How will attainment of my goal be measured?

Essential Questions and Learning Targets are provided on the class websites. (Which can be carried onto Atlas)
Essential Questions, Learning Targets, and probing questions are reflected or are provided for reflections at the end of
projects. (Listed on rubrics and guidelines.)

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Describe the methods/strategies/activities that will be used to accomplish my

Use prep time, Learning Area time, and more to ensure that this information is clearly posted on the class websites and Atlas.

I will need to explore application of open ended questioning more for discussions too. (Online research/books/discussions…)

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What resources or support will be needed to reach my goal?

Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning, Jan Chappuis.
Speaking with my colleagues and looking into more suggestions from them.
Online Resources

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Administrator Comments

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PART 2 - Auto-populated from Mid-Year Goal Form

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Tue Feb 25 20:34:37 EST 2020 1
Evidence of Progress: Ongoing (mid year)

Throughout this semester I have revised instructions, rubrics, and websites in addition to updating Atlas. My area of specific
focus as been on my questioning in reflections. You may view my websites to see the questions I have been using.

Click in the upper right hand corner on courses offered.

I think I have been most successful in targeting Essential Questions with my Printmaking class. There are 3 essential
questions. At the beginning and in the middle of the semester students responded to the essential questions on paper. At the
end of the semester students will complete this task a final time. They will then have the ability to see what they wrote the first
two times and reflect on how their responses have changed.

The essential questions along with the learning targets have been posted on their rubrics/instructions for all classes. These are
made available to students on a regular basis as these documents are clipped to the board. We read and discuss these at the
beginning of every formal assignment. Every class I distribute the papers so students may refer to them as they work. At the
end of each class I collect them and clip them to the board. All of the reflection questions have been written with the essential
questions in mind.

Here are some printmaking examples:

EQ: "What happens to an image when it is mass produced?" . Reflection Questions: " Have you ever collected or traded
anything? Why do you think you did this? What opportunities were created by doing this?What happens to our perception of a
person when their image is mass produced? Who do you see mass produced? What do you think of these people? Who's
faces do you predominantly see on social media? What do you think of these people? Do you post yourself on social media?
Why/why not?"
EQ: "How has printmaking influenced the world?" Reflection Questions: "What if the Bible had never been printed? Describe 3
different ways printmaking is used today. What is there was no printed form of currency? How does forgery influence
EQ: "What specific techniques do artists use to create effective prints?" Reflection Questions: "What makes an 'effective' print?
Compare and contrast your relief print with Hokusai's. Which printmaking techniques allow for more detailed information?
Which printmaking technique would you use to create an image for a book on anatomy or botany?"

I intend to continue to simplify the essential questions for my other courses so that I may use this same process there too.
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Mid-Year Administrator Comments

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Professional Growth Goal Reflection and Summary: Due May-June

I feel pretty confident with the reflection questions I am using these days. At the same time this is an area that I will continue to
tweak in response to feedback received from both students through their responses and colleagues. I believe my websites are
clear and complete. I am still needing to finish refining entries for Atlas.
Reflect upon your progress towards your professional growth goal. Did you meet your goal? If so, what led to your success within
this goal? If not, describe the barriers/challenges that led to your inability to meet your goal.

Last semester I was able to ask a class why the reflection process was a flop and I received valuable feedback that I was able
to apply this semester. I also was able to hold several conversations with my group of colleagues where we discussed various
issues as they rose. I got some valuable suggestions particularly in response to some printmaking projects.
What methods/strategies/activities or resources and support did you find to be most helpful toward achieving your goal? If your
goal was not met, what methods/strategies/activities or resources and support could potentially have helped you meet your goal?

I think I will continue to expand in this area. I would like to work more on pausing to create more room and opportunity for
student responses to influence direction of conversation. However, I'm not certain on how this could be documented formally. I
intend to continue to refine atlas regarding essential questions for next year. I am starting to consider having students reflect on
the essential questions 3 times in my other classes from this point forward too. Then again the amount of class critiques,
group/peer reflection is strong in both Drawing and Painting, Studio, Foundations, and Computers in Art already. Whereas in
contrast printmaking lends itself to fewer class critiques due to the range of time needed to complete projects and the fact that
most of the assignments involve more experimentation than conscious application.
How will your progress within this goal influence your professional growth-setting goal for next year?

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Tue Feb 25 20:34:37 EST 2020 2
Teacher Signature
Valerie Nixon (signed by Valerie Nixon on 2019-05-29 14:25)

Administrator Comments

Administrator Signature
Patrick Flynn (signed by Patrick Flynn on 2019-06-20 09:48)

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Tue Feb 25 20:34:37 EST 2020 3

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