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Prostitute Background

You are quite gifted in seduction, and have been able to make d8 Personality Trait
a successful career for yourself. No matter the town or city, I only speak kindly to potential clients. I'm quite cold to
you instinctively know what street corners to effectively 1
market yourself. You know how to maintain a level of
seductive class, no matter whether you are catering to the 2
I'm quite competitive, which sometimes leads me to
occasional noble. You are able to maintain a clear head while pushing my body to its limits.
your customers are blinded with lust. I don't complain if I'm inconvenienced or hurt. My
problems are my own.
Skill Proficiencies:
Insight, Persuasion 4
I find people fascinating, so I spend as much time with
them as possible.
Tool Proficiencies: I'm not one for small-talk or foreplay; I prefer to be as
Disguise kit, one type of gaming set direct as possible.
I act and speak as if I'm on stage, with each movement
Equipment: 6
intentionally exaggerated.
A seductive set of fine clothes, 15 feet of hempen rope, a bag
of contraception, and a pouch containing 15 gp. 7
I get embarrassed easily and don't bring up anything
sexual when I'm not with clients.
Preferred Clients I'm very casual, even discussing my profession in detail
Money is well and good, but you tend to gravitate to a certain 8
without worry.
type of patron. This could because that you find them easy to
entice, or that you find them the most pleasurable to do d6 Ideal
business with.
Companionship I love my job because I'm able to
d8 Preferred Clients comfort those who are lonely. (Good)
1 Artisans Pleasure I love to share my body with world, as well as
indulge in the beauty of others. (Any)
2 Clergy
Power I use my power and charm to get ahead and to
3 Entertainers 3
knock others down. (Evil)
4 Farmers Independence I work for myself and no one else.
5 Merchants (Chaotic)
6 Nobles Public Service I take pride in my profession, as it helps
cut down sexual crimes (Lawful)
7 Sailors
Variety I never sleep with the same person twice, in
8 Soldiers 6
order to avoid boredom. (Chaotic)

Feature: Pillowtalk d6 Bond

You are especially good at getting your customers to spill all of 1 I feel a strong kinship to others in my profession.
their secrets. If you successfully sell your services to a patron,
you are able to make the most of the transaction. While you 2
I love my family, but they disapprove of my business. I
are conducting business with your customer, you may ask up wish to reconcile with them.
to three questions. The customer must answer these I once had an amazing transaction with a client. That
questions honestly. These questions are simply seen as sexual 3
same client later became my fiance.
banter by your lusting customer, and do not arouse suspicion
for the three questions. 4
A priest sheltered me when I needed help most. I now
do everything I can to make him proud.
Suggested Characteristics My mentor introduced me to this work to help me
Anyone can be a prostitute, but the best gain their renown for 5 regain a sense of control in my life, and I desperately
their charm with all types of people, and skilled in the want to find them again to thank them.
bedroom. They're often quite friendly towards all types of Despite the stigma, my most prized possession is the
people, recognizing the value of friends, beauty, and word-of- 6
outfit to attract customers.
mouth advertising.
d6 Flaw
1 I'll do anything for enough money.
2 I'm just as likely to be blinded by lust as my clients are.
3 I love to indulge myself with fine goods.
Flattery is the easiest way for others to get something
from me.
5 I try to avoid ugly people as much as I can.
I love to do business with married clients, and always
boast to their spouse about it.

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