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1. fungsi osteoblast? (Calcium secretion, bone deposition, sekresi collagen)

osteoblast adalah bone forming cell.

Osteoblast untuk bone deposition, sekresi collagen.

Ambil mineral dari darah ke tulang.

Hormone : PTH, calcitriol  increase calcium dalam darah. Calcitriol dr vit D (dari matahari).

Calcitonin  menurunkan kadar ca dalam darah.

2. bone healing? (hematoma – soft callus – hard callus – bone remodelling)

6. fungsi osteoclast? (Mineral resorption/ reabsorbsi mineral dari tulang ke darah/ bone resorption/
dissolve bone matrix)

7. what happens in the stimulation or ‘cock stage’ of the skeletal muscle? (action potential move across
the T tubules & induces the opening of Ca2+ channel in the sarcoplastic reticulum)

Proses: cock stage – cross bridge – flexion of the myosin – release of the myosin head

8. proses flex stage, yang ada ADP + P

ATP diubah menjadi ADP + P untuk menjalani tahap flex (crossbridge menekuk)

10. acetylcholine di post synaptic ngapain?

a. open ca gate




e. open sodium gate

*kalo di skeletal muscle -> acetylcholine di post synaptic akan buka na gate

kalo di smooth muscle -> acetylcholine nempel di reseptor menggunakan G protein bakal ngebuka

ca gate.

13. zona z terletak dimana? Di antara 2 sarkomer

H -> thick filament (myosin)

I -> thin filament (actin)

A -> thick and thin

Z -> ada di antara 2 sarcomere

14. pengaruh ach terhadap smooth muscle? Selalu induce (excitatory) kecuali vagus nerve

a. relaxation

b. contraction

c. release ca from sarcoplasmic reticulum

d. open na channel

e. close na channel

15. What will the myosin light chain kinase enzyme (MLCK) do to activate myosin (MLC) cross bridge in
smooth muscle contraction?

a. The MLCK will transfer phosphate from ATP to activate MLC cross bridges

b. The MLCK will transfer phosphate from ATP to maintain MLC cross bridges

c. The MLCK will dephosphorylate myosin phosphatase

d. The MLCK will phosphorylate myosin phosphatase

e. The MLCK will transfers phosphate from ATP to release MLC cross bridges

17. pembentukan dopamine?


Phenylalanine hydroxylase


Tyrocine hydroxylase


Dopamine beta hydroxylase




18. metabolisme norepinephrine di pre-synaptic pakai enzim?

a. cathecolamine o metyltransferase

b. cathecolamine o metylesterase

c. monoamine hydroxylase


e. monoamine oxidase

sbnrnya yg dipake comt dan mao, tapi kalo di pre cuma pake mao aja.

19. What is the main flow fetus blood circulation in right atrium?

A. Receive from vena cava superior & inferior, RA, RV, lung

B. Receive from vena cava inferior, RA, foramen ovale, LV

C. Receive from vena cava superior & inferior, RA, foramen ovale, LA, LV
D. Receive from vena cava inferior, RA, foramen ovale, LA, LV

E. Receive from vena cava superior, RA, foramen ovale, LA, LV

20. what is the main flow of hepatic blood circulation of fetal? Bypass liver via ductus venosus

21. dari ductus arteriosum menjadi... (ligamentum arteriosum)


Umbilical  ligamentum teres hepatica

Ductus venosus  lig venosum

Ductus arteriosus  lig arteriosum

Foramen ovale  fossa ovalis

24. pulmonary circulation? (right atrium - right ventrikel - artery pulmo - lungs - vena pulmo - left atrium
- left ventrikel)

26. berhenti pertumbuhan longitudinal dimana? Epiphyseal plate

27. which of the following would best characterize fibrocartilage?

A. large, densely stained territorial matrix

B. found in the epiphyseal plate

C. presence of perichondrium

D. lines bones at articular arteries

E. rows of chondrocytes

28. you notice a small vessel with 2 circular layers of smooth muscle, its lumen is slightly bigger than the
diameter of an erythrocytes.

b. muscular artery

c. large vein

d. arteriole

e. venule

29. leukosit yg bentuknya seperti ginjal, jumlahnya kurang dr 10% leukosit yaitu... monocyte

Basofil -> 0-1

Eosinofil -> 1-3, kayak BH

Neutrofil -> 50-70, bersegmen

Limfosit -> 20-40, bulet doank

Monosit -> 3-8, kayak ginjal

30. zona Z ada dimana? Di antara 2 sarkomer

31. pembuluh darah memiliki vasa vasorum di bagian tunika adventitianya.

a. arteriole

b. venule

c. small artery

d. small vein

e. elastic artery

32. cell apa yg heterochromatin, prominent nucleus, spokes whell shaped? Plasma cell -> nucleus bulat,
tidak terdapat di tengah (adanya di pinggir2 gitu) , heterochromatine (gumpalan DNA terlihat), resemble
the face of the clock, menghasilkan antibodi

33. epitel yg ada di permukaan trakea? Pseudostratified (berlapis semu) bersilia, columnar epithelium
35. Your patient suffered from complete tear of biceps brachii at its insertion site on radial tuberosity. For
proper treatment, you must identify the damaged tissue. Which of the following tissue was damaged at
the tear site?

a. elastic tissue

b. reticular tissue

c. loose areolar connective tissue

d. dense regular connective tissue -> tendon dan ligament

e. dense irregular connective tissue

*ligament -> tulang dan tulang

Tendon -> tulang dan otot

36. which of the following microscoply best characterize brown fat cell?

a. peripheral flattened nucleus

b. multiple droplet of lipids

c. lack of mitochondria

d. poor blood supply

e. abundant RER

37. pasien trauma kepala, sel apa yg fagositosis damaged nerves cells? Microglial (smallest glial cell)

38. You examined a stain secretion of an unknown nervous tissue and notice that the cell has an extremely
large flask-shaped cell body and multiple dendrites lying in parallel, which one is the tissue:

A. White matter of spinal cord

B. Gray matter of spinal

c. White matter of cerebrum

D. Cerebellar cortex

E. Cerebral cortex
*flask shape cell -> cerebellar cortex (purkinje)

Di otak -> white matter ada di dalam, grey di luar (badan nissle)

Spinal cord -> grey di dalam, white di luar

39. in early brain development, myelination of axon is a critical event, which of this following is

a. fibrous astrocytes

b. protoplasmic astrocytes

c. oligodendrocytes

d. microglia

e. schwann cell

*kalo di brain (CNS) -> oligodendrocytes

PNS -> schwann cell

40. pembatas antara folikel rambut dan dermis? (sarung akar rambut luar)

*Urutan dari dalam ke luar: kutikula – huxley – henle (sarung akar rambut dalam)

41. thin skin doesnt have which layer?

a. stratum granulosum

b. stratum lusidum

c. stratum korneum

d. stratum basale

e. stratum spinosum

*thin skin pasti punya korneum (walaupun tipis), spinosum (tipis juga), tidak terdapat lusidum,

kelenjar sudoriferanya dikit.

42. best characteristic of sebasea gland -> (Holocrine)

*sebasea -> holokrin

Sudorifera -> merokrin

43. Which of the following receptors consist of concentric connective tissue with a central axon?

A. Merkel's disk

B. Pacinian corpuscle

C. Meissner's corpuscle

D. Neuromuscular spindle

E. Nervous surrounding hair folicle

44. Apa yang sama fungsinya di PNS dengan oligodendrocyte di CNS :

A. Fibroblast

B. Plasma cell

C. Makrofag

D. Sel schwann

E. Mast cell

45. congenital malformations of the limb bud gara2 apa?

a. ectoderm -> apical ectodermal ridge

b. mesoderm

c. entoderm

d. Organogenesis

46. congenital malformation biasa terjadi di tahap?

a. embryo -> critical period (4-8 weeks)

b. fetus
c. zygote

d. Morula

e. blastocyst

49. mayat, trus skrotumnya besar. Pas dissection ternyata ada usus yg dibungkus peritoneal di dalam
skrotumnya. This anomaly related to...

a. development inguinal

b. descend of testis


d. development of testis

e. development of scrotum

50. hernia. which part of the intestine is most likely to enter the scrotum:

a. ileum

b. jejunum

c. duodenum

d. cecum

e. descending colon

53.formaen ovale ga nutup? (patent formaen ovale)

54. kepala bayi membesar, bagian otak manakah yang mengalami pembesaran :

a. proencephalon

b. myelencephalon

c. telencephalon

d. diencephalon

e. metencephalon
55. bells palsy. n. facialis leave the head through where? Porus acusticus internus/ internal acoustic hole

56. orang unconscious, cek arteri di...

a. common carotid a.

b. internal common carotid a.

57. triangle yang paling penting di anterior triangle? Superior carotid triangle (ada jugular vein dan carotid
communis artery)

58. foreign body like fish bone get caught at laryngopharynx, usually where will the foreign body get

a. vacula uvulva

b. voice box

c. choanae

d. larynx vestibule

e. piriform recess

59. Tracheostomy is a surgical process to relieve obstruction of airway.... It maybe done above the isthmus
of thyroid gland (high tracheostomy) or below (lower tracheostomy). If a doctor were to perform an
emergency tracheostomy (simple) where would it it be done:

a. Cricothyroid Ligament

b. Cricothyroid Membrane

c. Cricothyroideus

d. Thyrohyoid Membrane

e. Thyrohyoideus
60. a man lost his voice 4 days ago. Turns out he got cold 6 days ago. In the morning, his voice got hoarse
and hardly heard. The infection has spread to...

a. pharynx

b. nasopharynx

c. oropharynx

d. larynxpharynx

e. larynx

61. 20 years old girl came with nausea + dyspepsia. diagnosed with gastritis. the stomach is one of the
organs innervated by parasympatic nervous system. what nerve responsible for it?

Vagus nerve -> pencernaan dan pernafasan -> CRANIAL NERVE X

62. yg vaskularisasi in stomach? (arteri gastrica sinistra)

62. parasymphatetic/symphatetic nerve gaster?

Parasympathetic -> vagus

Symphatetic -> nervus splanchnici

63. which artery is responsible for vascularization of the liver?



c.inferior mesenteric

d.hepatica propia


64. Vascularization of Illeum? Aa. Ileaes

65. which of these arteries are responsible for the vascularization of the descending colon?
a. colica dextra -> ascendens

b. sigmoid

c. colica sinistra

d. gastroduodenalis

e. rectalis

66. ketusuk sampe pleural cavity. arteri apa yg kena? Arteria Intercostales Anteriores

67. what muscle is supplied by the artery?

a. deltoid m.

b. serratus anterior m.

c. intercostalis externa m.

d. rectus abdominis m.

e. subclavius m.

68. what nerve innervates the muscle above (soal nomer 67)?

a. coronary n

b. bronchial n

c. intercostal n

d. --

e. pulmonary n

70. compressed median nerve? Carpal tunel syndrome -> kena median di pergelangan

a. abduction forearm

b. adduction forearm

c. flex finger
d. extend finger


72. kalo bone fracture nya di medial part of the thigh, nerve apa yg paling mungkin kena?

a. femoral n

b. peroneus n

c. gluteus n

d. sciatic n

e. obturator n

73. What femoral muscle is paralyzed?

A. Rectus femoris

B. Biceps femoris

C. Sartorius

D. Vastus lateralis

E. Adductor magnus

74. Fracture on medial part of thigh, what nerve may be affected?

A. Femoral n

B. Peroneus n

C. Gluteus n

D. Sciatic n

E. Obturator n

75. daerah obturator nerve, ganggu apa? (adduction of the thigh)

76. Jatuh dr motor kena bagian shoulder. Ga bisa flex left brachium. Otot apa yg mungkin kena?

A. Pectoralis mayor m

B. Biceps brachii m

C. Triceps

D. Brachioradialis m

E. Teres m

77. What artery supply nerve yg ada di soal 76?

A. a. Brachial

B. a. Ulnaris

C. a. Radialis

D. a. Profundus brachial

E. a. Axillaris

78. a 21 year old male was brought in to UGD siloam hospital by his girlfriend after a motorcycle accident.
After examination, the doctors found that he couldnt flex his plantar foot. What nerve was involved?

a. n. Peroneus

b. n. Gluteus

c. n. Tibialis anterior

d. n. Femoris


79. plantar flexi pake otot apa? m. Tricep surei (gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris)

80. what artery possibly torn?

a. tibialis anterior d. peroneal

b. tibialis posterior e. Profundus femoris

c. poplitea

81. anak jatoh dari tangga kena thigh-nya. Bone apa yg kena? femur

83. 7 year old girl often hits the chair or table with her elbow. She feels tingling in her medial forearm to
4 and 5 finger. Which nerve is affected in this case?

a. musculocutaneous

b. axillary

c. medianus

d. radialis

e. ulnaris

84. 18 yo boy mengalami fever dan pain di right lower quadrant. Setelah di diagnosis ternyata dia acute
apendicitis. Dimana letaknya?

a. Epigastric

b. Umbilical

c. Right inguinal

d. Left inguinal

85. a 12 yo boy went to the hospital because abdominal pain for 1 hour. the source of the pain is because
of abdominal muscle cramp. which musle?

a. rectus abdominis

b. quadratum lumborum

c m. psoas

d. m. iliacus

e. m. Obturateur
86. 50 year old overweight woman diagnosed with gallbladder stone di

a. right lumbar region

b. left lumbar region

c. left hypochondric

d. right hypochondric

e. Hypogastric

87. arteri yg memperdarahi otot jantung? Arteri coronary

88. What is the origin artery? (Thoracic artery)

90. pembuluh darah yang ke left atrium?

a. pulmonary artery

b. pulmonary vein

c. aorta

d. superior vena cava

e. inferior vena cava

91. a 35 years old man come to the emergency room, brought by his friend after fighting with the thief,
he bleeds in the left upper quadrant side under the 10-11 costal bone. Which organ most likely to bleed?

a. liver

b. descending colon

c. pancreas

d. spleen

e. Left kidney

92. ibu ibu ketendang kuda trus kencingnya berdarah, apa yg rusak? (urinary bladder)
93. in the nervous organization, which is included as a central nervous system?

a. vagus nerve

b. spinal m.

c. spinal cord

d. brachial plexus

e. intercosta plexus

94. Yang termasuk peripheral nervus system adalah -> (spinal nerve)

95. apa arteri yg memperdarahi otak secara langsung? Arteri vertebralis

96. which is the upper part of meninges

a. pia mater

b. arachnoid

c. skull

d. dura mater

e. scalp

97. Wanita mau melahirkan usia 27, di larang normal sm dokter karena setelah vaginal check, pelvic nya
narrow, sehingga harus caesar. -> (promontorium)

100. artery yg memperdarahi tube uterina. artery nya ruptured, nama arterynya? Arteri uterina

(gk tw nomor brp)

***female was attend the morning roll call. she felt weak. she look sweating, pale, and gasp. BP : 95/70
mmhg, PR: 100 x/minutes and weak. RR : 20 x /minutes. she was given a glass of tea after 3 minutes, her
condition became better. why the student look pale?

a. ↓ BP stimulate parasimpatetik nerve that cause vasoconstric

b. ↓ BP stimulate simpatetik nerve that cause vasoconstrict

c. ↓ BP stimulate simp. nerve that ause vasodilatation

d. ↓ BP stimulate simp. nerve that cause capillary vasodilatation

e. ↓ BP stimulate parasimpatetik nerve that cause vasodilatatation

***case: left chest pain, spread to left shoulder but cease after rest. What is the derivate of the organ?

a. Ectoderm

b. entoderm

c. sphlanic mesoderm

d. somatic mesoderm

***arteri yang memperdarahi otot jantung? Arteri koroner dextra dan sinistra (Arteria coronaria dextra
dan sinistra)

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