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Introduction of the group :

Me : we are group 4 and we are assigned with the topic about the art of emerging Europe. What we are
going to have now is a role playing were in the students will have a visit on an art gallery. The students
will be annabel, larry, nina, rosalinda, carlo, paolo, jose and hazel. They will be accompany with their
teacher who will portrayed by melissa while me, retchel and melody will act as a tour guide in the art

Melissa : good morning students. Today we are going to visit an art gallery. ( objective and introduction
about art of emerging Europe )

1st scene : I welcome sa mga tourist guide.

Welcome to smchli art of emerging Europe gallery!

Melody : I hope you will enjoy your visit here in our gallery. You can take picture for documentation if
you want.

Ritchel : we hope that you will learn a lot from this tour.

Rowell : ready your selves as we will conquer the art of emerging Europe.

Rowell : Our first stop is the art in ancient Greece

 Ancient Greece ( rowell )

Me : The Greek were known to excel in various fields and aspects in the society.

For example, their political ideals eventually became the framework for the democratic form of
government in modern times.

They also valued poetry, drama and philosophy which remain interesting field of study until today.

If they will train their minds to be an artist, it will be their guide on how they will live or they have their
mind set as their guide in their lives

They give importance to the nature, because they believe that human and nature are interrelated. That
why if you will notice sa ilang mga gods and goddeses naa silai mga god of sea ( Poseidon ) god of wild
god of sky and lighting ( zues ) god of harvest ( demeter )

This principles, ideologies and belief are at the core of Greek art and architecture. This influences how
the greeks created their art works.

So, the development of Greek art can be divided in four periods :

First is geometric period, most of the artworks during this time had a geometric patterns design.

Second is archaic period, the artworks in this time are usually human figures where in they make those
figures as decorations. Like the kore, it function as a grave markers for wealthy elite.
Third is classical period, this is the period where many of their architectures like temples, theater and
monuments are built. Like the Parthenon which is a temple built during the classical period dedicated to
the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron.

Fourth is Hellenistic period, the sculpture illustrate or shows emotions.

Me : I will introduce you to another period which is the . . . .

 Ancient rome ( anabel )

Intro : This civilization is one of the mightiest empires in western Europe. Since the covered many
territories, they interacted with neighboring civilization, particularly with the Greeks. ( anabelle will raise
her hand )

Me : Yes, what’s your name? do you want to share something?

Annabel : I just want to share what I read in the book about the ancient rome . . . . ( explain )

Me : Great ideas. Thank you miss Annabel. I will show you now the . . . .

 Middle ages ( nina ) VIDEO

Intro : This is the period between the decline of the roman empire and renaissance period. It is a period
characterize by ignorance and darkness. Very few people in this period could read or write because of
the fall of the Roman Empire. Their lack of knowledge often led to superstitious belief. In that case the
way of making their arts was also affected. ( nina will raise her hand )

Nina : Before I went here. I searched for the arts of emerging Europe and one of those is Middle Ages. I
learned that . . . . ( explain )

Me : thank you for sharing your research to us . . . . next is the . . . .

 Renaissance art ( rowell ) VIDEO

Me : During this period, artist valued individual as the subject of their arts. Most artwork on this time
emphasized naturalism which is an influence of humanism since there was a great emphasis on the
proportionality of the human body. Renaissance artist also gave importance to non-religious themes or
subject, however most of the artworks remain religious on its focus and theme. Roman theatrical play
are also revive during this period. Aside from songs and dance numbers they invested and elaborate
stages and costumes for actors. This is the period where the famous artist like Michael angelo and da
vinci emerge . . . . like the sculpture of Michael Angelo which is “david”. This sculpture is an example
of how humanism was a dominant belief system during the Renaissance. There is emphasis on the
details of the body of the human being.

Me : next in line is the period of mannerism . . . .

 Mannerism ( Rosalinda ) VIDEO

Intro : This is also called as late renaissance. So the artworks in this period are almost common with the
renaissance art. The characteristic of this periods art is that is has exaggerated figure.
Rosalinda : Me and my classmate was discussing about the Mannerism period. And we come up to the
idea about this period that . . . . ( explain )

Me : thank you for sharing. I am so happy that most of you have already the idea about the art of
emerging Europe. So the last period in this section is . . . .

 Baroque and the Racoco ( Melissa )

Melissa : Sir, allow me to discuss this period to my students . . . . ( explain )

Me : That would be all for this station, I hope everyone enjoy and learn something from the different
artworks of the emerging Europe. You can check the other stations to learn more about the arts of
different arts in the different periods. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your tour.

Melissa : Say thank you to our tourist guide students. Now, lets see what we can learn on the next

Ritchel : good afternoon mam, good afternoon students. This are the other art s of the different periods
and art movements in emerging Europe.

 Neo ( pelicano )
 Romanticism ( hazel )
 Realism ( jose )
 Impressionism ( pelicano )
 Post – impressionism ( papel )

Ritchel : we will be heading to another station. ( muadto ila melody )

Rithcel : I would like everyone to meet miss melody. She is one of the tour guide here in the art gallery.

Melody : thank you ritchel.. so good afternoon students.

 Neo – impressionism ( anabel )

 Art novueo ( melody )
 Fauvism ( carlo )
 Cubism ( munez )
 Futurism ( melody )

Melody : end of the role play. ( adlib )

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