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 Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs

 1 cup of water (double if your dog is sensitive to

 1 tablespoon carrier oil (for additional dilution)
 2 drops of Lavender
 1 drop of Citronella, Cedarwood, or Lemongrass

Tummy problem

2-3 drops of Tarragon, Ginger, Juniper, or

Lemongrass (or make a larger roller and include 1
drop of each)
 3 drops of Peppermint (optional)
 Fill the remainder of a glass rollerball bottle with a
carrier oil
I add my oils to a 10 ml glass roller bottle. When
Rodrigo has an upset tummy, I rub the roller ball on
the skin of his belly (it only takes a small amount) and
massage the oil in with my hands. With the rest of the
oil on my hands, I stroke Rodrigo's spine.

12 – Immune System Mist for

This recipe was inspired by my calming mist and what
I've learned about essential oils to date.
 3 drops of Frankincense
 3 drops of Lavender
 Water
 16-ounce spray bottle
I mix the ingredients, fill the bottle with water, and add
the lid. I mist around the dogs (not directly in their
face), or I spray the mist into the palm of my hands
and massage their neck, back,

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