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Patricia Angela F.

Navoa 10/02/19


Developing Self-discipline

Self- discipline is important especially when you are taking an independent life. Self-
discipline is the ability to have the control and motivate yourself, stay on track and do what is
right. For most of us, it is a work in progress wrapped in good intentions, procrastination, and
feelings of failure. Self-discipline, like everything else, is a practice. Not every day will be
perfect, but each day – with its failures and small wins – is progress, and that’s what self-
discipline all about. Accepting failures and small wins means you have the so called “Self-
discipline”. Developing Self-discipline does more than help you get ahead in your everyday life

Self-discipline allows people to resist immediate wants in supports of higher-impact, and

long-term goals. Possessing self-discipline requires having an internal desire, drive, and
motivation that propels you forward toward your goal, but ain’t just about the pursuit of a goal.
Self-discipline is more specifically about your ability to control your desires, so whatever you do
or whatever you want to do is always under you control. It impulses in an attempt to stay focused
for long enough or more on what needs to get done to successfully achieve that goal. Self-
discipline, is, therefore, effectively about proactively training yourself to follow a specific set of
rules and standards that help you shape and align your thoughts and behaviors to the task at hand

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