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School: Year level/Section:

Subject: UCSP Subject Teacher:
No. of Enrollment: 22 No. of Examinee: 21
Total No.
of Error
Question Competencies
1 UCSP is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents, methods and 2
theories of the following EXCEPT: 8
2 Anthropology: Genetics and Evolution, etc. 0
Sociology: Groups and Organizations, etc.
Political Science:_________________
3 A research method that uses sample population and administers survey questionnaires to get 3
responses and answers from respondents
4 It refers to the changes, modifications, and variations in the genetics and inherited 1
traits of biological populations from one generation to another.
5 It refers to the changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a more complex form 5
of human culture.
6 The term culture was first used by the English anthropologist ________ in his book, 6
Primitive Culture.
7 It refers to the study of Human Society. 2
8 Organisms produce progeny with different sets of traits that can inherited. 1
9 They are classified as humans and not humanlike creatures because they had bigger brains and 1
were Bipedal.
10 Refers to an alteration in the social order of a society 2
11 The term that deals with the evolution of cultural components. 3
12 A social creation and institutionalization of new ideas. 3
13 A spread of innovation from one social group to another. 5
14 The process where some of the “majority community’s” cultural aspects are absorbed in 2
such manner that the home cultural manner gets mitigated or lost.
15 It includes topics such as human origin, globalization, social change, and world history. 1
16 Refers to the study of living people and their cultures including variation and change. 1
17 Refers to the study of communication, mainly (but not exclusively) among humans. 6
18 Refers to the study of past human cultures through their material remains. It is the study of past 5
human cultures through the recovery and analysis of artifacts.
19 Also known as “physical anthropology”, this refers to the study of humans as biological 5
organisms including their evolution and contemporary variation.
20 This includes the study of social institutions, social inequality, social mobility, religious groups, 6
and bureaucracy.
21 This area focuses on the study of human nature and its emphasis on social processes as they 5
affect individual or responses which are called “social stimuli”.
22 This is concerned with the specific intent of yielding practical applications for human behavior 5
and organizations.
23 This area includes size, growth, demographic characteristics, composition, migration, 2
changes, and quality vis-à-vis economic, political, and social systems.
24 It focuses on the discovery of theoretical tools, methods, and techniques to scientifically explain 0
a particular sociological issue.
25 . It studies factors that cause social organization and social disorganization like calamity, drug 1
abuse, drastic and gradual social change, health and welfare problems, political instability,
unemployment and underemployment, child and women’s issue, etc.
26 It is an academic discipline that deals with the study of government and political processes, 1
institutions, and behaviors.
27 It originated from the Greek word ‘polis’, which means ‘city’ or ‘state’. 2
28 It is the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out. 1
29 Our rights and privileges are limited because we are governed by rules and laws 1
of our society.
30 We carry our ancestors’ traditions and beliefs. 4
31 We always belong to the group and interact with people. 7
32 We are always in company with others like our parents and siblings. 3
33 Our power is inherent in the rights guaranteed and protected by our State. 2
34 We relate with our childhood friends, neighbours, and classmates. 2
35 We speak the language of our parents, practice faith and the distinct way of life 5
of our community.
36 We become citizens, we elect our leaders, we pay taxes, we receive welfare and 5
support from the government because our Constitution and our laws tell it so.
37 We create or showcase the arts and heritage of our people and transmit some, if 2
not all, of these to the next generation.
38 We will be having our co-workers or colleagues in office, professional peers here 6
and abroad.
39 Gives meaning to the importance of the self in relation to others (kapwa) 6
40 Broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and others’ cultures 5
41 Educates us on the importance of exercising our rights and maximizing our political 5
participation to sustain, maintain or change society
42 Provides a bigger context on how government works and how rules, regulations and 5
laws maintain social order, cohesion and unity
43 Describes how and why we belong to a bigger global society 5
44 What is Political Science? 3
45 What is Political Science? 3
46 What is Political Science? 3
47 What is Political Science? 3
48 What is Political Science? 3

Prepared by: Noted by:

Subject Teacher School Principal I

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