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Muh Nasir. 2017. The effect of Headmaster leadership and job Motivation for Teacher On
Vocational Senior High School (SMK) Fajar Ciseeng Bogor. Led by Dr. T. Rosyati, SH., S.
Sos., M.Si.

Performance learns in school constitutes to carry the ball main a lead, where does lead
help that its teacher gets better achievement. Performance estimation is done to give teacher tofu
what does be expected management to build the better grasp each other. Estimation shall
recognize achievement and makes plan to increase teacher performance.
Problem formulation: 1 ) If available headmaster leadership influences for performance
to Vocational Senior High School (SMK) Fajar Ciseeng Bogor?; 2 ) If available job motivation
influences learn for performance to Vocational Senior High School (SMK) Fajar Ciseeng
Bogor?; 3 ) If available The effect of headmaster leadership and job motivation learn ala
togethering to performance on Vocational Senior High School (SMK) Fajar Ciseeng Bogor?
To the effect research: 1 ) To know how big headmaster leadership influences for
performance to Vocational Senior High School (SMK) Fajar Ciseeng Bogor; 2 ) To know how
big job motivation influences learn for performance to Vocational Senior High School (SMK)
Fajar Ciseeng Bogor; 3 ) To know how big headmaster leadership influences and job motivation
learn ala togethering to performance Vocational Senior High School (SMK) Fajar Ciseeng
Observational result: 1 ) From arithmetic SPSS, t computing one that acquired is as big as
2,806 meanwhile t table with degree of freedom 30 on (0,05) as big as 2,042. Thus t computing
(2,806) > t table (2,042), so is clear rejected Ho and h 1 accepted. It points out that influential
headmaster leadership signifikan for performance to learn on vocational Middle School (SMK)
Break of day Ciseeng Bogor; 2 ) From arithmetic SPSS, t computing one that acquired is as big as
3,651 meanwhile t table with degree of freedom 30 on (0,05) as big as 2,042. Thus t computing
(3,651) > t table (2,042), so is clear rejected Ho and h 1 accepted. It points out that job motivation
learns signifikan's ascendant for performance to learn on vocational Middle School (SMK) Break
of day Ciseeng Bogor; 3 ) From yielding arithmetic SPSS is gotten f computing 39,330. Meanwhile
f appreciative critical price table with counter degree of freedom 2 and denominators 28 on
(0,05) as big as 3,34. Thus f computing (39,330) > F table (3,34), so is clear rejected Ho and h 1
accepted. It points out that leaderships together ala headmaster and job motivation learn to get
increase teacher performance on vocational Middle School (SMK) Break of day Ciseeng Bogor.

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