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1st things 1st

Quit the sugar 100%.

Your body does not need sugar; it will best obtain all its needed energy from a whole

foods diet with a balance of protein, fats and complex carbohydrates.

Consuming Sugar Spikes Your Insulin.

Weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and imbalance in other hormones called hunger

which will affect your appetite and make you eat more, cardiovascular diseases,
cancer, etc...

Sugar Consumption Causes Chronic Inflammation.

Sugar not only helps other toxins to enter the brain through indirect gut inflammation
but it can also enter the blood brain barrier. This will then lead to the release of
cytokines into the brain which causes an inflammation response.

The presence of inflammation in the brain can adversely affect the proper functioning
of neurotransmitters, particularly in the hippocampus thereby affecting one’s mood,
memory, learning and ability to perform other functions. This can lead to the
development of many issues, including depression and anxiety.

Inflammation can lead to many different complications, including disruptions of the

Immune system, joint and body pain, and even heart disease.

Sugar Consumption Can Lead to Reduced Immunity.

Studies have shown that sugar consumption can lower the body’s defenses.

Once a person’s blood sugar level reaches 120 mg/dl, the ability of their white blood
cells to destroy viruses and other disease-causing microorganisms can reduce by up to
Sugar Is Linked To Depression and Anxiety.
Depression is associated with inflammation in the brain, which excess sugar can cause.

There are also findings that sugar intake can cause deregulation of various other
hormones and neurotransmitters that will negatively affect brain function, and even
brain size.

Sugar Is Linked To Fatty Liver Disease

Sugar is largely composed of two simple types of sugars:

• Fructose

• Glucose

Fructose is very much the “evil twin” and heads immediately to your liver. Over time,
too much fructose can cause a fatty liver, which, if left untreated, can lead to full-on
liver disease.

Consuming Sugar Increases Your Risk For Diabetes and

Metabolic Syndrome
With all that increased sugar and weight gain comes a higher risk for diabetes and a
condition called metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a group of symptoms and
behaviors that put you at a much higher risk of developing heart disease and Type II

Thankfully both conditions are reversible and the first step toward better health is to
cut out the sugar.

Sugar ruins your teeth

The more you eat foods that contain sugar, the more you increase bacteria build-up
inside your mouth which will contribute to enamel erosion and cavities.

Cancer cells metabolize through fermentation which is a process that requires sugar. In
the presence of adequate sugar, the metabolism of cancer cells can be eight times
greater than the metabolism of normal cells.
Sugar Can Lead to Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease is now being dubbed type 3 diabetes. It seems that the brain can
become resistant to insulin just as other cells in the body become resistant to insulin
with type 2 diabetes. When brain cells do not receive adequate fuel, damage can
occur, leading to the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

When sugar is processed inside your body, it will strip away Calcium and other mineral
resources while depleting your healthy intestinal flora.

Because sugar is so addictive, it just makes you want to eat more and more. Also,
when insulin levels go up and down often and in large amounts, your blood sugar goes
on a roller coaster ride, which will cause you to feel hungrier more often, often
accompanied with mood swings.

How Sugar Affects Dopamine Production.

The abnormally high stimulation of our tongue receptors due to our sugar-rich diets
generates excessive reward signals in the brain.

These excessive signals have the potential to override normal self-control mechanisms,
and thus lead overeating of sugar and from there to addiction.

Lic. Leonardo Aramburu

+34 622523778

Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain




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