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1. ____ glaciers of the world occupy about 10 percent of the 5.

5. Cellulose, ___, is one of the many substances known as 9. There are two basic kinds of air compressors,
total land area. carbohydrates. reciprocating and ___

a) As the a) is the building block of plant cell walls a) another kind that is rotating

b) The b) it’s the building block of plant cell walls b) one that rotates

c) It is the c) the building block of plant cell walls (noun phrase, c) a rotating kind
d) There are d) Rotating (parallel)
d) by the building block of plant cell walls
2. Many animals use odors for identification, ____, sexual 10. The human body has four jugular veins, ___ each side of
attraction, alarm, and a variety of other purposes. 6. In 1905 Juneau replaced Sitka ___ Alaska. the neck.

a) the territorial marking a) the capital was a) there are two on

b) they mark territory b) as the capital of b) it has two on

c) territorial marking (noun phrase) c) was the capital of c) two are on

d) mark territory d) the capital being d) two on (appositive)

3. Ozone ____ extremely active chemically, and succeeds in 7. ___ the end of Ice Age around 8000 BC, mammoths 11. ___ its proximity to New York, New Jersey is an important
damaging any vegetation it comes in contact with. became extinct. link in the nation’s transportation system.

a) Is (predicate) a) By a) Since

b) being b) It was b) As a result

c) which is c) That c) However

d) by being d) In addition d) Because of (preposition, followed by noun phrase)

4. ___ tornadoes occur in many regions of the world, they 8. ___ were first viewed through a telescope by Galileo. 12. Agronomist work to improve the quality of crops, increase
are most prevalent in the United States. the yield of fields, and ___ of the soil.
a) jupiter has four moons
a) As a) the quality is maintained
b) jupiter’s four moons (noun phrase)
b) Although (concession) b) maintain the quality (parallel)
c) jupiter surrounded by four moons
c) Yet c) the maintenance of the quality
d) surrounded by four moons, Jupiter
d) Since d) maintaining the quality
13. Projective tests ___ as the Rorschach Test have no right or 19. (Among Thomas Jefferson’s many accomplishment) was
wrong answers.
his work to establish the University of Virginia.
a) such (=accomplishments / plural) (among-----accomplishments=
b) similar prepositional phrase, the subject = his work)

c) like 20. Alike bases which cause litmus to turn blue, acids cause
d) Same litmus to turn red. (=unlike)
14. ___ in 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge spans the channel at
21. Plant cuttings who are placed in water will develop roots
the entrance to San Francisco Bay.
and can then be planted in soil. (=which/that)
a) Completes

b) Completed (V3, passive reduction) 22. Lead poisoning can result if to much lead builds up in the
body. (=too)
c) Completing

d) To complete 23. Many American childrens learned to read from more than
120 million copies of McGuffy’s Reader. (= children)

24. From 1785 to 1790, the capital of the US is located in New

15. Latex rubber is made from a milky substantial in plants York City. (=was)

and trees of the sapodilla family. (=substance/N)

25. According the kinetic theory, all matter consists of

16. The state with the most large products of tobacco constantly moving particles.

products is North Carolina. (=largest)

17. Ballads, like folk tales, began thousands of years ago

among people who could not read or writing.

18. More than 300 different kinds of nails is manufactured in

the United States. (=are)

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