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Shock and Vibration

Volume 2018, Article ID 9486536, 11 pages

Research Article
Experimental Investigation of Vibration Characteristics in a
Centrifugal Pump with Vaned Diffuser

Kai Wang ,1,2 Xin Lu,1 and Xianghui He3

Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
Institute of Fluid Engineering Equipment, JITRI, Zhenjiang 212009, China
TE Connectivity (Suzhou) Ltd., Suzhou 215121, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Kai Wang;

Received 26 August 2018; Revised 17 November 2018; Accepted 3 December 2018; Published 24 December 2018

Academic Editor: Franck Poisson

Copyright © 2018 Kai Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In order to investigate the vibration characteristics of centrifugal pump, a centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser whose specific
speed is 190 was chosen for this research. Both the experiments of energy performance and vibration characteristics of the pump
were performed. The results indicate that when flow rate of the pump is 270 m3/h, the head is 15.03 m and the efficiency is 71.47%.
The maximum efficiency is 71.71% when the flow rate of the pump is 233 m3/h and the head is 16.92 m. And a wide frequency band
of vibration appears at 600 Hz at outlet flange of the pump. The vibration intensity at the outlet flange is largest. The vibration
intensities at both sides of bearing casing are slighter than those at outlet flange and larger than those at motor base. The vibration
intensity at the motor base is larger than that at pump base, and the vibration intensity at the pump body is the lowest. The
vibration intensity of monitoring point M4 in the X direction under 0.8Qd is 1.27 mm/s, which is the maximum under three
flow rates.

1. Introduction weaken. The vibration mechanisms of the centrifugal pump

were studied by numerical simulation and experiment
The vibration characteristics of centrifugal pump affect its measurement [3–8]. Fiebig and Korzyb [9] performed nu-
safety in engineering application. The good vibration resis- merical simulation on the structure vibration in a centrifugal
tance not only ensures the stable operation but also prolongs pump. Jiang et al. [10] numerically simulated the internal
the service life of pump. Corresponding to this, the severe flow-induced vibration and noise of a centrifugal pump
vibration will lead to decrease of safety, the reliability, and based on LES. The results indicated that it is feasible to
the stability of the pump. So, vibration reduction has become predict the flow-induced noise in rotating machinery by the
an important part of the performance improvement of fluid-structure coupling simulation. Dai et al. [11] measured
centrifugal pump. Many scholars have studied the vibration the vibration of pump as turbine under different rotation
source of the centrifugal pump. Jeon and Lee [1] who studied speeds and flow rates. It was found that the level of vibration
the flow field, vibration, and noise in a centrifugal pump rises with the increase of rotation speed and flow rate. Sun
with numerical simulation found that the vibration and et al. [12] and Zhou [13] studied the influence of off-design
noise of the centrifugal pump are mainly caused by the condition deviation on vibration. Duan et al. [14] and
internal flow-induced vibration. Huang et al. [2] found that González et al. [15] analyzed the vibration signal and the
the pulsation of internal flow of centrifugal pump is the main cause of the vibration of the centrifugal pump. Wang et al.
source that causes vibration and noise. And the vibration of a [16] measured and analyzed the pressure pulsation, vibra-
marine centrifugal pump is reduced by the structure of the tion, and noise characteristic of a multistage centrifugal
double-channel volute and guide vane. pump under different flow rates.
After determining the vibration source, vibration of However, the experimental research studies on vibration
centrifugal pump becomes more convenient to monitor and of centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser are relatively less so
2 Shock and Vibration

far. Therefore, the vibration characteristics of a centrifugal 3. Experimental Results and

pump with vaned diffuser, whose specific speed is 190, were Analysis of Vibration
measured and analyzed to provide the basis for the sub-
sequent structure optimization and vibration reduction. The vibration velocity measured by the three-phase trans-
ducer concludes the horizontal direction, the axial direction,
and the vertical direction, that is, the vibration velocity in the
2. Experimental Bench
X, Y, and Z direction.
2.1. A Centrifugal Pump with Vaned Diffuser. Design pa-
rameters of a centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser are as
3.1. Amplitude of Vibration Velocity. The vibration intensity is
follows. The design flow rate Qd is 270 m3/h, the design
proportional to the vibration velocity when the vibration
head Hd is 15 m, the rotational speed n is√1450
�� r/min, and frequency is within the range of the intermediate frequency.
the specific speed ns is 190 (ns � (3.65n Q /H3/4 ), where
The centrifugal pump is an intermediate frequency machine, so
units of flow rate, rotational speed, and head are m3/s,
the vibration velocity can commendably reflect the vibration
r/min, and m, respectively). The structure diagram of the
level of the pump. The vibration velocity was selected as a
centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser is shown in Figure 1.
parameter to analyze the vibration of the pump. Figure 6 shows
The pump body, including suction chamber and dis-
the vibration velocities at monitoring points M1∼M8 of the
charge chamber, was directly casted by stainless steel. In
centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser under different flow rates.
order to improve flow surface accuracy, the impeller and
vaned diffuser were firstly formed by 3D printing and then (1) The amplitude ranges of vibration velocity in the X,
casted by stainless steel. The wax molds of impeller and Y, and Z direction are expanded gradually, and the
vaned diffuser are shown in Figure 2(a). The impeller, trends of amplitude of vibration velocity are similar.
vaned diffuser, and pump body after casting are shown in The amplitude of the vibration velocity decreases
Figure 2(b). gradually with the increase of flow rate from 0.2Qd to
0.6Qd. The amplitudes of vibration velocity at ma-
jority monitoring points increase when the flow rate
2.2. Experimental Bench. The experiment sketch and bench increases to 0.8Qd. The amplitude of the vibration
are shown in the Figures 3(a) and 3(b), respectively. Ex- velocity decreases when flow rate increases to 1.2Qd,
periment equipment of energy performance includes a and there is a certain increase when the flow rate
motor, a flow meter, two pressure transmitters, a three-phase increases from 1.2Qd to 1.3Qd.
PWM digital power meter, etc. The flow rate, head, and (2) The range of amplitude of the vibration velocity in
power were measured severally by the flow meter, pressure the Z direction is more extensive than that in the X
transmitters, and digital power meter in the experiment. All direction and Y direction, i.e., the difference in the Z
of the experimental data were managed and analyzed by the direction between maximum and minimum value of
data acquisition instrument. the amplitude is the largest. Except for difference of
Energy performance curves of the centrifugal pump with vibration velocity value, the change trends of the
vaned diffuser are shown in Figure 4. It can be observed from vibration velocity at each monitoring point are
Figure 4 that under the design flow rate (i.e., Qd), the head of consistent.
the pump is 15.03 m and the efficiency is 71.47%. Under
0.8Qd, the head of the pump is 17.26 m and the efficiency is (3) In three directions, the minimum vibration velocity
70.25%. Under 1.2Qd, the head of the pump is 12.59 m and amplitudes of M1∼M8 appear in the range of 1.0Qd
the efficiency is 65.88%. The maximum efficiency is 71.71% to 1.2Qd. And the vibration amplitudes at moni-
when the flow rate of the pump is 233 m3/h and the head is toring point M5 (right side of pump base) are the
16.92 m. smallest. These amplitudes are 0.35 mm/s in the X
direction, 0.38 mm/s in the Y direction, and 0.3 mm/
s in the Z direction, respectively.
2.3. The Arrangement of Monitoring Points. Monitoring (4) The amplitude of vibration velocity at the outlet flange
points M1∼M16 were selected to measure vibration char- (M1) is higher than that at other monitoring points.
acteristics of the centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser. There is a noticeable rise in amplitudes of vibration
These points were at the outlet flange (M1), the inlet velocity in the Z and Y direction from 0.8Qd to 1.0Qd
flange (M2), the bearing casings (M3 and M4), the pump and the amplitudes of vibration in the Y direction
base, and motor base (M5∼M8). increase by 75% because the outlet flange is located at
The front pump cavity, which is shown in Figure 5(b), is the end of the diffuser section of pump body, whose
between pump body and front cover shroud. Corresponding vibration is more affected by pressure pulsation at the
to this, the rear pump cavity shown in Figure 5(c) is between outlet and flow vortex in diffuser section.
pump body and rear cover shroud. Monitoring points
Figure 7 shows the amplitudes of vibration velocity in the
M9∼M12 and M13∼M16 were located on the surface of front
X, Y, and Z direction at monitoring points M9∼M16.
pump cavity and rear pump cavity, respectively.
The positions of the sixteen monitoring points are shown (1) Comparing Figures 6 and 7, amplitudes of vibration
in Table 1. velocity at M9∼M16 are generally lower than those at
Shock and Vibration 3

Pump body Impeller Vaned diffuser

Figure 1: Structure of the centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser.

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Component of centrifugal pump. (a) Wax models of impeller and vaned diffuser. (b) Component after casting.

INV3020C-type data
acquisition system
Flow Ball
meter valve
Pressure Vacuum pump
Motor Vibration
pulsation sensor
sensor Pressure transmitter Ball valve

Ball valve

(a) (b)

Figure 3: (a) Sketch of the experiment bench. (b) Experiment bench of the centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser.
4 Shock and Vibration

24 80

H (m)

η (%)
12 40

30 20

P (kW)
4 10

0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Q (m3/h)
Figure 4: Energy performance curve of the centrifugal pump with vaned diffuser.

M10 M14

M2 M11 M9 M13 M15

M5 M12 M16

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: Arrangement of vibration monitoring points: (a) M1∼M8, (b) M9∼M11, and (c) M14∼M16.

Table 1: Arrangement of vibration monitoring points.

Monitoring point M1 M2 M3 M4
Location Outlet flange Inlet flange Left side of bearing casings Right side of bearing casings
Monitoring point M5 M6 M7 M8
Location Right side of pump base Left side of pump base Left side of motor base Right side of motor base
Monitoring point M9 M10 M11 M12
Right side of front pump Upside of front pump Left side of front pump Downside of front pump
cavity cavity cavity cavity
Monitoring point M13 M14 M15 M16
Left side of rear pump Upside of rear pump Right side of rear pump Downside of rear pump
cavity cavity cavity cavity

M1∼M8. Amplitudes of vibration velocity at M9∼ (2) Vibration velocities at the monitoring points on the
M16 present a regular tendency, that is, decreasing pump body are mainly in the X direction. The vi-
firstly and then increasing slightly with the increase bration at monitoring points M9∼M16 is mainly
of flow rate. caused by the shunt phenomenon when the fluid
Shock and Vibration 5

Amplitude of vibration velocity (mm/s)

Amplitude of vibration velocity (mm/s)


0.9 1.0

0.6 0.5

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Q/Qd Q/Qd
M1 M7 M6 M1 M7 M6
M3 M2 M8 M3 M2 M8
M5 M4 M5 M4
(a) (b)
Amplitude of vibration velocity (mm/s)







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
M1 M7 M6
M3 M2 M8
M5 M4

Figure 6: Amplitudes of vibration velocity at M1∼M8 in the (a) X direction, (b) Y direction, and (c) Z direction.

flows through the impeller and the vaned diffuser It can be observed from Figure 8 that there are relatively
and the impact of the fluid on the pump body. more excitation frequencies at monitoring points M1∼M8,
(3) In the X direction, the amplitude of vibration ve- and the main excitation frequency is rotating frequency
locity at M10 is relatively larger, whose value is (25 Hz), 2nd harmonic, 3rd harmonic, 4th harmonic, 5th
2.1 mm/s. There are drastic changes in vibration harmonic (i.e., blade passing frequency), and 6th harmonic
velocity at M10, and the minimum value of vibration of rotating frequency.
velocity is 0.47 mm/s because monitoring point M10 The amplitude of vibration velocity at outlet flange (M1)
is located near the outlet of the front pump cavity, is larger than that at other monitoring points, and a wide
whose vibration velocity is greatly affected by the frequency band of vibration appears at 600 Hz at M1. The
internal flow of diffuser section. The amplitude of vibration at M1 includes flow-induced vibration and me-
vibration velocity at M10 is larger than that at other chanical vibration because outlet flange is rigidly connected
monitoring points. with outlet pipes and the vibration of the outlet pipeline
passes to M1 through the pipeline. In the X, Y, and Z di-
3.2. Frequency Spectrum of Vibration. The frequency spec- rections, there is high frequency vibration that is produced
trums of vibration in each X, Y, and Z direction are compared by the overlap between the natural frequency of mechanical
and analyzed. The frequency spectrums of vibration at force and flow force, which is related to mechanical vibration
M1∼M8 and M9∼M16 are shown in Figures 8 and 9. and vibration through pipeline.
6 Shock and Vibration


Amplitude of vibration velocity (mm/s)

Amplitude of vibration velocity (mm/s)





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Q/Qd Q/Qd
M9 M15 M14 M9 M15 M14
M11 M10 M16 M11 M10 M16
M13 M12 M13 M12
(a) (b)
Amplitude of vibration velocity (mm/s)








0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
M9 M15 M14
M11 M10 M16
M13 M12

Figure 7: Amplitudes of vibration velocity at M9∼M16 in the (a) X direction, (b) Y direction, and (c) Z direction.

Moreover, the mechanical vibration at pump foot (M5 mechanical vibration. So the high-frequency vibration is
and M6) is relatively smaller, and amplitudes of vibration at easy to appear at those monitoring points.
M5 and M6 are lower than those at other monitoring points Figure 10 shows the frequency spectrum of vibration in
because the pump foots are fixed by foundation bolts. X, Y, and Z direction at M1∼M8.
It can be indicated from Figure 9 that the vibration in the As can be observed in Figure 10, the main frequency at
X and Y direction at the outside of the pump body outlet flange (M1) and inlet flange (M2) is 5th harmonic of
(M9∼M16) is smaller than that in the Z direction. The main rotating frequency (125 Hz), which is the same with blade
direction of vibration is the Z direction, which is mainly passing frequency. The secondary frequencies are 3rd har-
caused by the mechanical vibration. monic of rotating frequency (75 Hz) and 4th harmonic of
For flow-induced vibration, the main vibration fre- rotating frequency (100 Hz). The vibration at M1 and M2 is
quency is the rotating frequency (25 Hz), 2nd harmonic mainly horizontal vibration, and the amplitude of the vibra-
(50 Hz), 3rd harmonic (75 Hz), 4th harmonic (100 Hz), and tion in the X and Y direction is much higher than that in the Z
5th harmonic of rotating frequency (125 Hz). The moni- direction. A wide frequency band of vibration caused by the
toring points at front pump cavity are more susceptible to vibration of pipeline appears in the range of 400∼500 Hz at
flow-induced vibration than those in rear pump cavity. The M1, and the amplitude in the Y direction is the maximum.
monitoring points in rear pump cavity are located on the There is high frequency vibration at M2 in the range of
pump cover, which makes the vibration more affected by 800 Hz∼1000 Hz, which is caused by the mechanical vibration.
Shock and Vibration 7

0.65 0.5

Amplitude of vibration

Amplitude of vibration

velocity (mm/s)

velocity (mm/s)
0.39 0.3
0.26 0.2
0.13 0.1
0.00 0.0
M1 M1
M2 M2
M3 M3
M4 M4
M5 M5
M6 M6
M7 M7
M8 M8
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(a) (b)

Amplitude of vibration

velocity (mm/s)



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz)


Figure 8: Frequency domain of vibration at M1∼M8 in the (a) X direction, (b) Y direction, and (c) Z direction.

1.20 0.90
Amplitude of vibration

Amplitude of vibration
0.96 0.72
velocity (mm/s)

velocity (mm/s)
0.72 0.54

0.48 0.36

0.24 0.18

0.00 0.00
M9 M9
M10 M10
M11 M11
M12 M12
M13 M13
M14 M14
M15 M15
M16 M16
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(a) (b)
Amplitude of vibration

velocity (mm/s)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz)


Figure 9: Frequency domain of vibration at M9∼M16 in the (a) X direction, (b) Y direction, and (c) Z direction.
8 Shock and Vibration

0.60 0.5

Amplitude of vibration

Amplitude of vibration
0.48 0.4

velocity (mm/s)

velocity (mm/s)
0.36 0.3

0.24 0.2

0.12 0.1

0.00 0.0



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(a) (b)
0.420 0.60

Amplitude of vibration

Amplitude of vibration
0.336 0.48

velocity (mm/s)

velocity (mm/s)
0.252 0.36

0.168 0.24

0.084 0.12

0.000 0.00



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(c) (d)
0.340 0.460
Amplitude of vibration

Amplitude of vibration
0.272 0.368
velocity (mm/s)

velocity (mm/s)
0.204 0.276

0.136 0.184

0.068 0.092

0.000 0.000



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(e) (f )
0.65 0.60
Amplitude of vibration

Amplitude of vibration

0.52 0.48
velocity (mm/s)

velocity (mm/s)

0.39 0.36

0.26 0.24

0.13 0.12

0.00 0.00



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(g) (h)

Figure 10: Frequency domain of vibration in the X, Y, and Z direction at (a) M1, (b) M2, (c) M3, (d) M4, (e) M5, (f ) M6, (g) M7, and (h) M8.
Shock and Vibration 9

Figures 10(c) and 10(d) show the vibration at M3 and motor. And the monitoring point M4 is placed closer to the
M4. The vibration velocity in the X direction at M3 and M4 is motor so that the vibration intensity at M4 is larger than that
larger than that in the Y and Z direction. The main frequency at M3. The average vibration intensity on the bearing is
at M3 is the 3rd harmonic of rotating frequency (75 Hz). The 0.76 mm/s, which is only lower than the vibration intensity
main frequency at M4 is the 5th harmonic of rotating at the outlet flange.
frequency (125 Hz), and the secondary frequency is the 3rd For the base of pump and motor, the average vibration
harmonic of rotating frequency (75 Hz). The vibrations at intensity on the pump bases (M5 and M6) is 0.57 mm/s, and
M3 and M4 are mainly radial, which is caused by the ex- the average vibration intensity on the motor bases (M7 and
citation force of imbalance of the rotor. M8) is 0.69 mm/s. And both are lower than the average
The main frequencies at the pump foot (M5 and M6) and vibration intensity on the bearing casings.
motor base (M7 and M8) are the rotating frequency (25 Hz), The vibration intensity distributing in the front pump
3rd harmonic of rotating frequency (75 Hz), and 5th har- cavity (M9∼M12) is not uniform. The vibration intensity at
monic of rotating frequency (125 Hz). There are differences M10 is the maximum because monitoring M10 is located at
in the distribution of frequency. the upper side of front pump cavity, which is affected by the
For monitoring points M7 and M8, the peaks of vi- unstable flow in the diffuser section of the pump. The av-
bration velocity at the rotating frequency (25 Hz) are larger erage vibration intensity on pump body is 0.52 mm/s, which
than those at other main frequencies. This is because the is the lowest.
monitoring points M7 and M8 are arranged on the motor Because the bearing casings could transmit vibration
base and mainly affected by the vibration of the motor in energy between two vibration sources (i.e., motor and
which main frequencies are the same with rotating fre- pump), M3 and M4 at the bearing casing were selected as
quency. For monitoring points M5 and M6, the peak of the main monitoring points to further analyze the vibration
vibration velocity at 5th harmonic of rotating frequency state of the pump. Table 2 shows the vibration intensities
(i.e., blade passing frequency) is larger than that at other at M3 and M4 in the three directions under 0.8Qd, 1.0Qd,
main frequencies because monitoring points M5 and M6 are and 1.2Qd.
arranged on the pump body base, which is mainly affected by It can be indicated from Table 2 that the vibration in-
the pressure pulsations of the fluid. tensities in the X and Z direction are larger than those in the
Y direction. And the maximum of the vibration intensity at
3.3. Vibration Intensity. Vibration intensity is an important M4 under 0.8Qd is 1.27 mm/s. The vibration mainly happens
parameter that is used to evaluate the vibration state of in radial direction because the vibration of the motor is
machine. The calculated value of the vibration intensity generated by the excitation force of imbalance of the rotor
Vmax is the maximum value of the root mean square of the and the vibration of the pump is caused by the imbalance
vibration velocity in the X, Y, and Z direction under 0.8Qd, when the impeller rotates.
1.0Qd, and 1.2Qd and can be obtained by the following The average vibration intensity in the X direction under
equation: 0.8Qd, 1.0Qd, and 1.2Qd is 0.95 mm/s, 0.7 mm/s, and
􏽳����������� 0.63 mm/s, respectively. And the average vibration intensity
1 N−1 2 in the Z direction under 0.8Qd, 1.0Qd, and 1.2Qd is 0.78 mm/
Vims � 􏽚 v (n), (1)
N n�0 s, 0.76 mm/s, and 0.71 mm/s, respectively. The vibration
intensity gradually decreases with the increase of flow rate. It
where N is the number of discrete points of the measured might be because the internal unsteady flow and the flow-
signal, v is the vibration velocity of the pump, and Vims is the induced vibration are serious when the pump is operated
root mean square of the vibration velocity. under low flow rate, and the flow-induced vibration de-
The vibration intensities of each monitoring point are creases with the increase of flow rate. The vibration intensity
shown in Figure 11. in the X direction under 1.2Qd is smaller than that in the Z
The vibration intensity at the outlet flange (M1) is larger direction because of the imbalance caused by the outlet of
than that at other monitoring points, and the vibration the pump body.
intensity at the inlet flange (M2) is 54% of that at M1.
According to the above analysis, the main frequencies at M1 4. Conclusions
and M2 are both 5th harmonic of rotating frequency
(125 Hz), which is the same with blade passing frequency, In this research, an experimental bench of a centrifugal
and the vibrations at those monitoring points are mainly pump with vane diffuser was built and several monitoring
affected by the pressure pulsations of the fluid. But M1 is points were located at the pump base, motor base, flanges,
additionally affected by the diffusion impact and flow sep- bearing casings, and pump body. The energy performance
aration that happen in the diffuser section of the pump, and vibration characteristics of the pump under different
which leads to the increase of the vibration intensity. flow rates were measured. The vibration velocity, vibration
Comparing the vibration intensities on both sides at frequency domain, and vibration intensity of the pump were
bearing casings (M3 and M4), there is a significant difference analyzed.
in the magnitude of the vibration intensity, and the vibration The maximum efficiency is 71.71% when the flow rate of
intensity at M4 is larger than that at M3. The vibration at the pump is 233 m3/h and the head is 16.92 m. Under 1.0Qd,
monitoring points M3 and M4 are mainly affected by the the head of the pump is 15.03 m and the efficiency of the
10 Shock and Vibration




Vibration intensity (mm/s) 0.8




M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16
Monitoring points of vibration

Figure 11: Vibration intensity at each monitoring point.

Table 2: Vibration intensity at monitoring points M3 and M4 Conflicts of Interest

(unit: mm/s).
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Direction Flow rate M3 M4
0.8Qd 0.63 1.27
X 1.0Qd 0.56 0.85 Acknowledgments
1.2Qd 0.53 0.74
0.8Qd 0.59 0.62 The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the
Y 1.0Qd 0.52 0.53 National Key Research and Development Program of China
1.2Qd 0.41 0.45 (Grant no. 2016YFB0200901), the National Natural Science
0.8Qd 0.63 0.93 Foundation of China (Grant nos. 51679110 and 51579117),
Z 1.0Qd 0.64 0.88 and Six Talent Peaks Project in Jiangsu Province of China
1.2Qd 0.59 0.83 (Grant no. 2018-GDZB-154).

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