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The Cultural Product:

What is a cultural product?

It’s a thread, a message or an object, its subjects matters can range from hard to soft.

It has two different meanings:

1. The manifest meaning (what is apparent on the surface meaning)

2. The latent meaning (the true meaning behind it or the hidden meaning)

Every cultural product goes through three different processes: production, circulation, and consumption

 Production:
the cultural product can be produced by individuals, institutions, or machines.
these producers take into consideration different modes of production (economical, techno..)

 Circulation:
the circulation of cultural product is conditioned by certain social, political and psychological
conditions from the past and present

 Consumption:
the receivers of the cultural product are called consumers, they can be common consumers,
institutions, analysts, cultural critics or machines.
these consumers consume, transform, reject or reproduce the product.

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