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Beyond the Blue Line

By: Michael Basick and Jay Scerbo



- PTSD along side of Meditation


- Increase physical and mental health through the means of exercise while at the same time
trying to decrease the level of PTSD involved with law enforcement officers.
- Create a healthy relationship between the mind and body
- Connect with individuals who share a similar experience
- Come to terms with things that you may have been avoiding and learn to use exercise as a
way of making your issues better.

Opening Exercise

● Icebreaker- two truths one lie

○ In order to better know one another we will start with an exercise where
participants will say two true things about themselves and one lie and as a group
we will try to guess which one is the lie


● Meditation
○ Guided meditation that will promote relaxation
○ Vivo Exposure
■ Exposure to real-world situations that are objectively safe but avoided due
to trauma related distress. Generate a hierarchy of situations that are
avoided and rate them according to the severity of anxiety each produces.
● Goals
○ To activate your fear response and have you stay in the
situation until your anxiety level drops.
○ To decrease anxiety through habituation which occurs with
repeated exposure.
○ To realize that avoided situations are not as dangerous as
previously believed and you can handle them.
○ To learn how to tell the difference between trauma
reminders and the trauma itself (this is not happening now).

Closing Exercise

● Prolonged Exposure Therapy

○ Breathing techniques
○ Make a list of things you’ve been avoiding and how they affect your life
■ Inhale for a count of 4 and then breathe out with a count of 4

■ one hand on chest and the other on your belly. Take a deep breath through
your nose and make sure you fill your diaphragm with air fully. Then do
this 6-10 times with the goal of calming yourself
Agreement Form

Beyond the Blue Line is intended for Police Officers that suffer from PTSD and/or Anxiety.
Those who participate in the group have the opportunity to benefit from sharing personal
experiences, giving and receiving support/constructive feedback as well as participating in
meditation. By participating in the group you agree to the following guidelines:

Group Confidentiality:

Confidentiality is essential in our group setting, so you must agree not to discuss any information
shared in the group with anyone outside of the group.


You must maintain a regular attendance at group meetings. If you are late too many times
without notifying the group leader, or fail to show up without letting us know beforehand 3 or
more times you may be asked to leave the group.

Active Participation:

You are not required to talk in the group, but we highly encourage you to share your experiences
with the other group members in order to receive the most support possible.
By my signature below I indicate that I have read and understand the agreement and am aware
that refusal to sign this agreement will exclude my participation in the group.

____________________ Participant Signature

_________________ Date

____________________Printed Name

____________________ Signature of leader

___________________ Date
Pre/Post Test for Anxiety and PTSD

1. It is possible to experience relaxation through breathing and active imagination.

a. Yes No

2. Stress can help you do things.

a. Yes No

3. Talking with others helps with anxiety and stress

a. Yes No

4. Does stress cause you to go and make impulsive decisions.

a. Yes No

5. Setting goals helps us focus on reaching a point.

a. Yes No

6. Does your stress and anxiety cause sudden spurts of anger.

a. Yes No

7. You can learn how to relax your mind and body.

a. Yes No

● CEO- $97,00 per year
● Full Time Staff- $50,000 per year
● Part time Employees- $7.25 with increases in hourly pay depending the amount of time

Affordable Health Insurance
● Single persons
○ $12,000
● Family
○ $6,000
● Dental
○ $250
● Physician Visits
● Prescription Drugs
● X-Ray and Laboratory
● Hospital Care
● Emergency Room

Pension Plan
● Your employee contribution will be 9 percent of your annual salary.
● Service Retirement: After 20 years of work you are eligible to receive a pension, regardless of age,
consisting of 25% of your final compensation.
● Special Retirement: After 25 years of work you are eligible to receive a pension, regardless of age,
consisting of 30% of your final compensation plus 1% for each year above 25 years. The maximum benefit
that you can receive under a special retirement is 60% of your final compensation.
● Deferred Retirement: Employees who serve for 10 years and then terminate their employment before
qualifying for a service retirement are vested and thereby eligible for a pension benefit at age 55. The
benefit is 2% of final compensation for each year of work.
Travel-​ $6000
● Hotel
● Food
● Gas
● Plane ticket
● Misc.

Training-​ $1500 per employee

● We will give this allotted amount of money for whatever training the employees need to go and get. If
an employee needs more for training we will go into further detail if the training should be paid for
through the companies funding.

Supplies-​ $6500 per year for office space for rent and $5000 for other resources
● Computers
● Printers
● Speakers
● Projector
● Other little office supplies

Group Supplies- ​$5,000

● Food
● Celebratory Dinner
● Gift cards

Consultants-​ $1200
● Our plan is to have a consultant come in per month to go over any new advice given in the area of
training. So for our company we would need a professional who is heavily trained in dealing with
PTSD and Anxiety to come in once a month to give new pointers to our employees.


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