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Accuracy and traceability in dimensional measurements

Article  in  Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering · June 1998
DOI: 10.1117/12.308758

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1 author:

James E. Potzick
National Institute of Standards and Technology


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Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements
James Potzick
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

While the importance of the concepts of measurement accuracy and measurement traceability
has long been recognized, they have not always been applied in a consistent or rigorous
manner. In 1993 the International Organization for Standards (ISO) published two documents
which establish consistent definitions of these and other metrology terms and provide an un-
ambiguous way to calculate measurement uncertainty. These documents are widely accepted
in the international metrology community. Vendors and buyers of metrology tools and stan-
dards will benefit from the improved communication that results from using this standardized
metrology vocabulary.
Dimensional measurements of importance to microlithography include feature sizes and fea-
ture placement on photomasks and wafers, overlay eccentricities, defect and particle sizes on
masks and wafers, step heights, and many others. A common element in these measurements
is that the object sizes and required measurement uncertainties are often on the order of the
wavelength of light or less. This can lead to interesting challenges for certain applications
where measurement traceability is desirable.
The necessary and sufficient conditions for traceability will be outlined, and some examples
will be given.

KEY WORDS measurement, accuracy, measurement uncertainty, measurement traceability

Introduction Measurements are an important part base unit may be needed if a part’s function is di-
of product development and manufacturing. They mensionally dependent, for a high confidence level
are needed for developing specifications, for ven- in long term stability, to compare experiment with
dor/buyer communication, and for ensuring that theory, for consistent measurements between dis-
products meet specifications. Measurements are tant manufacturing sites, or for comparing prod-
also needed for process monitoring for either opti- ucts from different manufacturers. It provides a
mization or stability, and for process modeling. basis for comparing measurements that is mutually
All measurements are subject to unknown errors. acceptable to all parties involved in a transaction,
When different measurements are to be compared for resolving differences between buyer and seller,
with each other, such as product measurements and to ensure compliance with legal requirements
those leading to product specifications, they must (such as by government agencies or ISO 9000),
be traceable to a common standard through a chain and for resolving differences between two trace-
of comparisons. This makes the comparison pro- ability chains. It may not be needed, however, for
cess differential and removes or assesses the ef- many manufacturing purposes, such as process
fects of measurement errors. The common stan- monitoring.
dard can be a local artifact standard, a national Measurements of an object’s size (e.g., linewidth)
standard, or a defined base unit (e.g., the meter). and of feature placement (or the center-to-center
Traceability to a national standard or to a defined pitch of two similar objects) are important dimen-
sional measurements in microlithography. This
Proceedings of SPIE 23nd International Symposium on Mi- paper discusses the metrological meaning of mea-
crolithography, vol. 3332-57 (1998). surement traceability as defined by the Internation-

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 1 4-27-98, 10:02

al Organization for Standards (ISO), with applica- wafer or photomask relative to the origin of a coordinate sys-
tion to these dimensional measurements. tem on the substrate.
pitch the center-to-center distance between two similar fea-
Definitions When evaluating or comparing mea- tures; same as feature placement.
surements it is important that the metrology terms
feature size the distance between the right edge and the left
used have well defined and commonly understood edge (or top and bottom) of a feature.
meanings. The following definitions of metrology linewidth same as feature size.
terms are taken from the ISO publication Interna- length feature placement or feature size.
tional Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in
Measurement uncertainty Every measurement
Metrology1 and are accepted by national measure-
provides an opportunity for measurement error.
ment laboratories around the world:
When measuring a continuous variable like length,
accuracy of measurement closeness of the agreement be-
tween the result of a measurement and a true value of the the probability of zero error is zero. When mea-
measurand. suring a discrete variable, as when counting ob-
error (of measurement) result of a measurement minus the jects, the probability of zero error is finite. These
true value of the measurand. errors must be considered when comparing mea-
true value (of a quantity) value consistent with the definition surements for traceability.
of a given particular quantity. The error of a measurement is the difference be-
systematic error mean that would result from an infinite tween the measurement result and the true value; it
number of measurements of the same measurand carried out
under the same repeatability conditions minus the true value
is the sum of random and systematic errors. The
random error is the result of a single measurement
random error result of a measurement minus the mean that
would result from an infinite number of measurements of the minus the mean of an infinite number of repeated
same measurand carried out under the same repeatability measurements; i.e., the part of the error due only to
conditions. measurement-to-measurement variability, or mea-
uncertainty of measurement parameter associated with the surement noise. The systematic error is the mean
result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of of an infinite number of measurements minus the
the values that could reasonably be attributed to the
true value; i.e., the error remaining after the mea-
surement noise has been removed. The systematic
traceability property of the result of a measurement or the
value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated refer-
error is comprised of error components, i.e, contri-
ences, usually through national or international standards, butions from different error sources.
through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated The error in a measurement is not known because
the true value is not known; otherwise there would
repeatability closeness of the agreement between the results be no need to make the measurement. Consequent-
of successive measurements of the same measurand carried
out under the same conditions of measurement.
ly the quality of a measurement is best expressed
reproducibility closeness of the agreement between the re-
not by the unknowable error, but by the uncertainty
sults of measurements of the same measurand carried out of the measurement result. This uncertainty arises
under changed conditions of measurement. from the likelihoods, or probability distributions,
Here are the meanings of some additional terms for of the possible errors which may occur during the
the purposes of this paper: measurement.2 Probability is a mathematical mea-
instrument scale the internal scale of a measuring instrument sure of ignorance; since the value of an error com-
as embedded in its output data. ponent is not known, its probability distribution
scale factor instrument scale correction factor. describes what is known about it. The separate
artifact scale a physical artifact with an array of fabricated contributions of these possible errors to the mea-
parallel lines or other marks whose relative positions are surement uncertainty are sometimes referred to as
calibrated. uncertainty components. A measurement without
feature placement the position of the center of a feature on a

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 2 4-27-98, 10:02

mark at the coordinate system origin, as in Fig. 1. This
is a feature position, or pitch, measurement. An SEM
Origin Feature (scanning electron microscope), optical microscope,
fiducial position being
mark Scale measured
SPM (scanning probe microscope, like atomic force or
Set of
near field scanning optical), or other instrument might
measured values be used.
L1, L2, etc.

Two of the uncertainty components arise from mea-

surement repeatability and instrument scale factor
Instrument scale calibration. If the mean of a set of repeated measure-
interferometer, glass scale,
CCD pixel array, etc.
Measuring instrument ments is Lmeas and the standard deviation σ, and the
SEM, optical microscope,
AFM, etc. instrument manufacturer specifies that the scale cali-
Photomask bration has an ISO (expanded) uncertainty of Uscale (at
2 σ), and there are other uncertainty components with
FIGURE 1 Measurement repeatability and scale calibra- 2σ ISO uncertainty Uother, then the expanded measure-
tion are two of the uncertainty components encountered ment uncertainty would be
in measuring the relative placement of two marks on a
photomask. U = 2√[σ2 + (Uscale/2)2 + (Uother/2)2],
and the measurement result is expressed as Lmeas ± U.
some estimate of its uncertainty is meaningless. The term "uncertainty" in the remaining text is in-
The measurement uncertainty is a single number tended to mean expanded uncertainty unless oth-
derived from these probability distributions, and is erwise noted. Standard uncertainties will be de-
proportional to the square root of the sum of their noted as lower case u and expanded uncertainties
variances. Measurement error and uncertainty can upper case U.
be expressed in the same units, but the concepts are An uncertainty component which is evaluated by
entirely different. A measurement error may be the statistical analysis of a series of observations,
zero, while the uncertainty is nonzero because one like σ in the example, is called Type A. All others,
does not know that the error is zero. like Uscale in the example, are Type B.
The standard uncertainty of an error component is A Type A evaluation of uncertainty is simply the
the square root of its variance (or its standard de- standard deviation of a set of repeated
viation). The combined standard uncertainty is the measurements. If a measurement is repeated n
square root of the sum of the variances and cova- times with readings x1,...,xn, then mean value is
riances of all of the error distributions, weighted
〈x〉 = (1/n) ∑xi, i = 1,...,n,
according to how the measurement result varies
with changes in these quantities. The expanded the standard deviation (of the mean) is given by
2 2
uncertainty describes an interval about the mea- σ = ∑(〈x〉 - xi ) /(n(n - 1)),
surement result expected to encompass a large and the Type A uncertainty u is the standard devi-
fraction of the distribution of values that could rea- ation σ.
sonable be attributed to the measurand.2 In the example the Type B uncertainty was inher-
By convention in the international metrology com- ited from the manufacturer and did not have to be
munity the expanded uncertainty is 2 times the evaluated by the user, but this is not always the
combined standard uncertainty,3 corresponding to case. A Type B evaluation of an uncertainty com-
a 95% confidence interval if the error distributions ponent is the square root of the variance of the
are normal. The multiplier (2) is called the cover- estimated probability distribution of that error.
age factor; another factor may be used (3 is popu- This distribution is unknown and must be evaluat-
lar) if it is explicitly stated. ed using all available sources of information. If the
As an example, consider the measurement of the dis- probability distribution of an error x is expressed
tance between two chrome marks on a photomask, or by the probability density function p(x), normal-
the position of one mark relative to a similar fiducial

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 3 4-27-98, 10:02

-a +a
Linewidth Pitch
Edge Chrome
Chrome box Substrate


FIGURE 2 A Type B uncertainty in measuring linewidth FIGURE 3 Top to bottom edge runout may have a benign
can arise from the fact that the edge of the object is not effect on pitch measurements, but can add serious uncer-
well defined. tainty to linewidth measurements.

ized to unity, Then the measured length could differ from the length
Lstd at some standard temperature Tstd by
∫p(x) dx = 1, - ∞ < x < ∞,
Lmeas = Lstd + ∆T CTE Lstd
then the expectation value of x is Lstd = Lmeas/(1 + ∆T CTE)
〈x〉 = ∫x p(x) dx, ≈ Lmeas(1 - ∆T CTE)
and the variance of the probability distribution is where ∆T = T - Tstd and CTE is the coefficient of ther-
u2(x) = ∫(x - 〈x〉)2 p(x) dx. mal expansion of the substrate. A temperature data set
with a statistical distribution is not available, so the
For example, if one can say only that some error y probability distribution of the temperature must be
is between the bounds ±y0 and no more is known used. If δT is the square root of the variance of the
about it, then the probability distribution is distribution of possible temperatures then the tempera-
ture uncertainty u(T) = δT. The temperature correction
p(y) = 1/(2y0) for -y0 < y < y0 ∆L = ∆T CTE Lmeas,
and p(y) = 0 otherwise, and its uncertainty is
2 2
and the variance is u (y) = y0 /3. [Ref 2] u(L)temp = u(T) CTE Lmeas.
A Type A or Type B uncertainty component is the The length is
square root of the variance of the statistical distri- Lstd = Lmeas + ∆L,
bution or probability distribution of its measure- and
ment error respectively. The measurement uncer- U(Lstd) = 2√[σ2 + u(L)scale2 + u(L)temp2 + u(L)other2]
tainty is 2 times the root-sum-square of all of the On the other hand, if a set of temperature measure-
Type A and Type B uncertainty components. If ments Ti had been obtained, then the same procedure
would be used, with T = 〈Ti〉 and u(T) = σ(Ti).
there are k uncorrelated uncertainty components, -6
then the ISO measurement uncertainty is The CTE of quartz is 0.5×10 /°C. If ∆T = (5±2) °C (2σ)
and Lstd = 10 µm, then ∆L = 0.025 nm and U(L)temp =
U = 2√∑uj2, j = 1,...,k. 0.005 nm, which may not be significant, but if Lstd =
The probability distributions of the random and 10 cm, then ∆L = 250 nm and U(L)temp = 50 nm.
systematic errors are treated in the same way. The Sometimes additional measurement uncertainty
only difference is that the random distribution is arises from an inappropriate definition for the mea-
represented by a discrete set of data and the sys- surand (see the definition above for true value) or
tematic distribution is continuous and is inferred imperfections in the artifact being measured. Fig-
from other factors. ure 2 shows an artist’s rendition of a chrome pho-
In the example, suppose the substrate temperature had tomask line as seen in a SEM image. Since there is
not been measured, but it can be estimated to be T±δT. no universally accepted definition for the edge of

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 4 4-27-98, 10:02

this line, one can only say that "the edge" can lie wavelength and the optical parameters of an opti-
anywhere inside the bounding box with equal cal microscope, or electron beam energy, collec-
probability, and the expectation value of the edge tion geometry, and other operating parameters of a
position is the center of the bounding box. This SEM. These effects are sometimes highly
leads to a Type B uncertainty of u = a/√3, or U = nonlinear. Deducing the size of the object−its lin-
1.15a (typically 20 nm-30 nm for chrome photo- ewidth or height−from this image requires knowl-
masks) for each edge. The combined effect of the edge of these parameters as well as a model of the
two edges depends on the right-edge/left-edge cor- microscope image formation process. For exam-
relation of the irregularities as well as their ple, the optical image of a photoresist line on a
magnitudes. wafer can depend strongly on the resist thickness
Such edge irregularities usually have only second and index of refraction, as well as wafer reflectivi-
order effects on pitch measurements because their ty and the resist linewidth, and on the microscope
trapezoidal near-symmetry diminishes their effect operating parameters, and the SEM image can de-
on centerline definition, but they can add serious pend on the resist thickness and linewidth as well
uncertainty to linewidth measurements (Fig. 3). as on the materials present in the resist and sub-
This uncertainty component can be reduced con- strate and on beam energy and charging conditions.
siderably for photomask measurements by defin- The linewidth inferred from the image further de-
ing photomask linewidth in a way more meaning- pends on the algorithm used to analyze the image.
ful to its effect in microlithography.4 Measurement uncertainty components can arise
from the interpretation of this image in addition to
This section is meant to provide only a brief over-
the effects of image scale calibration and image
view of the concepts of calculating measurement
uncertainty. Many details have been ignored, es-
pecially sensitivity coefficients and correlation Even though this SEM or optical image can be
coefficients. A far more comprehensive discussion modeled, it may be impractical to measure all of
and many other details and examples can be found the necessary object parameters required to model
in Ref. 2. the image of every different object to be measured.
Furthermore, in order to evaluate the uncertainty of
Measurement modeling SEMs, SPMs, and opti-
a linewidth measurement, the uncertainties of the
cal microscopes are popular tools for measuring
measured parameter values must be evaluated and
feature sizes and feature placement on photomasks
and wafers. Confocal, ultraviolet, holographic, their effects on linewidth measurement uncertainty
and other techniques can extend the useful optical must be ascertained.
linewidth measurement range to meet the needs of Useful optical and SEM image formation models
future generations of integrated circuits. In princi- for different microscope configurations are com-
ple, if a feature can be printed optically, it can be monly available. A possible way to address the
measured optically. modeling parameter problem is to use these models
These instruments produce an image of the object to investigate the effects of parameter variation on
being measured, and the measurement data are de- the images of common classes of linewidth ob-
rived from measurements made on the image.5 jects, such as developed resist on silicon. Robust
Calibration of the image scale was discussed algorithms can be sought for deducing the line-
above. However, the image of a three dimensional width from the image. More importantly, "islands
object produced by a metrology microscope is of tolerance" in the parameter space can be sought
highly dependent on the topography and material where the linewidth uncertainty can be said to be
compositions of the object and substrate. This im- within a specified limit if the parameters and their
age depends additionally on the illumination corresponding measurement uncertainties are

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 5 4-27-98, 10:02

within their specified limits. This can reduce the
need for measuring the object parameters for every BIPM
linewidth measurement. A map of closed regions
in the parameter space within which the measured
speed of light ≡ 1 sec ≡
linewidth uncertainty for these objects is bounded 299 792 458 9 192 631 770
m/sec periods Cs-133
and small enough to be useful could be a practical
tool for quantifying the image interpretation com-
definition NIST
ponent of feature size measurement uncertainty. of the Linescale
meter Interferometer Artifact scale
Traceability A measurement is traceable (in a
metrology context, not necessarily in a legal con-
text) if it can be related to a specified standard with I-stabilized
HeNe laser
documented uncertainty. That is, the uncertainty in HeNe laser Measuring
each link in the chain of comparisons and measure-
ments back to the standard has been evaluated and Laser
taken into account. Traceability does not mean the
measurement uncertainty is small, only that it is Zeeman
I-stabilized stabilized
completely documented. The ultimate length stan- HeNe laser HeNe laser
wavelength wavelength Measured object
dard accepted by international agreement is the
definition of the meter. Traceability to the Nation- FIGURE 4 Possible traceability chain from the definition
al Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or of the meter to measurement of feature placement on a
another national standard laboratory is one way to photomask.
achieve traceability to the meter, but not the only
this laser of U(wavelength)/wavelength ≈ 5×10-11.
[Ref 7]
The meter is defined by BIPM (Bureau Interna-
A Zeeman stabilized HeNe laser is commonly used
tional des Poids et Mesures) by international con-
as a more convenient wavelength standard to mea-
sensus as the length of the path traveled by light in
sure lengths, using an optical interferometer
vacuum during the time interval of 1/299 792 458
arrangement. One way to make the measurement
of a second. This number effectively defines the
traceable is to compare the wavelength of this laser
speed of light in vacuum. The interval of the sec-
to an iodine-stabilized HeNe reference laser, re-
ond is defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770
sulting in a vacuum wavelength uncertainty for the
periods of the ground state hyperfine transition of
Zeeman stabilized laser typically on the order of
10-7 or better. The wavelength in the laboratory
Since this definition for the meter is inconvenient must be corrected for the index of refraction of air,
to realize in a laboratory environment, a traceable which in turn depends on the pressure, tempera-
artifact standard is usually used. The iodine stabi- ture, and composition of the air.
lized HeNe laser has excellent frequency stability
At NIST, length scale artifacts are frequently cali-
and is sometimes used as a traceable wavelength
brated with the NIST Linescale Interferometer,8
reference. Its frequency (~474×1012 Hz) has been
which uses a Zeeman stabilized HeNe interferom-
measured in a manner traceable to the second by
eter laser, which in turn has been calibrated with an
comparing it to the Cesium clock (~9.193×109 Hz)
iodine stabilized HeNe laser whose wavelength is
through heterodyne down conversion techniques.
traceable to the definition of the meter as described
Its vacuum wavelength is then the defined speed of
above. Such a sequence of length comparisons is
light divided by its measured frequency. This pro-
called a traceability chain. See Fig. 4. Each link
cess yields a wavelength relative uncertainty for
adds some amount of uncertainty to the final

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 6 4-27-98, 10:02

measurement. The interferometer laser wave- possible errors. An understanding of the measure-
length is not the only factor affecting length mea- ment process is needed for developing a valid
surement uncertainty (nor usually the largest). The measurement protocol. There is no common recipe
index of refraction of the air, temperature effects, for doing this for diverse types of measurement.
Abbé errors, target detection ambiguities, proxim- As an aid to assuring measurement quality in cali-
ity effects, alignment errors, and measurement bration laboratories NIST administers the National
noise all must be considered. Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NV-
As the United States’ primary pitch calibration in- LAP). NVLAP accredits public and private labo-
strument in the range from 1 m and below, every ratories based on evaluation of their technical
conceivable source of error in the Linescale Inter- qualifications and competence to carry out specific
ferometer has been thoroughly characterized, and calibrations or tests.
it has a long history of international comparisons Calibration laboratories are accredited by NVLAP
with other length calibration systems.9 for compliance with the general requirements of
Referring to the example once again, a convenient way ISO/IEC Guide 25, General requirements for the
to calibrate the instrument scale is to use an artifact competence of calibration and testing laborato-
scale, such as a photomask with an array of parallel ries, and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, Calibration Labo-
lines, which has been calibrated on the NIST Linescale
Interferometer. The artifact scale calibration uncertain-
ratories and Measuring and Test Equipment -
ty would then be about Uart = 10 L + 2 nm, or General Requirements. NVLAP accreditation is
Uart = 2 nm over a 10 µm range, and available to commercial laboratories; manufactur-
Uart = 7 nm over a 10 cm range. ers’ in-house laboratories; university laboratories;
If the instrument has repeatability of 6 nm (2 σ, as usu- and federal, state, and local government
al), then the instrument scale uncertainty is laboratories.
Uscale = 2√(σ2 + uart 2), NVLAP provides an unbiased third party evalua-
or Uscale = 6.3 nm at 10 µm, and tion and recognition of performance, as well as
Uscale = 9.2 nm at 10 cm. expert technical guidance to upgrade laboratory
After calibration the instrument repeatability again af- performance. NVLAP accreditation signifies that a
fects the measurement on the photomask, resulting in
uncertainty from these two components of
laboratory has demonstrated that it operates in ac-
cordance with NVLAP requirements in the follow-
U = 2√(σ2 + uscale 2),
ing areas: accommodation and environment; cali-
or U = 8.7 nm at 10 µm, and
bration and test methods; certificates and reports;
U = 11 nm at 10 cm.
complaints; equipment and reference materials;
Temperature control is important for measurements at
10 cm.
handling of calibration and test items; measure-
ment traceability and calibration; organization and
NIST does not define nor enforce traceability ex-
management; outside support services and sup-
cept in its NVLAP (see next section) laboratory
plies; personnel; quality system, audit and review;
accreditation program. Moreover, NIST does not
records; and subcontracting. NVLAP accreditation
determine what must be done to comply with an-
does not imply any guarantee (certification) of lab-
other party’s contract or regulation calling for such
oratory performance or test/calibration data; it is
traceability. However, NIST can and does provide
solely a finding of laboratory competence. A labo-
technical advice on how to make measurements
ratory may cite its accredited status and use the
consistent with national standards.10
NVLAP logo on reports, stationery, and in busi-
Laboratory accreditation Evaluation of mea- ness and trade publications provided that this use
surement uncertainty requires a thorough under- does not imply product certification.11
standing of the measurement process and all of the

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 7 4-27-98, 10:02

Traceable pitch standards from NIST Several by a metrology SEM integrated with a HeNe laser
artifact pitch standards whose calibrations are interferometer. The range of spacings is from
traceable to the meter are (or soon will be) avail- 0.5 µm to 50 µm, and the expanded uncertainties,
able from NIST for calibrating instrument scales in based on the ISO format (2 sigma), are 13 nm for
the 0.2 µm to 10 000 µm range.12 0.5 µm spacings and 167 nm for 50 µm spacings.
SRM 473, 475, 476 Standard Reference Materials SRM 209015 (not yet available) is intended prima-
(SRMs) were developed for use in calibrating op- rily for use in calibrating the magnification scale of
tical microscopes used to measure linewidths on an SEM over a wide range of magnifications, from
photomasks. Linewidth uncertainties are about less than 100× to greater than 300 000×. It con-
40 nm-50 nm and pitch uncertainties are about tains structures in both x and y dimensions, ranging
10 nm. in nominal pitch from 0.2 µm to 3000 µm, and is
SRM 47313 contains antireflecting chrome patterns useful at both high and low accelerating voltages.
on a nominal 5 in. × 5 in. × 0.09 in. (127 mm × SRM 2090 is patterned on a silicon wafer and
127 mm × 2.3 mm) quartz substrate. Certified cleanroom packaged; thus it can be inserted in
line- and space-widths range from 0.5 µm to 30 modern automated measurement systems used in
µm. Pitch patterns include 30 lines with 1 µm the semiconductor industry.
line/space, and others to 70 µm. As an alternative to acquiring a calibrated scale ar-
SRM 475 Antireflecting chrome on quartz, 2.5 in. tifact from NIST, many customers purchase or
× 2.5 in. × 0.06 in. (63.5 × 63.5 × 1.5 mm). Certi- fabricate their own scale artifacts and send them to
fied line- and space-widths from 0.9 µm to NIST for calibration.16
10.8 µm. Pitch patterns: 10 lines with 1 µm lines These pitch standards can be used to calibrate the
and spaces, 10 lines 2 µm lines and spaces, and instrument scale of virtually any kind of measuring
others. microscope or IC feature placement tool, but spec-
SRM 476 Same as SRM 475, but in bright chrome imen charging may cause problems in SEMs. The
on glass. linewidth calibration patterns are valid only for op-
tical photomask linewidth measuring systems.
SRM 280014 (not yet available) consists of sym-
metrical nested linear pitch patterns with calibrated Summary The key concepts comprising measure-
pitches (line-to-line spacing) in decade ranges ment traceability are the inevitable measurement
from 1 µm to 10 mm. An array of parallel lines is error and consequent measurement uncertainty. In
printed along one direction in the center of a quartz particular,
microscope slide (25 mm × 75 mm × 2.3 mm). The • a measurement of a continuous variable, such as
lines are etched in antireflecting chrome on a clear feature size or placement, has an unknown error;
background to facilitate use in optical microscopes • this error is the sum of error components with
using either transmission mode or reflection mode unknown values arising from various error
illumination. sources;
SRM 484 is an artifact to calibrate the magnifica- • since its value is unknown, each error component
tion of SEMs. This standard is fabricated by elec- is represented instead by its probability
troplating alternate layers of nickel and gold onto a distribution;
substrate of a Monel sheet metal. The plate is then • the probability distribution is characterized by its
diced, and the individual pieces are mounted on variance;
edge in a holder. Each sample is metallographical-
ly polished to obtain a smooth surface and to reveal • the measurement uncertainty is 2 times the root-
gold lines. Each sample is individually measured sum-square of the variances of the error compo-
nent probability distributions;

Accuracy and Traceability in Dimensional Measurements, page 8 4-27-98, 10:02

• measurements can be compared with each other 9 J. Beers and W. Penzes, NIST Length Scale In-
by comparing them to a common reference terferometer Measurement Assurance, NIST
through a chain of comparisons, each with its IR 4998 (U.S. Government Printing Office,
own measurement uncertainty; Washington, D.C., 1992).
• measurement traceability is the documentation of 10 Ref 16, Appendix (1997).
the measurement uncertainty contributions of 11 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
each link in a chain of measurement comparisons Program (NVLAP), Procedures and General
leading to a stated reference, such as the defini- Requirements, NIST Handbook 150 (1994).
tion of the meter.
References 12 Available from the NIST Standard Reference
1 International Vocabulary of Basic and General Materials Program, Bldg. 202, Rm. 204, Na-
Terms in Metrology, 2nd Ed, ISO, Geneva tional Institute of Standards and Technology,
(1993) Gaithersburg, Md. 20899 USA. Phone 301-
2 Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Mea- 9 7 5 - 6 7 7 6 , FA X 3 0 1 - 9 4 8 - 3 7 3 0 , e m a i l
surement, 1st Ed, ISO, Geneva (1993).,
(Refs 1 and 2 are available from Global Engi- 13 J. Potzick, Antireflecting-Chromium Linewidth
neering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Standard, SRM 473, for Calibration of Optical
Englewood, Colo. 80112. 800-624-3974). Microscope Linewidth Measuring Systems,
NIST Special Publication SP-260-129 (1997).
3 B.N. Taylor and C.E. Kuyatt, Guidelines for
Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of 14 J. Potzick, "New NIST-Certified Small Scale
NIST Measurement Results, NIST Technical Pitch Standard", 1997 Measurement Science
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