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Boring Company


This video is an animated short that provides an example of the underground tunnel network
system in action. As you can see the Tesla car pulls directly up to a designated parking spot,
and drives up on to the “Skate Elevator.” This elevator allows the car to go underground and
enter the 3-D underground tunnel network. Once in the network the Tesla rapidly increases
speed maxing out at a speed of 120 mph. The Tesla is programmed with directions to your final
destination and will automatically compute and take the tunnel route that allows you to get there
the quickest.


Currently operate in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Chicago

● No Federal, state, local regulations towards the development or use of the underground
tunnel systems.
● Currently only in use for Tesla vehicles.
● Potential to expand service to other electric cars with automation capabilities (radars &
sensors for auto-braking)
● Expansion plans to following cities with traffic issues is under review:
○ Washington DC → Baltimore
○ Boston, Massachusetts
○ Seattle, Washington
Atlanta, Georgia


The basic capabilities of TBCs tunnel network is that it is a transportation system that gets
cars from Point A to Point B. Additionally they introduced an elevator system that allows cars to
go from street level to underground. This technology is already common in the marketplace.

Some of the core capabilities of the TBC tunnel network is the production of the 3-D
underground tunnel network system, allowing 100s of levels of tunnels for cars, some as deep
as 10,000 ft. Additionally TBC created the skate elevator which allows cars to enter the
underground network from street level utilizing a specialized elevator system to lower the car
into the tunnel network.

Strategic capabilities that are highly innovative and sustainable start with TBCs fearless leader
Elon Musk, who is instrumental for future innovations of the company as well as an individual
who is able to influence the wide population. Additionally the current connectivities with Tesla
Motors including car automation (radar, sensors) that will allow cars to safely travel through the
underground tunnel network. And finally the quicker transit times that this type of solution will
provide to the general public

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